use of maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class SurfaceMeshIntersector method nearestInsideMip.
* Given a mesh intersection point associated with an edge, find the
* nearest intersection point along the "inside" direction of the
* associated edge. If no such point is found, return <code>null</code>.
* "Inside" direction means the direction facing into the penetration
* volume between the two meshes.
* @param p intersection point being queried
* @param edge edge on which the intersection point lies
* @param mesh mesh to which the intersection point belongs
* is directed from the tail to the head.
* @return nearest intersection point along the "inside" direction of the edge
IntersectionPoint nearestInsideMip(IntersectionPoint p, HalfEdge edge, Vertex3d insideVtx, PolygonalMesh mesh) {
EdgeInfo einfo = myEdgeInfos.get(edge.getPrimary());
boolean debug = debugMipEdge.equals(edge.vertexStr());
if (einfo != null && einfo.numMips() > 0) {
int k = einfo.indexOfMip(p);
if (debug) {
NumberFormat fmt = new NumberFormat("%2d ");
for (int j = 0; j < einfo.numMips(); j++) {
IntersectionPoint mp = einfo.getMip(j);
String prefix = (j == k ? "* " : " ");
prefix += fmt.format(getContourIndex(mp.contour));
prefix += (mp.isCoincident() ? "C " : " ");
System.out.println(prefix + mp.toString("%g"));
System.out.println("k=" + k);
if (debug) {
for (int ii = p.contourIndex - 3; ii < p.contourIndex + 4; ii++) {
if (k != -1) {
if (edge.getPrimary().getHead() == insideVtx) {
// search towards the head
while (k < einfo.numMips() - 1) {
IntersectionPoint mip = einfo.getMip(++k);
if (mip.contour.dividesMesh(mesh)) {
return mip;
} else {
// search towards the tail
while (k > 0) {
IntersectionPoint mip = einfo.getMip(--k);
if (mip.contour.dividesMesh(mesh)) {
return mip;
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException("intersection point not recorded by its edge");
if (debug) {
System.out.println("No nearest inside mip");
return null;
use of maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class SurfaceMeshIntersector method triangulateFace.
void triangulateFace(ArrayList<Vertex3d> triVtxs, Face face, PenetrationRegion region, boolean clockwise, ArrayList<Vertex3dList> outerHoles, ArrayList<Vertex3dList> innerHoles, HashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d> vertexMap) {
PolygonalMesh mesh = (PolygonalMesh) face.getMesh();
int meshNum = (region.myMesh == myMesh0 ? 0 : 1);
Polygon3dCalc calc = new Polygon3dCalc(face.getWorldNormal(), myPositionTol);
HalfEdge he0 = face.firstHalfEdge();
HalfEdge he = he0;
boolean debug = isDebugFace(face);
int oldSize = triVtxs.size();
if (debug) {
System.out.println("TRIANGULATING " + debugFaceIdx);
System.out.println("normal=" + face.getWorldNormal());
System.out.println("tol=" + myPositionTol);
Vertex3d v0 = he0.getHead();
Vertex3d v1 = he0.getNext().getHead();
Vertex3d v2 = he0.getTail();
System.out.println(" vtx " + v0.getIndex() + " inside=" + region.myVertices.contains(v0));
System.out.println(" vtx " + v1.getIndex() + " inside=" + region.myVertices.contains(v1));
System.out.println(" vtx " + v2.getIndex() + " inside=" + region.myVertices.contains(v2));
int[] idxs = SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.getFaceIndices(region.myFaces);
ArraySupport.print("region faces: ", idxs);
if (debugOpFaceIdx != -1) {
System.out.println("Face " + debugOpFaceIdx + ":");
Face opFace = (debugMesh0 ? myMesh0.getFace(debugOpFaceIdx) : myMesh1.getFace(debugOpFaceIdx));
HashSet<IntersectionPoint> visitedMips = new HashSet<IntersectionPoint>();
ArrayList<Vertex3dList> outerPolys = null;
do {
EdgeInfo einfo = myEdgeInfos.get(he.getPrimary());
if (debug) {
System.out.println("checking edge" + he.vertexStr() + " " + (he == he.getPrimary()));
if (einfo != null && einfo.numXips() > 0) {
if (debug) {
for (int k = 0; k < einfo.numXips(); k++) {
System.out.print(" " + einfo.getXip(k).contourIndex + "(" + getContourIndex(einfo.getXip(k).contour) + ")");
for (int k = 0; k < einfo.numXips(); k++) {
IntersectionPoint mip = einfo.getXip(k, he, clockwise);
if (region.myContours.contains(mip.contour) && !visitedMips.contains(mip) && // mip.contour.findSegmentFace (mip.contourIndex,mesh)==face) {
traceFaceBegin(mip, face, meshNum)) {
// entering face - follow contour to the end
if (debug) {
System.out.println("entering face at " + mip.contourIndex);
Vertex3dList poly = traceFacePolygon(mip, face, region, clockwise, calc, visitedMips, vertexMap);
if (poly.size() > 2) {
if (outerPolys == null) {
outerPolys = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
} else if (debug) {
if (!region.myContours.contains(mip.contour)) {
System.out.println("region does not contain contour " + getContourIndex(mip.contour));
System.out.print("region contours:");
for (IntersectionContour c : region.myContours) {
System.out.print(" " + getContourIndex(c));
if (visitedMips.contains(mip)) {
System.out.println("mip was already visited");
System.out.println("trace face begin=" + traceFaceBegin(mip, face, meshNum));
he = he.getNext();
} while (he != he0);
if (outerPolys == null && outerHoles == null) {
// create a single polygon for the outer face
Vertex3dList poly = createTrianglePoly(face, region, vertexMap, clockwise, debug);
outerPolys = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
} else if (outerHoles != null && outerHoles.size() > 0) {
if (outerPolys == null) {
outerPolys = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
if (outerPolys == null) {
Vertex3dList poly = createTrianglePoly(face, region, vertexMap, clockwise, debug);
outerPolys = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
// Vertex3dList poly = new Vertex3dList(/*closed=*/true);
// do {
// Vertex3d vtx = vertexMap.get(he.getHead());
// if (vtx == null) {
// throw new InternalErrorException ("vtx is null");
// }
// poly.add (vtx);
// he = he.getNext();
// }
// while (he != he0);
// outerPolys = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
// // if (!inside) {
// // poly.reverse();
// // }
// outerPolys.add (poly);
// throw new InternalErrorException ("shouldn't be here");
if (innerHoles != null && outerPolys.size() > 1) {
// multiple outer polys, so need to find out which hole belongs to
// which
HashMap<Vertex3dList, ArrayList<Vertex3dList>> polyHoleMap = new HashMap<Vertex3dList, ArrayList<Vertex3dList>>();
ArrayList<Vertex3dList> containedHoles = null;
for (Vertex3dList hole : innerHoles) {
Polygon3dFeature nfeat = new Polygon3dFeature();
// XXX ideally we want an interior point, in case the
// outer point touches one of the contours
Point3d ph = hole.get(0).pnt;
double dmin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Vertex3dList nearestOuter = null;
for (Vertex3dList outer : outerPolys) {
calc.nearestFeature(nfeat, ph, outer, /*side=*/
if (nfeat.getDistance() < dmin) {
dmin = nfeat.getDistance();
nearestOuter = outer;
containedHoles = polyHoleMap.get(nearestOuter);
if (containedHoles == null) {
containedHoles = new ArrayList<Vertex3dList>();
polyHoleMap.put(nearestOuter, containedHoles);
for (Vertex3dList outer : outerPolys) {
containedHoles = polyHoleMap.get(outer);
if (!calc.triangulate(triVtxs, outer, containedHoles)) {
System.out.println("Can't triangulate: face " + face.getIndex() + " mesh0=" + (face.getMesh() == myMesh0));
triangulationError = true;
} else {
// no inner holes, or just one outer poly
for (Vertex3dList outer : outerPolys) {
calc.debug = debug;
if (debug) {
System.out.println("outer size=" + outer.size());
for (Vertex3dNode vn : outer) {
Vertex3d vtx = vn.getVertex();
System.out.println(" " + vtx.getIndex() + " " + vtx.pnt.toString("%12.8f"));
if (outer.size() == 0) {
throw new InternalErrorException("outer polygon has size 0, face " + face.getIndex());
if (!calc.triangulate(triVtxs, outer, innerHoles)) {
System.out.println("Can't triangulate: face " + face.getIndex() + " mesh0=" + (face.getMesh() == myMesh0));
triangulationError = true;
System.out.println("outer poly");
for (Vertex3dNode n : outer) {
for (IntersectionContour c : region.myContours) {
System.out.println("contour " + getContourIndex(c));
for (IntersectionPoint p : c) {
if (innerHoles != null) {
for (int hi = 0; hi < innerHoles.size(); hi++) {
System.out.println("hole " + hi);
for (Vertex3dNode n : innerHoles.get(hi)) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("face: ADDED " + (triVtxs.size() - oldSize) / 3 + " at " + (oldSize) / 3 + " numOuter=" + outerPolys.size());
use of maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class SurfaceMeshIntersector method intersectEdgeFace.
* Intersects an edge and a face. If there is an intersection, the resulting
* point is returned in <code>mip</code> and the method returns
* <code>true</code>.
* @param he edge to intersect
* @param face face to intersect
* @param mip returns intersection point if there is an intersection
* @param edgeOnMesh0 if <code>true</code>, indicates that the edge belongs
* to the first mesh being intersected.
* @return <code>true</code> if the edge and face intersect.
private boolean intersectEdgeFace(HalfEdge he, Face face, IntersectionPoint mip, boolean edgeOnMesh0) {
// Do an efficient calculation first. If the edge/face pair is too close
// to degenerate situation to determine intersection correctly, -1 is
// returned and the computation is performed again using robust
// predicates.
int intersects = RobustPreds.intersectEdgeTriangle(mip, he, face, myMaxLength, edgeOnMesh0, /*worldCoords=*/
// }
if (intersects == 0) {
return false;
} else {
mip.edge = he;
mip.face = face;
mip.intersectionCode = intersects;
return true;
use of maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class SurfaceMeshIntersector method createContourVertices.
* Creates mesh vertices corresponding to each contour intersection point in
* a ContactInfo structure. These vertices can then be used in the formation
* of a CSG mesh associated with the intersection. The vertex associated
* with each intersection point is stored in the point's
* <code>myVertex</code> field. A single common vertex is created for points
* which are very close together. Also, for points which are very close to
* an original vertex on one of the intersecting meshes, the newly created
* vertex is projected onto the original vertex and an association from the
* original to the new vertex is recorded in a vertex-vertex
* <code>HashMap</code> which is returned by this method. Other new vertices
* which are not associated with original vertices are stored in the
* argument <code>contourVtxs</code>.
private HashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d> createContourVertices(ArrayList<IntersectionContour> contours, ArrayList<Vertex3d> contourVtxs) {
// Create vertices for each contour ...
boolean debug = false;
LinkedHashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d> vertexMap = new LinkedHashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d>();
for (IntersectionContour c : contours) {
IntersectionPoint mip = c.get(0);
if (c.isClosed()) {
// If the contour is closed, back up until we find a point whose
// preceeding point is *not* coincident. There must be such a
// point, because otherwise the contour would consist of a single
// set of coincident points and would have been eliminated.
mip = backupToNonCoincident(c.get(0));
// IntersectionPoint prev = mip.prev();
// if (prev.distance (mip0) <= myPositionTol) {
// do {
// mip = prev;
// prev = mip.prev();
// }
// while (prev.distance (mip0) <= myPositionTol && mip != mip0);
// }
// Create a new vertex at the starting intersection point.
BooleanHolder vtxIsCoincident = new BooleanHolder();
Vertex3d newVtx = createNewVertex(mip, vertexMap, vtxIsCoincident);
if (!vtxIsCoincident.value) {
mip.myVertex = newVtx;
mip.effectiveFace0 = c.findSegmentFace(mip, myMesh0);
mip.effectiveFace1 = c.findSegmentFace(mip, myMesh1);
mip.nearEdge0 = null;
mip.nearEdge1 = null;
for (int i = 1; i < c.size(); i++) {
mip =;
// Question: do we want to cluster based on lastp, or newVtx.pnt?
if (mip.distance(newVtx.pnt) > myPositionTol) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("mip " + mip.contourIndex + " new vertex");
newVtx = createNewVertex(mip, vertexMap, vtxIsCoincident);
if (!vtxIsCoincident.value) {
} else {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("mip " + mip.contourIndex + " old vertex");
if (vtxIsCoincident.value) {
mapCoincidentVertices(mip, newVtx, vertexMap);
mip.myVertex = newVtx;
mip.effectiveFace0 = c.findSegmentFace(mip, myMesh0);
mip.effectiveFace1 = c.findSegmentFace(mip, myMesh1);
mip.nearEdge0 = null;
mip.nearEdge1 = null;
return vertexMap;
use of maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class SurfaceMeshIntersector method sortCoincidentPointsNew.
* Sorts the coincident points associated with p. All coincident points
* associated with p are found by locating all coincident points along the
* edge that have the same 'coincidentGroup'. These points are then examined
* in contour order, and then convexity tests are applied to see if this
* contour ordering corresponds to a positive or negative direction along
* the edge. The points are then repositioned along the edge accordingly.
* <p>The convexity tests are applied to adjacent points, with the most
* robust tests (but possibly indeterminant) tests applied first, until a
* definite result is found.
* <p>Note that if there are more than two coincident points, it is not
* generally possible to do this ordering until the entire contour is
* generated, because the convexity tests need to be applied between
* adjacent pairs, and we don't know the correct adjacency relationships
* until all points have been added.
void sortCoincidentPointsNew(IntersectionPoint p) {
HalfEdge edge = p.edge;
EdgeInfo einfo = myEdgeInfos.get(p.edge);
// find the lohi indices of the coincident points
int[] lohi = findCoincidentBounds(p, einfo);
IntersectionPoint plo = p;
// p.edge.faceStr().equals("34-37");
boolean debug = false;
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Sort coincident " + edge.faceStr());
System.out.println("lohi=" + lohi[0] + " " + lohi[1]);
int numc = lohi[1] - lohi[0] + 1;
int lo = lohi[0];
IntersectionPoint[] points = new IntersectionPoint[numc];
// }
if (numc == 2) {
points[0] = einfo.getMip(lo);
points[1] = einfo.getMip(lo + 1);
} else {
int cnt = 1;
for (IntersectionPoint prev = p.prev(); prev != null; prev = prev.prev()) {
if (prev.primaryCoincident == p.primaryCoincident) {
plo = prev;
// equal wouldn't work here, as coincident points not always equal:
if (prev.distance(p) > myPositionTol) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("plo=" + plo.contourIndex);
IntersectionPoint phi = p;
for (IntersectionPoint next =; next != null; next = {
if (next.primaryCoincident == p.primaryCoincident) {
phi = next;
// equal wouldn't work here, as coincident points not always equal:
if (next.distance(p) > myPositionTol) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("phi=" + phi.contourIndex);
if (cnt != numc) {
System.out.println("ERROR: cnt=" + cnt + " lohi=[" + lohi[0] + "," + lohi[1] + "]");
if (false) {
System.out.println("problem written to contactTestFail.out");
try {
SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.writeProblem("contactTestFail.out", myMesh0, myMesh1, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debug || cnt > 2) {
System.out.println("HIGH CNT=" + cnt);
int k = 0;
IntersectionPoint primary = p.primaryCoincident;
for (IntersectionPoint q = plo; k < cnt; q = {
if (q.primaryCoincident == primary) {
// q.primaryCoincident = IntersectionPoint.COINCIDENT;
points[k++] = q;
int direction = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numc - 1; i++) {
int res = commonEdgeConvexityTest(points[i], points[i + 1], debug);
if (res != -1) {
direction = determineEdgeDirection(points[i], points[i + 1], res == 1, i);
if (debug)
System.out.println("commonEdge res=" + res + " mips " + points[i].contourIndex + " " + points[i + 1].contourIndex);
if (direction == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numc - 1; i++) {
int res = commonVertexConvexityTest(points[i], points[i + 1], debug);
if (res != -1) {
direction = determineEdgeDirection(points[i], points[i + 1], res == 1, i);
if (debug)
System.out.println("commonVertex res=" + res + " mips " + points[i].contourIndex + " " + points[i + 1].contourIndex);
if (direction == 0) {
int res = distanceConvexityTest(points[0], points[1], debug);
if (debug)
System.out.println("distanceConvexity res=" + res + " mips " + points[0].contourIndex + " " + points[1].contourIndex);
direction = determineEdgeDirection(points[0], points[1], res == 1, 0);
for (int k = 0; k < numc; k++) {
IntersectionPoint q;
if (direction == 1) {
q = points[numc - 1 - k];
} else {
q = points[k];
einfo.setMip(lo + k, q);
q.primaryCoincident = IntersectionPoint.COINCIDENT;