use of net.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TestGroupRoutingStrategy method testInboundDoubleHappyPathRegister.
public void testInboundDoubleHappyPathRegister() throws Exception {
final int numShardsToExpect = Integer.parseInt(Utils.DEFAULT_TOTAL_SHARDS);
final String groupName = "testInboundDoubleHappyPathRegister";
try (final RoutingStrategy.Inbound ib1 = new RoutingInboundManager().getAssociatedInstance(ClusterGroupInbound.class.getPackage().getName() + ":" + groupName);
final RoutingStrategy.Inbound ib2 = new RoutingInboundManager().getAssociatedInstance(ClusterGroupInbound.class.getPackage().getName() + ":" + groupName)) {
final ClusterId clusterId = new ClusterId("test", "test");
final NodeAddress node1Addr = new DummyNodeAddress("node1");
final GroupDetails gd1 = new GroupDetails(groupName, node1Addr);
final ContainerAddress node1Ca = new ContainerAddress(node1Addr, 0);
final Utils<GroupDetails> utils = new Utils<>(infra, groupName, gd1);
ib1.setContainerDetails(clusterId, node1Ca, (l, m) -> {
final NodeAddress node2Addr = new DummyNodeAddress("node2");
final ContainerAddress node2Ca = new ContainerAddress(node2Addr, 0);
ib2.setContainerDetails(clusterId, node2Ca, (l, m) -> {
try (final ClusterInfoSession session2 = sessFact.createSession()) {
ib2.start(new TestInfrastructure(session2, infra.getScheduler()));
assertTrue(waitForShards(session, utils, numShardsToExpect));
// if this worked right then numShardsToExpect/2 should be owned by each ... eventually.
checkForShardDistribution(session, utils, numShardsToExpect, 2);
// disrupt the session. This should cause a reshuffle but not fail
// everything should settle back
checkForShardDistribution(session, utils, numShardsToExpect, 2);
// now kill the second session.
// this will disconnect the second Inbound and so the first should take over
// see if we now have 1 session and it has all shards
checkForShardDistribution(session, utils, numShardsToExpect, 1);
use of net.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class OutgoingDispatcher method start.
public void start(final Infrastructure infra) {
final ClusterInfoSession session = infra.getCollaborator();
final String nodesDir = infra.getRootPaths().nodesDir;
checkup = new PersistentTask(LOGGER_SESSION, isRunning, infra.getScheduler(), RETRY_TIMEOUT) {
public boolean execute() {
try {
// collect up all NodeInfo's known about.
session.recursiveMkdir(nodesDir, null, DirMode.PERSISTENT, DirMode.PERSISTENT);
final Collection<String> nodeDirs = session.getSubdirs(nodesDir, this);
final Set<NodeInformation> alreadySeen = new HashSet<>();
// get all of the subdirectories NodeInformations
for (final String subdir : nodeDirs) {
final NodeInformation ni = (NodeInformation) session.getData(nodesDir + "/" + subdir, null);
if (ni == null) {
LOGGER_SESSION.warn("[{}] A node directory was empty at " + subdir, thisNodeId);
return false;
// see if node info is dupped.
if (alreadySeen.contains(ni)) {
LOGGER_SESSION.warn("[{}] The node " + ni.nodeAddress + " seems to be registed more than once.", thisNodeId);
if (ni.clusterInfoByClusterId.size() == 0) {
// it's ALL adaptor so there's no sense in dealing with it
LOGGER_SESSION.trace("[{}] NodeInformation {} appears to be only an Adaptor.", thisNodeId, ni);
// check to see if there's new nodes.
final ApplicationState.Update ud = outbounds.get().update(alreadySeen, thisNode, thisNodeId);
if (!ud.change()) {"[{}] Topology change notification resulted in no changes.", thisNodeId);
// nothing to update.
return true;
} else if (LOGGER_SESSION.isTraceEnabled())"[{}] Topology change notification resulted in changes ", thisNodeId);
// otherwise we will be making changes so remove the current ApplicationState
// this can cause instability.
final ApplicationState obs = outbounds.getAndSet(null);
try {
final ApplicationState newState = obs.apply(ud, tmanager, statsCollector, manager, thisNodeId);
return true;
} catch (final RuntimeException rte) {
// if we threw an exception after clearing the outbounds we need to restore it.
// This is likely a configuration error so we should probably warn about it.
LOGGER_SESSION.warn("[{}] Unexpected exception while applying a topology update", thisNodeId, rte);
throw rte;
} catch (final ClusterInfoException e) {
final String message = "Failed to find outgoing route information. Will retry shortly.";
if (LOGGER_SESSION.isTraceEnabled())
LOGGER_SESSION.debug("[{}] {}", new Object[] { thisNodeId, message, e });
LOGGER_SESSION.debug("[{}] {}", thisNodeId, message);
return false;
public String toString() {
return thisNodeId + " find nodes to route to";
outbounds.set(new ApplicationState(tmanager, thisNode, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()));
use of net.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TestElasticity method testForProfiler.
public void testForProfiler() throws Throwable {
try {
// set up the test.
final Number[] numbers = new Number[profilerTestNumberCount];
final Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) numbers[i] = new Number(random.nextInt(1000), 0);
final KeyExtractor ke = new KeyExtractor();
runCombos("testForProfiler", (r, c, s, t, ser) -> isElasticRoutingStrategy(r), actxPath, new String[][][] { null, { { "min_nodes", "3" } }, { { "min_nodes", "3" } }, { { "min_nodes", "3" } }, null }, ns -> {
final List<NodeManagerWithContext> nodes = ns.nodes;
// Grab the one NumberRank Mp from the single Node in the third (0 base 2nd) cluster.
final NumberRank rank = nodes.get(4).ctx.getBean(NumberRank.class);
try (final ClusterInfoSession session = ns.sessionFactory.createSession()) {
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 3, nodes);
// get the Adaptor Router's statCollector
final List<NodeMetricGetters> scs = -> nwm.manager).map(nm -> nm.getNodeStatsCollector()).map(sc -> (NodeMetricGetters) sc).collect(Collectors.toList());
// grab the adaptor from the 0'th cluster + the 0'th (only) node.
final NumberProducer adaptor = nodes.get(0).ctx.getBean(NumberProducer.class);
// grab access to the Dispatcher from the Adaptor
final Dispatcher dispatcher = adaptor.dispatcher;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) dispatcher.dispatch(ke.extract(numbers[i]));"====> Checking exact count.");
// keep going as long as they are trickling in.
assertTrue(() -> {
IntStream.range(0, scs.size()).forEach(i -> {
System.out.println("======> " + i);
final NodeMetricGetters mg = scs.get(i);
if (mg != null) {
System.out.println("discarded: " + mg.getDiscardedMessageCount());
System.out.println("not sent: " + mg.getMessagesNotSentCount());
return "expected: " + profilerTestNumberCount + " but was: " + (rank.totalMessages.get() + scs.get(0).getMessagesNotSentCount()) + ", (delivered: " + rank.totalMessages.get() + ", not sent: " + scs.get(0).getMessagesNotSentCount() + ")";
}, poll(o -> profilerTestNumberCount == (rank.totalMessages.get() + -> Long.valueOf(sc.getMessagesNotSentCount())).reduce(Long.valueOf(0), (v1, v2) -> Long.valueOf(v1.longValue() + v2.longValue()).longValue()))));
// assert that at least SOMETHING went through
assertTrue(rank.totalMessages.get() > 0);"testForProfiler time " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final AtomicLong count = get the NumberCounter Mp
nmwc -> (MessageProcessor<NumberCounter>) nmwc.manager.getMp("test-cluster1")).filter(// if it exists
l -> l != null).map(// pull the prototype
l -> l.getPrototype().messageCount).reduce(new AtomicLong(0), // sum up all of the counts
(v1, v2) -> new AtomicLong(v1.get() + v2.get()));
assertEquals(profilerTestNumberCount, count.get());
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw th;
use of net.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TestElasticity method testExpansionPassivation.
public void testExpansionPassivation() throws Exception {
final String[][] actxPath = { { "elasticity/adaptor.xml" }, { "elasticity/mp-num-count.xml" }, { "elasticity/mp-num-rank.xml" } };
runCombos("testExpansionPassivation", (r, c, s, t, ser) -> isElasticRoutingStrategy(r), actxPath, ns -> {
final AtomicBoolean keepGoing = new AtomicBoolean(true);
try {
final List<NodeManagerWithContext> nodes = new ArrayList<>(ns.nodes);
// grab the adaptor from the 0'th cluster + the 0'th (only) node.
final NumberProducer adaptor = nodes.get(0).ctx.getBean(NumberProducer.class);
// grab access to the Dispatcher from the Adaptor
final Dispatcher dispatcher = adaptor.dispatcher;
final AtomicInteger rankIndexToSend = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Runnable sendMessages = () -> {
// for an integer is the integer itself so we can get every shard by sending
try {
while (keepGoing.get()) {
for (int num = 0; num < 20; num++) {
final int number = num;
dispatcher.dispatch(uncheck(() -> ke.extract(new Number(number, rankIndexToSend.get()))));
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
if (keepGoing.get())"send message thread interrupted but still running.");
try (final ClusterInfoSession session = ns.sessionFactory.createSession()) {
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 1, nodes);
final NumberRank rank = nodes.get(2).ctx.getBean(NumberRank.class);
runACycle(keepGoing, rankIndexToSend.get(), rank, sendMessages);
// now we have 20 Mps in test-cluster1
final ClusterMetricGetters sc = (ClusterMetricGetters) nodes.get(1).manager.getClusterStatsCollector(new ClusterId(currentAppName, "test-cluster1"));
assertEquals(20L, sc.getMessageProcessorCount());
// add a second node for the cluster test-cluster1
nodes.add(makeNode(new String[] { "elasticity/mp-num-count.xml" }));
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 2, nodes);
// about 1/2 should drop out.
assertTrue(poll(o -> {
// System.err.println(sc.getMessageProcessorCount());
return sc.getMessageProcessorCount() < 15L;
} finally {
use of net.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TestElasticity method testNumberCountDropOneAndReAdd.
public void testNumberCountDropOneAndReAdd() throws Throwable {
runCombos("testNumberCountDropOneAndReAdd", (r, c, s, t, ser) -> isElasticRoutingStrategy(r), actxPath, ns -> {
// keepGoing is for the separate thread that pumps messages into the system.
final AtomicBoolean keepGoing = new AtomicBoolean(true);
try {
LOGGER.trace("==== <- Starting");
final List<NodeManagerWithContext> nodes = new ArrayList<>(ns.nodes);
// grab the adaptor from the 0'th cluster + the 0'th (only) node.
final NumberProducer adaptor = nodes.get(0).ctx.getBean(NumberProducer.class);
// grab access to the Dispatcher from the Adaptor
final Dispatcher dispatcher = adaptor.dispatcher;
// This is a Runnable that will pump messages to the dispatcher until keepGoing is
// flipped to 'false.' It's stateless so it can be reused as needed.
final AtomicInteger rankIndexToSend = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Runnable sendMessages = () -> {
// for an integer is the integer itself so we can get every shard by sending
try {
while (keepGoing.get()) {
for (int num = 0; num < 20; num++) {
final int number = num;
dispatcher.dispatch(uncheck(() -> ke.extract(new Number(number, rankIndexToSend.get()))));
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
if (keepGoing.get())"send message thread interrupted but still running.");
try (final ClusterInfoSession session = ns.sessionFactory.createSession()) {
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 3, ns.nodes);
// Grab the one NumberRank Mp from the single Node in the third (0 base 2nd) cluster.
final NumberRank rank = nodes.get(4).ctx.getBean(NumberRank.class);
runACycle(keepGoing, rankIndexToSend.get(), rank, sendMessages);
// now kill a node.
final NodeManagerWithContext nm = nodes.remove(2);
LOGGER.trace("==== Stopping middle node servicing shards ");
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 2, nodes);
LOGGER.trace("==== Stopped middle Dempsy");
// make sure everything still goes through
runACycle(keepGoing, rankIndexToSend.incrementAndGet(), rank, sendMessages);
// now, bring online another instance.
LOGGER.trace("==== starting a new one");
nodes.add(makeNode(new String[] { "elasticity/mp-num-count.xml" }));
waitForEvenShardDistribution(session, "test-cluster1", 3, nodes);
// make sure everything still goes through
runACycle(keepGoing, rankIndexToSend.incrementAndGet(), rank, sendMessages);
} finally {
LOGGER.trace("==== Exiting test.");