use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.
the class I2PPacketDispatcher method messageAvailable.
public void messageAvailable(I2PSession session, int msgId, long size) {
byte[] msg = new byte[0];
try {
msg = session.receiveMessage(msgId);
} catch (I2PSessionException e) {
log.error("Can't get new message from I2PSession.", e);
if (msg == null) {
log.error("I2PSession returned a null message: msgId=" + msgId + ", size=" + size + ", " + session);
I2PDatagramDissector datagramDissector = new I2PDatagramDissector();
try {
// TODO keep this line or remove it?
byte[] payload = datagramDissector.extractPayload();
Destination sender = datagramDissector.getSender();
dispatchPacket(payload, sender);
} catch (DataFormatException e) {
log.error("Invalid datagram received.", e);
} catch (I2PInvalidDatagramException e) {
log.error("Datagram failed verification.", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error processing datagram.", e);
use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.
the class PeerList method toByteArray.
public byte[] toByteArray() {
ByteArrayOutputStream arrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dataStream = new DataOutputStream(arrayOutputStream);
try {
for (Destination peer : peers) // write the first 384 bytes (the two public keys)
// TODO This is NOT compatible with newer key types!
dataStream.write(peer.toByteArray(), 0, 384);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Can't write to ByteArrayOutputStream.", e);
return arrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.
the class EmailPacketFolderTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
File tempDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
testDir = new File(tempDir, "EmailPacketFolderTest-" + System.currentTimeMillis());
folderDir = new File(testDir, "dht_email_pkt");
packetFolder = new EmailPacketFolder(folderDir);
// make two UnencryptedEmailPackets with different contents
byte[] content1 = "test TEST test ABCDEFGH asdfsadfsadf 3487562384".getBytes();
byte[] content2 = "fdlkhgjfljh test 123456".getBytes();
byte[] messageIdBytes = new byte[] { -69, -24, -109, 1, 69, -122, -69, 113, -68, -90, 55, -28, 105, 97, 125, 70, 51, 58, 14, 2, -13, -53, 90, -29, 36, 67, 36, -94, -108, -125, 11, 123 };
UniqueId messageId = new UniqueId(messageIdBytes, 0);
int fragmentIndex = 0;
unencryptedPacket = new UnencryptedEmailPacket(new ByteArrayInputStream(content1), messageId, fragmentIndex, I2PBotePacket.MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE);
unencryptedPacket2 = new UnencryptedEmailPacket(new ByteArrayInputStream(content2), messageId, fragmentIndex, I2PBotePacket.MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE);
String base64Dest = "m-5~1dZ0MrGdyAWu-C2ecNAB5LCCsHQpeSfjn-r~mqMfNvroR98~BRmReUDmb0la-r-pBHLMtflrJE7aTrGwDTBm5~AJFEm-9SJPZnyGs-ed5pOj4Db65yJml1y1n77qr1~mM4GITl6KuIoxg8YwvPrCIlXe2hiiDCoC-uY9-np9UY";
recipient = new EmailDestination(base64Dest);
emailPacket = new EncryptedEmailPacket(unencryptedPacket, recipient);
sender = new Destination("X3oKYQJ~1EAz7B1ZYGSrOTIMCW5Rnn2Svoc38dx5D9~zvz8vqiWcH-pCqQDwLgPWl9RTBzHtTmZcGRPXIv54i0XWeUfX6rTPDQGuZsnBMM0xrkH2FNLNFaJa0NgW3uKXWpNj9AI1AXUXzK-2MYTYoaZHx5SBoCaKfAGMcFJvTON1~kopxBxdBF9Q7T4~PJ3I2LeU-ycmUlehe9N9bIu7adUGyPGVl8Ka-UxwQromoJ~vSWHHl8HkwcDkW--v9Aj~wvFqxqriFkB1EeBiThi3V4XtVY~GUP4IkRj9YZGTsSBf3eS4xwXgnYWlB7IvxAGBfHY9MCg3lbAa1Dg~1IH6rhtXxsXUtGcXsz9yMZTxXHd~rGo~JrXeM1y~Vcenpr6tJcum6pxevkKzzT0qDegGPH3Zhqz7sSeeIaJEcPBUAkX89csqyFWFIjTMm6yZp2rW-QYUnVNLNTjf7vndYUAEICogAkq~btqpIzrGEpm3Pr9F23br3SpbOmdxQxg51AMmAAAA");
use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.
the class BucketManagerTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, bucketManager.getPeerCount());
assertEquals(0, bucketManager.getAllPeers().size());
assertEquals(1, getNumKBuckets());
// add S destinations
for (int i = 0; i < S; i++) bucketManager.addOrUpdate(new KademliaPeer(peers[i]));
assertEquals(S, bucketManager.getPeerCount());
assertEquals(S, bucketManager.getAllPeers().size());
assertEquals(1, getNumKBuckets());
// add another K destinations
int startIndex = S;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) bucketManager.addOrUpdate(new KademliaPeer(peers[startIndex + i]));
assertEquals(S + K, bucketManager.getPeerCount());
assertEquals(S + K, bucketManager.getAllPeers().size());
assertEquals(1, getNumKBuckets());
// add one more destination, which should split the k-bucket
int index = S + K;
bucketManager.addOrUpdate(new KademliaPeer(peers[index]));
assertEquals(S + K + 1, bucketManager.getPeerCount());
assertEquals(S + K + 1, bucketManager.getAllPeers().size());
// there should be at least 2 buckets after the split
assertTrue(getNumKBuckets() >= 2);
// add 4*K-1 more peers for a total of S + 5 * K
startIndex = S + K + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * K - 1; i++) bucketManager.addOrUpdate(new KademliaPeer(peers[startIndex + i]));
// check that all peers are still there
int totalPeersAdded = S + 5 * K;
for (int i = 0; i < totalPeersAdded; i++) assertTrue(bucketManager.getAllPeers().contains(peers[i]));
// remove peers one at a time and check that it got removed from the right bucket
// sizes of the k-buckets by bucket index
List<Integer> bucketSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<KBucket> kBuckets = getKBuckets();
for (KBucket bucket : kBuckets) bucketSizes.add(bucket.size());
int peersRemaining = totalPeersAdded;
while (peersRemaining > 0) {
Destination peer = peers[peersRemaining - 1];
BigInteger peerId = new BigInteger(1, peer.calculateHash().getData());
boolean isSibling = bucketManager.getSBucket().contains(peer);
assertEquals(peersRemaining, bucketManager.getPeerCount());
if (isSibling) {
// the removed peer was a sibling, so a k-peer should have taken its place unless there were no k-peers left
assertTrue(bucketManager.getSBucket().isFull() || getKPeers().isEmpty());
// if the s-bucket is still full, a k-peer became a sibling, so update bucketSizes
if (bucketManager.getSBucket().isFull())
for (int i = 0; i < kBuckets.size(); i++) if (getKBuckets().get(i).size() == bucketSizes.get(i) - 1)
bucketSizes.set(i, bucketSizes.get(i) - 1);
} else
// one of the k-buckets just became one smaller, find out which one and check that it is the correct one
for (int i = 0; i < kBuckets.size(); i++) {
KBucket bucket = kBuckets.get(i);
if (bucket.size() == bucketSizes.get(i) - 1) {
bucketSizes.set(i, bucketSizes.get(i) - 1);
BigInteger startId = bucket.getStartId();
BigInteger endId = bucket.getEndId();
assertTrue("Peer is in the wrong bucket: peer id=" + peerId + ", bucket start=" + startId + " bucket end=" + endId, startId.compareTo(peerId) <= 0 && endId.compareTo(peerId) >= 0);
} else
assertEquals(bucket.size(), bucketSizes.get(i).intValue());
use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.
the class BucketManagerTest method checkBucketConsistency.
private void checkBucketConsistency() throws Exception {
Iterator<KBucket> iter = bucketManager.iterator();
KBucket bucket1 =;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
KBucket bucket2 =;
// check that all peers in bucket n have lower keys than those in bucket n+1
for (KademliaPeer peer1 : bucket1) {
BigInteger peer1Key = new BigInteger(1, peer1.calculateHash().getData());
for (KademliaPeer peer2 : bucket2) {
BigInteger peer2Key = new BigInteger(1, peer2.calculateHash().getData());
assertTrue(peer1Key.compareTo(peer2Key) == -1);
// start ID of bucket n+1 should be the end ID of bucket n
assertEquals(bucket1.getEndId(), bucket2.getStartId());
bucket1 = bucket2;
// check that all peer IDs are within the start/end id of their bucket
for (KBucket bucket : bucketManager) for (KademliaPeer peer : bucket) {
BigInteger peerId = new BigInteger(1, peer.calculateHash().getData());
assertTrue(bucket.getStartId().compareTo(peerId) <= 0);
assertTrue(bucket.getEndId().compareTo(peerId) >= 0);
// TODO and all bits above it
for (KBucket bucket : bucketManager) {
int depth = KademliaTestUtil.getDepth(bucket);
int bitIndex = Hash.HASH_LENGTH * 8 - depth;
Boolean previousBit = null;
for (KademliaPeer peer : bucket) {
BigInteger peerId = new BigInteger(1, peer.getDestinationHash().getData());
boolean currentBit = peerId.testBit(bitIndex);
if (previousBit == null)
previousBit = currentBit;
assertEquals("Bit " + bitIndex + " in peer ID " + peerId + " should be " + previousBit + "; bucket start = " + bucket.getStartId() + ", bucket end = " + bucket.getEndId(), previousBit, currentBit);
// the local destination should not be in any bucket
// check that siblings are closer to the local destination than all k-bucket peers
PeerDistanceComparator comparator = new PeerDistanceComparator(localDestination.calculateHash());
for (KademliaPeer sibling : bucketManager.getSBucket()) for (KademliaPeer peer : getKPeers()) assertTrue(, peer) <= 0);
// check that every hash falls into a bucket's key range
for (Destination peer : peers) {
KBucket bucket = getKBucket(peer.calculateHash());