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Example 6 with AggStar

use of mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlConstraintUtils method getColumnExpr.

 * Get the column expression from the AggStar if provided or the regular
 * table if not, and ensure table is in From
public static String getColumnExpr(SqlQuery sqlQuery, AggStar aggStar, RolapStar.Column column) {
    final String expr;
    if (aggStar != null) {
        int bitPos = column.getBitPosition();
        AggStar.Table.Column aggColumn = aggStar.lookupColumn(bitPos);
        AggStar.Table table = aggColumn.getTable();
        table.addToFrom(sqlQuery, false, true);
        expr = aggColumn.generateExprString(sqlQuery);
    } else {
        RolapStar.Table table = column.getTable();
        table.addToFrom(sqlQuery, false, true);
        expr = column.generateExprString(sqlQuery);
    return expr;
Also used : Table(mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Table) AggStar(mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar) Table(mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Table)

Example 7 with AggStar

use of mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlConstraintUtils method constrainMultiLevelMembers.

 * Adds to the where clause of a query expression matching a specified
 * list of members
 * @param sqlQuery query containing the where clause
 * @param baseCube base cube if virtual
 * @param aggStar aggregate star if available
 * @param members list of constraining members
 * @param fromLevel lowest parent level that is unique
 * @param restrictMemberTypes defines the behavior when calculated members
 * are present
 * @param exclude whether to exclude the members. Default is false.
 * @return a non-empty String if SQL is generated for the multi-level
 * member list.
private static String constrainMultiLevelMembers(SqlQuery sqlQuery, RolapCube baseCube, AggStar aggStar, List<RolapMember> members, RolapLevel fromLevel, boolean restrictMemberTypes, boolean exclude) {
    // Use LinkedHashMap so that keySet() is deterministic.
    Map<RolapMember, List<RolapMember>> parentChildrenMap = new LinkedHashMap<RolapMember, List<RolapMember>>();
    StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder condition1 = new StringBuilder();
    if (exclude) {
        condition.append("not (");
    // First try to generate IN list for all members
    if (sqlQuery.getDialect().supportsMultiValueInExpr()) {
        condition1.append(generateMultiValueInExpr(sqlQuery, baseCube, aggStar, members, fromLevel, restrictMemberTypes, parentChildrenMap));
        if (parentChildrenMap.isEmpty()) {
            if (exclude) {
                // If there are no NULL values in the member levels, then
                // we're done except we need to also explicitly include
                // members containing nulls across all levels.
                condition.append(" or ");
                condition.append(generateMultiValueIsNullExprs(sqlQuery, baseCube, members.get(0), fromLevel, aggStar));
            return condition.toString();
    } else {
        for (RolapMember m : members) {
            if (m.isCalculated()) {
                if (restrictMemberTypes) {
                    throw Util.newInternal("addMemberConstraint: cannot " + "restrict SQL to calculated member :" + m);
            RolapMember p = m.getParentMember();
            List<RolapMember> childrenList = parentChildrenMap.get(p);
            if (childrenList == null) {
                childrenList = new ArrayList<RolapMember>();
                parentChildrenMap.put(p, childrenList);
    // Now we try to generate predicates for the remaining
    // parent-children group.
    // Note that NULLs are not used to enforce uniqueness
    // so we ignore the fromLevel here.
    boolean firstParent = true;
    StringBuilder condition2 = new StringBuilder();
    if (condition1.length() > 0) {
        // Some members have already been translated into IN list.
        firstParent = false;
        condition.append(" or ");
    RolapLevel memberLevel = members.get(0).getLevel();
    // should not contain null.
    for (RolapMember p : parentChildrenMap.keySet()) {
        assert p != null;
        if (condition2.toString().length() > 0) {
            condition2.append(" or ");
        // First generate ANDs for all members in the parent lineage of
        // this parent-children group
        int levelCount = 0;
        for (RolapMember gp = p; gp != null; gp = gp.getParentMember()) {
            if (gp.isAll()) {
                // Get the next parent
            RolapLevel level = gp.getLevel();
            // first parent-children group we're generating sql for
            if (firstParent) {
                RolapHierarchy hierarchy = level.getHierarchy();
                // this method can be called within the context of shared
                // members, outside of the normal rolap star, therefore
                // we need to check the level to see if it is a shared or
                // cube level.
                RolapStar.Column column = null;
                if (level instanceof RolapCubeLevel) {
                    column = ((RolapCubeLevel) level).getBaseStarKeyColumn(baseCube);
                if (column != null) {
                    if (aggStar != null) {
                        int bitPos = column.getBitPosition();
                        AggStar.Table.Column aggColumn = aggStar.lookupColumn(bitPos);
                        AggStar.Table table = aggColumn.getTable();
                        table.addToFrom(sqlQuery, false, true);
                    } else {
                        RolapStar.Table targetTable = column.getTable();
                        hierarchy.addToFrom(sqlQuery, targetTable);
                } else {
                    assert (aggStar == null);
                    hierarchy.addToFrom(sqlQuery, level.getKeyExp());
            if (levelCount > 0) {
                condition2.append(" and ");
            condition2.append(constrainLevel(level, sqlQuery, baseCube, aggStar, getColumnValue(level.nameExp != null ? gp.getName() : gp.getKey(), sqlQuery.getDialect(), level.getDatatype()), false));
            if (gp.getLevel() == fromLevel) {
                // SQL is completely generated for this parent
        firstParent = false;
        // Next, generate children for this parent-children group
        List<RolapMember> children = parentChildrenMap.get(p);
        // If no children to be generated for this parent then we are done
        if (!children.isEmpty()) {
            Map<RolapMember, List<RolapMember>> tmpParentChildrenMap = new HashMap<RolapMember, List<RolapMember>>();
            if (levelCount > 0) {
                condition2.append(" and ");
            RolapLevel childrenLevel = (RolapLevel) (p.getLevel().getChildLevel());
            if (sqlQuery.getDialect().supportsMultiValueInExpr() && childrenLevel != memberLevel) {
                // Multi-level children and multi-value IN list supported
                condition2.append(generateMultiValueInExpr(sqlQuery, baseCube, aggStar, children, childrenLevel, restrictMemberTypes, tmpParentChildrenMap));
                assert tmpParentChildrenMap.isEmpty();
            } else {
                // needs to be generated for this case.
                assert childrenLevel == memberLevel;
                condition2.append(generateSingleValueInExpr(sqlQuery, baseCube, aggStar, children, childrenLevel, restrictMemberTypes, false, true));
        // SQL is complete for this parent-children group.
    // In the case where multi-value IN expressions are not generated,
    // condition2 contains the entire filter condition.  In the
    // case of excludes, we also need to explicitly include null values,
    // minus the ones that are referenced in condition2.  Therefore,
    // we OR on a condition that corresponds to an OR'ing of IS NULL
    // filters on each level PLUS an exclusion of condition2.
    // Note that the expression generated is non-optimal in the case where
    // multi-value IN's cannot be used because we end up excluding
    // non-null values as well as the null ones.  Ideally, we only need to
    // exclude the expressions corresponding to nulls, which is possible
    // in the multi-value IN case, since we have a map of the null values.
    if (exclude) {
        condition.append(") or (");
        condition.append(generateMultiValueIsNullExprs(sqlQuery, baseCube, members.get(0), fromLevel, aggStar));
        condition.append(" and not(");
    return condition.toString();
Also used : Table(mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Table) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) AggStar(mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar) List(java.util.List) FilteredIterableList(mondrian.util.FilteredIterableList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) Column(mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Column) Table(mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Table)

Example 8 with AggStar

use of mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlTupleReader method generateSelectForLevels.

 * Generates the SQL string corresponding to the levels referenced.
 * @param dataSource jdbc connection that they query will execute against
 * @param baseCube this is the cube object for regular cubes, and the
 *   underlying base cube for virtual cubes
 * @param whichSelect Position of this select statement in a union
 * @param targetGroup the set of targets for which to generate a select
 * @return SQL statement string and types
Pair<String, List<SqlStatement.Type>> generateSelectForLevels(DataSource dataSource, RolapCube baseCube, WhichSelect whichSelect, List<TargetBase> targetGroup) {
    String s = "while generating query to retrieve members of level(s) " + targets;
    // Allow query to use optimization hints from the table definition
    SqlQuery sqlQuery = SqlQuery.newQuery(dataSource, s);
    Evaluator evaluator = getEvaluator(constraint);
    AggStar aggStar = chooseAggStar(constraint, evaluator, baseCube);
    // add the selects for all levels to fetch
    for (TargetBase target : targetGroup) {
        // then we don't need to generate sql for it
        if (target.getSrcMembers() == null) {
            addLevelMemberSql(sqlQuery, target.getLevel(), baseCube, whichSelect, aggStar);
    constraint.addConstraint(sqlQuery, baseCube, aggStar);
    return sqlQuery.toSqlAndTypes();
Also used : AggStar(mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar)

Example 9 with AggStar

use of mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class AggregationManager method generateSql.

 * Generates the query to retrieve the cells for a list of segments.
 * Called by Segment.load.
 * @return A pair consisting of a SQL statement and a list of suggested
 *     types of columns
public static Pair<String, List<SqlStatement.Type>> generateSql(GroupingSetsList groupingSetsList, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList) {
    final RolapStar star = groupingSetsList.getStar();
    BitKey levelBitKey = groupingSetsList.getDefaultLevelBitKey();
    BitKey measureBitKey = groupingSetsList.getDefaultMeasureBitKey();
    // Check if using aggregates is enabled.
    boolean hasCompoundPredicates = false;
    if (compoundPredicateList != null && compoundPredicateList.size() > 0) {
        // Do not use Aggregate tables if compound predicates are present.
        hasCompoundPredicates = true;
    if (MondrianProperties.instance().UseAggregates.get() && !hasCompoundPredicates) {
        final boolean[] rollup = { false };
        AggStar aggStar = findAgg(star, levelBitKey, measureBitKey, rollup);
        if (aggStar != null) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
                buf.append("MATCH: ");
                buf.append("   foreign=");
                buf.append("   measure=");
                buf.append("   aggstar=");
                for (AggStar.Table.Column column : aggStar.getFactTable().getColumns()) {
                    buf.append("   ");
            AggQuerySpec aggQuerySpec = new AggQuerySpec(aggStar, rollup[0], groupingSetsList);
            Pair<String, List<Type>> sql = aggQuerySpec.generateSqlQuery();
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("generateSqlQuery: sql=" + sql.left);
            return sql;
    // No match, fall through and use fact table.
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("NO MATCH : ");
        sb.append("Foreign columns bit key=");
        sb.append("Measure bit key=        ");
        sb.append("Agg Stars=[");
        for (AggStar aggStar : star.getAggStars()) {
    // Fact table query
    SegmentArrayQuerySpec spec = new SegmentArrayQuerySpec(groupingSetsList, compoundPredicateList);
    Pair<String, List<SqlStatement.Type>> pair = spec.generateSqlQuery();
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("generateSqlQuery: sql=" + pair.left);
    return pair;
Also used : AggStar(mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar)

Example 10 with AggStar

use of mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class AggregationManager method findAgg.

 * Finds an aggregate table in the given star which has the desired levels
 * and measures. Returns null if no aggregate table is suitable.
 * <p>If there no aggregate is an exact match, returns a more
 * granular aggregate which can be rolled up, and sets rollup to true.
 * If one or more of the measures are distinct-count measures
 * rollup is possible only in limited circumstances.
 * @param star Star
 * @param levelBitKey Set of levels
 * @param measureBitKey Set of measures
 * @param rollup Out parameter, is set to true if the aggregate is not
 *   an exact match
 * @return An aggregate, or null if none is suitable.
public static AggStar findAgg(RolapStar star, final BitKey levelBitKey, final BitKey measureBitKey, boolean[] rollup) {
    // can NOT have any foreign keys.
    assert rollup != null;
    BitKey fullBitKey = levelBitKey.or(measureBitKey);
    // a levelBitKey with all parent bits set.
    final BitKey expandedLevelBitKey = expandLevelBitKey(star, levelBitKey.copy());
    // we need only find the first one and return it.
    for (AggStar aggStar : star.getAggStars()) {
        // superset match
        if (!aggStar.superSetMatch(fullBitKey)) {
        boolean isDistinct = measureBitKey.intersects(aggStar.getDistinctMeasureBitKey());
        // we can use it without looking any further.
        if (!isDistinct) {
            // Need to use SUM if the query levels don't match
            // the agg stars levels, or if the agg star is not
            // fully collapsed.
            rollup[0] = !aggStar.isFullyCollapsed() || aggStar.hasIgnoredColumns() || (levelBitKey.isEmpty() || !aggStar.getLevelBitKey().equals(levelBitKey));
            return aggStar;
        } else if (aggStar.hasIgnoredColumns()) {
            // we cannot safely pull a distinct count from an agg
            // table if ignored columns are present since granularity
            // may not be at the level of the dc measure
   + " cannot be used for distinct-count measures since it has" + " unused or ignored columns.");
        // If there are distinct measures, we can only rollup in limited
        // circumstances.
        // No foreign keys (except when its used as a distinct count
        // measure).
        // Level key exact match.
        // Measure superset match.
        // Compute the core levels -- those which can be safely
        // rolled up to. For example,
        // if the measure is 'distinct customer count',
        // and the agg table has levels customer_id,
        // then gender is a core level.
        final BitKey distinctMeasuresBitKey = measureBitKey.and(aggStar.getDistinctMeasureBitKey());
        final BitSet distinctMeasures = distinctMeasuresBitKey.toBitSet();
        BitKey combinedLevelBitKey = null;
        for (int k = distinctMeasures.nextSetBit(0); k >= 0; k = distinctMeasures.nextSetBit(k + 1)) {
            final AggStar.FactTable.Measure distinctMeasure = aggStar.lookupMeasure(k);
            BitKey rollableLevelBitKey = distinctMeasure.getRollableLevelBitKey();
            if (combinedLevelBitKey == null) {
                combinedLevelBitKey = rollableLevelBitKey;
            } else {
                // TODO use '&=' to remove unnecessary copy
                combinedLevelBitKey = combinedLevelBitKey.and(rollableLevelBitKey);
        if (aggStar.hasForeignKeys()) {
                    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
                    buf.append("foreign =");
                    buf.append("measure =");
                    buf.append("aggstar =");
                    for (Iterator columnIter =
                         columnIter.hasNext();) {
                        AggStar.Table.Column column =
                        buf.append("   ");
            // This is a little pessimistic. If the measure is
            // 'count(distinct customer_id)' and one of the foreign keys is
            // 'customer_id' then it is OK to roll up.
            // Some of the measures in this query are distinct count.
            // Get all of the foreign key columns.
            // For each such measure, is it based upon a foreign key.
            // Are there any foreign keys left over. No, can use AggStar.
            BitKey fkBitKey = aggStar.getForeignKeyBitKey().copy();
            for (AggStar.FactTable.Measure measure : aggStar.getFactTable().getMeasures()) {
                if (measure.isDistinct()) {
                    if (measureBitKey.get(measure.getBitPosition())) {
            if (!fkBitKey.isEmpty()) {
                // AggStar.
        // so will still be an allowable agg match
        if (!, combinedLevelBitKey, measureBitKey)) {
        if (expandedLevelBitKey.isEmpty()) {
            // only the first (non-rolled-up) to be returned.
        rollup[0] = !aggStar.getLevelBitKey().equals(expandedLevelBitKey);
        return aggStar;
    return null;
Also used : AggStar(mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar)


AggStar (mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.AggStar)17 Table (mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Table)6 Column (mondrian.rolap.RolapStar.Column)5 SqlPattern (mondrian.test.SqlPattern)3 TestContext (mondrian.test.TestContext)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 MondrianDef (mondrian.olap.MondrianDef)2 SqlQuery (mondrian.rolap.sql.SqlQuery)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 List (java.util.List)1 TupleList (mondrian.calc.TupleList)1 ListColumnPredicate (mondrian.rolap.agg.ListColumnPredicate)1 JdbcSchema (mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher.JdbcSchema)1 TupleConstraint (mondrian.rolap.sql.TupleConstraint)1 Dialect (mondrian.spi.Dialect)1 FilteredIterableList (mondrian.util.FilteredIterableList)1