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Example 16 with Stamp

use of nars.entity.Stamp in project opennars by opennars.

the class Anticipate method anticipationFeedback.

public void anticipationFeedback(Term content, Task t, Memory memory) {
    if (anticipationOperator) {
        Operation op = (Operation) Operation.make(Product.make(Term.SELF, content), this);
        TruthValue truth = new TruthValue(1.0f, Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_CONFIDENCE);
        Stamp st;
        if (t == null) {
            st = new Stamp(memory);
        } else {
            st = t.sentence.stamp.clone();
        Sentence s = new Sentence(op, Symbols.JUDGMENT_MARK, truth, st);
        Task newTask = new Task(s, new BudgetValue(Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_PRIORITY * InternalExperience.INTERNAL_EXPERIENCE_PRIORITY_MUL, Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_DURABILITY * InternalExperience.INTERNAL_EXPERIENCE_DURABILITY_MUL, BudgetFunctions.truthToQuality(truth)), true);
        memory.addNewTask(newTask, "Perceived (Internal Experience: Anticipation)");
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Operation(nars.operator.Operation) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 17 with Stamp

use of nars.entity.Stamp in project opennars by opennars.

the class NAR method ask.

public NAR ask(String termString, AnswerHandler answered) throws InvalidInputException {
    Task t;
    addInput(t = new Task(new Sentence(new Narsese(this).parseTerm(termString), Symbols.QUESTION_MARK, null, new Stamp(memory, Tense.Eternal)), new BudgetValue(Parameters.DEFAULT_QUESTION_PRIORITY, Parameters.DEFAULT_QUESTION_DURABILITY, 1), true));
    if (answered != null) {
        answered.start(t, this);
    return this;
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) Narsese( Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 18 with Stamp

use of nars.entity.Stamp in project opennars by opennars.

the class Narsese method parseTask.

 * Enter a new Task in String into the memory, called from InputWindow or
 * locally.
 * @param s the single-line addInput String
 * @param memory Reference to the memory
 * @param time The current time
 * @return An experienced task
public Task parseTask(String s) throws InvalidInputException {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(Texts.escape(s));
    String budgetString = getBudgetString(buffer);
    String truthString = getTruthString(buffer);
    Tense tense = parseTense(buffer);
    String str = buffer.toString().trim();
    int last = str.length() - 1;
    char punc = str.charAt(last);
    Stamp stamp = new Stamp(-1, /* if -1, will be set right before the Task is input */
    tense, memory.newStampSerial(), Parameters.DURATION);
    TruthValue truth = parseTruth(truthString, punc);
    Term content = parseTerm(str.substring(0, last));
    if (content == null)
        throw new InvalidInputException("Content term missing");
    Sentence sentence = new Sentence(content, punc, truth, stamp);
    // if ((content instanceof Conjunction) && Variable.containVarDep(content.getName())) {
    // sentence.setRevisible(false);
    // }
    BudgetValue budget = parseBudget(budgetString, punc, truth);
    Task task = new Task(sentence, budget, true);
    return task;
Also used : Tense(nars.language.Tense) BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Term(nars.language.Term) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 19 with Stamp

use of nars.entity.Stamp in project opennars by opennars.

the class DerivationContext method derivedTask.

public boolean derivedTask(final Task task, final boolean revised, final boolean single, boolean overlapAllowed, boolean addToMemory) {
    if (task.sentence.isGoal() && (task.sentence.term instanceof Implication || task.sentence.term instanceof Equivalence)) {
        // implication and equivalence goals are not supported anymore
        return false;
    if (!task.budget.aboveThreshold()) {
        memory.removeTask(task, "Insufficient Budget");
        return false;
    if (task.sentence != null && task.sentence.truth != null) {
        float conf = task.sentence.truth.getConfidence();
        if (conf == 0) {
            // no confidence - we can delete the wrongs out that way.
            memory.removeTask(task, "Ignored (zero confidence)");
            return false;
    if (task.sentence.term instanceof Operation) {
        Operation op = (Operation) task.sentence.term;
        if (op.getSubject() instanceof Variable || op.getPredicate() instanceof Variable) {
            memory.removeTask(task, "Operation with variable as subject or predicate");
            return false;
    final Stamp stamp = task.sentence.stamp;
    // its revision, of course its cyclic, apply evidental base policy
    if (!overlapAllowed) {
        // todo reconsider
        final int stampLength = stamp.baseLength;
        for (int i = 0; i < stampLength; i++) {
            final long baseI = stamp.evidentialBase[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < stampLength; j++) {
                // !single since the derivation shouldn't depend on whether there is a current belief or not!!
                if ((!single && this.evidentalOverlap) || ((i != j) && (baseI == stamp.evidentialBase[j]))) {
                    memory.removeTask(task, "Overlapping Evidenctal Base");
                    // "(i=" + i + ",j=" + j +')' /* + " in " + stamp.toString()*/
                    return false;
    // deactivated, new anticipation handling is attempted instead
    /*if(task.sentence.getOccurenceTime()>memory.time() && ((this.getCurrentTask()!=null && (this.getCurrentTask().isInput() || this.getCurrentTask().sentence.producedByTemporalInduction)) || (this.getCurrentBelief()!=null && this.getCurrentBelief().producedByTemporalInduction))) {
            Anticipate ret = ((Anticipate)memory.getOperator("^anticipate"));
            if(ret!=null) {
                ret.anticipate(task.sentence.term, memory, task.sentence.getOccurenceTime(),task);
    if (!revised) {
        task.getBudget().setDurability(task.getBudget().getDurability() * Parameters.DERIVATION_DURABILITY_LEAK);
        task.getBudget().setPriority(task.getBudget().getPriority() * Parameters.DERIVATION_PRIORITY_LEAK);
    memory.event.emit(Events.TaskDerive.class, task, revised, single);
    if (addToMemory) {
        addTask(task, "Derived");
    return true;
Also used : Variable(nars.language.Variable) Equivalence(nars.language.Equivalence) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) Events( Operation(nars.operator.Operation) Implication(nars.language.Implication)

Example 20 with Stamp

use of nars.entity.Stamp in project opennars by opennars.

the class Counting method setEnabled.

public boolean setEnabled(NAR n, boolean enabled) {
    Memory memory = n.memory;
    if (obs == null) {
        obs = new EventObserver() {

            public void event(Class event, Object[] a) {
                if ((event != Events.TaskDerive.class && event != Events.TaskAdd.class))
                Task task = (Task) a[0];
                if (task.getPriority() < InternalExperience.MINIMUM_PRIORITY_TO_CREATE_WANT_BELIEVE_ETC) {
                if (task.sentence.punctuation == Symbols.JUDGMENT_MARK) {
                    // lets say we have <{...} --> M>.
                    if (task.sentence.term instanceof Inheritance) {
                        Inheritance inh = (Inheritance) task.sentence.term;
                        if (inh.getSubject() instanceof SetExt) {
                            SetExt set_term = (SetExt) inh.getSubject();
                            // this gets the cardinality of M
                            int cardinality = set_term.size();
                            // now create term <(*,M,cardinality) --> CARDINALITY>.
                            Term[] product_args = new Term[] { inh.getPredicate(), Term.get(cardinality) };
                            // TODO CARDINATLITY can be a static final instance shared by all
                            Term new_term = Inheritance.make(new Product(product_args), /* --> */
                            if (new_term == null) {
                                // this usually happens when product_args contains the term CARDINALITY in which case it is an invalid Inheritance statement
                            TruthValue truth = task.sentence.truth.clone();
                            Stamp stampi = task.sentence.stamp.clone();
                            Sentence j = new Sentence(new_term, Symbols.JUDGMENT_MARK, truth, stampi);
                            BudgetValue budg = task.budget.clone();
                            Task newTask = new Task(j, budg, true);
                            memory.addNewTask(newTask, "Derived (Cardinality)");
    memory.event.set(obs, enabled, Events.TaskDerive.class);
    return true;
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) Memory( Inheritance(nars.language.Inheritance) Product(nars.language.Product) Term(nars.language.Term) EventObserver( Events( TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) SetExt(nars.language.SetExt) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)


Stamp (nars.entity.Stamp)28 Sentence (nars.entity.Sentence)25 Task (nars.entity.Task)25 BudgetValue (nars.entity.BudgetValue)22 TruthValue (nars.entity.TruthValue)18 Term (nars.language.Term)17 Interval (nars.language.Interval)5 Implication (nars.language.Implication)4 Variable (nars.language.Variable)4 Operation (nars.operator.Operation)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 CompoundTerm (nars.language.CompoundTerm)3 Conjunction (nars.language.Conjunction)3 Inheritance (nars.language.Inheritance)3 Concept (nars.entity.Concept)2 Narsese ( Events ( Equivalence (nars.language.Equivalence)2 Product (nars.language.Product)2 Memory (