use of net.dempsy.transport.Sender in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TcpTransportTest method testMessage.
public void testMessage() throws Exception {
try (ServiceTracker tr = new ServiceTracker()) {
final AbstractTcpReceiver<?, ?> r = tr.track(receiver.get()).numHandlers(2).useLocalHost(true);
final ThreadingModel tm = tr.track(new DefaultThreadingModel(TcpTransportTest.class.getSimpleName() + ".testMessage"));
final Infrastructure infra = tr.track(new TestInfrastructure(tm));
final TcpAddress addr = r.getAddress(infra);
final AtomicReference<RoutedMessage> rm = new AtomicReference<>(null);
r.start((Listener<RoutedMessage>) msg -> {
return true;
}, infra);
try (final SenderFactory sf = senderFactory.get()) {
sf.start(new TestInfrastructure(tm) {
public String getNodeId() {
return "test";
final Sender sender = sf.getSender(addr);
sender.send(new RoutedMessage(new int[] { 0 }, "Hello", "Hello"));
assertTrue(poll(o -> rm.get() != null));
assertEquals("Hello", rm.get().message);
use of net.dempsy.transport.Sender in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class OutgoingDispatcher method dispatch.
public void dispatch(final KeyedMessageWithType messageParam, final MessageResourceManager disposer) throws InterruptedException {
final boolean traceEnabled = LOGGER.isTraceEnabled();
if (messageParam == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Attempt to dispatch a null message.");
final Object messageKey = messageParam.key;
if (messageKey == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Message " + SafeString.objectDescription(messageParam) + " has a null key.");
boolean messageSentSomewhere = false;
try (ResourceManagerClosable x = new ResourceManagerClosable(disposer, messageParam)) {
final KeyedMessageWithType message = x.toUse;
ApplicationState tmp = outbounds.get();
// if we're in the midst of an update then we really want to wait for the new state.
while (tmp == null) {
if (!isRunning.get()) {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] Router dispatch called while stopped.", thisNodeId);
if (// however, if we never were ready then we're not in the midst
// of an update.
throw new IllegalStateException("Dispatch used before Router is ready.");
// let the other threads do their thing. Maybe we'll be updated sooner.
// are we updated yet?
tmp = outbounds.get();
final ApplicationState cur = tmp;
final Map<String, RoutingStrategy.Router[]> outboundsByMessageType = cur.outboundsByMessageType;
// =================================================================================
// For each message type, determine the set of Routers. The goal of this loop is to set
// 'containerByNodeAddress'
final Map<NodeAddress, ContainerAddress> containerByNodeAddress = new HashMap<>();
for (final String mt : message.messageTypes) {
final RoutingStrategy.Router[] routers = outboundsByMessageType.get(mt);
if (routers == null) {
if (traceEnabled)
LOGGER.trace("[{}] No cluster that handles messages of type {}", thisNodeId, mt);
} else {
// the set of ContainerAddresses that this message will be sent to.
for (int i = 0; i < routers.length; i++) {
final ContainerAddress ca = routers[i].selectDestinationForMessage(message);
// it's possible 'ca' is null when we don't know where to send the message.
if (ca == null) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("[{}] No way to send the message {} to specific cluster for the time being", thisNodeId, message.message);
} else {
// When the message will be sent to 2 different clusters, but both clusters
// are hosted in the same node, then we send 1 message to 1 ContainerAddress
// where the 'clusters' field contains both container ids.
final ContainerAddress already = containerByNodeAddress.get(ca.node);
if (already != null) {
final int[] ia = new int[already.clusters.length + ca.clusters.length];
System.arraycopy(already.clusters, 0, ia, 0, already.clusters.length);
System.arraycopy(ca.clusters, 0, ia, already.clusters.length, ca.clusters.length);
containerByNodeAddress.put(ca.node, new ContainerAddress(ca.node, ia));
} else
containerByNodeAddress.put(ca.node, ca);
if (containerByNodeAddress.size() == 0) {
if (traceEnabled)
LOGGER.trace("[{}] There appears to be no valid destination addresses for the message {}", thisNodeId, SafeString.objectDescription(message.message));
for (final Map.Entry<NodeAddress, ContainerAddress> e : containerByNodeAddress.entrySet()) {
final NodeAddress curNode = e.getKey();
final ContainerAddress curAddr = e.getValue();
// If we're local then just send this message directly back to our own node.
if (curNode.equals(thisNode)) {
if (traceEnabled)
LOGGER.trace("Sending local {}", message);
// if the message is a resource then the disposer will be used to dispose of the message
// but it needs an additional replicate. See propogateMessageToNode javadoc.
nodeReciever.propogateMessageToNode(new RoutedMessage(curAddr.clusters, messageKey, disposer == null ? message.message : disposer.replicate(message.message)), // this shouldn't count since Router is an OUTGOING class
false, disposer);
messageSentSomewhere = true;
} else {
if (traceEnabled)
LOGGER.trace("Sending {} to {}", message, curNode);
final Sender sender = cur.getSender(curNode);
if (sender == null) {
// router update is probably behind the routing strategy update
if (isRunning.get())
LOGGER.error("[{}] Couldn't send message to " + curNode + " from " + thisNodeId + " because there's no " + Sender.class.getSimpleName(), thisNodeId);
} else {
sender.send(new RoutedMessage(curAddr.clusters, messageKey, sender.considerMessageOwnsershipTransfered() ? (disposer == null ? message.message : disposer.replicate(message.message)) : message.message));
messageSentSomewhere = true;
} finally {
if (!messageSentSomewhere) {
if (traceEnabled)
LOGGER.trace("Message not sent.");
use of net.dempsy.transport.Sender in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TcpTransportTest method runMultiMessage.
private void runMultiMessage(final String testName, final int numThreads, final int numMessagePerThread, final String message, final Serializer serializer) throws Exception {
try (final ServiceTracker tr = new ServiceTracker()) {
final AbstractTcpReceiver<?, ?> r = tr.track(receiver.get()).numHandlers(2).useLocalHost(true).maxMessageSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
final ThreadingModel tm = tr.track(new DefaultThreadingModel(TcpTransportTest.class.getSimpleName() + "." + testName));
final Infrastructure infra = tr.track(new TestInfrastructure(tm));
final TcpAddress addr = r.getAddress(infra);
final AtomicLong msgCount = new AtomicLong();
r.start((Listener<RoutedMessage>) msg -> {
return true;
}, infra);
final AtomicBoolean letMeGo = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final CountDownLatch waitToExit = new CountDownLatch(1);
final List<Thread> threads = IntStream.range(0, numThreads).mapToObj(threadNum -> new Thread(() -> {
try (final SenderFactory sf = senderFactory.get()) {
sf.start(new TestInfrastructure(null, null) {
public Map<String, String> getConfiguration() {
final Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<>();
ret.put(sf.getClass().getPackage().getName() + "." + NioSenderFactory.CONFIG_KEY_SENDER_THREADS, NUM_SENDER_THREADS);
return ret;
final Sender sender = sf.getSender(addr);
while (!letMeGo.get()) Thread.yield();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < numMessagePerThread; i++) sender.send(new RoutedMessage(new int[] { 0 }, "Hello", message));
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
LOGGER.error("Interrupted in send.");
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
}, "testMultiMessage-Sender-" + threadNum)).map(th -> chain(th, t -> t.start())).collect(Collectors.toList());
// here's we go.
// the total number of messages sent should be this count.
assertTrue(poll(Long.valueOf((long) numThreads * (long) numMessagePerThread), v -> v.longValue() == msgCount.get()));
// let the threads exit
// all threads should eventually exit.
assertTrue(poll(threads, o -> -> t.isAlive()).count() == 0));
use of net.dempsy.transport.Sender in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class TcpTransportTest method testLargeMessage.
public void testLargeMessage() throws Exception {
final String huge = TestWordCount.readBible();
try (final ServiceTracker tr = new ServiceTracker()) {
final AbstractTcpReceiver<?, ?> r = tr.track(receiver.get()).numHandlers(2).useLocalHost(true).maxMessageSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
final ThreadingModel tm = tr.track(new DefaultThreadingModel(TcpTransportTest.class.getSimpleName() + ".testLargeMessage"));
final Infrastructure infra = tr.track(new TestInfrastructure(tm));
final TcpAddress addr = r.getAddress(infra);
final AtomicReference<RoutedMessage> rm = new AtomicReference<>(null);
r.start((Listener<RoutedMessage>) msg -> {
return true;
}, infra);
try (final SenderFactory sf = senderFactory.get()) {
sf.start(new TestInfrastructure(null, null));
final Sender sender = sf.getSender(addr);
sender.send(new RoutedMessage(new int[] { 0 }, "Hello", huge));
assertTrue(poll(o -> rm.get() != null));
assertEquals(huge, rm.get().message);
use of net.dempsy.transport.Sender in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class BlockingQueueTest method testBlockingQueue.
* Test basic functionality for the BlockingQueue implementation of Message Transport. Verify that messages sent to the Sender arrive at the receiver via
* handleMessage.
public void testBlockingQueue() throws Exception {
final AtomicReference<String> message = new AtomicReference<String>(null);
final ArrayBlockingQueue<Object> input = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(16);
try (final Receiver r = new BlockingQueueReceiver(input);
final TestInfrastructure infra = new TestInfrastructure(new DefaultThreadingModel("BQTest-testBlockingQueue-"));
final TransportManager tranMan = chain(new TransportManager(), c -> c.start(infra));
SenderFactory sf = tranMan.getAssociatedInstance(transportTypeId)) {
final Sender sender = sf.getSender(r.getAddress(infra));
r.start((final String msg) -> {
message.set(new String(msg));
return true;
}, infra);
assertTrue(poll(o -> "Hello".equals(message.get())));