use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity.EntityAutoRocket in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TickHandlerClient method onRenderTick.
public void onRenderTick(RenderTickEvent event) {
final Minecraft minecraft = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient();
final EntityPlayerSP player = minecraft.thePlayer;
final EntityPlayerSP playerBaseClient = PlayerUtil.getPlayerBaseClientFromPlayer(player, false);
if (player == null || playerBaseClient == null) {
GCPlayerStatsClient stats = GCPlayerStatsClient.get(playerBaseClient);
if (event.phase == Phase.END) {
if (minecraft.currentScreen instanceof GuiIngameMenu) {
int i = Mouse.getEventX() * minecraft.currentScreen.width / minecraft.displayWidth;
int j = minecraft.currentScreen.height - Mouse.getEventY() * minecraft.currentScreen.height / minecraft.displayHeight - 1;
int k = Mouse.getEventButton();
if (Minecraft.isRunningOnMac && k == 0 && (Keyboard.isKeyDown(29) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(157))) {
k = 1;
int deltaColor = 0;
if (i > minecraft.currentScreen.width - 100 && j > minecraft.currentScreen.height - 35) {
deltaColor = 20;
if (k == 0) {
if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) {
minecraft.displayGuiScreen(new GuiNewSpaceRace(playerBaseClient));
this.drawGradientRect(minecraft.currentScreen.width - 100, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 35, minecraft.currentScreen.width, minecraft.currentScreen.height, ColorUtil.to32BitColor(150, 10 + deltaColor, 10 + deltaColor, 10 + deltaColor), ColorUtil.to32BitColor(250, 10 + deltaColor, 10 + deltaColor, 10 + deltaColor));
minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(GCCoreUtil.translate(""), minecraft.currentScreen.width - 50 - minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(GCCoreUtil.translate("")) / 2, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 26, ColorUtil.to32BitColor(255, 240, 240, 240));
minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(GCCoreUtil.translate(""), minecraft.currentScreen.width - 50 - minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(GCCoreUtil.translate("")) / 2, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 16, ColorUtil.to32BitColor(255, 240, 240, 240));
Gui.drawRect(minecraft.currentScreen.width - 100, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 35, minecraft.currentScreen.width - 99, minecraft.currentScreen.height, ColorUtil.to32BitColor(255, 0, 0, 0));
Gui.drawRect(minecraft.currentScreen.width - 100, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 35, minecraft.currentScreen.width, minecraft.currentScreen.height - 34, ColorUtil.to32BitColor(255, 0, 0, 0));
ClientProxyCore.playerPosX = player.prevPosX + (player.posX - player.prevPosX) * event.renderTickTime;
ClientProxyCore.playerPosY = player.prevPosY + (player.posY - player.prevPosY) * event.renderTickTime;
ClientProxyCore.playerPosZ = player.prevPosZ + (player.posZ - player.prevPosZ) * event.renderTickTime;
ClientProxyCore.playerRotationYaw = player.prevRotationYaw + (player.rotationYaw - player.prevRotationYaw) * event.renderTickTime;
ClientProxyCore.playerRotationPitch = player.prevRotationPitch + (player.rotationPitch - player.prevRotationPitch) * event.renderTickTime;
if (minecraft.currentScreen == null && player.ridingEntity instanceof EntitySpaceshipBase && minecraft.gameSettings.thirdPersonView != 0 && !minecraft.gameSettings.hideGUI) {
OverlayRocket.renderSpaceshipOverlay(((EntitySpaceshipBase) player.ridingEntity).getSpaceshipGui());
if (minecraft.currentScreen == null && player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityLander && minecraft.gameSettings.thirdPersonView != 0 && !minecraft.gameSettings.hideGUI) {
if (minecraft.currentScreen == null && player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityAutoRocket && minecraft.gameSettings.thirdPersonView != 0 && !minecraft.gameSettings.hideGUI) {
if (minecraft.currentScreen == null && player.ridingEntity instanceof EntitySpaceshipBase && minecraft.gameSettings.thirdPersonView != 0 && !minecraft.gameSettings.hideGUI && ((EntitySpaceshipBase) minecraft.thePlayer.ridingEntity).launchPhase < EnumLaunchPhase.LAUNCHED.ordinal()) {
if (player.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider && OxygenUtil.shouldDisplayTankGui(minecraft.currentScreen) && OxygenUtil.noAtmosphericCombustion(player.worldObj.provider) && !playerBaseClient.isSpectator() && !minecraft.gameSettings.showDebugInfo) {
int var6 = (TickHandlerClient.airRemaining - 90) * -1;
if (TickHandlerClient.airRemaining <= 0) {
var6 = 90;
int var7 = (TickHandlerClient.airRemaining2 - 90) * -1;
if (TickHandlerClient.airRemaining2 <= 0) {
var7 = 90;
int thermalLevel = stats.getThermalLevel() + 22;
OverlayOxygenTanks.renderOxygenTankIndicator(thermalLevel, var6, var7, !ConfigManagerCore.oxygenIndicatorLeft, !ConfigManagerCore.oxygenIndicatorBottom, Math.abs(thermalLevel - 22) >= 10 && !stats.isThermalLevelNormalising());
if (playerBaseClient != null && player.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider && !stats.isOxygenSetupValid() && OxygenUtil.noAtmosphericCombustion(player.worldObj.provider) && minecraft.currentScreen == null && !minecraft.gameSettings.hideGUI && !playerBaseClient.capabilities.isCreativeMode && !playerBaseClient.isSpectator()) {
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity.EntityAutoRocket in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class EntityTieredRocket method onReachAtmosphere.
public void onReachAtmosphere() {
// Launch controlled
if (this.destinationFrequency != -1) {
if (this.worldObj.isRemote) {
// stop the sounds on the client - but do not reset, the rocket may start again
this.setTarget(true, this.destinationFrequency);
if (this.targetVec != null) {
if (this.targetDimension != this.worldObj.provider.getDimensionId()) {
WorldProvider targetDim = WorldUtil.getProviderForDimensionServer(this.targetDimension);
if (targetDim != null && targetDim.worldObj instanceof WorldServer) {
boolean dimensionAllowed = this.targetDimension == ConfigManagerCore.idDimensionOverworld;
if (targetDim instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) {
if (((IGalacticraftWorldProvider) targetDim).canSpaceshipTierPass(this.getRocketTier()))
dimensionAllowed = true;
dimensionAllowed = false;
} else // No rocket flight to non-Galacticraft dimensions other than the Overworld allowed unless config
if ((this.targetDimension > 1 || this.targetDimension < -1) && marsConfigAllDimsAllowed != null) {
try {
if (marsConfigAllDimsAllowed.getBoolean(null)) {
dimensionAllowed = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (dimensionAllowed) {
if (this.riddenByEntity != null) {
WorldUtil.transferEntityToDimension(this.riddenByEntity, this.targetDimension, (WorldServer) targetDim.worldObj, false, this);
} else {
Entity e = WorldUtil.transferEntityToDimension(this, this.targetDimension, (WorldServer) targetDim.worldObj, false, null);
if (e instanceof EntityAutoRocket) {
e.setPosition(this.targetVec.getX() + 0.5F, this.targetVec.getY() + 800, this.targetVec.getZ() + 0.5f);
((EntityAutoRocket) e).setLaunchPhase(EnumLaunchPhase.LANDING);
((EntityAutoRocket) e).setWaitForPlayer(false);
} else {"Error: failed to recreate the unmanned rocket in landing mode on target planet.");
// No destination world found - in this situation continue into regular take-off (as if Not launch controlled)
} else {
// Same dimension controlled rocket flight
this.setPosition(this.targetVec.getX() + 0.5F, this.targetVec.getY() + 800, this.targetVec.getZ() + 0.5F);
// Stop any lateral motion, otherwise it will update to an incorrect x,z position first tick after spawning above target
this.motionX = this.motionZ = 0.0D;
// Small upward motion initially, to keep clear of own flame trail from launch
this.motionY = 0.1D;
if (this.riddenByEntity != null) {
WorldUtil.forceMoveEntityToPos(this.riddenByEntity, (WorldServer) this.worldObj, new Vector3(this.targetVec.getX() + 0.5F, this.targetVec.getY() + 800, this.targetVec.getZ() + 0.5F), false);
GCLog.debug("Rocket repositioned, waiting for player");
// Do not destroy the rocket, we still need it!
} else {
// Launch controlled launch but no valid target frequency = rocket loss [INVESTIGATE]"Error: the launch controlled rocket failed to find a valid landing spot when it reached space.");
this.fuelTank.drain(Integer.MAX_VALUE, true);
this.posY = Math.max(255, (this.worldObj.provider instanceof IExitHeight ? ((IExitHeight) this.worldObj.provider).getYCoordinateToTeleport() : 1200) - 200);
// Not launch controlled
if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) {
if (this.riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) this.riddenByEntity;
GCPlayerStats stats = GCPlayerStats.get(player);
WorldUtil.toCelestialSelection(player, stats, this.getRocketTier());
// Destroy any rocket which reached the top of the atmosphere and is not controlled by a Launch Controller
// Client side, non-launch controlled, do nothing - no reason why it can't continue flying until the GUICelestialSelection activates
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity.EntityAutoRocket in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class GCPlayerHandler method checkOxygen.
protected void checkOxygen(EntityPlayerMP player, GCPlayerStats stats) {
if ((player.dimension == 0 || player.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) && (!(player.dimension == 0 || ((IGalacticraftWorldProvider) player.worldObj.provider).hasBreathableAtmosphere()) || player.posY > GCPlayerHandler.OXYGENHEIGHTLIMIT) && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && !(player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityLanderBase) && !(player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityAutoRocket) && !(player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityCelestialFake) && !CompatibilityManager.isAndroid(player)) {
final ItemStack tankInSlot = stats.getExtendedInventory().getStackInSlot(2);
final ItemStack tankInSlot2 = stats.getExtendedInventory().getStackInSlot(3);
final int drainSpacing = OxygenUtil.getDrainSpacing(tankInSlot, tankInSlot2);
if (tankInSlot == null) {
} else {
stats.setAirRemaining(tankInSlot.getMaxDamage() - tankInSlot.getItemDamage());
if (tankInSlot2 == null) {
} else {
stats.setAirRemaining2(tankInSlot2.getMaxDamage() - tankInSlot2.getItemDamage());
if (drainSpacing > 0) {
if ((player.ticksExisted - 1) % drainSpacing == 0 && !OxygenUtil.isAABBInBreathableAirBlock(player) && !stats.isUsingPlanetSelectionGui()) {
int toTake = 1;
// Take 1 oxygen from Tank 1
if (stats.getAirRemaining() > 0) {
tankInSlot.damageItem(1, player);
stats.setAirRemaining(stats.getAirRemaining() - 1);
toTake = 0;
// Alternatively, take 1 oxygen from Tank 2
if (toTake > 0 && stats.getAirRemaining2() > 0) {
tankInSlot2.damageItem(1, player);
stats.setAirRemaining2(stats.getAirRemaining2() - 1);
toTake = 0;
} else {
if ((player.ticksExisted - 1) % 60 == 0) {
if (OxygenUtil.isAABBInBreathableAirBlock(player)) {
if (stats.getAirRemaining() < 90 && tankInSlot != null) {
stats.setAirRemaining(Math.min(stats.getAirRemaining() + 1, tankInSlot.getMaxDamage() - tankInSlot.getItemDamage()));
if (stats.getAirRemaining2() < 90 && tankInSlot2 != null) {
stats.setAirRemaining2(Math.min(stats.getAirRemaining2() + 1, tankInSlot2.getMaxDamage() - tankInSlot2.getItemDamage()));
} else {
if (stats.getAirRemaining() > 0) {
stats.setAirRemaining(stats.getAirRemaining() - 1);
if (stats.getAirRemaining2() > 0) {
stats.setAirRemaining2(stats.getAirRemaining2() - 1);
final boolean airEmpty = stats.getAirRemaining() <= 0 && stats.getAirRemaining2() <= 0;
if (player.isOnLadder()) {
} else {
stats.setOxygenSetupValid(!((!OxygenUtil.hasValidOxygenSetup(player) || airEmpty) && !OxygenUtil.isAABBInBreathableAirBlock(player)));
if (!player.worldObj.isRemote && player.isEntityAlive()) {
if (!stats.isOxygenSetupValid()) {
GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent suffocationEvent = new GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent.Pre(player);;
if (!suffocationEvent.isCanceled()) {
if (stats.getDamageCounter() == 0) {
player.attackEntityFrom(DamageSourceGC.oxygenSuffocation, ConfigManagerCore.suffocationDamage * (2 + stats.getIncrementalDamage()) / 2);
if (ConfigManagerCore.hardMode)
stats.setIncrementalDamage(stats.getIncrementalDamage() + 1);
GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent suffocationEventPost = new GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent.Post(player);;
} else
} else
} else if ((player.ticksExisted - 1) % 20 == 0 && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && stats.getAirRemaining() < 90) {
stats.setAirRemaining(stats.getAirRemaining() + 1);
stats.setAirRemaining2(stats.getAirRemaining2() + 1);
} else if (player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
} else {
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity.EntityAutoRocket in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class OverlayDockingRocket method renderDockingOverlay.
* Render the GUI when player is docking a vehicle
public static void renderDockingOverlay() {
final ScaledResolution scaledresolution = ClientUtil.getScaledRes(OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft, OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.displayWidth, OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.displayHeight);
final int width = scaledresolution.getScaledWidth();
final int height = scaledresolution.getScaledHeight();
if (OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.thePlayer.ridingEntity instanceof EntityAutoRocket) {
EntityAutoRocket rocket = (EntityAutoRocket) OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.thePlayer.ridingEntity;
if (rocket.launchPhase == EnumLaunchPhase.LANDING.ordinal() && rocket.targetVec != null) {
double dX = Math.round((rocket.posX - rocket.targetVec.getX()) * 100.0D) / 100.0D;
double dY = Math.round((rocket.posY - rocket.targetVec.getY()) * 100.0D) / 100.0D;
double dZ = Math.round((rocket.posZ - rocket.targetVec.getZ()) * 100.0D) / 100.0D;
String dXStr = String.valueOf(dX);
String dYStr = String.valueOf(dY);
String dZStr = String.valueOf(dZ);
double targetMotionY = Math.round(Math.max((rocket.posY - rocket.targetVec.getY()) / -100.0D, -0.9D) * 100.0D) / 100.0D;
double currentMotionY = Math.round(rocket.motionY * 100.0D) / 100.0D;
double dMY = Math.floor((targetMotionY - currentMotionY) * 300);
int dMotionY = (int) Math.max(1, Math.min(255, dMY));
int dMotionYN = (int) Math.max(1, Math.min(255, -dMY));
String targetMotionYStr = GCCoreUtil.translate("") + ": " + String.format("%.2f", targetMotionY);
String currentMotionYStr = GCCoreUtil.translate("") + ": " + String.format("%.2f", currentMotionY);
int red = ColorUtil.to32BitColor(dMY > 0 ? 0 : dMotionYN, 255, 255, 255);
int green = ColorUtil.to32BitColor(dMY < 0 ? 0 : dMotionY, 255, 255, 255);
int grey = ColorUtil.to32BitColor(255, 220, 220, 220);
// if (dMY > 25)
// {
// String warning = GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("", GameSettings.getKeyDisplayString(KeyHandlerClient.spaceKey.getKeyCode()));
// OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(warning, width / 2 - OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(warning) / 2, height / 3 - 50, green);
// }
// else if (dMY < -25)
// {
// String warning2 = GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("", GameSettings.getKeyDisplayString(KeyHandlerClient.leftShiftKey.getKeyCode()));
// OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(warning2, width / 2 - OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(warning2) / 2, height / 3 - 35, red);
// }
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(targetMotionYStr, width - OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(targetMotionYStr) - 50, height / 3 + 50, grey);
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(currentMotionYStr, width - OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(currentMotionYStr) - 50, height / 3 + 35, grey);
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString(GCCoreUtil.translate(""), 50, height / 3 + 15, grey);
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString("X: " + dXStr, 50, height / 3 + 35, Math.abs(dX) > 15 ? red : grey);
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString("Y: " + dYStr, 50, height / 3 + 45, Math.abs(dY) > 50 || Math.abs(dY) < 1.9 ? grey : OverlayDockingRocket.screenTicks / 10 % 2 == 0 ? red : grey);
OverlayDockingRocket.minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString("Z: " + dZStr, 50, height / 3 + 55, Math.abs(dZ) > 15 ? red : grey);
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity.EntityAutoRocket in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class EventHandlerGC method onEntityFall.
public void onEntityFall(LivingFallEvent event) {
if (event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) {
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entityLiving;
if (player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityAutoRocket || player.ridingEntity instanceof EntityLanderBase) {
event.distance = 0.0F;
if (event.entityLiving.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) {
event.distance *= ((IGalacticraftWorldProvider) event.entityLiving.worldObj.provider).getFallDamageModifier();