use of models.AppResult in project dr-elephant by linkedin.
the class Application method restCompare.
* The Rest API for Compare Feature
* E.g., localhost:8080/rest/compare?flow-exec-id1=abc&flow-exec-id2=xyz
public static Result restCompare() {
DynamicForm form = Form.form().bindFromRequest(request());
String flowExecId1 = form.get(COMPARE_FLOW_ID1);
flowExecId1 = (flowExecId1 != null) ? flowExecId1.trim() : null;
String flowExecId2 = form.get(COMPARE_FLOW_ID2);
flowExecId2 = (flowExecId2 != null) ? flowExecId2.trim() : null;
List<AppResult> results1 = null;
List<AppResult> results2 = null;
if (flowExecId1 != null && !flowExecId1.isEmpty() && flowExecId2 != null && !flowExecId2.isEmpty()) {
results1 ="*").where().eq(AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_EXEC_ID, flowExecId1).setMaxRows(100).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").findList();
results2 ="*").where().eq(AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_EXEC_ID, flowExecId2).setMaxRows(100).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").findList();
Map<IdUrlPair, Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>>> compareResults = compareFlows(results1, results2);
Map<String, Map<String, List<AppResult>>> resMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<AppResult>>>();
for (Map.Entry<IdUrlPair, Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>>> entry : compareResults.entrySet()) {
IdUrlPair jobExecPair = entry.getKey();
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> value = entry.getValue();
for (Map.Entry<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> innerEntry : value.entrySet()) {
IdUrlPair flowExecPair = innerEntry.getKey();
List<AppResult> results = innerEntry.getValue();
Map<String, List<AppResult>> resultMap = new HashMap<String, List<AppResult>>();
resultMap.put(flowExecPair.getId(), results);
resMap.put(jobExecPair.getId(), resultMap);
return ok(Json.toJson(resMap));
use of models.AppResult in project dr-elephant by linkedin.
the class Application method restSearch.
* The Rest API for Search Feature
* http://localhost:8080/rest/search?username=abc&job-type=HadoopJava
public static Result restSearch() {
DynamicForm form = Form.form().bindFromRequest(request());
String appId = form.get(APP_ID);
appId = appId != null ? appId.trim() : "";
if (appId.contains("job")) {
appId = appId.replaceAll("job", "application");
String flowExecId = form.get(FLOW_EXEC_ID);
flowExecId = (flowExecId != null) ? flowExecId.trim() : null;
if (!appId.isEmpty()) {
AppResult result ="*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").where().idEq(appId).findUnique();
if (result != null) {
return ok(Json.toJson(result));
} else {
return notFound("Unable to find record on id: " + appId);
} else if (flowExecId != null && !flowExecId.isEmpty()) {
List<AppResult> results ="*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").where().eq(AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_EXEC_ID, flowExecId).findList();
if (results.size() == 0) {
return notFound("Unable to find record on flow execution: " + flowExecId);
} else {
return ok(Json.toJson(results));
int page = 1;
if (request().queryString().containsKey(PAGE)) {
page = Integer.parseInt(request().queryString().get(PAGE)[0]);
if (page <= 0) {
page = 1;
Query<AppResult> query = generateSearchQuery("*", getSearchParams());
List<AppResult> results = query.setFirstRow((page - 1) * REST_PAGE_LENGTH).setMaxRows(REST_PAGE_LENGTH).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").findList();
if (results.size() == 0) {
return notFound("No records");
} else {
return ok(Json.toJson(results));
use of models.AppResult in project dr-elephant by linkedin.
the class Application method search.
* Controls the Search Feature
public static Result search() {
DynamicForm form = Form.form().bindFromRequest(request());
String appId = form.get(APP_ID);
appId = appId != null ? appId.trim() : "";
if (appId.contains("job")) {
appId = appId.replaceAll("job", "application");
String partialFlowExecId = form.get(FLOW_EXEC_ID);
partialFlowExecId = (partialFlowExecId != null) ? partialFlowExecId.trim() : null;
String jobDefId = form.get(JOB_DEF_ID);
jobDefId = jobDefId != null ? jobDefId.trim() : "";
// Search and display job details when job id or flow execution url is provided.
if (!appId.isEmpty()) {
AppResult result ="*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, "*").fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS + "." + AppHeuristicResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULT_DETAILS, "*").where().idEq(appId).findUnique();
return ok(searchPage.render(null, jobDetails.render(result)));
} else if (Utils.isSet(partialFlowExecId)) {
IdUrlPair flowExecPair = bestSchedulerInfoMatchGivenPartialId(partialFlowExecId, AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_EXEC_ID);
List<AppResult> results = + "," + AppResult.TABLE.JOB_EXEC_ID).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, AppHeuristicResult.getSearchFields()).where().eq(AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_EXEC_ID, flowExecPair.getId()).findList();
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> map = ControllerUtil.groupJobs(results, ControllerUtil.GroupBy.JOB_EXECUTION_ID);
return ok(searchPage.render(null, flowDetails.render(flowExecPair, map)));
} else if (!jobDefId.isEmpty()) {
List<AppResult> results = + "," + AppResult.TABLE.JOB_DEF_ID).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, AppHeuristicResult.getSearchFields()).where().eq(AppResult.TABLE.JOB_DEF_ID, jobDefId).findList();
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> map = ControllerUtil.groupJobs(results, ControllerUtil.GroupBy.FLOW_EXECUTION_ID);
// all results should have the same flow id
String flowDefId = (results.isEmpty()) ? "" : results.get(0).flowDefId;
IdUrlPair flowDefIdPair = new IdUrlPair(flowDefId, AppResult.TABLE.FLOW_DEF_URL);
return ok(searchPage.render(null, flowDefinitionIdDetails.render(flowDefIdPair, map)));
// Prepare pagination of results
PaginationStats paginationStats = new PaginationStats(PAGE_LENGTH, PAGE_BAR_LENGTH);
int pageLength = paginationStats.getPageLength();
final Map<String, String[]> searchString = request().queryString();
if (searchString.containsKey(PAGE)) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
logger.error("Error parsing page number. Setting current page to 1.");
int currentPage = paginationStats.getCurrentPage();
int paginationBarStartIndex = paginationStats.getPaginationBarStartIndex();
// Filter jobs by search parameters
Query<AppResult> query = generateSearchQuery(AppResult.getSearchFields(), getSearchParams());
List<AppResult> results = query.setFirstRow((paginationBarStartIndex - 1) * pageLength).setMaxRows((paginationStats.getPageBarLength() - 1) * pageLength + 1).fetch(AppResult.TABLE.APP_HEURISTIC_RESULTS, AppHeuristicResult.getSearchFields()).findList();
if (results.isEmpty() || currentPage > paginationStats.computePaginationBarEndIndex(results.size())) {
return ok(searchPage.render(null, jobDetails.render(null)));
} else {
List<AppResult> resultsToDisplay = results.subList((currentPage - paginationBarStartIndex) * pageLength, Math.min(results.size(), (currentPage - paginationBarStartIndex + 1) * pageLength));
return ok(searchPage.render(paginationStats, searchResults.render(String.format("Results: Showing %,d of %,d", resultsToDisplay.size(), query.findRowCount()), resultsToDisplay)));
use of models.AppResult in project dr-elephant by linkedin.
the class Application method restJobGraphData.
* The data for plotting the job history graph. While plotting the job history
* graph an ajax call is made to this to fetch the graph data.
* Data Returned:
* <pre>
* {@code
* [
* {
* "flowtime": <Last job's finish time>,
* "score": 1000,
* "stagescores": [
* {
* "stageid:" "id",
* "stagescore": 500
* },
* {
* "stageid:" "id",
* "stagescore": 500
* }
* ]
* },
* {
* "flowtime": <Last job's finish time>,
* "score": 700,
* "stagescores": [
* {
* "stageid:" "id",
* "stagescore": 0
* },
* {
* "stageid:" "id",
* "stagescore": 700
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* }
* </pre>
public static Result restJobGraphData(String jobDefId) {
JsonArray datasets = new JsonArray();
if (jobDefId == null || jobDefId.isEmpty()) {
return ok(new Gson().toJson(datasets));
// Fetch available flow executions with latest JOB_HISTORY_LIMIT mr jobs.
List<AppResult> results = getRestJobAppResults(jobDefId);
if (results.size() == 0) {"No results for Job url");
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> flowExecIdToJobsMap = ControllerUtil.limitHistoryResults(ControllerUtil.groupJobs(results, ControllerUtil.GroupBy.FLOW_EXECUTION_ID), results.size(), MAX_HISTORY_LIMIT);
// Compute the graph data starting from the earliest available execution to latest
List<IdUrlPair> keyList = new ArrayList<IdUrlPair>(flowExecIdToJobsMap.keySet());
for (int i = keyList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
IdUrlPair flowExecPair = keyList.get(i);
int jobPerfScore = 0;
JsonArray stageScores = new JsonArray();
List<AppResult> mrJobsList = Lists.reverse(flowExecIdToJobsMap.get(flowExecPair));
for (AppResult appResult : flowExecIdToJobsMap.get(flowExecPair)) {
// Each MR job triggered by jobDefId for flowExecId
int mrPerfScore = 0;
for (AppHeuristicResult appHeuristicResult : appResult.yarnAppHeuristicResults) {
mrPerfScore += appHeuristicResult.score;
// A particular mr stage
JsonObject stageScore = new JsonObject();
stageScore.addProperty("stagescore", mrPerfScore);
jobPerfScore += mrPerfScore;
// Execution record
JsonObject dataset = new JsonObject();
dataset.addProperty("flowtime", Utils.getFlowTime(mrJobsList.get(mrJobsList.size() - 1)));
dataset.addProperty("score", jobPerfScore);
dataset.add("stagescores", stageScores);
JsonArray sortedDatasets = Utils.sortJsonArray(datasets);
return ok(new Gson().toJson(sortedDatasets));
use of models.AppResult in project dr-elephant by linkedin.
the class Application method restFlowMetricsGraphData.
* Rest data to plot flot history graph using time and resource metrics. While plotting the flow history
* graph an ajax call is made to this to fetch the graph data.
* [
* {
* "flowtime": 1461744881991,
* "runtime": 3190223,
* "waittime": 368011,
* "resourceused": 180488192,
* "resourcewasted": 0,
* "jobmetrics": [
* {
* "runtime": 3190223,
* "waittime": 368011,
* "resourceused": 180488192,
* "resourcewasted": 0,
* "jobdefurl": "sampleURL"
* "jobexecurl": "sampleURL"
* }
* ]
* },
* {
* "flowtime": 1461818409959,
* "runtime": 897490,
* "waittime": 100703,
* "resourceused": 12863488,
* "resourcewasted": 0,
* "jobmetrics": [
* {
* "runtime": 897490,
* "waittime": 100703,
* "resourceused": 12863488,
* "resourcewasted": 0,
* "jobdefurl": "sampleURL"
* "jobexecurl": "sampleURL"
* }
* ]
public static Result restFlowMetricsGraphData(String flowDefId) {
JsonArray datasets = new JsonArray();
if (flowDefId == null || flowDefId.isEmpty()) {
return ok(new Gson().toJson(datasets));
List<AppResult> results = getRestFlowAppResults(flowDefId);
if (results.size() == 0) {"No results for Job url");
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> flowExecIdToJobsMap = ControllerUtil.limitHistoryResults(ControllerUtil.groupJobs(results, ControllerUtil.GroupBy.FLOW_EXECUTION_ID), results.size(), MAX_HISTORY_LIMIT);
// Compute the graph data starting from the earliest available execution to latest
List<IdUrlPair> keyList = new ArrayList<IdUrlPair>(flowExecIdToJobsMap.keySet());
for (int i = keyList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
IdUrlPair flowExecPair = keyList.get(i);
int flowPerfScore = 0;
JsonArray jobScores = new JsonArray();
List<AppResult> mrJobsList = Lists.reverse(flowExecIdToJobsMap.get(flowExecPair));
Map<IdUrlPair, List<AppResult>> jobDefIdToJobsMap = ControllerUtil.groupJobs(mrJobsList, ControllerUtil.GroupBy.JOB_DEFINITION_ID);
long totalFlowMemoryUsed = 0;
long totalFlowMemoryWasted = 0;
long totalFlowDelay = 0;
long totalFlowRuntime = 0;
// Compute the execution records. Note that each entry in the jobDefIdToJobsMap will have at least one AppResult
for (IdUrlPair jobDefPair : jobDefIdToJobsMap.keySet()) {
// Compute job perf score
long totalJobMemoryUsed = 0;
long totalJobMemoryWasted = 0;
long totalJobDelay = 0;
long totalJobRuntime = 0;
totalJobRuntime = Utils.getTotalRuntime(jobDefIdToJobsMap.get(jobDefPair));
totalJobDelay = Utils.getTotalWaittime(jobDefIdToJobsMap.get(jobDefPair));
for (AppResult job : jobDefIdToJobsMap.get(jobDefPair)) {
totalJobMemoryUsed += job.resourceUsed;
totalJobMemoryWasted += job.resourceWasted;
// A job in jobscores list
JsonObject jobScore = new JsonObject();
jobScore.addProperty("runtime", totalJobRuntime);
jobScore.addProperty("waittime", totalJobDelay);
jobScore.addProperty("resourceused", totalJobMemoryUsed);
jobScore.addProperty("resourcewasted", totalJobMemoryWasted);
jobScore.addProperty("jobdefurl", jobDefPair.getUrl());
jobScore.addProperty("jobexecurl", jobDefIdToJobsMap.get(jobDefPair).get(0).jobExecUrl);
totalFlowMemoryUsed += totalJobMemoryUsed;
totalFlowMemoryWasted += totalJobMemoryWasted;
totalFlowDelay = Utils.getTotalWaittime(flowExecIdToJobsMap.get(flowExecPair));
totalFlowRuntime = Utils.getTotalRuntime(flowExecIdToJobsMap.get(flowExecPair));
// Execution record
JsonObject dataset = new JsonObject();
dataset.addProperty("flowtime", Utils.getFlowTime(mrJobsList.get(mrJobsList.size() - 1)));
dataset.addProperty("runtime", totalFlowRuntime);
dataset.addProperty("waittime", totalFlowDelay);
dataset.addProperty("resourceused", totalFlowMemoryUsed);
dataset.addProperty("resourcewasted", totalFlowMemoryWasted);
dataset.add("jobmetrics", jobScores);
JsonArray sortedDatasets = Utils.sortJsonArray(datasets);
return ok(new Gson().toJson(sortedDatasets));