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Example 11 with SessionKey

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class IntroductionManager method receiveRelayRequest.

 *  We are Bob and we got this from Alice.
 *  Send a RelayIntro to Charlie and a RelayResponse to Alice.
 *  We should already have a session with Charlie, but not necessarily with Alice.
void receiveRelayRequest(RemoteHostId alice, UDPPacketReader reader) {
    if (_context.router().isHidden())
    UDPPacketReader.RelayRequestReader rrReader = reader.getRelayRequestReader();
    long tag = rrReader.readTag();
    int ipSize = rrReader.readIPSize();
    int port = rrReader.readPort();
    // ip/port inside message should be 0:0, as it's unimplemented on send -
    // see PacketBuilder.buildRelayRequest()
    // and we don't read it here.
    // FIXME implement for getting Alice's IPv4 in RelayRequest sent over IPv6?
    // or is that just too easy to spoof?
    byte[] aliceIP = alice.getIP();
    int alicePort = alice.getPort();
    if (!isValid(alice.getIP(), alice.getPort())) {
        if (_log.shouldWarn())
            _log.warn("Bad relay req from " + alice + " for " + Addresses.toString(aliceIP, alicePort));
        _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.relayBadIP", 1);
    // TODO relay request over IPv6
    if (ipSize != 0) {
        byte[] ip = new byte[ipSize];
        rrReader.readIP(ip, 0);
        if (!Arrays.equals(aliceIP, ip)) {
            if (_log.shouldWarn())
                _log.warn("Bad relay req from " + alice + " for " + Addresses.toString(ip, port));
            _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.relayBadIP", 1);
    // TODO relay request over IPv6
    if (port != 0 && port != alicePort) {
        if (_log.shouldWarn())
            _log.warn("Bad relay req from " + alice + " for " + Addresses.toString(aliceIP, port));
        _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.relayBadIP", 1);
    PeerState charlie = get(tag);
    if (charlie == null) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Receive relay request from " + alice + " with unknown tag");
        _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.receiveRelayRequestBadTag", 1);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Receive relay request from " + alice + " for tag " + tag + " and relaying with " + charlie);
    // TODO throttle based on alice identity and/or intro tag?
    _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.receiveRelayRequest", 1);
    // send that peer an introduction for alice
    _transport.send(_builder.buildRelayIntro(alice, charlie, reader.getRelayRequestReader()));
    // send alice back charlie's info
    // lookup session so we can use session key if available
    SessionKey cipherKey = null;
    SessionKey macKey = null;
    PeerState aliceState = _transport.getPeerState(alice);
    if (aliceState != null) {
        // established session (since 0.9.12)
        cipherKey = aliceState.getCurrentCipherKey();
        macKey = aliceState.getCurrentMACKey();
    if (cipherKey == null || macKey == null) {
        // no session, use intro key (was only way before 0.9.12)
        byte[] key = new byte[SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES];
        reader.getRelayRequestReader().readAliceIntroKey(key, 0);
        cipherKey = new SessionKey(key);
        macKey = cipherKey;
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Sending relay response (w/ intro key) to " + alice);
    } else {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Sending relay response (in-session) to " + alice);
    _transport.send(_builder.buildRelayResponse(alice, charlie, reader.getRelayRequestReader().readNonce(), cipherKey, macKey));
Also used : SessionKey(

Example 12 with SessionKey

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class TestJob method sendTest.

private void sendTest(I2NPMessage m) {
    // garlic route that DeliveryStatusMessage to ourselves so the endpoints and gateways
    // can't tell its a test.  to simplify this, we encrypt it with a random key and tag,
    // remembering that key+tag so that we can decrypt it later.  this means we can do the
    // garlic encryption without any ElGamal (yay)
    PayloadGarlicConfig payload = new PayloadGarlicConfig();
    SessionKey encryptKey = getContext().keyGenerator().generateSessionKey();
    SessionTag encryptTag = new SessionTag(true);
    _encryptTag = encryptTag;
    SessionKey sentKey = new SessionKey();
    Set<SessionTag> sentTags = null;
    GarlicMessage msg = GarlicMessageBuilder.buildMessage(getContext(), payload, sentKey, sentTags, getContext().keyManager().getPublicKey(), encryptKey, encryptTag);
    if (msg == null) {
        // overloaded / unknown peers / etc
    Set<SessionTag> encryptTags = new RemovableSingletonSet<SessionTag>(encryptTag);
    // Register the single tag with the appropriate SKM
    if (_cfg.isInbound() && !_pool.getSettings().isExploratory()) {
        SessionKeyManager skm = getContext().clientManager().getClientSessionKeyManager(_pool.getSettings().getDestination());
        if (skm != null)
            skm.tagsReceived(encryptKey, encryptTags);
    } else {
        getContext().sessionKeyManager().tagsReceived(encryptKey, encryptTags);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        _log.debug("Sending garlic test of " + _outTunnel + " / " + _replyTunnel);
    getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg, _outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), _replyTunnel.getReceiveTunnelId(0), _replyTunnel.getPeer(0));
Also used : PayloadGarlicConfig(net.i2p.router.message.PayloadGarlicConfig) SessionKey( RemovableSingletonSet(net.i2p.router.util.RemovableSingletonSet) GarlicMessage( SessionKeyManager(net.i2p.crypto.SessionKeyManager) SessionTag(

Example 13 with SessionKey

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class PacketBuilder method buildRelayRequest.

 *  build intro packets for each of the published introducers
 *  @return empty list on failure
public List<UDPPacket> buildRelayRequest(UDPTransport transport, OutboundEstablishState state, SessionKey ourIntroKey) {
    UDPAddress addr = state.getRemoteAddress();
    int count = addr.getIntroducerCount();
    List<UDPPacket> rv = new ArrayList<UDPPacket>(count);
    long cutoff = _context.clock().now() + 5 * 60 * 1000L;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        InetAddress iaddr = addr.getIntroducerHost(i);
        int iport = addr.getIntroducerPort(i);
        byte[] ikey = addr.getIntroducerKey(i);
        long tag = addr.getIntroducerTag(i);
        long exp = addr.getIntroducerExpiration(i);
        // let's not use an introducer on a privileged port, sounds like trouble
        if (ikey == null || !TransportUtil.isValidPort(iport) || iaddr == null || tag <= 0 || // must be IPv4 for now as we don't send Alice IP/port, see below
        iaddr.getAddress().length != 4 || (!_transport.isValid(iaddr.getAddress())) || (exp > 0 && exp < cutoff) || (Arrays.equals(iaddr.getAddress(), _transport.getExternalIP()) && !_transport.allowLocal())) {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn("Cannot build a relay request to " + state.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash() + ", as their UDP address is invalid: addr=" + addr + " index=" + i);
            // TODO implement some sort of introducer banlist
        // lookup session so we can use session key if available
        SessionKey cipherKey = null;
        SessionKey macKey = null;
        // first look up by ikey, it is equal to router hash for now
        PeerState bobState = null;
        if (ikey.length == Hash.HASH_LENGTH) {
            bobState = transport.getPeerState(new Hash(ikey));
        if (bobState == null) {
            RemoteHostId rhid = new RemoteHostId(iaddr.getAddress(), iport);
            bobState = transport.getPeerState(rhid);
        if (bobState != null) {
            // established session (since 0.9.12)
            cipherKey = bobState.getCurrentCipherKey();
            macKey = bobState.getCurrentMACKey();
        if (cipherKey == null || macKey == null) {
            // no session, use intro key (was only way before 0.9.12)
            cipherKey = new SessionKey(ikey);
            macKey = cipherKey;
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Sending relay request (w/ intro key) to " + iaddr + ":" + iport);
        } else {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Sending relay request (in-session) to " + iaddr + ":" + iport);
        rv.add(buildRelayRequest(iaddr, iport, cipherKey, macKey, tag, ourIntroKey, state.getIntroNonce()));
    return rv;
Also used : SessionKey( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hash( InetAddress(

Example 14 with SessionKey

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class GarlicMessageBuilder method needsTags.

 *  @param local non-null; do not use this method for the router's SessionKeyManager
 *  @param minTagOverride 0 for no override, &gt; 0 to override SKM's settings
static boolean needsTags(RouterContext ctx, PublicKey key, Hash local, int minTagOverride) {
    SessionKeyManager skm = ctx.clientManager().getClientSessionKeyManager(local);
    if (skm == null)
        return true;
    SessionKey curKey = skm.getCurrentKey(key);
    if (curKey == null)
        return true;
    if (minTagOverride > 0)
        return skm.shouldSendTags(key, curKey, minTagOverride);
    return skm.shouldSendTags(key, curKey);
Also used : SessionKey( SessionKeyManager(net.i2p.crypto.SessionKeyManager)

Example 15 with SessionKey

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class GarlicMessageBuilder method buildMessage.

 * called by netdb and above
 * @param ctx scope
 * @param config how/what to wrap
 * @param wrappedKey output parameter that will be filled with the sessionKey used
 * @param wrappedTags Output parameter that will be filled with the sessionTags used.
 *                          If non-empty on return you must call skm.tagsDelivered() when sent
 *                          and then call skm.tagsAcked() or skm.failTags() later.
 * @param numTagsToDeliver only if the estimated available tags are below the threshold.
 *                               Set to zero to disable tag delivery. You must set to zero if you are not
 *                               equipped to confirm delivery and call skm.tagsAcked() or failTags() later.
 *                               If this is always 0, it forces ElGamal every time.
 * @param lowTagsThreshold the threshold
 * @param skm non-null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException on error
public static GarlicMessage buildMessage(RouterContext ctx, GarlicConfig config, SessionKey wrappedKey, Set<SessionTag> wrappedTags, int numTagsToDeliver, int lowTagsThreshold, SessionKeyManager skm) {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(GarlicMessageBuilder.class);
    PublicKey key = config.getRecipientPublicKey();
    if (key == null) {
        if (config.getRecipient() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null recipient specified");
        } else if (config.getRecipient().getIdentity() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null recipient.identity specified");
        } else if (config.getRecipient().getIdentity().getPublicKey() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null recipient.identity.publicKey specified");
        } else
            key = config.getRecipient().getIdentity().getPublicKey();
    if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Encrypted with public key to expire on " + new Date(config.getExpiration()));
    SessionKey curKey = skm.getCurrentOrNewKey(key);
    SessionTag curTag = null;
    curTag = skm.consumeNextAvailableTag(key, curKey);
    if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) {
        int availTags = skm.getAvailableTags(key, curKey);
        log.debug("Available tags for encryption: " + availTags + " low threshold: " + lowTagsThreshold);
    if (numTagsToDeliver > 0 && skm.shouldSendTags(key, curKey, lowTagsThreshold)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numTagsToDeliver; i++) wrappedTags.add(new SessionTag(true));
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Too few tags available so we're including " + numTagsToDeliver);
    return buildMessage(ctx, config, wrappedKey, wrappedTags, key, curKey, curTag);
Also used : Log(net.i2p.util.Log) PublicKey( SessionKey( SessionTag( Date(java.util.Date)


SessionKey ( SessionTag ( PublicKey ( I2PAppContext (net.i2p.I2PAppContext)13 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 Hash ( SessionKeyManager (net.i2p.crypto.SessionKeyManager)10 PrivateKey ( InetAddress ( DataFormatException ( UnknownHostException ( TagSetHandle (net.i2p.crypto.TagSetHandle)5 Map (java.util.Map)4 GarlicMessage ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 EncryptedBuildRecord ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2