use of me.deecaad.weaponmechanics.weapon.projectile.HitBox in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class v1_12_R1 method getHitBox.
public HitBox getHitBox(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
if (block.isEmpty() || block.isLiquid())
return null;
WorldServer worldServer = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
BlockPosition blockPosition = new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
IBlockData blockData = worldServer.getType(blockPosition);
Block nmsBlock = blockData.getBlock();
// Passable block check -> false means passable (thats why !)
if (!(blockData.d(worldServer, blockPosition) != Block.k && nmsBlock.a(blockData, false)))
return null;
AxisAlignedBB aabb = blockData.e(worldServer, blockPosition);
// 1.12 -> e
// 1.11 -> d
// 1.9 - 1.10 -> c
int x = blockPosition.getX(), y = blockPosition.getY(), z = blockPosition.getZ();
HitBox hitBox = new HitBox(x + aabb.a, y + aabb.b, z + aabb.c, x + aabb.d, y + aabb.e, z + aabb.f);
return hitBox;
use of me.deecaad.weaponmechanics.weapon.projectile.HitBox in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class v1_13_R2 method getHitBox.
public HitBox getHitBox(Block block) {
if (block.isEmpty() || block.isLiquid() || block.isPassable())
return null;
BoundingBox boundingBox = block.getBoundingBox();
HitBox hitBox = new HitBox(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMinY(), boundingBox.getMinZ(), boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMaxY(), boundingBox.getMaxZ());
if (WeaponMechanics.getBasicConfigurations().getBool("Check_Accurate_Hitboxes", true)) {
CraftBlock craftBlock = (CraftBlock) block;
List<AxisAlignedBB> voxelShape = craftBlock.getNMS().getCollisionShape(craftBlock.getCraftWorld().getHandle(), craftBlock.getPosition()).d();
if (voxelShape.size() > 1) {
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
for (AxisAlignedBB boxPart : voxelShape) {
hitBox.addVoxelShapePart(new HitBox(x + boxPart.minX, y + boxPart.minY, z + boxPart.minZ, x + boxPart.maxX, y + boxPart.maxY, z + boxPart.maxZ));
return hitBox;
use of me.deecaad.weaponmechanics.weapon.projectile.HitBox in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class v1_14_R1 method getHitBox.
public HitBox getHitBox(Block block) {
if (block.isEmpty() || block.isLiquid() || block.isPassable())
return null;
BoundingBox boundingBox = block.getBoundingBox();
HitBox hitBox = new HitBox(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMinY(), boundingBox.getMinZ(), boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMaxY(), boundingBox.getMaxZ());
if (WeaponMechanics.getBasicConfigurations().getBool("Check_Accurate_Hitboxes", true)) {
CraftBlock craftBlock = (CraftBlock) block;
List<AxisAlignedBB> voxelShape = craftBlock.getNMS().getCollisionShape(craftBlock.getCraftWorld().getHandle(), craftBlock.getPosition()).d();
if (voxelShape.size() > 1) {
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
for (AxisAlignedBB boxPart : voxelShape) {
hitBox.addVoxelShapePart(new HitBox(x + boxPart.minX, y + boxPart.minY, z + boxPart.minZ, x + boxPart.maxX, y + boxPart.maxY, z + boxPart.maxZ));
return hitBox;
use of me.deecaad.weaponmechanics.weapon.projectile.HitBox in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class v1_15_R1 method getHitBox.
public HitBox getHitBox(Block block) {
if (block.isEmpty() || block.isLiquid() || block.isPassable())
return null;
BoundingBox boundingBox = block.getBoundingBox();
HitBox hitBox = new HitBox(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMinY(), boundingBox.getMinZ(), boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMaxY(), boundingBox.getMaxZ());
if (WeaponMechanics.getBasicConfigurations().getBool("Check_Accurate_Hitboxes", true)) {
CraftBlock craftBlock = (CraftBlock) block;
List<AxisAlignedBB> voxelShape = craftBlock.getNMS().getCollisionShape(craftBlock.getCraftWorld().getHandle(), craftBlock.getPosition()).d();
if (voxelShape.size() > 1) {
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
for (AxisAlignedBB boxPart : voxelShape) {
hitBox.addVoxelShapePart(new HitBox(x + boxPart.minX, y + boxPart.minY, z + boxPart.minZ, x + boxPart.maxX, y + boxPart.maxY, z + boxPart.maxZ));
return hitBox;
use of me.deecaad.weaponmechanics.weapon.projectile.HitBox in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class IWeaponCompatibility method getHitBox.
* If entity is invulnerable or non alive this will always return null.
* Otherwise this will always have non null value.
* @param entity the entity
* @return the living entity's hit box
default HitBox getHitBox(Entity entity) {
if (entity.isInvulnerable() || !entity.getType().isAlive() || entity.isDead())
return null;
// This default should only be used after 1.13 R2
BoundingBox boundingBox = entity.getBoundingBox();
HitBox hitBox = new HitBox(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMinY(), boundingBox.getMinZ(), boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMaxY(), boundingBox.getMaxZ());
hitBox.setLivingEntity((LivingEntity) entity);
if (entity instanceof ComplexLivingEntity && WeaponMechanics.getBasicConfigurations().getBool("Check_Accurate_Hitboxes", true)) {
for (ComplexEntityPart entityPart : ((ComplexLivingEntity) entity).getParts()) {
BoundingBox boxPart = entityPart.getBoundingBox();
hitBox.addVoxelShapePart(new HitBox(boxPart.getMinX(), boxPart.getMinY(), boxPart.getMinZ(), boxPart.getMaxX(), boxPart.getMaxY(), boxPart.getMaxZ()));
return hitBox;