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Example 6 with Rule

use of model.Rule in project Smiles2Monomers by yoann-dufresne.

the class ResidueJsonLoader method fillLinksJSO.

private String fillLinksJSO(JSONArray links, Residue res) {
    IMolecule mol = res.getMolecule();
    String smiles = SmilesConverter.conv.mol2Smiles(mol, false);
    List<IAtom> order = SmilesConverter.conv.getOrder();
    for (IAtom a : res.getAtomicLinks().keySet()) {
        JSONObject jso = new JSONObject();
        Rule rule = res.getAtomicLinks().get(a);
        jso.put("name", rule.getName());
        jso.put("atom", order.indexOf(a));
    return smiles;
Also used : IMolecule(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IMolecule) JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) Rule(model.Rule) IAtom(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom)

Example 7 with Rule

use of model.Rule in project Smiles2Monomers by yoann-dufresne.

the class ChainsFamilyMatching method addToCoverage.

private void addToCoverage(Family family, MappedChain mc, Residue res) {
    Match match = new Match(res);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < mc.getMatchings().size(); idx++) {
        match.addQuality(mc.getBondsMapping().get(idx), mc.getMatchings().get(idx));
    // Compute external bonds by aligning chain on residue
    // 1- Retrieve the chain on root residue
    int current = 200;
    List<MappedChain> onResidue = null;
    Residue rootMol = null;
    for (Residue root : family.getRoots()) {
        List<MappedChain> mcs = Isomorphism.searchAChain(mc.getChain(), root, MatchingType.EXACT);
        if (mcs.size() > 0 && current > mcs.size()) {
            current = mcs.size();
            onResidue = mcs;
            rootMol = root;
    // 2- Look for atoms of interest
    MappedChain resMapping = onResidue.get(0);
    for (IAtom ia : rootMol.getAtomicLinks().keySet()) {
        Rule r = rootMol.getAtomicLinks().get(ia);
        int resMolIdx = rootMol.getMolecule().getAtomNumber(ia);
        int chainIdx = resMapping.getAtomsMapping().indexOf(resMolIdx);
        match.addExtLink(mc.getAtomsMapping().get(chainIdx), r);
    // Add the match
    if (!this.coverage.getMatches().contains(match))
Also used : MappedChain(algorithms.isomorphism.chains.MappedChain) Residue(model.Residue) Rule(model.Rule) IAtom(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom) Match(algorithms.utils.Match)

Example 8 with Rule

use of model.Rule in project Smiles2Monomers by yoann-dufresne.

the class ResidueCreator method createResidues.

 * Create all residues from the argument monomers database according to rules entered in paramaters of the constructor.
 * @param monosDBName A monomers database.
 * @return All possible residues found.
public FamilyDB createResidues(MonomersDB monosDB) {
    FamilyDB famDB = new FamilyDB();
    for (Family family : famDB.getFamilies()) {
        for (Residue res : family.getResidues()) {
            IMolecule oldMol = res.getMolecule();
            res.setMol(new Molecule(AtomContainerManipulator.removeHydrogens(res.getMolecule())));
            IMolecule newMol = res.getMolecule();
            Map<IAtom, IAtom> conversion = new HashMap<>();
            int idx = 0;
            for (IAtom a : oldMol.atoms()) {
                if (!"H".equals(a.getSymbol())) {
                    conversion.put(a, newMol.getAtom(idx));
            Map<IAtom, Rule> oldLinks = new HashMap<>(res.getAtomicLinks());
            for (IAtom oldA : oldLinks.keySet()) {
                Rule rule = oldLinks.get(oldA);
                res.addLink(conversion.get(oldA), rule);
    return famDB;
Also used : Molecule(org.openscience.cdk.Molecule) IMolecule(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IMolecule) IMolecule(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IMolecule) Residue(model.Residue) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Family(model.Family) FamilyDB(db.FamilyDB) Rule(model.Rule) IAtom(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom)


Rule (model.Rule)8 Residue (model.Residue)6 IAtom (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom)6 Family (model.Family)3 IMolecule (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IMolecule)3 FamilyDB (db.FamilyDB)2 Monomer (model.Monomer)2 JSONArray (org.json.simple.JSONArray)2 JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 MappedChain (algorithms.isomorphism.chains.MappedChain)1 Match (algorithms.utils.Match)1 RulesDB (db.RulesDB)1 ResidueJsonLoader (io.loaders.json.ResidueJsonLoader)1 File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Molecule (org.openscience.cdk.Molecule)1