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Example 11 with SigType

use of net.i2p.crypto.SigType in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PDatagramDissector method loadI2PDatagram.

 * Load an I2P repliable datagram into the dissector.
 * Does NOT verify the signature.
 * Format is:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Destination (387+ bytes)
 * <li>Signature (40+ bytes, type and length as implied by signing key type in the Destination)
 * <li>Payload
 * </ol>
 * For DSA_SHA1 Destinations, the signature is of the SHA-256 Hash of the payload.
 * As of 0.9.14, for non-DSA_SHA1 Destinations, the signature is of the payload itself.
 * @param dgram non-null I2P repliable datagram to be loaded
 * @throws DataFormatException If there's an error in the datagram format
public void loadI2PDatagram(byte[] dgram) throws DataFormatException {
    // set invalid(very important!)
    this.valid = false;
    if (dgram.length < MIN_DGRAM_SIZE)
        throw new DataFormatException("repliable datagram too small: " + dgram.length);
    ByteArrayInputStream dgStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dgram);
    try {
        // read destination
        rxDest = Destination.create(dgStream);
        SigType type = rxDest.getSigningPublicKey().getType();
        if (type == null)
            throw new DataFormatException("unsupported sig type");
        rxSign = new Signature(type);
        // read signature
        // read payload
        rxPayloadLen =;
        // calculate the hash of the payload
        if (type == SigType.DSA_SHA1) {
            if (rxHash == null)
                rxHash = new byte[Hash.HASH_LENGTH];
            // non-caching
            hashGen.calculateHash(rxPayload, 0, rxPayloadLen, rxHash, 0);
        // assert this.hashGen.calculateHash(this.extractPayload()).equals(this.rxHash);
        } else {
            rxHash = null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // log.error("Error loading datagram", e);
        throw new DataFormatException("Error loading datagram", e);
    // } catch(AssertionError e) {
    // Log log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(I2PDatagramDissector.class);
    // log.error("Assertion failed!", e);
// _log.debug("Datagram payload size: " + rxPayloadLen + "; content:\n"
// + HexDump.dump(rxPayload, 0, rxPayloadLen));
Also used : DataFormatException( ByteArrayInputStream( Signature( IOException( SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)

Example 12 with SigType

use of net.i2p.crypto.SigType in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PDatagramMaker method makeI2PDatagram.

 * Make a repliable I2P datagram containing the specified payload.
 * Format is:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Destination (387+ bytes)
 * <li>Signature (40+ bytes, type and length as implied by signing key type in the Destination)
 * <li>Payload
 * </ol>
 * Maximum datagram size is 32768, so maximum payload size is 32341, or less for
 * non-DSA_SHA1 destinations. Practical maximum is a few KB less due to
 * ElGamal/AES overhead. 10 KB or less is recommended for best results.
 * For DSA_SHA1 Destinations, the signature is of the SHA-256 Hash of the payload.
 * As of 0.9.14, for non-DSA_SHA1 Destinations, the signature is of the payload itself.
 * @param payload non-null Bytes to be contained in the I2P datagram.
 * @return null on error
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if payload is too big
 * @throws IllegalStateException if Destination signature type unsupported
public byte[] makeI2PDatagram(byte[] payload) {
    try {
        SigType type = sxPrivKey.getType();
        if (type == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported sig type");
        Signature sig;
        if (type == SigType.DSA_SHA1) {
            byte[] hash = SimpleByteCache.acquire(Hash.HASH_LENGTH);
            // non-caching
            hashGen.calculateHash(payload, 0, payload.length, hash, 0);
            sig = dsaEng.sign(hash, sxPrivKey);
        } else {
            sig = dsaEng.sign(payload, sxPrivKey);
        if (sxDGram.size() > DGRAM_BUFSIZE)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big");
        return sxDGram.toByteArray();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(I2PDatagramMaker.class);
        log.error("Caught IOException", e);
        return null;
    } catch (DataFormatException e) {
        Log log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(I2PDatagramMaker.class);
        log.error("Caught DataFormatException", e);
        return null;
Also used : DataFormatException( Log(net.i2p.util.Log) Signature( IOException( SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)

Example 13 with SigType

use of net.i2p.crypto.SigType in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class BlockfileNamingService method addDestination.

 *  Add a Destination to an existing hostname's entry in the addressbook.
 *  This does not prevent adding b32. Caller must check.
 *  @param options NamingService-specific, may be null
 *  @return success
 *  @since 0.9.26
public boolean addDestination(String hostname, Destination d, Properties options) {
    if (!_isVersion4)
        return putIfAbsent(hostname, d, options);
    List<Properties> storedOptions = new ArrayList<Properties>(4);
    synchronized (_bf) {
        // We use lookupAll2(), not lookupAll(), because if hostname starts with www.,
        // we do not want to read in from the
        // non-www hostname and then copy it to a new www hostname.
        List<Destination> dests = lookupAll2(hostname, options, storedOptions);
        if (dests == null)
            return put(hostname, d, options, false);
        if (dests.contains(d))
            return false;
        if (dests.size() >= MAX_DESTS_PER_HOST)
            return false;
        List<Destination> newDests = new ArrayList<Destination>(dests.size() + 1);
        // TODO better sort by sigtype preference.
        // For now, non-DSA at the front, DSA at the end
        SigType type = d.getSigningPublicKey().getType();
        if (type != SigType.DSA_SHA1 && type.isAvailable()) {
            newDests.add(0, d);
            storedOptions.add(0, options);
        } else {
        return put(hostname, newDests, storedOptions, false);
Also used : Destination( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Properties(java.util.Properties) SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)

Example 14 with SigType

use of net.i2p.crypto.SigType in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SigningPublicKey method toTypedKey.

 *  Up-convert this from an untyped (type 0) SPK to a typed SPK based on the Key Cert given.
 *  The type of the returned key will be null if the kcert sigtype is null.
 *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if this is already typed to a different type
 *  @since 0.9.12
public SigningPublicKey toTypedKey(KeyCertificate kcert) {
    if (_data == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    SigType newType = kcert.getSigType();
    if (_type == newType)
        return this;
    if (_type != SigType.DSA_SHA1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert " + _type + " to " + newType);
    // unknown type, keep the 128 bytes of data
    if (newType == null)
        return new SigningPublicKey(null, _data);
    int newLen = newType.getPubkeyLen();
    int ctype = kcert.getCryptoTypeCode();
    if (ctype == 0) {
        // prohibit excess key data
        // TODO non-zero crypto type if added
        int sz = 7;
        if (newLen > KEYSIZE_BYTES)
            sz += newLen - KEYSIZE_BYTES;
        if (kcert.size() != sz)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excess data in key certificate");
    if (newLen == KEYSIZE_BYTES)
        return new SigningPublicKey(newType, _data);
    byte[] newData = new byte[newLen];
    if (newLen < KEYSIZE_BYTES) {
        // right-justified
        System.arraycopy(_data, _data.length - newLen, newData, 0, newLen);
    } else {
        // full 128 bytes + fragment in kcert
        System.arraycopy(_data, 0, newData, 0, _data.length);
        System.arraycopy(kcert.getPayload(), KeyCertificate.HEADER_LENGTH, newData, _data.length, newLen - _data.length);
    return new SigningPublicKey(newType, newData);
Also used : SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)

Example 15 with SigType

use of net.i2p.crypto.SigType in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SigningPublicKey method getPadding.

 *  Get the portion of this (type 0) SPK that is really padding based on the Key Cert type given,
 *  if any
 *  @return leading padding length &gt; 0 or null if no padding or type is unknown
 *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if this is already typed to a different type
 *  @since 0.9.12
public byte[] getPadding(KeyCertificate kcert) {
    if (_data == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    SigType newType = kcert.getSigType();
    if (_type == newType || newType == null)
        return null;
    if (_type != SigType.DSA_SHA1)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert " + _type + " to " + newType);
    int newLen = newType.getPubkeyLen();
    if (newLen >= KEYSIZE_BYTES)
        return null;
    int padLen = KEYSIZE_BYTES - newLen;
    byte[] pad = new byte[padLen];
    System.arraycopy(_data, 0, pad, 0, padLen);
    return pad;
Also used : SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)


SigType (net.i2p.crypto.SigType)44 IOException ( DataFormatException ( Signature ( Destination ( SigningPublicKey ( File ( GeneralSecurityException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)6 Hash ( PrivateKey ( SigningPrivateKey ( PublicKey ( SimpleDataStructure ( RouterInfo ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( I2PException (net.i2p.I2PException)4 RouterIdentity ( Log (net.i2p.util.Log)4 ByteArrayInputStream (