use of model.db.Contact in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class StandingOrderService method smartUpdateStandingOrderConfirmation.
* Creates a {@code SpeechletResponse} for the standing orders intent.
* @return SpeechletResponse spoken and visual response for the given intent
private SpeechletResponse smartUpdateStandingOrderConfirmation(Intent intent, Session session) {"SmartStandingOrders called.");
Map<String, Slot> slots = intent.getSlots();
Collection<StandingOrder> standingOrdersCollection = AccountAPI.getStandingOrdersForAccount(ACCOUNT_NUMBER);
standingOrders = new ArrayList<>(standingOrdersCollection);
SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard();
Slot payeeSlot = slots.get("Payee");
String payee = (payeeSlot == null ? null : payeeSlot.getValue());
Slot payeeSecondNameSlot = slots.get("PayeeSecondName");
String payeeSecondName = (payeeSecondNameSlot == null ? null : payeeSecondNameSlot.getValue());
Slot amountSlot = slots.get("orderAmount");
String amount = (amountSlot == null ? null : amountSlot.getValue());
String payeeFullName;
if (payee == null) {
payeeFullName = payeeSecondName.toLowerCase();
} else if (payeeSecondName == null) {
payeeFullName = payee.toLowerCase();
} else {
payeeFullName = (payee + " " + payeeSecondName).toLowerCase();
}"full name: " + payeeFullName);
session.setAttribute("NewAmount", amount);
session.setAttribute("Payee", payee);
session.setAttribute("PayeeSecondName", payeeSecondName);
for (StandingOrder standingOrder : standingOrders) {
String amountString = Integer.toString(standingOrder.getAmount().intValue()); + ": " + payeeFullName);
if (standingOrder.getPayee().toLowerCase().equals(payeeFullName)) {
// getting data object
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");
Date executionDate;
try {
executionDate = dateFormat.parse(standingOrder.getFirstExecution());
} catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
// Create the plain text output
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Der Dauerauftrag für " + payeeFullName + " über " + standingOrder.getAmount() + " Euro existiert schon. Möchtest du diesen aktualisieren");
session.setAttribute("StandingOrderToModify", standingOrder.getStandingOrderId());
// Create reprompt
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
// creating a new stating order if its in contact list
List<Contact> contactList = DynamoDbMapper.getInstance().loadAll(Contact.class);
List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>(contactList);
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++) {;
if (contacts.get(i).getName().toString().toLowerCase().equals(payeeFullName)) {
StandingOrder standingOrder = new StandingOrder();
AccountAPI.createStandingOrderForAccount(ACCOUNT_NUMBER, standingOrder);
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Ich habe den neuen Dauerauftrag für" + payeeFullName + " über " + amount + " Euro erfolgreich eingerichtet");
// deleting attributes
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card);
// Contact not found
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Ich habe " + payeeFullName + " in deiner Kontaktliste nicht gefunden. " + "Du musst ihm erst in der Kontaktliste hinzufügen");
// deleting attributes
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card);
use of model.db.Contact in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ContactService method createNewContact.
private SpeechletResponse createNewContact(Session session) {
// Acutally create and save contact
String contactName = (String) session.getAttribute("ContactName");
Contact contact = new Contact(contactName, "DE50100000000000000001");
return getResponse(CONTACTS, "Okay! Der Kontakt " + contactName + " wurde angelegt.");
use of model.db.Contact in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class AmosAlexaSimpleTestImpl method contactTest.
public void contactTest() throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, IOException {
// Get today´s date in the right format
Date now = new Date();
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String todayDate = formatter.format(now);
// Create a transaction that we can use for ContactAddIntent (ingoing transaction)
Transaction transaction = TransactionAPI.createTransaction(1, AmosAlexaSpeechlet.ACCOUNT_IBAN, /*"DE60100000000000000001"*/
"DE50100000000000000001", todayDate, "Ueberweisung fuer Unit Test", null, "Sandra");
int transactionId1 = 18877; //transaction.getTransactionId().intValue();
int transactionId2 = 6328; //transaction without remitter or payee
int transactionId3 = 23432423; //transaction not existent
int transactionId1 = transaction.getTransactionId().intValue();
// int transactionId2 = 6328; //transaction without remitter or payee
// transaction not existent
int transactionId3 = 23432423;
// for transactionId1 //transaction.getRemitter();
String transactionRemitter = "Sandra";
// Test add contact no transaction number given
testIntent("ContactAddIntent", "TransactionNumber: ", "Das habe ich nicht ganz verstanden. Bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe.");
// Test add contact successful
testIntent("ContactAddIntent", "TransactionNumber:" + transactionId1, "Moechtest du " + transactionRemitter + " als " + "Kontakt speichern?");
testIntent("AMAZON.YesIntent", "Okay! Der Kontakt Sandra wurde angelegt.");
// Test add contact unknown payee/remitter
"TransactionNumber:" + transactionId2, "Ich kann fuer diese Transaktion keine Kontaktdaten speichern, weil der Name des Auftraggebers" +
" nicht bekannt ist. Bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe oder breche ab, indem du \"Alexa, Stop!\" sagst.");
// Test add contact transaction not existent
testIntent("ContactAddIntent", "TransactionNumber:" + transactionId3, "Ich habe keine Transaktion mit dieser Nummer gefunden." + " Bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe.");
// Get the contact that we just created by searching for the contact with highest id
List<Contact> allContacts = DynamoDbMapper.getInstance().loadAll(Contact.class);
final Comparator<Contact> comp2 = Comparator.comparingInt(c -> c.getId());
Contact latestContact =;"Contact: " + latestContact.getName());
String latestContactId = String.valueOf(latestContact.getId());
// Test contact list
testIntentMatches("ContactListInfoIntent", "Kontakt \\d+: Name: (.*), IBAN: (.*).(.*)");
// Test delete contact. Therefore delete the contact that we just created.
testIntent("ContactDeleteIntent", "ContactID:" + latestContactId, "Moechtest du Kontakt Nummer " + latestContactId + " wirklich " + "loeschen?");
testIntent("AMAZON.YesIntent", "Kontakt wurde geloescht.");
use of model.db.Contact in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ContactTest method createAndDeleteContact.
public void createAndDeleteContact() {
Contact contact = new Contact("Lucas", "DE12345678901234");
List<Contact> contacts = DynamoDbMapper.getInstance().loadAll(Contact.class);
contacts = DynamoDbMapper.getInstance().loadAll(Contact.class);
use of model.db.Contact in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ContactTransferService method confirm.
private SpeechletResponse confirm(Session session) {
Object contactsFoundObj = SESSION_STORAGE.getObject(session.getSessionId(), SESSION_PREFIX + ".contactsFound");
if (contactsFoundObj == null || !(contactsFoundObj instanceof List)) {
return getResponse(CONTACT_TRANSFER_CARD, "Da ist etwas schiefgegangen. Tut mir Leid.");
Object choiceObj = session.getAttribute(SESSION_PREFIX + ".choice");
if (choiceObj == null || !(choiceObj instanceof Integer)) {
return getResponse(CONTACT_TRANSFER_CARD, "Da ist etwas schiefgegangen. Tut mir Leid.");
Object amountObj = session.getAttribute(SESSION_PREFIX + ".amount");
if (amountObj == null || !(amountObj instanceof Double || amountObj instanceof Integer)) {
return getResponse(CONTACT_TRANSFER_CARD, "Da ist etwas schiefgegangen. Tut mir Leid.");
Contact contact = ((List<Contact>) contactsFoundObj).get((int) choiceObj - 1);
double amount;
if (amountObj instanceof Double) {
amount = (double) amountObj;
} else {
amount = (int) amountObj;
Account account = AccountAPI.getAccount(ACCOUNT_NUMBER);
String balanceBeforeTransation = String.valueOf(account.getBalance());
return getAskResponse(CONTACT_TRANSFER_CARD, "Dein aktueller Kontostand beträgt " + balanceBeforeTransation + " Euro. Möchtest du " + amount + " Euro an " + contact.getName() + " überweisen?");