use of ml.shifu.shifu.container.obj.ColumnConfig in project shifu by ShifuML.
the class DTWorker method predictNodeIndex.
private Node predictNodeIndex(Node node, Data data, boolean isForErr) {
Node currNode = node;
Split split = currNode.getSplit();
// if is leaf
if (split == null || (currNode.getLeft() == null && currNode.getRight() == null)) {
return currNode;
ColumnConfig columnConfig = this.columnConfigList.get(split.getColumnNum());
Node nextNode = null;
Integer inputIndex = this.inputIndexMap.get(split.getColumnNum());
if (inputIndex == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("InputIndex should not be null: Split is " + split + ", inputIndexMap is " + this.inputIndexMap + ", data is " + data);
short value = 0;
if (columnConfig.isNumerical()) {
short binIndex = data.inputs[inputIndex];
value = binIndex;
double valueToBinLowestValue = columnConfig.getBinBoundary().get(binIndex);
if (valueToBinLowestValue < split.getThreshold()) {
nextNode = currNode.getLeft();
} else {
nextNode = currNode.getRight();
} else if (columnConfig.isCategorical()) {
short indexValue = (short) (columnConfig.getBinCategory().size());
value = indexValue;
if (data.inputs[inputIndex] >= 0 && data.inputs[inputIndex] < (short) (columnConfig.getBinCategory().size())) {
indexValue = data.inputs[inputIndex];
} else {
// for invalid category, set to last one
indexValue = (short) (columnConfig.getBinCategory().size());
Set<Short> childCategories = split.getLeftOrRightCategories();
if (split.isLeft()) {
if (childCategories.contains(indexValue)) {
nextNode = currNode.getLeft();
} else {
nextNode = currNode.getRight();
} else {
if (childCategories.contains(indexValue)) {
nextNode = currNode.getRight();
} else {
nextNode = currNode.getLeft();
if (nextNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("NextNode is null, parent id is " + currNode.getId() + "; parent split is " + split + "; left is " + currNode.getLeft() + "; right is " + currNode.getRight() + "; value is " + value);
return predictNodeIndex(nextNode, data, isForErr);
use of ml.shifu.shifu.container.obj.ColumnConfig in project shifu by ShifuML.
the class DTWorker method initTodoNodeStats.
private Map<Integer, NodeStats> initTodoNodeStats(Map<Integer, TreeNode> todoNodes) {
Map<Integer, NodeStats> statistics = new HashMap<Integer, NodeStats>(todoNodes.size(), 1f);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeNode> entry : todoNodes.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> features = entry.getValue().getFeatures();
if (features.isEmpty()) {
features = getAllValidFeatures();
Map<Integer, double[]> featureStatistics = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>(features.size(), 1f);
for (Integer columnNum : features) {
ColumnConfig columnConfig = this.columnConfigList.get(columnNum);
if (columnConfig.isNumerical()) {
// TODO, how to process null bin
int featureStatsSize = columnConfig.getBinBoundary().size() * this.impurity.getStatsSize();
featureStatistics.put(columnNum, new double[featureStatsSize]);
} else if (columnConfig.isCategorical()) {
// the last one is for invalid value category like ?, *, ...
int featureStatsSize = (columnConfig.getBinCategory().size() + 1) * this.impurity.getStatsSize();
featureStatistics.put(columnNum, new double[featureStatsSize]);
NodeStats nodeStats = new NodeStats(entry.getValue().getTreeId(), entry.getValue().getNode().getId(), featureStatistics);
statistics.put(entry.getKey(), nodeStats);
return statistics;
use of ml.shifu.shifu.container.obj.ColumnConfig in project shifu by ShifuML.
the class DTWorker method init.
public void init(WorkerContext<DTMasterParams, DTWorkerParams> context) {
Properties props = context.getProps();
try {
SourceType sourceType = SourceType.valueOf(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.MODELSET_SOURCE_TYPE, SourceType.HDFS.toString()));
this.modelConfig = CommonUtils.loadModelConfig(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_MODEL_CONFIG), sourceType);
this.columnConfigList = CommonUtils.loadColumnConfigList(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_COLUMN_CONFIG), sourceType);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
this.columnCategoryIndexMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Integer>>();
for (ColumnConfig config : this.columnConfigList) {
if (config.isCategorical()) {
if (config.getBinCategory() != null) {
Map<String, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < config.getBinCategory().size(); i++) {
List<String> catVals = CommonUtils.flattenCatValGrp(config.getBinCategory().get(i));
for (String cval : catVals) {
tmpMap.put(cval, i);
this.columnCategoryIndexMapping.put(config.getColumnNum(), tmpMap);
this.hasCandidates = CommonUtils.hasCandidateColumns(columnConfigList);
// create Splitter
String delimiter = context.getProps().getProperty(Constants.SHIFU_OUTPUT_DATA_DELIMITER);
this.splitter = MapReduceUtils.generateShifuOutputSplitter(delimiter);
Integer kCrossValidation = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getNumKFold();
if (kCrossValidation != null && kCrossValidation > 0) {
isKFoldCV = true;"Cross validation is enabled by kCrossValidation: {}.", kCrossValidation);
Double upSampleWeight = modelConfig.getTrain().getUpSampleWeight();
if (, 1d) != 0 && (modelConfig.isRegression() || (modelConfig.isClassification() && modelConfig.getTrain().isOneVsAll()))) {
// set mean to upSampleWeight -1 and get sample + 1 to make sure no zero sample value"Enable up sampling with weight {}.", upSampleWeight);
this.upSampleRng = new PoissonDistribution(upSampleWeight - 1);
this.isContinuousEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.CONTINUOUS_TRAINING));
this.workerThreadCount = modelConfig.getTrain().getWorkerThreadCount();
this.threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.workerThreadCount);
// enable shut down logic
context.addCompletionCallBack(new WorkerCompletionCallBack<DTMasterParams, DTWorkerParams>() {
public void callback(WorkerContext<DTMasterParams, DTWorkerParams> context) {
try {
DTWorker.this.threadPool.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
this.trainerId = Integer.valueOf(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_TRAINER_ID, "0"));
this.isOneVsAll = modelConfig.isClassification() && modelConfig.getTrain().isOneVsAll();
GridSearch gs = new GridSearch(modelConfig.getTrain().getParams(), modelConfig.getTrain().getGridConfigFileContent());
Map<String, Object> validParams = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getParams();
if (gs.hasHyperParam()) {
validParams = gs.getParams(this.trainerId);"Start grid search worker with params: {}", validParams);
this.treeNum = Integer.valueOf(validParams.get("TreeNum").toString());
double memoryFraction = Double.valueOf(context.getProps().getProperty("", "0.6"));"Max heap memory: {}, fraction: {}", Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(), memoryFraction);
double validationRate = this.modelConfig.getValidSetRate();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(modelConfig.getValidationDataSetRawPath())) {
// fixed 0.6 and 0.4 of max memory for trainingData and validationData
this.trainingData = new MemoryLimitedList<Data>((long) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * memoryFraction * 0.6), new ArrayList<Data>());
this.validationData = new MemoryLimitedList<Data>((long) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * memoryFraction * 0.4), new ArrayList<Data>());
} else {
if (, 0d) != 0) {
this.trainingData = new MemoryLimitedList<Data>((long) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * memoryFraction * (1 - validationRate)), new ArrayList<Data>());
this.validationData = new MemoryLimitedList<Data>((long) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * memoryFraction * validationRate), new ArrayList<Data>());
} else {
this.trainingData = new MemoryLimitedList<Data>((long) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * memoryFraction), new ArrayList<Data>());
int[] inputOutputIndex = DTrainUtils.getNumericAndCategoricalInputAndOutputCounts(this.columnConfigList);
// numerical + categorical = # of all input
this.inputCount = inputOutputIndex[0] + inputOutputIndex[1];
// regression outputNodeCount is 1, binaryClassfication, it is 1, OneVsAll it is 1, Native classification it is
// 1, with index of 0,1,2,3 denotes different classes
this.isAfterVarSelect = (inputOutputIndex[3] == 1);
this.isManualValidation = (modelConfig.getValidationDataSetRawPath() != null && !"".equals(modelConfig.getValidationDataSetRawPath()));
int numClasses = this.modelConfig.isClassification() ? this.modelConfig.getTags().size() : 2;
String imStr = validParams.get("Impurity").toString();
int minInstancesPerNode = Integer.valueOf(validParams.get("MinInstancesPerNode").toString());
double minInfoGain = Double.valueOf(validParams.get("MinInfoGain").toString());
if (imStr.equalsIgnoreCase("entropy")) {
impurity = new Entropy(numClasses, minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain);
} else if (imStr.equalsIgnoreCase("gini")) {
impurity = new Gini(numClasses, minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain);
} else if (imStr.equalsIgnoreCase("friedmanmse")) {
impurity = new FriedmanMSE(minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain);
} else {
impurity = new Variance(minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain);
this.isRF = ALGORITHM.RF.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(modelConfig.getAlgorithm());
this.isGBDT = ALGORITHM.GBT.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(modelConfig.getAlgorithm());
String lossStr = validParams.get("Loss").toString();
if (lossStr.equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
this.loss = new LogLoss();
} else if (lossStr.equalsIgnoreCase("absolute")) {
this.loss = new AbsoluteLoss();
} else if (lossStr.equalsIgnoreCase("halfgradsquared")) {
this.loss = new HalfGradSquaredLoss();
} else if (lossStr.equalsIgnoreCase("squared")) {
this.loss = new SquaredLoss();
} else {
try {
this.loss = (Loss) ClassUtils.newInstance(Class.forName(lossStr));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Class not found for {}, using default SquaredLoss", lossStr);
this.loss = new SquaredLoss();
if (this.isGBDT) {
this.learningRate = Double.valueOf(validParams.get(CommonConstants.LEARNING_RATE).toString());
Object swrObj = validParams.get("GBTSampleWithReplacement");
if (swrObj != null) {
this.gbdtSampleWithReplacement = Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(swrObj.toString());
Object dropoutObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.DROPOUT_RATE);
if (dropoutObj != null) {
this.dropOutRate = Double.valueOf(dropoutObj.toString());
this.isStratifiedSampling = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getStratifiedSample();
this.checkpointOutput = new Path(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_DT_MASTER_CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, "tmp/cp_" + context.getAppId()));"Worker init params:isAfterVarSel={}, treeNum={}, impurity={}, loss={}, learningRate={}, gbdtSampleWithReplacement={}, isRF={}, isGBDT={}, isStratifiedSampling={}, isKFoldCV={}, kCrossValidation={}, dropOutRate={}", isAfterVarSelect, treeNum, impurity.getClass().getName(), loss.getClass().getName(), this.learningRate, this.gbdtSampleWithReplacement, this.isRF, this.isGBDT, this.isStratifiedSampling, this.isKFoldCV, kCrossValidation, this.dropOutRate);
// for fail over, load existing trees
if (!context.isFirstIteration()) {
if (this.isGBDT) {
// set flag here and recover later in doComputing, this is to make sure recover after load part which
// can load latest trees in #doCompute
isNeedRecoverGBDTPredict = true;
} else {
// RF , trees are recovered from last master results
recoverTrees = context.getLastMasterResult().getTrees();
if (context.isFirstIteration() && this.isContinuousEnabled && this.isGBDT) {
Path modelPath = new Path(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.GUAGUA_OUTPUT));
TreeModel existingModel = null;
try {
existingModel = (TreeModel) ModelSpecLoaderUtils.loadModel(modelConfig, modelPath, ShifuFileUtils.getFileSystemBySourceType(this.modelConfig.getDataSet().getSource()));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error in get existing model, will ignore and start from scratch", e);
if (existingModel == null) {
LOG.warn("No model is found even set to continuous model training.");
} else {
recoverTrees = existingModel.getTrees();"Loading existing {} trees", recoverTrees.size());
use of ml.shifu.shifu.container.obj.ColumnConfig in project shifu by ShifuML.
the class FastCorrelationMapper method setup.
protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
this.dataSetDelimiter = modelConfig.getDataSetDelimiter();
this.dataPurifier = new DataPurifier(modelConfig, false);
this.isComputeAll = Boolean.valueOf(context.getConfiguration().get(Constants.SHIFU_CORRELATION_COMPUTE_ALL, "false"));
this.outputKey = new IntWritable();
this.correlationMap = new HashMap<Integer, CorrelationWritable>();
for (ColumnConfig config : columnConfigList) {
if (config.isCategorical()) {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
if (config.getBinCategory() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < config.getBinCategory().size(); i++) {
List<String> cvals = CommonUtils.flattenCatValGrp(config.getBinCategory().get(i));
for (String cval : cvals) {
map.put(cval, i);
this.categoricalIndexMap.put(config.getColumnNum(), map);
if (modelConfig != null && modelConfig.getPosTags() != null) {
this.posTagSet = new HashSet<String>(modelConfig.getPosTags());
if (modelConfig != null && modelConfig.getNegTags() != null) {
this.negTagSet = new HashSet<String>(modelConfig.getNegTags());
if (modelConfig != null && modelConfig.getFlattenTags() != null) {
this.tagSet = new HashSet<String>(modelConfig.getFlattenTags());
if (modelConfig != null) {
this.tags = modelConfig.getSetTags();
use of ml.shifu.shifu.container.obj.ColumnConfig in project shifu by ShifuML.
the class DTrainUtils method getNumericAndCategoricalInputAndOutputCounts.
* Get numeric and categorical input nodes number (final select) and output nodes number from column config, and
* candidate input node number.
* <p>
* If number of column in final-select is 0, which means to select all non meta and non target columns. So the input
* number is set to all candidates.
* @param columnConfigList
* the column config list
* @return [input, output, candidate]
* @throws NullPointerException
* if columnConfigList or ColumnConfig object in columnConfigList is null.
public static int[] getNumericAndCategoricalInputAndOutputCounts(List<ColumnConfig> columnConfigList) {
int numericInput = 0, categoricalInput = 0, output = 0, numericCandidateInput = 0, categoricalCandidateInput = 0;
boolean hasCandidates = CommonUtils.hasCandidateColumns(columnConfigList);
for (ColumnConfig config : columnConfigList) {
if (!config.isTarget() && !config.isMeta() && CommonUtils.isGoodCandidate(config, hasCandidates)) {
if (config.isNumerical()) {
numericCandidateInput += 1;
if (config.isCategorical()) {
categoricalCandidateInput += 1;
if (config.isFinalSelect() && !config.isTarget() && !config.isMeta()) {
if (config.isNumerical()) {
numericInput += 1;
if (config.isCategorical()) {
categoricalInput += 1;
if (config.isTarget()) {
output += 1;
// check if it is after varselect, if not, no variable is set to finalSelect which means, all good variable
// should be set as finalSelect TODO, bad practice, refactor me
int isVarSelect = 1;
if (numericInput == 0 && categoricalInput == 0) {
numericInput = numericCandidateInput;
categoricalInput = categoricalCandidateInput;
isVarSelect = 0;
return new int[] { numericInput, categoricalInput, output, isVarSelect };