use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityScreen in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TileEntityScreen method joinDown.
private void joinDown() {
int meta = this.getBlockMetadata();
// EnumFacing side = EnumFacing.getFront(this.getRight(meta));
EnumFacing side = getFront().rotateY();
BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this);
for (int x = -this.connectionsLeft; x <= this.connectionsRight; x++) {
TileEntity tile;
BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(side, x);
if (x == 0) {
tile = this;
} else {
tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj);
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) {
TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile;
// screenTile.connectedDown = true;
TileEntity te2 = newVec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0);
if (te2 instanceof TileEntityScreen && te2.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !te2.isInvalid()) {
screenTile.tryConnectDown((TileEntityScreen) te2);
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityScreen in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TickHandlerClient method onClientTick.
public void onClientTick(ClientTickEvent event) {
final Minecraft minecraft = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient();
final WorldClient world = minecraft.theWorld;
final EntityPlayerSP player = minecraft.thePlayer;
if (teleportingGui != null) {
if (minecraft.currentScreen != teleportingGui) {
minecraft.currentScreen = teleportingGui;
if (menuReset) {
menuReset = false;
if (event.phase == Phase.START && player != null) {
if (ClientProxyCore.playerHead == null && player.getGameProfile() != null) {
Map<Type, MinecraftProfileTexture> map = minecraft.getSkinManager().loadSkinFromCache(player.getGameProfile());
if (map.containsKey(Type.SKIN)) {
ClientProxyCore.playerHead = minecraft.getSkinManager().loadSkin((MinecraftProfileTexture) map.get(Type.SKIN), Type.SKIN);
} else {
ClientProxyCore.playerHead = DefaultPlayerSkin.getDefaultSkin(EntityPlayer.getUUID(player.getGameProfile()));
if (!GalacticraftCore.proxy.isPaused()) {
Iterator<FluidNetwork> it = TickHandlerClient.fluidNetworks.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FluidNetwork network =;
if (network.getTransmitters().size() == 0) {
} else {
if (TickHandlerClient.tickCount % 20 == 0) {
if (updateJEIhiding) {
updateJEIhiding = false;
if (CompressorRecipes.steelIngotsPresent) {
// Update JEI to hide the ingot compressor recipe for GC steel in hard mode
GalacticraftJEI.updateHiddenSteel(ConfigManagerCore.hardMode && !ConfigManagerCore.challengeRecipes);
// Update JEI to hide adventure mode recipes when not in adventure mode
for (List<Footprint> fpList : FootprintRenderer.footprints.values()) {
Iterator<Footprint> fpIt = fpList.iterator();
while (fpIt.hasNext()) {
Footprint fp =;
fp.age += 20;
if (fp.age >= Footprint.MAX_AGE) {
if (player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(3) != null && player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(3).getItem() instanceof ItemSensorGlasses) {
for (int i = -4; i < 5; i++) {
int x = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posX + i);
for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++) {
int y = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posY + j);
for (int k = -4; k < 5; k++) {
int z = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posZ + k);
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
IBlockState state = player.worldObj.getBlockState(pos);
final Block block = state.getBlock();
if (block.getMaterial() != Material.air) {
int metadata = block.getMetaFromState(state);
boolean isDetectable = false;
for (BlockMetaList blockMetaList : ClientProxyCore.detectableBlocks) {
if (blockMetaList.getBlock() == block && blockMetaList.getMetaList().contains(metadata)) {
isDetectable = true;
if (isDetectable || (block instanceof IDetectableResource && ((IDetectableResource) block).isValueable(state))) {
ClientProxyCore.valueableBlocks.add(new BlockVec3(x, y, z));
TileEntityOxygenSealer nearestSealer = TileEntityOxygenSealer.getNearestSealer(world, MathHelper.floor_double(player.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(player.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(player.posZ));
if (nearestSealer != null && !nearestSealer.sealed) {
ClientProxyCore.leakTrace = nearestSealer.getLeakTraceClient();
} else {
ClientProxyCore.leakTrace = null;
} else {
ClientProxyCore.leakTrace = null;
if (world != null) {
if (MapUtil.resetClientFlag.getAndSet(false)) {
if (ClientProxyCore.leakTrace != null)
if (world != null && TickHandlerClient.spaceRaceGuiScheduled && minecraft.currentScreen == null && ConfigManagerCore.enableSpaceRaceManagerPopup) {
player.openGui(GalacticraftCore.instance, GuiIdsCore.SPACE_RACE_START, player.worldObj, (int) player.posX, (int) player.posY, (int) player.posZ);
TickHandlerClient.spaceRaceGuiScheduled = false;
if (world != null && TickHandlerClient.checkedVersion) {
TickHandlerClient.checkedVersion = false;
boolean inSpaceShip = false;
if (player.ridingEntity instanceof EntitySpaceshipBase) {
inSpaceShip = true;
EntitySpaceshipBase rocket = (EntitySpaceshipBase) player.ridingEntity;
if (rocket.prevRotationPitch != rocket.rotationPitch || rocket.prevRotationYaw != rocket.rotationYaw)
GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketRotateRocket(player.ridingEntity));
if (world != null) {
if (world.provider instanceof WorldProviderSurface) {
if (world.provider.getSkyRenderer() == null && inSpaceShip && player.ridingEntity.posY > Constants.OVERWORLD_SKYPROVIDER_STARTHEIGHT) {
world.provider.setSkyRenderer(new SkyProviderOverworld());
} else if (world.provider.getSkyRenderer() instanceof SkyProviderOverworld && player.posY <= Constants.OVERWORLD_SKYPROVIDER_STARTHEIGHT) {
} else if (world.provider instanceof WorldProviderSpaceStation) {
if (world.provider.getSkyRenderer() == null) {
((WorldProviderSpaceStation) world.provider).createSkyProvider();
} else if (world.provider instanceof WorldProviderMoon) {
if (world.provider.getSkyRenderer() == null) {
world.provider.setSkyRenderer(new SkyProviderMoon());
if (world.provider.getCloudRenderer() == null) {
world.provider.setCloudRenderer(new CloudRenderer());
if (inSpaceShip) {
final EntitySpaceshipBase ship = (EntitySpaceshipBase) player.ridingEntity;
boolean hasChanged = false;
if (minecraft.gameSettings.keyBindLeft.isKeyDown()) {
hasChanged = true;
if (minecraft.gameSettings.keyBindRight.isKeyDown()) {
hasChanged = true;
if (minecraft.gameSettings.keyBindForward.isKeyDown()) {
if (ship.getLaunched()) {
hasChanged = true;
if (minecraft.gameSettings.keyBindBack.isKeyDown()) {
if (ship.getLaunched()) {
hasChanged = true;
if (hasChanged) {
GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketRotateRocket(ship));
if (world != null) {
List entityList = world.loadedEntityList;
for (Object e : entityList) {
if (e instanceof IEntityNoisy) {
IEntityNoisy vehicle = (IEntityNoisy) e;
if (vehicle.getSoundUpdater() == null) {
ISound noise = vehicle.setSoundUpdater(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer);
if (noise != null) {
if (FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().currentScreen instanceof GuiCelestialSelection) {
player.motionY = 0;
if (world != null && world.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider && OxygenUtil.noAtmosphericCombustion(world.provider) && ((IGalacticraftWorldProvider) world.provider).shouldDisablePrecipitation()) {
boolean isPressed = KeyHandlerClient.spaceKey.isPressed();
if (!isPressed) {
ClientProxyCore.lastSpacebarDown = false;
if (player.ridingEntity != null && isPressed && !ClientProxyCore.lastSpacebarDown) {
GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketSimple(EnumSimplePacket.S_IGNITE_ROCKET, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(player.worldObj), new Object[] {}));
ClientProxyCore.lastSpacebarDown = true;
if (!(this.screenConnectionsUpdateList.isEmpty())) {
HashSet<TileEntityScreen> updateListCopy = (HashSet<TileEntityScreen>) screenConnectionsUpdateList.clone();
for (TileEntityScreen te : updateListCopy) {
if (te.getWorld().getBlockState(te.getPos()).getBlock() == GCBlocks.screen) {
if (te.refreshOnUpdate) {
te.getWorld().markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(te.getPos(), te.getPos());
} else if (event.phase == Phase.END) {
if (world != null) {
for (GalacticraftPacketHandler handler : packetHandlers) {
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityScreen in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TileEntityScreen method canJoinUp.
private boolean canJoinUp() {
int meta = this.getBlockMetadata();
TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1);
if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) {
return false;
TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te;
if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsLeft != this.connectionsLeft) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsRight != this.connectionsRight) {
return false;
if (this.connectionsLeft + this.connectionsRight > 0) {
return true;
if (this.connectionsDown > 0) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsUp > 0) {
return false;
return true;
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityScreen in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TileEntityScreen method canJoinRight.
private boolean canJoinRight() {
int meta = this.getBlockMetadata();
TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getRight(meta));
if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) {
return false;
TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te;
if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsUp != this.connectionsUp) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsDown != this.connectionsDown) {
return false;
if (this.connectionsUp + this.connectionsDown > 0) {
return true;
if (this.connectionsLeft > 0) {
return false;
if (screenTile.connectionsRight > 0) {
return false;
return true;
use of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityScreen in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class TileEntityScreen method breakScreen.
* Call when a screen (which maybe part of a multiscreen) is either
* broken or rotated.
* @param state The state of the screen prior to breaking or rotation
public void breakScreen(IBlockState state) {
BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this);
int meta = state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(state);
TileEntity tile;
EnumFacing facingRight = getFacing(state).rotateY();
int left = this.connectionsLeft;
int right = this.connectionsRight;
int up = this.connectionsUp;
int down = this.connectionsDown;
boolean doUp = this.connectedUp;
boolean doDown = this.connectedDown;
boolean doLeft = this.connectedLeft;
boolean doRight = this.connectedRight;
for (int x = -left; x <= right; x++) {
for (int z = -up; z <= down; z++) {
if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
} else {
BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(facingRight, x).modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, z);
tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj);
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).resetToSingle();
// TODO Try to generate largest screen possible out of remaining blocks
if (doUp) {
tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1);
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) {
if (doLeft) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true);
if (doRight) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true);
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true);
// if (doLeft) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true;
// if (doRight) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true;
// ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true;
((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true);
if (doDown) {
tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0);
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) {
if (doLeft) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true);
if (doRight) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true);
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true);
// if (doLeft) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true;
// if (doRight) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true;
// ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true;
((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true);
if (doLeft) {
tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getLeft(meta));
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) {
if (doUp) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true);
if (doDown) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true);
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true);
// if (doUp) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true;
// if (doDown) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true;
// ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true;
((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true);
if (doRight) {
tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getRight(meta));
if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) {
if (doUp) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true);
if (doDown) {
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true);
((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true);
// if (doUp) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true;
// if (doDown) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true;
// ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true;
((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true);