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Example 11 with Bay

use of megamek.common.Bay in project megameklab by MegaMek.

the class AerospaceCrewView method setFromEntity.

public void setFromEntity(SmallCraft sc) {
    int minGunners = TestSmallCraft.requiredGunners(sc);
    int minBase = TestSmallCraft.minimumBaseCrew(sc);
    int nonBay = sc.getNCrew() - sc.getBayPersonnel();
    ((SpinnerNumberModel) spnBaseCrew.getModel()).setMinimum(minBase);
    ((SpinnerNumberModel) spnGunners.getModel()).setMinimum(minGunners);
    ignoreChangeEvents = true;
    spnBaseCrew.setValue(nonBay - sc.getNGunners());
    if (techManager.isLegal(BattleArmor.getConstructionTechAdvancement(EntityWeightClass.WEIGHT_MEDIUM))) {
    } else {
    EnumMap<TestAero.Quarters, Integer> sizes = new EnumMap<>(TestAero.Quarters.class);
    for (Bay bay : sc.getTransportBays()) {
        Quarters q = TestAero.Quarters.getQuartersForBay(bay);
        if (null != q) {
            sizes.merge(q, (int) bay.getCapacity(), Integer::sum);
    spnQuartersFirstClass.setValue(sizes.getOrDefault(TestAero.Quarters.FIRST_CLASS, 0));
    spnQuartersStandard.setValue(sizes.getOrDefault(TestAero.Quarters.STANDARD, 0));
    spnQuartersSecondClass.setValue(sizes.getOrDefault(TestAero.Quarters.SECOND_CLASS, 0));
    spnQuartersSteerage.setValue(sizes.getOrDefault(TestAero.Quarters.STEERAGE, 0));
    ignoreChangeEvents = false;
    // If we do not meet the minimum, set the values and trigger an event that will update the vessel.
    if (sc.getNGunners() < minGunners) {
    if (nonBay - sc.getNGunners() < minBase) {
Also used : SpinnerNumberModel(javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel) TestAero(megamek.common.verifier.TestAero) Bay(megamek.common.Bay) Quarters(megamek.common.verifier.TestAero.Quarters) EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap)

Example 12 with Bay

use of megamek.common.Bay in project megameklab by MegaMek.

the class CVTransportView method setFromEntity.

public void setFromEntity(Tank tank) {
    double troops = tank.getTroopCarryingSpace();
    double podTroops = tank.getPodMountedTroopCarryingSpace();
    spnFixedTroop.setValue(troops - podTroops);
    Map<BayData, Double> fixedCargo = new HashMap<>();
    Map<BayData, Double> podCargo = new HashMap<>();
    for (Bay b : tank.getTransportBays()) {
        BayData bayType = BayData.getBayType(b);
        if (null != bayType) {
            if (tank.isPodMountedTransport(b)) {
                podCargo.merge(bayType, b.getCapacity(), Double::sum);
            } else {
                fixedCargo.merge(bayType, b.getCapacity(), Double::sum);
    for (Map.Entry<BayData, JSpinner> entry : fixedSpinners.entrySet()) {
        entry.getValue().setValue(fixedCargo.getOrDefault(entry.getKey(), 0.0));
    for (Map.Entry<BayData, JSpinner> entry : podSpinners.entrySet()) {
        entry.getValue().setValue(podCargo.getOrDefault(entry.getKey(), 0.0));
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JSpinner(javax.swing.JSpinner) Bay(megamek.common.Bay) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) BayData(megamek.common.verifier.BayData)

Example 13 with Bay

use of megamek.common.Bay in project megameklab by MegaMek.

the class ImageHelperAero method printAeroWeaponsNEquipment.

public static void printAeroWeaponsNEquipment(Aero aero, Graphics2D g2d) {
    int pointShift = 0;
    if ((aero instanceof SmallCraft) && aero.isSpheroid()) {
        pointShift = 11;
    int qtyPoint = 30;
    int typePoint = 42;
    int locPoint = 112 + pointShift;
    int heatPoint = 130 + pointShift;
    int shtPoint = 147 + pointShift;
    int medPoint = 170 + pointShift;
    int longPoint = 190 + pointShift;
    int erPoint = 210 + pointShift;
    float linePoint = 204f;
    float maxHeight = 97.0f;
    float lineFeed = 6.7f;
    boolean newLineNeeded = false;
    ArrayList<Hashtable<String, EquipmentInfo>> equipmentLocations = new ArrayList<Hashtable<String, EquipmentInfo>>(aero.locations());
    for (int pos = 0; pos <= aero.locations(); pos++) {
        equipmentLocations.add(pos, new Hashtable<String, EquipmentInfo>());
    for (Mounted eq : aero.getEquipment()) {
        if ((eq.isWeaponGroup() || (eq.getType() instanceof AmmoType)) || (eq.getLocation() == Entity.LOC_NONE) || !UnitUtil.isPrintableEquipment(eq.getType())) {
        Hashtable<String, EquipmentInfo> eqHash = equipmentLocations.get(eq.getLocation());
        String equipmentName = eq.getName();
        if (eq.isRearMounted()) {
            equipmentName += "(R)";
        if (eqHash.containsKey(equipmentName)) {
            EquipmentInfo eqi = eqHash.get(equipmentName);
            if (eq.getType().getTechLevel(aero.getTechLevelYear()) != eqi.techLevel) {
                eqi = new EquipmentInfo(aero, eq);
            } else {
            eqHash.put(equipmentName, eqi);
        } else {
            EquipmentInfo eqi = new EquipmentInfo(aero, eq);
            eqHash.put(equipmentName, eqi);
    if (aero.getTroopCarryingSpace() > 0) {
        maxHeight -= lineFeed;
    if (aero.hasWorkingMisc(MiscType.F_CHASSIS_MODIFICATION)) {
        maxHeight -= lineFeed;
    if (aero.getCockpitType() != Aero.COCKPIT_STANDARD) {
        maxHeight -= lineFeed;
    for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Bay bay : aero.getTransportBays()) {
        maxHeight -= lineFeed;
    if (aero.getAmmo().size() > 0) {
        maxHeight -= lineFeed;
    g2d.setFont(UnitUtil.deriveFont(false, 7.0f));
    Font font = ImageHelperAero.getAeroWeaponsNEquipmentFont(g2d, false, maxHeight, equipmentLocations, 7.0f);
    float stringHeight = ImageHelper.getStringHeight(g2d, "H", font);
    lineFeed = stringHeight;
    for (int pos = Aero.LOC_NOSE; pos <= aero.locations(); pos++) {
        Hashtable<String, EquipmentInfo> eqHash = equipmentLocations.get(pos);
        if (eqHash.size() < 1) {
        ArrayList<EquipmentInfo> equipmentList = new ArrayList<EquipmentInfo>();
        for (EquipmentInfo eqi : eqHash.values()) {
        Collections.sort(equipmentList, StringUtils.equipmentInfoComparator());
        for (EquipmentInfo eqi : equipmentList) {
            newLineNeeded = false;
            g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.count), qtyPoint, linePoint);
            String name = + " " + eqi.damage.trim();
            if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3I) {
                ImageHelper.printC3iName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3EM) {
                ImageHelper.printC3EmName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3S) {
                ImageHelper.printC3sName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3M) {
                ImageHelper.printC3mName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3SB) {
                ImageHelper.printC3sbName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3MB) {
                ImageHelper.printC3mbName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.c3Level == EquipmentInfo.C3REMOTESENSOR) {
                ImageHelper.printC3RemoteSensorName(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero.isMixedTech() && TechConstants.isClan(aero.getTechLevel()));
            } else if (eqi.isMashCore) {
                ImageHelper.printMashCore(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero);
            } else if (eqi.isDroneControl) {
                ImageHelper.printDroneControl(g2d, typePoint, linePoint, font, false, aero);
            } else {
                if (ImageHelper.getStringWidth(g2d, name, font) > 65) {
                    // g2d.setFont(UnitUtil.getNewFont(g2d,,
                    // false, 65, font.getSize2D()));
                    g2d.drawString(, typePoint, linePoint);
                    linePoint += lineFeed;
                    g2d.drawString(eqi.damage.trim(), typePoint, linePoint);
                } else {
                    g2d.drawString(name, typePoint, linePoint);
            String location = ImageHelperAero.getLocationAbbrs(pos);
            if ((aero instanceof SmallCraft) && (aero.getMovementMode() == EntityMovementMode.SPHEROID)) {
                location = ImageHelperAero.getLocationAbbrsSmallCraft(pos);
            g2d.drawString(location, locPoint, linePoint);
            ImageHelper.printCenterString(g2d, Integer.toString(eqi.heat), font, heatPoint, linePoint);
            if (eqi.isMML) {
                linePoint += lineFeed;
                g2d.drawString("SRM Ammo", typePoint, linePoint);
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.shtRange * 2), shtPoint, (int) linePoint);
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", medPoint, linePoint);
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", longPoint, linePoint);
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", erPoint, linePoint);
                // g2d.drawLine(medPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, medPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
                // g2d.drawLine(longPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, longPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
                // g2d.drawLine(erPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, erPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
                linePoint += lineFeed;
                g2d.drawString("LRM Ammo", typePoint, linePoint);
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.shtRange), shtPoint, (int) linePoint);
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.medRange), medPoint, (int) linePoint);
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.longRange), longPoint, (int) linePoint);
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", erPoint, linePoint);
            // g2d.drawLine(erPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, erPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
            } else if (eqi.shtRange > 0) {
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.shtRange), shtPoint, (int) linePoint);
            } else {
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", shtPoint, linePoint);
            // g2d.drawLine(shtPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, shtPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
            if ((eqi.medRange > 0) && !eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.medRange), medPoint, (int) linePoint);
            } else if (!eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", medPoint, linePoint);
            // g2d.drawLine(medPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, medPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
            if ((eqi.longRange > 0) && !eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.longRange), longPoint, (int) linePoint);
            } else if (!eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", longPoint, linePoint);
            // g2d.drawLine(longPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, longPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
            if ((eqi.erRange > 0) && !eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString(Integer.toString(eqi.erRange), erPoint, (int) linePoint);
            } else if (!eqi.isMML) {
                g2d.drawString("\u2014", erPoint, linePoint);
            // g2d.drawLine(erPoint, (int) linePoint - 2, erPoint + 6, (int) linePoint - 2);
            if (eqi.hasArtemis) {
                g2d.drawString("w/Artemis IV FCS", typePoint, linePoint + lineFeed);
                newLineNeeded = true;
            } else if (eqi.hasArtemisV) {
                g2d.drawString("w/Artemis V FCS", typePoint, linePoint + lineFeed);
                newLineNeeded = true;
            } else if (eqi.hasApollo) {
                g2d.drawString("w/Apollo FCS", typePoint, linePoint + lineFeed);
                newLineNeeded = true;
            linePoint += lineFeed;
            if (newLineNeeded) {
                linePoint += lineFeed;
    if (aero.getCockpitType() != Aero.COCKPIT_STANDARD) {
        g2d.drawString(aero.getCockpitTypeString(), 22, linePoint);
        linePoint += lineFeed;
    if (aero instanceof FixedWingSupport) {
        ImageHelperAero.printFixedWingSupportCargoChassisMod((FixedWingSupport) aero, g2d, (int) linePoint);
    } else {
        ImageHelperAero.printCargo(aero, g2d, (int) linePoint);
    ImageHelper.printVehicleAmmo(aero, g2d, -20, 8);
    ImageHelperAero.printAeroFuel(aero, g2d, 8);
Also used : FixedWingSupport(megamek.common.FixedWingSupport) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Font(java.awt.Font) SmallCraft(megamek.common.SmallCraft) AmmoType(megamek.common.AmmoType) Mounted(megamek.common.Mounted) Bay(megamek.common.Bay)

Example 14 with Bay

use of megamek.common.Bay in project megameklab by MegaMek.

the class TransportTab method rebuildBays.

 * Removing bays can cause undesirable gaps in bay numbers, and it would be nice to let the
 * user order the bays. Since bay numbers are immutable we have to instantiate a new bay to
 * alter it.
private void rebuildBays() {
    int bayNum = 1;
    List<Bay> newBayList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Iterator<Bay> iter = modelInstalled.getBays(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        final Bay bay =;
        if (bay.getBayNumber() == bayNum) {
        } else {
            BayData bayType = BayData.getBayType(bay);
            Bay newBay = bayType.newBay(bay.getCapacity(), bayNum);
    for (Bay bay : getAero().getTransportBays()) {
        if (bay.isQuarters()) {
    newBayList.forEach(b -> getAero().addTransporter(b));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Bay(megamek.common.Bay) InfantryBay(megamek.common.InfantryBay) BayData(megamek.common.verifier.BayData)


Bay (megamek.common.Bay)14 Font (java.awt.Font)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 AmmoType (megamek.common.AmmoType)5 Mounted (megamek.common.Mounted)5 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 TestAero (megamek.common.verifier.TestAero)3 EnumMap (java.util.EnumMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 BayData (megamek.common.verifier.BayData)2 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 File ( FileInputStream ( InputStream ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 DecimalFormatSymbols (java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols)1