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Example 6 with Formula

use of main.system.math.Formula in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.

the class DC_RequirementsManager method generateSkillRequirements.

public Requirements generateSkillRequirements(Entity type, int mode) {
    if (mode == RANK_MODE) {
        return generateSkillRankRequirements(type);
    String cost = HeroManager.getCost(type, getHero());
    Condition xpReq = ConditionMaster.getParamCondition(1, PARAMS.XP, PARAMS.XP_COST);
    String mastery = type.getProperty(G_PROPS.MASTERY);
    MASTERY_RANK rank = getRank(type.getIntParam("SKILL_DIFFICULTY"));
    Condition rankReq = ConditionMaster.getParamCondition(mastery, rank.getMasteryReq() + "");
    ((NumericCondition) xpReq).setComparingValue(new Formula("" + cost));
    return new Requirements(new Conditions(new SkillPointCondition(), ConditionMaster.getPropCondition(PROPS.SKILLS, PROPS.SKILL_REQUIREMENTS, KEYS.SOURCE.toString(), KEYS.MATCH.toString()), rankReq, xpReq, // TODO OR CONDITION!
    ConditionMaster.getPropCondition(PROPS.SKILLS, PROPS.SKILL_OR_REQUIREMENTS, KEYS.SOURCE.toString(), KEYS.MATCH.toString())), InfoMaster.NOT_ENOUGH_MASTERY, InfoMaster.getPropReasonString(type, PROPS.SKILL_REQUIREMENTS), InfoMaster.getSkillRankReqString(mastery, type, rank), InfoMaster.getParamReasonString(type, PARAMS.XP, cost), InfoMaster.getOrReasonStringFromContainer(PROPS.SKILL_OR_REQUIREMENTS, type.getProperty(PROPS.SKILL_OR_REQUIREMENTS)));
Also used : ClassTreeCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ClassTreeCondition) SkillPointCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.SkillPointCondition) ValueGroupCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ValueGroupCondition) MultiClassCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.MultiClassCondition) MASTERY_RANK(main.content.enums.entity.SkillEnums.MASTERY_RANK) Formula(main.system.math.Formula) SkillPointCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.SkillPointCondition)

Example 7 with Formula

use of main.system.math.Formula in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.

the class DC_RequirementsManager method generateClassRequirements.

public Requirements generateClassRequirements(Entity type, int mode) {
    // multi :
    if (mode == RANK_MODE) {
        return generateClassRankRequirements(type);
    Requirements requirements = new Requirements();
    for (PARAMS mastery : DC_ContentManager.getMasteryParams()) {
        PARAMETER req = ContentManager.getReqParam(mastery);
        int param = type.getIntParam(req);
        if (param <= 0) {
        Condition c = ConditionMaster.getParamCondition(0, mastery, req);
        String t = InfoMaster.getParamReasonString(type, mastery, req);
        Requirement r = new Requirement(c, t);
    String cost = HeroManager.getCost(type, getHero());
    Requirement xpReq = new Requirement(ConditionMaster.getParamCondition(0, PARAMS.XP, PARAMS.XP_COST), InfoMaster.getParamReasonString(type, PARAMS.XP, cost));
    ((NumericCondition) xpReq.getCondition()).setComparingValue(new Formula("" + cost));
    if (ClassView.isMulticlass(type)) {
        // TODO changing to simpler form with baseType?
        requirements.add(getBaseTypeRequirement(type, type.getOBJ_TYPE_ENUM()));
        requirements.add(new Requirement(new PropCondition(PROPS.CLASSES, type.getProperty(PROPS.BASE_CLASSES_TWO), false), InfoMaster.MULTICLASS_SECOND_CLASS + StringMaster.cropLast(type.getProperty(PROPS.BASE_CLASSES_TWO), 2, ";").replace(";", " or ")));
        requirements.add(new Requirement(new MultiClassCondition(type.getName()), InfoMaster.MULTICLASS));
    } else {
        requirements.add(new Requirement(new ClassTreeCondition(type.getName()), InfoMaster.CLASS_TREE));
        Conditions conditions = new OrConditions();
        conditions.add(new EmptyStringCondition(StringMaster.getValueRef(KEYS.SOURCE, PROPS.FIRST_CLASS)));
        conditions.add(new EmptyStringCondition(StringMaster.getValueRef(KEYS.SOURCE, PROPS.SECOND_CLASS)));
        conditions.add(new StringComparison(type.getProperty(G_PROPS.CLASS_GROUP), StringMaster.getValueRef(KEYS.SOURCE, PROPS.FIRST_CLASS), true));
        conditions.add(new StringComparison(type.getProperty(G_PROPS.CLASS_GROUP), StringMaster.getValueRef(KEYS.SOURCE, PROPS.SECOND_CLASS), true));
        requirements.add(new Requirement(conditions, InfoMaster.MAX_CLASSES));
    return requirements;
Also used : ClassTreeCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ClassTreeCondition) SkillPointCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.SkillPointCondition) ValueGroupCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ValueGroupCondition) MultiClassCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.MultiClassCondition) Formula(main.system.math.Formula) MultiClassCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.MultiClassCondition) PARAMS(eidolons.content.PARAMS) ClassTreeCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ClassTreeCondition) PARAMETER(main.content.values.parameters.PARAMETER)

Example 8 with Formula

use of main.system.math.Formula in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.

the class RollMaster method roll.

 * @return true if {failure} formula rolls more, false otherwise
public static boolean roll(ROLL_TYPES roll_type, String success, String fail, Ref ref, String logAppendix, String rollSource, Boolean logged) {
    Obj source = ref.getSourceObj();
    Obj target = ref.getTargetObj();
    // if (roll == null)
    roll = new Roll(roll_type, success, fail, 0);
    if (StringMaster.isEmpty(fail)) {
        fail = initStdFail(roll_type);
    Formula failFormula = new Formula(fail);
    if (source != null) {
    Boolean result;
    int max1 = failFormula.getInt(ref);
    if (StringMaster.isEmpty(success)) {
        success = initStdSuccess(roll_type);
    Formula successFormula = new Formula(success);
    int max2 = successFormula.getInt(ref);
    int min1 = MathMaster.applyMod(max1, DEFAULT_MIN_ROLL_PERC);
    int min2 = MathMaster.applyMod(max2, DEFAULT_MIN_ROLL_PERC);
    if (min1 >= max2) {
        return true;
    if (min2 >= max1) {
        return false;
    // per die?
    rolledValue = RandomWizard.getRandomIntBetween(min1, max1);
    rolledValue2 = RandomWizard.getRandomIntBetween(min2, max2);
    result = rolledValue > rolledValue2;
    if (target == null) {
        target = ref.getEvent().getRef().getTargetObj();
    // TODO display roll formulas if FULL_INFO is on!
    if (rollSource == null) {
        rollSource = rolledValue + " out of " + max1;
    } else {
        rollSource += StringMaster.wrapInParenthesis(rolledValue + " out of " + max1);
    String rollTarget = rolledValue2 + " out of " + max2;
    logString = target.getName() + ((result) ? " fails" : " wins") + " a " + roll_type.getName() + " roll with " + rollTarget + " vs " + source.getName() + "'s " + rollSource;
    if (logAppendix != null) {
        if (isAppendixAdded(logAppendix, result)) {
            logString = logString + logAppendix.replace(getSuccessAppendixIdentifier(), "");
    if (logged == null) {
        logged = checkRollLogged(roll_type, result);
    if (logged) {
    if (!ref.isAnimationDisabled()) {
        PhaseAnimation anim = null;
        if (ref.getActive() != null) {
            // else ?
            anim = ((DC_ActiveObj) ref.getActive()).getAnimation();
        if (anim != null) {
            anim.addPhaseArgs(PHASE_TYPE.ROLL, roll);
    return result;
Also used : Formula(main.system.math.Formula) PhaseAnimation( DC_ActiveObj( Obj(main.entity.obj.Obj)

Example 9 with Formula

use of main.system.math.Formula in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.

the class HC_Tree method updateText.

private void updateText() {
    textBgPoint1 = null;
    textBgPoint2 = null;
    if (isViewMode()) {
    if (Launcher.DEV_MODE) {
        if (CoreEngine.isArcaneVault()) {
    // TODO draw black background for this!
    if (isDisplayRequirements()) {
        boolean rank = false;
        if (reqTextType == null) {
            reqTextType = getSelectedType();
        } else {
            rank = true;
        if (types.contains(reqTextType)) {
            Integer x = null;
            Integer y = map.getPointForType(reqTextType).y + 58;
            boolean above = false;
            boolean centered = false;
            Integer originX = null;
            if (y >= HT_MapBuilder.defTreeHeight - 130) {
                y = map.getPointForType(reqTextType).y - 20;
                above = true;
            int mode = 0;
            // display SD ?
            if (rank) {
                mode = RequirementsManager.RANK_MODE;
            Requirements reqs = reqTextType.getGame().getRequirementsManager().getRequirements((rank ? hero.getFeat(isSkill(), reqTextType) : reqTextType), mode);
            Point point;
            Color color = ColorManager.CRIMSON;
            Font font = getDefaultFont();
            List<String> list;
            if (reasons != null) {
                list = reasons;
            } else {
                Ref ref = new Ref(hero);
                list = reqs.getReasons();
                reasons = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String text : list) {
                if (text.equals(InfoMaster.NOT_ENOUGH_MASTERY)) {
                    text = InfoMaster.NOT_ENOUGH_MASTERY_SLOTS + ((SkillPointCondition) reqs.getReqMap().get(text)).getPointsRequired();
                text = TextParser.parse(text, new Ref(getHero()));
                text = text.replace(StringMaster.MASTERY + " ", "");
                text = text.replace(" needed", "");
                text = text.replace(" required", "");
                if (!text.contains(" or ")) {
                    if (text.contains(": ")) {
                        String varPart = text.split(": ")[1];
                        if (varPart.startsWith("(") || StringMaster.isInteger("" + varPart.charAt(0))) {
                            String parsedVarPart = "";
                            try {
                                parsedVarPart = "" + new Formula(varPart).getInt(new Ref(getHero()));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (!parsedVarPart.isEmpty()) // TextParser.parse(varPart, new
                            // Ref(getHero()));
                                text = text.replace(varPart, parsedVarPart);
            Collections.sort(reasons, new Comparator<String>() {

                public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                    if (o1.length() < o2.length()) {
                        return 1;
                    if (o1.length() > o2.length()) {
                        return -1;
                    return 0;
            int stringWidth;
            for (String text : reasons) {
                SmartText smartText = new SmartText(text, color);
                stringWidth = FontMaster.getStringWidth(font, text);
                if (x == null) {
                    x = map.getPointForType(reqTextType).x;
                    if (x + stringWidth >= getPanel().getWidth() - 10) {
                        x = getPanel().getWidth() - stringWidth - 10;
                        originX = x;
                        centered = true;
                } else if (centered) {
                    x = originX;
                // x = stringWidth - originX / 2 + getPanel().getWidth()
                // - stringWidth / 2;
                if (x == map.getPointForType(reqTextType).x) {
                    x = map.getPointForType(reqTextType).x - stringWidth / 4;
                if (x < 0) {
                    x = 0;
                if (above) {
                    y -= 20;
                } else {
                    y += 20;
                if (x == null) {
                    x = map.getPointForType(reqTextType).x;
                point = new Point(x, y);
                textMap.put(point, smartText);
                // TODO if above... vice versa
                if (textBgPoint1 == null) {
                    textBgPoint1 = new Point(x + stringWidth, y - FontMaster.getFontHeight(font));
            textBgPoint2 = new Point(x, y);
            if (above) {
                Point buffer = textBgPoint1;
                textBgPoint1 = new Point(textBgPoint2.x, textBgPoint2.y - FontMaster.getFontHeight(font));
                textBgPoint2 = new Point(buffer.x, buffer.y + FontMaster.getFontHeight(font));
        // mouse map on reqs -> goto req-skill or so
    reasons = null;
    reqTextType = null;
Also used : SmartText(main.system.text.SmartText) Requirements(main.elements.conditions.Requirements) Formula(main.system.math.Formula) Ref(main.entity.Ref) SkillPointCondition(eidolons.ability.conditions.req.SkillPointCondition)

Example 10 with Formula

use of main.system.math.Formula in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.

the class DataModel method modifyParameter.

public boolean modifyParameter(PARAMETER param, String amountString, Integer minMax, boolean quietly, String modifierKey) {
    if (amountString == null) {
        return true;
    if (amountString.isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    Number amount = null;
    if (!StringMaster.isNumber(amountString, false))
        amount = new Formula(amountString).evaluate(ref);
    else if (StringMaster.isInteger(amountString)) {
        amount = StringMaster.getInteger(amountString);
        if (amount.equals(0)) {
            return false;
    } else {
        amount = StringMaster.getDouble(amountString);
        if (amount.equals(0.0))
            return false;
    if (LogMaster.VALUE_DEBUG_ON)
        LogMaster.log(LogMaster.VALUE_DEBUG, "modifying " + getName() + "'s " + param.getName() + " by " + amount);
    if (!quietly || GuiEventManager.isParamEventAlwaysFired(param.getName()))
        if (!fireParamEvent(param, String.valueOf(amount), CONSTRUCTED_EVENT_TYPE.PARAM_BEING_MODIFIED)) {
            // false?
            return true;
    boolean result = true;
    Double newValue;
    Double prevValue = getParamDouble(param, false);
    if (prevValue > 0) {
        newValue = amount.doubleValue() + prevValue;
    } else {
        newValue = amount.doubleValue();
    // intAmount = prevValue
    if (minMax != null) {
        if (amount.doubleValue() < 0) {
            if ((prevValue) < minMax) {
                return false;
            if (newValue.doubleValue() < minMax) {
                newValue = (double) minMax;
        } else {
            if ((prevValue) > minMax) {
                return false;
            if (newValue.intValue() > minMax) {
                newValue = (double) minMax;
    setParam(param, newValue.toString(), quietly);
    Map<String, Double> map = getModifierMaps().get(param);
    if (map == null) {
        map = new XLinkedMap<>();
        getModifierMaps().put(param, map);
    if (modifierKey == null) {
        modifierKey = this.modifierKey;
    Double amountByModifier = map.get(modifierKey);
    this.modifierKey = null;
    if (amountByModifier == null) {
        map.put(modifierKey, amount.doubleValue());
    } else {
        map.put(modifierKey, amountByModifier + amount.doubleValue());
    if (newValue.intValue() <= 0) {
        result = false;
    return result;
Also used : Formula(main.system.math.Formula)


Formula (main.system.math.Formula)53 PARAMETER (main.content.values.parameters.PARAMETER)12 Ref (main.entity.Ref)11 AddBuffEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.attachment.AddBuffEffect)8 ModifyValueEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.common.ModifyValueEffect)8 Effects (main.ability.effects.Effects)7 SkillPointCondition (eidolons.ability.conditions.req.SkillPointCondition)5 DealDamageEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.oneshot.DealDamageEffect)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Effect (main.ability.effects.Effect)5 ClassTreeCondition (eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ClassTreeCondition)4 MultiClassCondition (eidolons.ability.conditions.req.MultiClassCondition)4 ValueGroupCondition (eidolons.ability.conditions.req.ValueGroupCondition)4 Unit (eidolons.entity.obj.unit.Unit)4 ObjType (main.entity.type.ObjType)4 ModifyPropertyEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.common.ModifyPropertyEffect)3 RemoveBuffEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.oneshot.buff.RemoveBuffEffect)3 RollEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.oneshot.mechanic.RollEffect)3 SummonEffect (eidolons.ability.effects.oneshot.unit.SummonEffect)3 DC_ActiveObj (