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Example 11 with Destination

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SAMMessageSession method sendBytesThroughMessageSession.

 * Actually send bytes through the SAM message-based session I2PSession,
 * using per-message extended options.
 * For efficiency, use the method without all the extra options if they are all defaults.
 * @param dest Destination
 * @param data Bytes to be sent
 * @param proto I2CP protocol
 * @param fromPort I2CP from port
 * @param toPort I2CP to port
 * @param sendLeaseSet true is the usual setting and the I2CP default
 * @param sendTags 0 to leave as default
 * @param tagThreshold 0 to leave as default
 * @param expiration SECONDS from now, NOT absolute time, 0 to leave as default
 * @return True if the data was sent, false otherwise
 * @throws DataFormatException on unknown / bad dest
 * @throws I2PSessionException on serious error, probably session closed
 * @since 0.9.24
protected boolean sendBytesThroughMessageSession(String dest, byte[] data, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort, boolean sendLeaseSet, int sendTags, int tagThreshold, int expiration) throws DataFormatException, I2PSessionException {
    Destination d = SAMUtils.getDest(dest);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) {
        _log.debug("Sending " + data.length + " bytes to " + dest);
    SendMessageOptions opts = new SendMessageOptions();
    if (!sendLeaseSet)
    if (sendTags > 0)
    if (tagThreshold > 0)
    if (expiration > 0)
        opts.setDate(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().clock().now() + (expiration * 1000));
    return session.sendMessage(d, data, 0, data.length, proto, fromPort, toPort, opts);
Also used : Destination( SendMessageOptions(net.i2p.client.SendMessageOptions)

Example 12 with Destination

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SAMStreamSession method connect.

 * Connect the SAM STREAM session to the specified Destination
 * @param id Unique id for the connection
 * @param dest Base64-encoded Destination to connect to
 * @param props Options to be used for connection
 * @return true if successful
 * @throws DataFormatException if the destination is not valid
 * @throws SAMInvalidDirectionException if trying to connect through a
 *                                      receive-only session
 * @throws ConnectException if the destination refuses connections
 * @throws NoRouteToHostException if the destination can't be reached
 * @throws InterruptedIOException if the connection timeouts
 * @throws I2PException if there's another I2P-related error
 * @throws IOException
public boolean connect(int id, String dest, Properties props) throws I2PException, ConnectException, NoRouteToHostException, DataFormatException, InterruptedIOException, SAMInvalidDirectionException, IOException {
    if (!canCreate) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            _log.debug("Trying to create an outgoing connection using a receive-only session");
        throw new SAMInvalidDirectionException("Trying to create connections through a receive-only session");
    if (checkSocketHandlerId(id)) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            _log.debug("The specified id (" + id + ") is already in use");
        return false;
    Destination d = SAMUtils.getDest(dest);
    I2PSocketOptions opts = socketMgr.buildOptions(props);
    if (props.getProperty(I2PSocketOptions.PROP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) == null)
        opts.setConnectTimeout(60 * 1000);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        _log.debug("Connecting new I2PSocket...");
    // blocking connection (SAMv1)
    I2PSocket i2ps = socketMgr.connect(d, opts);
    createSocketHandler(i2ps, id);
    recv.notifyStreamOutgoingConnection(id, "OK", null);
    return true;
Also used : Destination( I2PSocket(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket) I2PSocketOptions(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketOptions)

Example 13 with Destination

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SAMUtils method lookupHost.

 * Resolved the specified hostname.
 * @param name Hostname to be resolved
 * @return the Destination for the specified hostname, or null if not found
private static Destination lookupHost(String name) {
    NamingService ns = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().namingService();
    Destination dest = ns.lookup(name);
    return dest;
Also used : Destination( NamingService(net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService)

Example 14 with Destination

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SAMUtils method genRandomKey.

 * Generate a random destination key.
 * Caller must close streams. Fails silently.
 * @param priv Stream used to write the destination and private keys
 * @param pub Stream used to write the destination (may be null)
 * @param sigType what signature type
 * @since 0.9.14
public static void genRandomKey(OutputStream priv, OutputStream pub, SigType sigType) {
    // _log.debug("Generating random keys...");
    try {
        I2PClient c = I2PClientFactory.createClient();
        Destination d = c.createDestination(priv, sigType);
        if (pub != null) {
    } catch (I2PException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : I2PException(net.i2p.I2PException) Destination( I2PClient(net.i2p.client.I2PClient) IOException(

Example 15 with Destination

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SAMUtils method getDest.

 * Resolve the destination from a key or a hostname
 * @param s Hostname or key to be resolved
 * @return the Destination for the specified hostname, non-null
 * @throws DataFormatException on bad Base 64 or name not found
public static Destination getDest(String s) throws DataFormatException {
    // NamingService caches b64 so just use it for everything
    // TODO: Add a static local cache here so SAM doesn't flush the
    // NamingService cache
    Destination d = lookupHost(s);
    if (d == null) {
        String msg;
        if (s.length() >= 516)
            msg = "Bad Base64 dest: ";
        else if (s.length() == 60 && s.endsWith(".b32.i2p"))
            msg = "Lease set not found: ";
            msg = "Host name not found: ";
        throw new DataFormatException(msg + s);
    return d;
Also used : Destination( DataFormatException(


Destination ( IOException ( DataFormatException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)29 I2PException (net.i2p.I2PException)26 Hash ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 File ( I2PSessionException (net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException)12 SigType (net.i2p.crypto.SigType)12 ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( I2PSession (net.i2p.client.I2PSession)10 I2PSocket (net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket)10 FileInputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( I2PClient (net.i2p.client.I2PClient)7 I2PSocketOptions (net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketOptions)7 Test (org.junit.Test)6