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Example 6 with Log

use of net.i2p.util.Log in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class PluginStarter method isPluginRunning.

public static boolean isPluginRunning(String pluginName, RouterContext ctx) {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PluginStarter.class);
    boolean isJobRunning = false;
    Collection<SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent> pending = _pendingPluginClients.get(pluginName);
    if (pending != null && !pending.isEmpty()) {
        // TODO have a pending indication too
        isJobRunning = true;
    boolean isWarRunning = false;
    if (pluginWars.containsKey(pluginName)) {
        Iterator<String> it = pluginWars.get(pluginName).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext() && !isWarRunning) {
            String warName =;
            if (WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(warName)) {
                isWarRunning = true;
    boolean isClientThreadRunning = isClientThreadRunning(pluginName, ctx);
    if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        log.debug("plugin name = <" + pluginName + ">; threads running? " + isClientThreadRunning + "; webapp running? " + isWarRunning + "; jobs running? " + isJobRunning);
    return isClientThreadRunning || isWarRunning || isJobRunning;
// if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
// log.debug("plugin name = <" + pluginName + ">; threads running? " + isClientThreadRunning(pluginName) + "; webapp running? " + WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(pluginName) + "; jobs running? " + isJobRunning);
// return isClientThreadRunning(pluginName) || WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(pluginName) || isJobRunning;
Also used : Log(net.i2p.util.Log)

Example 7 with Log

use of net.i2p.util.Log in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class PluginStarter method runClientApps.

 *  @param action "start" or "stop" or "uninstall"
 *  @throws Exception just about anything if an app has a delay less than zero, caller would be wise to catch Throwable
 *  If no apps have a delay less than zero, it shouldn't throw anything
private static void runClientApps(RouterContext ctx, File pluginDir, List<ClientAppConfig> apps, String action) throws Exception {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PluginStarter.class);
    // initialize pluginThreadGroup and _pendingPluginClients
    String pluginName = pluginDir.getName();
    if (!pluginThreadGroups.containsKey(pluginName))
        pluginThreadGroups.put(pluginName, new ThreadGroup(pluginName));
    ThreadGroup pluginThreadGroup = pluginThreadGroups.get(pluginName);
    if (action.equals("start"))
        _pendingPluginClients.put(pluginName, new ConcurrentHashSet<SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent>());
    for (ClientAppConfig app : apps) {
        // bypass all the logic below.
        if (action.equals("stop")) {
            String[] argVal = LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(app.args);
            // Do this after parsing so we don't need to worry about quoting
            for (int i = 0; i < argVal.length; i++) {
                if (argVal[i].indexOf('$') >= 0) {
                    argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$I2P", ctx.getBaseDir().getAbsolutePath());
                    argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$CONFIG", ctx.getConfigDir().getAbsolutePath());
                    argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$PLUGIN", pluginDir.getAbsolutePath());
            ClientApp ca = ctx.routerAppManager().getClientApp(app.className, argVal);
            if (ca != null) {
                // even if (ca.getState() != ClientAppState.RUNNING), we do this, we don't want to fall thru
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new Exception(t);
        if (action.equals("start") && app.disabled)
        String[] argVal;
        if (action.equals("start")) {
            // start
            argVal = LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(app.args);
        } else {
            String args;
            if (action.equals("stop"))
                args = app.stopargs;
            else if (action.equals("uninstall"))
                args = app.uninstallargs;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad action");
            // args must be present
            if (args == null || args.length() <= 0)
            argVal = LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(args);
        // do this after parsing so we don't need to worry about quoting
        for (int i = 0; i < argVal.length; i++) {
            if (argVal[i].indexOf('$') >= 0) {
                argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$I2P", ctx.getBaseDir().getAbsolutePath());
                argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$CONFIG", ctx.getConfigDir().getAbsolutePath());
                argVal[i] = argVal[i].replace("$PLUGIN", pluginDir.getAbsolutePath());
        ClassLoader cl = null;
        if (app.classpath != null) {
            String cp = app.classpath;
            if (cp.indexOf('$') >= 0) {
                cp = cp.replace("$I2P", ctx.getBaseDir().getAbsolutePath());
                cp = cp.replace("$CONFIG", ctx.getConfigDir().getAbsolutePath());
                cp = cp.replace("$PLUGIN", pluginDir.getAbsolutePath());
            // Old way - add for the whole JVM
            // addToClasspath(cp, app.clientName, log);
            // New way - add only for this client
            // We cache the ClassLoader we start the client with, so
            // we can reuse it for stopping and uninstalling.
            // If we don't, the client won't be able to find its
            // static members.
            String clCacheKey = pluginName + app.className + app.args;
            if (!action.equals("start"))
                cl = _clCache.get(clCacheKey);
            if (cl == null) {
                URL[] urls = classpathToURLArray(cp, app.clientName, log);
                if (urls != null) {
                    cl = new URLClassLoader(urls, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
                    if (action.equals("start"))
                        _clCache.put(clCacheKey, cl);
        if (app.delay < 0 && action.equals("start")) {
            // this will throw exceptions
            LoadClientAppsJob.runClientInline(app.className, app.clientName, argVal, log, cl);
        } else if (app.delay == 0 || !action.equals("start")) {
            // quick check, will throw ClassNotFoundException on error
            LoadClientAppsJob.testClient(app.className, cl);
            // run this guy now
            LoadClientAppsJob.runClient(app.className, app.clientName, argVal, ctx, log, pluginThreadGroup, cl);
        } else {
            // If it bombs after that, then we throw the ClassNotFoundException.
            try {
                // quick check
                LoadClientAppsJob.testClient(app.className, cl);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                // Under normal circumstances there will be no delay at all.
                try {
                    if (app.delay > 1) {
                    } else {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                // quick check, will throw ClassNotFoundException on error
                LoadClientAppsJob.testClient(app.className, cl);
            // wait before firing it up
            SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent evt = new TrackedDelayedClient(pluginName, ctx.simpleTimer2(), ctx, app.className, app.clientName, argVal, pluginThreadGroup, cl);
Also used : Log(net.i2p.util.Log) ClientApp( IOException( URL( ConcurrentHashSet(net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet) URLClassLoader( ClientAppConfig(net.i2p.router.startup.ClientAppConfig) URLClassLoader( SimpleTimer2(net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2)

Example 8 with Log

use of net.i2p.util.Log in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class BlocklistEntries method verify.

public synchronized boolean verify(I2PAppContext ctx) {
    if (verified)
        return true;
    if (signer == null || sig == null || supdated == null)
        return false;
    if (updated > ctx.clock().now() + MAX_FUTURE)
        return false;
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(BlocklistEntries.class);
    String[] ss = DataHelper.split(sig, ":", 2);
    if (ss.length != 2) {
        log.error("blocklist feed bad sig: " + sig);
        return false;
    SigType type = SigType.parseSigType(ss[0]);
    if (type == null) {
        log.error("blocklist feed bad sig: " + sig);
        return false;
    if (!type.isAvailable()) {
        log.error("blocklist feed sigtype unavailable: " + sig);
        return false;
    byte[] bsig = Base64.decode(ss[1]);
    if (bsig == null) {
        log.error("blocklist feed bad sig: " + sig);
        return false;
    Signature ssig;
    try {
        ssig = new Signature(type, bsig);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        log.error("blocklist feed bad sig: " + sig);
        return false;
    // look in both install dir and config dir for the signer cert
    KeyRing ring = new DirKeyRing(new File(ctx.getBaseDir(), "certificates"));
    PublicKey pubkey;
    try {
        pubkey = ring.getKey(signer, CONTENT_ROUTER, type);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        log.error("blocklist feed error", ioe);
        return false;
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
        log.error("blocklist feed error", gse);
        return false;
    if (pubkey == null) {
        boolean diff = true;
        try {
            diff = !ctx.getBaseDir().getCanonicalPath().equals(ctx.getConfigDir().getCanonicalPath());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (diff) {
            ring = new DirKeyRing(new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), "certificates"));
            try {
                pubkey = ring.getKey(signer, CONTENT_ROUTER, type);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                log.error("blocklist feed error", ioe);
                return false;
            } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
                log.error("blocklist feed error", gse);
                return false;
        if (pubkey == null) {
            log.error("unknown signer for blocklist feed: " + signer);
            return false;
    SigningPublicKey spubkey;
    try {
        spubkey = SigUtil.fromJavaKey(pubkey, type);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
        log.error("blocklist feed bad sig: " + sig, gse);
        return false;
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
    for (String s : entries) {
    for (String s : removes) {
    byte[] data = DataHelper.getUTF8(buf.toString());
    boolean rv = ctx.dsa().verifySignature(ssig, data, spubkey);
    if (rv)"blocklist feed sig ok");
        log.error("blocklist feed sig verify fail: " + signer);
    verified = rv;
    return rv;
Also used : SigningPublicKey( Log(net.i2p.util.Log) PublicKey( SigningPublicKey( GeneralSecurityException( IOException( SigType(net.i2p.crypto.SigType) DirKeyRing(net.i2p.crypto.DirKeyRing) KeyRing(net.i2p.crypto.KeyRing) DirKeyRing(net.i2p.crypto.DirKeyRing) Signature( File(

Example 9 with Log

use of net.i2p.util.Log in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ConfigLoggingHelper method getNewClassBox.

 *  All the classes the log manager knows about, except ones that
 *  already have overrides
 *  @since 0.8.1
public String getNewClassBox() {
    List<Log> logs = _context.logManager().getLogs();
    Set<String> limits = _context.logManager().getLimits().stringPropertyNames();
    TreeSet<String> sortedLogs = new TreeSet<String>();
    for (Log log : logs) {
        String name = log.getName();
        if (!limits.contains(name))
        // add higher classes of length 3 or more
        int dots = 0;
        int lastdot = -1;
        int nextdot = 0;
        while ((nextdot = name.indexOf('.', lastdot + 1)) > 0) {
            if (++dots >= 3) {
                String subst = name.substring(0, nextdot);
                if (!limits.contains(subst))
            lastdot = nextdot;
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(65536);
    buf.append("<select name=\"newlogclass\">\n" + "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">").append(_t("Select a class to add")).append("</option>\n");
    for (String l : sortedLogs) {
        buf.append("<option value=\"").append(l).append("\">").append(l).append("</option>\n");
    buf.append(getLogLevelBox("newloglevel", "WARN", false));
    return buf.toString();
Also used : Log(net.i2p.util.Log) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet)

Example 10 with Log

use of net.i2p.util.Log in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class KeyStoreUtil method log.

// private static void info(I2PAppContext ctx, String msg) {
// log(ctx, Log.INFO, msg, null);
// }
// private static void error(I2PAppContext ctx, String msg, Throwable t) {
// log(ctx, Log.ERROR, msg, t);
// }
private static void log(I2PAppContext ctx, int level, String msg, Throwable t) {
    if (level >= Log.WARN && !ctx.isRouterContext()) {
        if (t != null)
    Log l = ctx.logManager().getLog(KeyStoreUtil.class);
    l.log(level, msg, t);
Also used : Log(net.i2p.util.Log)


Log (net.i2p.util.Log)94 IOException ( File ( Properties (java.util.Properties)11 DataFormatException ( FileInputStream ( GeneralSecurityException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Hash ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 InputStream ( EventLog (net.i2p.router.util.EventLog)4 ByteArrayOutputStream ( Map (java.util.Map)3 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 I2PAppContext (net.i2p.I2PAppContext)3 I2PSession (net.i2p.client.I2PSession)3 I2PSessionException (net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException)3 SigType (net.i2p.crypto.SigType)3 RouterInfo (