use of maspack.util.NumberFormat in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MatrixBase method write.
* Writes a principal submatrix of this matrix to a specified file, and
* returns the PrintWriter that was created to do the writing.
* @param fileName
* Path name for the file to written
* @param msg
* Optional message - if not <code>null</code>, is printed on
* a separate line preceeding the matrix information.
* @param wfmt
* specifies the matrix output format
* @param nrows number of rows in the principle submatrix
* @param ncols number of columns in the principle submatrix
* @return PrintWriter used to do the writing
public PrintWriter write(String fileName, String msg, WriteFormat wfmt, int nrows, int ncols) throws IOException {
NumberFormat fmt = new NumberFormat("%g");
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)));
if (msg != null) {
write(pw, fmt, wfmt, nrows, ncols);
return pw;
use of maspack.util.NumberFormat in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class TrackingController method apply.
* Applies the controller, estimating and setting the next
* set of muscle activations
public void apply(double t0, double t1) {
// System.out.println("dt = "+(t1-t0)+" h = "+ TimeBase.round(t1 - t0));
if (getDebug()) {
// cleans up the console
System.out.println("\n--- t = " + t1 + " ---");
if (t0 == 0) {
// XXX need better way to zero excitations on reset
myExcitations = new VectorNd(numExcitations());
if (!isEnabled()) {
// need to save forces so that we can restore them at the end
VectorNd savedForces = new VectorNd();
SparseBlockMatrix Jc = (myForceTerm == null ? null : myForceTerm.getForceJacobian());
SparseBlockMatrix Jm = (myMotionTerm == null ? null : myMotionTerm.getVelocityJacobian());
// update and store inverse data
myMotionForceData.update(t0, t1, Jm, Jc);
if (myMotionTerm.useDeltaAct) {
VectorNd deltaActivations = myCostFunction.solve(t0, t1);
if (getDebug()) {
System.out.println("da = [" + deltaActivations.toString("%.4f") + "];");
} else {
myExcitations.set(myCostFunction.solve(t0, t1));
* limit excitation jumps
// System.out.println ("excitations="+myExcitations);
NumberFormat f4 = new NumberFormat("%.4f");
/* debug info */
if (getDebug()) {
// System.out.println("ex = ["+myExcitations.toString (f4)+"];");
// System.out.println("lb = ["+lowerBound.toString (f4)+"];");
// System.out.println("ub = ["+upperBound.toString (f4)+"];");
setExcitations(myExcitations, 0);
// if (kTerm != null) {
// System.out.println("K* = "+kTerm.getStiffnessTargetVec().toString("%8.2f"));
// System.out.println("K = "+kTerm.getStiffnessVec().toString("%8.2f")+"\n");
// }
// if (cTerm != null) {
// System.out.println("C* = "+cTerm.getComplianceTargetVec().toString("%8.6f"));
// System.out.println("C = "+cTerm.getComplianceVec().toString("%8.6f")+"\n");
// }
use of maspack.util.NumberFormat in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class StlWriter method writeMesh.
public void writeMesh(PolygonalMesh mesh) throws IOException {
NumberFormat fmt = myFmt;
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(myOstream)));
String name = mesh.getName();
if (name == null) {
name = "";
pw.println("solid " + name);
for (Face face : mesh.getFaces()) {
Vector3d n = face.getNormal();
if (face.isTriangle()) {
pw.println("facet normal " + fmt.format((float) n.x) + " " + fmt.format((float) n.y) + " " + fmt.format((float) n.z));
} else {
pw.println("facet normal 0 0 0");
pw.println(" outer loop");
for (int i = 0; i < face.numVertices(); i++) {
Point3d pos = face.getVertex(i).getPosition();
pw.println(" vertex " + fmt.format((float) pos.x) + " " + fmt.format((float) pos.y) + " " + fmt.format((float) pos.z));
pw.println(" endloop");
pw.println("endsolid " + name);
use of maspack.util.NumberFormat in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class LUDecompositionTest method timingTests.
private void timingTests() {
// Random rand = RandomGenerator.get();
int baseTimingCnt = 100000;
int numTrials = 10;
int[] matsizes = new int[] { 4, 8, 16, 32, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 };
NumberFormat ifmt = new NumberFormat("%3d");
NumberFormat ffmt = new NumberFormat("%7.2f");
System.out.println("matsize time");
for (int k = 0; k < matsizes.length; k++) {
int n = matsizes[k];
int timingCnt = baseTimingCnt / (n * n);
MatrixNd M = new MatrixNd(n, n);
LUDecomposition lu = new LUDecomposition(n);
FunctionTimer timer = new FunctionTimer();
double ludTime = 0;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numTrials; cnt++) {
for (int i = 0; i < timingCnt; i++) {
ludTime += timer.getTimeUsec() / timingCnt;
ludTime /= numTrials;
System.out.println(" " + ifmt.format(n) + " " + ffmt.format(ludTime));
use of maspack.util.NumberFormat in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class AffineOrthogonalTest method doTest.
public static void doTest() {
double[][] pnts = { { -1, -1, -1 }, { -1, 1, -1 }, { -1, 1, 1 }, { -1, -1, 1 }, { 1, -1, -1 }, { 1, 1, -1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, -1, 1 } };
NumberFormat fmt = new NumberFormat("%.5f");
ArrayList<Point3d> p = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
ArrayList<Point3d> q = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
AffineTransform3d transf = new AffineTransform3d();
Vector3d axis = new Vector3d(1, 1, 0);
double angle = 1.7;
Vector3d translation = new Vector3d(5, 2, 3);
Vector3d scaling = new Vector3d(-13, -2, -7);
transf.setRotation(new AxisAngle(axis, angle));
transf.applyScaling(scaling.x, scaling.y, scaling.z);
for (int i = 0; i < pnts.length; i++) {
Point3d v = new Point3d(pnts[i]);
Point3d w = new Point3d(pnts[i]);
AffineTransform3d transb = new AffineTransform3d();
transb.fitOrthogonal(p, q);
// decompose:
Vector3d translationb = transb.p;
Matrix3d Rb = new Matrix3d(transb.A);
Vector3d scaleb = new Vector3d();
Vector3d tmp = new Vector3d();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Rb.getColumn(i, tmp);
double s = tmp.norm();
tmp.scale(1.0 / s);
scaleb.set(i, s);
Rb.setColumn(i, tmp);
// check if we have a flip instead of rotation
double Rbdet = Rb.determinant();
if (Rbdet < 0) {
Rbdet = -Rbdet;
Rb.getColumn(2, tmp);
scaleb.set(2, -scaleb.get(2));
Rb.setColumn(2, tmp);
RotationMatrix3d Rb2 = new RotationMatrix3d();
Rb2.setSubMatrix(0, 0, Rb);
AxisAngle aab = new AxisAngle(Rb2);
System.out.println("Translation: \t" + translationb + " \t/ " + translation);
System.out.println("Rotation: \t" + aab.axis + ", " + fmt.format(aab.angle) + " \t/ " + axis + ", " + angle);
System.out.println("Scaling: \t" + scaleb + " \t/ " + scaling);
// re-check based on new info
AffineTransform3d transc = new AffineTransform3d();
transc.applyScaling(scaleb.x, scaleb.y, scaleb.z);
AffineTransform3d transd = new AffineTransform3d();
transd.fitOrthogonal(p, q, 1e-15);
System.out.println("Original: \n" + transf);
System.out.println("Computed: \n" + transb);
System.out.println("Recomputed transform:\n" + transc);
System.out.println("Iterated transform:\n" + transd);