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Example 26 with Signature

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class RouterInfo method readBytes.

 *  If verifySig is true,
 *  this validates the signature while reading in,
 *  and throws a DataFormatException if the sig is invalid.
 *  This is faster than reserializing to validate later.
 *  @throws IllegalStateException if RouterInfo was already read in
 *  @since 0.9
public void readBytes(InputStream in, boolean verifySig) throws DataFormatException, IOException {
    if (_signature != null)
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    _identity = new RouterIdentity();
    // can't set the digest until we know the sig type
    InputStream din;
    MessageDigest digest;
    if (verifySig) {
        SigType type = _identity.getSigningPublicKey().getType();
        if (type != SigType.EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519) {
            // This won't work for EdDSA
            digest = _identity.getSigningPublicKey().getType().getDigestInstance();
            // TODO any better way?
            din = new DigestInputStream(in, digest);
        } else {
            digest = null;
            din = in;
    } else {
        digest = null;
        din = in;
    // avoid thrashing objects
    // Date when = DataHelper.readDate(in);
    // if (when == null)
    // _published = 0;
    // else
    // _published = when.getTime();
    _published = DataHelper.readLong(din, 8);
    int numAddresses = (int) DataHelper.readLong(din, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < numAddresses; i++) {
        RouterAddress address = new RouterAddress();
    int numPeers = (int) DataHelper.readLong(din, 1);
    if (numPeers == 0) {
        _peers = null;
    } else {
        _peers = new HashSet<Hash>(numPeers);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPeers; i++) {
            Hash peerIdentityHash = new Hash();
    DataHelper.readProperties(din, _options);
    _signature = new Signature(_identity.getSigningPublicKey().getType());
    if (verifySig) {
        SigType type = _identity.getSigningPublicKey().getType();
        if (type != SigType.EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519) {
            // This won't work for EdDSA
            SimpleDataStructure hash = _identity.getSigningPublicKey().getType().getHashInstance();
            _isValid = DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(_signature, hash, _identity.getSigningPublicKey());
            _validated = true;
        } else {
        if (!_isValid) {
            throw new DataFormatException("Bad sig");
// _log.debug("Read routerInfo: " + toString());
Also used : DigestInputStream( DigestInputStream( InputStream( Hash( SHA1Hash(net.i2p.crypto.SHA1Hash) SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType) DataFormatException( Signature( MessageDigest( SimpleDataStructure(

Example 27 with Signature

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SessionConfig method readBytes.

public void readBytes(InputStream rawConfig) throws DataFormatException, IOException {
    _destination = Destination.create(rawConfig);
    _options = DataHelper.readProperties(rawConfig);
    _creationDate = DataHelper.readDate(rawConfig);
    _signature = new Signature(_destination.getSigningPublicKey().getType());
Also used : Signature(

Example 28 with Signature

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class EstablishState method verifyInbound.

 * We are Bob. Verify message #3 from Alice, then send message #4 to Alice.
 * _aliceIdentSize and _aliceIdent must be set.
 * _sz_aliceIdent_tsA_padding_aliceSig must contain at least
 *  (2 + _aliceIdentSize + 4 + padding + sig) bytes.
 * Sets _aliceIdent so that we
 * readAliceRouterIdentity() must have been called previously
 * Make sure the signatures are correct, and if they are, update the
 * NIOConnection with the session key / peer ident / clock skew / iv.
 * The NIOConnection itself is responsible for registering with the
 * transport
 *  State must be IB_GOT_RI.
 *  Caller must synch.
private void verifyInbound() {
    byte[] b = _sz_aliceIdent_tsA_padding_aliceSig.toByteArray();
    try {
        int sz = _aliceIdentSize;
        // her timestamp from message #3
        long tsA = DataHelper.fromLong(b, 2 + sz, 4);
        // _tsB is when we sent message #2
        // Adjust backward by RTT/2
        long now = _context.clock().now();
        // rtt from sending #2 to receiving #3
        long rtt = now - _con.getCreated();
        _peerSkew = (now - (tsA * 1000) - (rtt / 2) + 500) / 1000;
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(768);
        baos.write(DataHelper.toLong(4, tsA));
        baos.write(DataHelper.toLong(4, _tsB));
        // baos.write(b, 2+sz+4, b.length-2-sz-4-Signature.SIGNATURE_BYTES);
        byte[] toVerify = baos.toByteArray();
        // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) {
        // _log.debug(prefix()+"checking " + Base64.encode(toVerify, 0, AES_SIZE));
        // //_log.debug(prefix()+"check pad " + Base64.encode(b, 2+sz+4, 12));
        // }
        // handle variable signature size
        SigType type = _aliceIdent.getSigningPublicKey().getType();
        if (type == null) {
            fail("unsupported sig type");
        byte[] s = new byte[type.getSigLen()];
        System.arraycopy(b, b.length - s.length, s, 0, s.length);
        Signature sig = new Signature(type, s);
        boolean ok = _context.dsa().verifySignature(sig, toVerify, _aliceIdent.getSigningPublicKey());
        if (ok) {
            // get inet-addr
            InetAddress addr = this._con.getChannel().socket().getInetAddress();
            byte[] ip = (addr == null) ? null : addr.getAddress();
            if (_context.banlist().isBanlistedForever(_aliceIdent.calculateHash())) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                    _log.warn("Dropping inbound connection from permanently banlisted peer: " + _aliceIdent.calculateHash());
                // rather than doing the whole handshake
                if (ip != null)
                fail("Peer is banlisted forever: " + _aliceIdent.calculateHash());
            if (ip != null)
                _transport.setIP(_aliceIdent.calculateHash(), ip);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                _log.debug(prefix() + "verification successful for " + _con);
            long diff = 1000 * Math.abs(_peerSkew);
            if (!_context.clock().getUpdatedSuccessfully()) {
                // Adjust the clock one time in desperation
                // This isn't very likely, outbound will do it first
                // We are Bob, she is Alice, adjust to match Alice
                _context.clock().setOffset(1000 * (0 - _peerSkew), true);
                _peerSkew = 0;
                if (diff != 0)
                    _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "NTP failure, NTCP adjusting clock by " + DataHelper.formatDuration(diff));
            } else if (diff >= Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR) {
                _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.invalidInboundSkew", diff);
                _transport.markReachable(_aliceIdent.calculateHash(), true);
                // Only banlist if we know what time it is
                _context.banlist().banlistRouter(DataHelper.formatDuration(diff), _aliceIdent.calculateHash(), _x("Excessive clock skew: {0}"));
                fail("Clocks too skewed (" + diff + " ms)", null, true);
            } else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) {
                _log.debug(prefix() + "Clock skew: " + diff + " ms");
            sendInboundConfirm(_aliceIdent, tsA);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                _log.debug(prefix() + "e_bobSig is " + _e_bobSig.length + " bytes long");
            // reuse buf
            byte[] iv = _curEncrypted;
            System.arraycopy(_e_bobSig, _e_bobSig.length - AES_SIZE, iv, 0, AES_SIZE);
            // this does not copy the IV, do not release to cache
            // We are Bob, she is Alice, clock skew is Alice-Bob
            // skew in seconds
            _con.finishInboundEstablishment(_dh.getSessionKey(), _peerSkew, iv, _prevEncrypted);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
       + "Verified remote peer as " + _aliceIdent.calculateHash());
        } else {
            _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.invalidInboundSignature", 1);
            fail("Peer verification failed - spoof of " + _aliceIdent.calculateHash() + "?");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.invalidInboundIOE", 1);
        fail("Error verifying peer", ioe);
Also used : Signature( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( InetAddress( SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType)

Example 29 with Signature

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class DSABench method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int times = 100;
    long keygentime = 0;
    long signtime = 0;
    long verifytime = 0;
    long maxKey = 0;
    long minKey = 0;
    long maxS = 0;
    long minS = 0;
    long maxV = 0;
    long minV = 0;
    Object[] keys = KeyGenerator.getInstance().generateSigningKeypair();
    byte[] message = new byte[32 + 32];
    for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) message[i] = (byte) ((i % 26) + 'a');
    for (int x = 0; x < times; x++) {
        long startkeys = System.currentTimeMillis();
        keys = KeyGenerator.getInstance().generateSigningKeypair();
        SigningPublicKey pubkey = (SigningPublicKey) keys[0];
        SigningPrivateKey privkey = (SigningPrivateKey) keys[1];
        long endkeys = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long startsign = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Signature s = DSAEngine.getInstance().sign(message, privkey);
        Signature s1 = DSAEngine.getInstance().sign(new ByteArrayInputStream(message), privkey);
        long endsignstartverify = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean v = DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(s, message, pubkey);
        boolean v1 = DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(s1, new ByteArrayInputStream(message), pubkey);
        boolean v2 = DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(s1, message, pubkey);
        boolean v3 = DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(s, new ByteArrayInputStream(message), pubkey);
        long endverify = System.currentTimeMillis();
        keygentime += endkeys - startkeys;
        signtime += endsignstartverify - startsign;
        verifytime += endverify - endsignstartverify;
        if (!v) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Holy crap, did not verify");
        if (!(v1 && v2 && v3))
            throw new RuntimeException("Stream did not verify");
        if ((minKey == 0) && (minS == 0) && (minV == 0)) {
            minKey = endkeys - startkeys;
            maxKey = endkeys - startkeys;
            minS = endsignstartverify - startsign;
            maxS = endsignstartverify - startsign;
            minV = endverify - endsignstartverify;
            maxV = endverify - endsignstartverify;
        } else {
            if (minKey > endkeys - startkeys)
                minKey = endkeys - startkeys;
            if (maxKey < endkeys - startkeys)
                maxKey = endkeys - startkeys;
            if (minS > endsignstartverify - startsign)
                minS = endsignstartverify - startsign;
            if (maxS < endsignstartverify - startsign)
                maxS = endsignstartverify - startsign;
            if (minV > endverify - endsignstartverify)
                minV = endverify - endsignstartverify;
            if (maxV < endverify - endsignstartverify)
                maxV = endverify - endsignstartverify;
    System.out.println("Key Generation Time Average: " + (keygentime / times) + "\ttotal: " + keygentime + "\tmin: " + minKey + "\tmax: " + maxKey + "\tKeygen/second: " + (keygentime == 0 ? "NaN" : "" + (times * 1000) / keygentime));
    System.out.println("Signing Time Average       : " + (signtime / times) + "\ttotal: " + signtime + "\tmin: " + minS + "\tmax: " + maxS + "\tSigning Bps: " + (times * message.length * 1000) / signtime);
    System.out.println("Verification Time Average  : " + (verifytime / times) + "\ttotal: " + verifytime + "\tmin: " + minV + "\tmax: " + maxV + "\tDecryption Bps: " + (times * message.length * 1000) / verifytime);
Also used : SigningPrivateKey( SigningPublicKey( ByteArrayInputStream( Signature(

Example 30 with Signature

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class KeyGeneratorTest method testKeyGen.

public void testKeyGen() {
    byte[] src = new byte[200];
    I2PAppContext ctx = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        Object[] keys = KeyGenerator.getInstance().generatePKIKeypair();
        byte[] ctext = ctx.elGamalEngine().encrypt(src, (PublicKey) keys[0]);
        byte[] ptext = ctx.elGamalEngine().decrypt(ctext, (PrivateKey) keys[1]);
        assertTrue(DataHelper.eq(ptext, src));
    Object[] obj = KeyGenerator.getInstance().generateSigningKeypair();
    SigningPublicKey fake = (SigningPublicKey) obj[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        Object[] keys = KeyGenerator.getInstance().generateSigningKeypair();
        Signature sig = DSAEngine.getInstance().sign(src, (SigningPrivateKey) keys[1]);
        assertTrue(DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(sig, src, (SigningPublicKey) keys[0]));
        assertFalse(DSAEngine.getInstance().verifySignature(sig, src, fake));
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Also used : SigningPublicKey( I2PAppContext(net.i2p.I2PAppContext) Signature(


Signature ( IOException ( SigType (net.i2p.crypto.SigType)14 DataFormatException ( SigningPublicKey ( ByteArrayInputStream ( GeneralSecurityException ( FileInputStream ( StringWriter ( SigningPrivateKey ( InetAddress ( MessageDigest ( Destination ( SimpleDataStructure ( FileOutputStream ( InputStream ( DigestInputStream ( Hash ( Log (net.i2p.util.Log)3 SecureFileOutputStream (net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream)3