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Example 16 with OrderedProperties

use of net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class NTCPTransport method startListening.

 *  Called by TransportManager.
 *  Caller should stop the transport first, then
 *  verify stopped with isAlive()
 *  Unfortunately TransportManager doesn't do that, so we
 *  check here to prevent two pumpers.
public synchronized void startListening() {
    // try once again to prevent two pumpers which is fatal
    if (_pumper.isAlive())
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
        _log.warn("Starting NTCP transport listening");
    RouterAddress addr = configureLocalAddress();
    int port;
    if (addr != null)
        // probably not set
        port = addr.getPort();
        // received by externalAddressReceived() from TransportManager
        port = _ssuPort;
    RouterAddress myAddress = bindAddress(port);
    if (myAddress != null) {
        // fixed interface, or bound to the specified host
    } else if (addr != null) {
        // specified host, bound to wildcard
    } else if (port > 0) {
        // all detected interfaces
        for (InetAddress ia : getSavedLocalAddresses()) {
            OrderedProperties props = new OrderedProperties();
            props.setProperty(RouterAddress.PROP_HOST, ia.getHostAddress());
            props.setProperty(RouterAddress.PROP_PORT, Integer.toString(port));
            int cost = getDefaultCost(ia instanceof Inet6Address);
            myAddress = new RouterAddress(STYLE, props, cost);
// TransportManager.startListening() calls router.rebuildRouterInfo()
Also used : RouterAddress( OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) Inet6Address( InetAddress(

Example 17 with OrderedProperties

use of net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class NTCPTransport method bindAddress.

 *  Only does something if myPort > 0 and myPort != current bound port
 *  (or there's no current port, or the configured interface or hostname changed).
 *  If we are changing the bound port, this restarts everything, which takes a long time.
 *  call from synchronized method
 *  @param myPort does nothing if <= 0
 *  @return new address ONLY if bound to specific address, otherwise null
private RouterAddress bindAddress(int port) {
    RouterAddress myAddress = null;
    if (port > 0) {
        InetAddress bindToAddr = null;
        String bindTo = _context.getProperty(PROP_BIND_INTERFACE);
        if (bindTo == null) {
            // If we are configured with a fixed IP address,
            // AND it's one of our local interfaces,
            // bind only to that.
            bindTo = getFixedHost();
        if (bindTo != null) {
            try {
                bindToAddr = InetAddress.getByName(bindTo);
            } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
                _log.error("Invalid NTCP bind interface specified [" + bindTo + "]", uhe);
            // this can be implemented later, just updates some stats
            // see udp/
            // setReachabilityStatus(CommSystemFacade.STATUS_HOSED);
            // return null;
            // fall thru
        try {
            InetSocketAddress addr;
            if (bindToAddr == null) {
                addr = new InetSocketAddress(port);
            } else {
                addr = new InetSocketAddress(bindToAddr, port);
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                    _log.warn("Binding only to " + bindToAddr);
                OrderedProperties props = new OrderedProperties();
                props.setProperty(RouterAddress.PROP_HOST, bindTo);
                props.setProperty(RouterAddress.PROP_PORT, Integer.toString(port));
                int cost = getDefaultCost(false);
                myAddress = new RouterAddress(STYLE, props, cost);
            if (!_endpoints.isEmpty()) {
                // require a restart.
                if (_endpoints.contains(addr) || (bindToAddr != null && _endpoints.contains(new InetSocketAddress(port)))) {
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                        _log.warn("Already listening on " + addr);
                    return null;
                // FIXME support multiple binds
                // FIXME just close and unregister
            if (!TransportUtil.isValidPort(port))
                _log.error("Specified NTCP port is " + port + ", ports lower than 1024 not recommended");
            ServerSocketChannel chan =;
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Listening on " + addr);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            _log.error("Error listening", ioe);
            myAddress = null;
    } else {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Outbound NTCP connections only - no listener configured");
    return myAddress;
Also used : UnknownHostException( InetSocketAddress( RouterAddress( OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) IOException( InetAddress( ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel)

Example 18 with OrderedProperties

use of net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class UDPTransport method locked_rebuildExternalAddress.

private RouterAddress locked_rebuildExternalAddress(String host, int port, boolean allowRebuildRouterInfo) {
    if (_log.shouldDebug())
        _log.debug("REA4 " + host + ':' + port);
    if (_context.router().isHidden())
        return null;
    OrderedProperties options = new OrderedProperties();
    boolean directIncluded;
    // DNS name assumed IPv4
    boolean isIPv6 = host != null && host.contains(":");
    boolean introducersRequired = (!isIPv6) && introducersRequired();
    if (!introducersRequired && allowDirectUDP() && port > 0 && host != null) {
        options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port));
        options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host);
        directIncluded = true;
    } else {
        directIncluded = false;
    boolean introducersIncluded = false;
    if (introducersRequired) {
        // intro manager now sorts introducers, so
        // deepEquals() below will not fail even with same introducers.
        // Was only a problem when we had very very few peers to pick from.
        RouterAddress current = getCurrentAddress(isIPv6);
        int found = _introManager.pickInbound(current, options, PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT);
        if (found > 0) {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Direct? " + directIncluded + " reqd? " + introducersRequired + " picked introducers: " + found);
            _introducersSelectedOn = _context.clock().now();
            introducersIncluded = true;
        } else {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn("Direct? " + directIncluded + " reqd? " + introducersRequired + " no introducers");
    // if we have explicit external addresses, they had better be reachable
    if (introducersRequired)
        options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY, CAP_TESTING);
        options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY, CAP_TESTING_INTRO);
    // MTU since 0.9.2
    int mtu;
    if (host == null) {
        mtu = _mtu;
    } else {
        try {
            InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(host);
            mtu = setMTU(ia);
        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            mtu = _mtu;
    if (mtu != PeerState.LARGE_MTU)
        options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_MTU, Integer.toString(mtu));
    if (directIncluded || introducersIncluded) {
        // Note that peers won't connect to us without this - see EstablishmentManager
        if (_introKey != null)
            options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_INTRO_KEY, _introKey.toBase64());
        // SSU seems to regulate at about 85%, so make it a little higher.
        // If this is too low, both NTCP and SSU always have incremented cost and
        // the whole mechanism is not helpful.
        int cost = DEFAULT_COST;
        if (ADJUST_COST && !haveCapacity(91))
        if (introducersIncluded)
            cost += 2;
        if (isIPv6) {
            TransportUtil.IPv6Config config = getIPv6Config();
            if (config == IPV6_PREFERRED)
            else if (config == IPV6_NOT_PREFERRED)
        RouterAddress addr = new RouterAddress(STYLE, options, cost);
        RouterAddress current = getCurrentAddress(isIPv6);
        boolean wantsRebuild = !addr.deepEquals(current);
        // save the external address, even if we didn't publish it
        if (port > 0 && host != null) {
            RouterAddress local;
            if (directIncluded) {
                local = addr;
            } else {
                OrderedProperties localOpts = new OrderedProperties();
                localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port));
                localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host);
                local = new RouterAddress(STYLE, localOpts, cost);
            replaceCurrentExternalAddress(local, isIPv6);
        if (wantsRebuild) {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Address rebuilt: " + addr, new Exception());
            // via CSFI.createAddresses->TM.getAddresses()->updateAddress()->REA
            if (allowRebuildRouterInfo)
        } else {
            addr = null;
        if (!isIPv6)
            _needsRebuild = false;
        return addr;
    } else {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            _log.warn("Wanted to rebuild my SSU address, but couldn't specify either the direct or indirect info (needs introducers? " + introducersRequired + ")", new Exception("source"));
        _needsRebuild = true;
        // save the external address, even if we didn't publish it
        if (port > 0 && host != null) {
            OrderedProperties localOpts = new OrderedProperties();
            localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port));
            localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host);
            RouterAddress local = new RouterAddress(STYLE, localOpts, DEFAULT_COST);
            replaceCurrentExternalAddress(local, isIPv6);
        if (hasCurrentAddress()) {
            // We must remove current address, otherwise the user will see
            // "firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled" warning in console.
            // Remove the IPv4 address only
            // via CSFI.createAddresses->TM.getAddresses()->updateAddress()->REA
            if (allowRebuildRouterInfo)
        return null;
Also used : IPv6Config(net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil.IPv6Config) TransportUtil(net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil) UnknownHostException( OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) RouterAddress( InetAddress( SocketException( IOException( UnknownHostException(

Example 19 with OrderedProperties

use of net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class PluginUpdateRunner method processFinal.

 *  @param pubkey null OK for su3
 *  @since 0.9.15
private void processFinal(File to, File appDir, String url, Properties props, String sudVersion, String pubkey, String signer) {
    boolean update = false;
    String appName = props.getProperty("name");
    String version = props.getProperty("version");
    if (appName == null || version == null || appName.length() <= 0 || version.length() <= 0 || appName.indexOf('<') >= 0 || appName.indexOf('>') >= 0 || version.indexOf('<') >= 0 || version.indexOf('>') >= 0 || appName.startsWith(".") || appName.indexOf('/') >= 0 || appName.indexOf('\\') >= 0) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin from {0} has invalid name or version", url) + "</b>");
    if (!version.equals(sudVersion)) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} has mismatched versions", appName) + "</b>");
    // set so notifyComplete() will work
    _appName = appName;
    _newVersion = version;
    String minVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "min-i2p-version");
    if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(CoreVersion.VERSION, minVersion) < 0) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("This plugin requires I2P version {0} or higher", minVersion) + "</b>");
    minVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "min-java-version");
    if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(System.getProperty("java.version"), minVersion) < 0) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("This plugin requires Java version {0} or higher", minVersion) + "</b>");
    boolean wasRunning = false;
    File destDir = new SecureDirectory(appDir, appName);
    if (destDir.exists()) {
        if (Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("install-only")).booleanValue()) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Downloaded plugin is for new installs only, but the plugin is already installed", url) + "</b>");
        // compare previous version
        File oldPropFile = new File(destDir, "plugin.config");
        Properties oldProps = new OrderedProperties();
        try {
            DataHelper.loadProps(oldProps, oldPropFile);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Installed plugin does not contain the required configuration file", url) + "</b>");
        String oldPubkey = oldProps.getProperty("key");
        String oldKeyName = oldProps.getProperty("signer");
        String oldAppName = oldProps.getProperty("name");
        if ((pubkey != null && !pubkey.equals(oldPubkey)) || (!signer.equals(oldKeyName)) || (!appName.equals(oldAppName))) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Signature of downloaded plugin does not match installed plugin") + "</b>");
        String oldVersion = oldProps.getProperty("version");
        if (oldVersion == null || VersionComparator.comp(oldVersion, version) >= 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Downloaded plugin version {0} is not newer than installed plugin", version) + "</b>");
        minVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "min-installed-version");
        if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(minVersion, oldVersion) > 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin update requires installed plugin version {0} or higher", minVersion) + "</b>");
        String maxVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "max-installed-version");
        if (maxVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(maxVersion, oldVersion) < 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin update requires installed plugin version {0} or lower", maxVersion) + "</b>");
        oldVersion = RouterConsoleRunner.jettyVersion();
        minVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "min-jetty-version");
        if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(minVersion, oldVersion) > 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin requires Jetty version {0} or higher", minVersion) + "</b>");
        String blacklistVersion = PluginStarter.jetty9Blacklist.get(appName);
        if (blacklistVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(version, blacklistVersion) <= 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin requires Jetty version {0} or lower", "8.9999") + "</b>");
        maxVersion = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "max-jetty-version");
        if (maxVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(maxVersion, oldVersion) < 0) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin requires Jetty version {0} or lower", maxVersion) + "</b>");
        // do we defer extraction and installation?
        if (Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("router-restart-required")).booleanValue()) {
            // Yup!
            try {
                if (!FileUtil.copy(to, (new SecureFile(new SecureFile(appDir.getCanonicalPath() + "/" + appName + "/" + ZIP).getCanonicalPath())), true, true)) {
                    statusDone("<b>" + _t("Cannot copy plugin to directory {0}", destDir.getAbsolutePath()) + "</b>");
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                _log.error("Error copying plugin {0}", t);
            // we don't need the original file anymore.
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin will be installed on next restart.") + ' ' + appName + ' ' + version + "</b>");
        if (PluginStarter.isPluginRunning(appName, _context)) {
            wasRunning = true;
            try {
                if (!PluginStarter.stopPlugin(_context, appName)) {
                // failed, ignore
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                // no updateStatus() for this one
                _log.error("Error stopping plugin " + appName, e);
        update = true;
    } else {
        if (Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("update-only")).booleanValue()) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin is for upgrades only, but the plugin is not installed") + ". " + appName + ' ' + version + "</b>");
        if (!destDir.mkdir()) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Cannot create plugin directory {0}", destDir.getAbsolutePath()) + "</b>");
    // Finally, extract the zip to the plugin directory
    if (!FileUtil.extractZip(to, destDir, Log.WARN)) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Failed to install plugin in {0}", destDir.getAbsolutePath()) + "</b>");
    _updated = true;
    // install != update. Changing the user's settings like this is probabbly a bad idea.
    if (Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("dont-start-at-install")).booleanValue()) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} installed", appName + ' ' + version) + "</b>");
        if (!update) {
            Properties pluginProps = PluginStarter.pluginProperties();
            pluginProps.setProperty(PluginStarter.PREFIX + appName + PluginStarter.ENABLED, "false");
    } else if (wasRunning || PluginStarter.isPluginEnabled(appName)) {
        // start everything unless it was disabled and not running before
        try {
            if (PluginStarter.startPlugin(_context, appName)) {
                String linkName = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName_" + Messages.getLanguage(_context));
                if (linkName == null)
                    linkName = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName");
                String linkURL = PluginStarter.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkURL");
                String link;
                if (linkName != null && linkURL != null)
                    link = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + linkURL + "\"/>" + linkName + ' ' + version + "</a>";
                    link = appName + ' ' + version;
                statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} installed and started", link) + "</b>");
            } else
                statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} installed but failed to start, check logs", appName + ' ' + version) + "</b>");
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} installed but failed to start", appName + ' ' + version) + ": " + e + "</b>");
            _log.error("Error starting plugin " + appName + ' ' + version, e);
    } else {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin {0} installed", appName + ' ' + version) + "</b>");
Also used : SecureDirectory(net.i2p.util.SecureDirectory) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) IOException( OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) Properties(java.util.Properties) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) SU3File(net.i2p.crypto.SU3File) File(

Example 20 with OrderedProperties

use of net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class PluginUpdateRunner method getPluginConfig.

 *  @since 0.9.15
 *  @return null on error
private Properties getPluginConfig(File f, File to, String url) {
    File tempDir = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "tmp" + _context.random().nextInt() + "-unzip");
    if (!FileUtil.extractZip(to, tempDir, Log.ERROR)) {
        FileUtil.rmdir(tempDir, false);
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin from {0} is corrupt", url) + "</b>");
        return null;
    File installProps = new File(tempDir, "plugin.config");
    Properties props = new OrderedProperties();
    try {
        DataHelper.loadProps(props, installProps);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        statusDone("<b>" + _t("Plugin from {0} does not contain the required configuration file", url) + "</b>");
        return null;
    } finally {
        // we don't need this anymore, we will unzip again
        FileUtil.rmdir(tempDir, false);
    return props;
Also used : OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) IOException( OrderedProperties(net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties) Properties(java.util.Properties) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) SU3File(net.i2p.crypto.SU3File) File(


OrderedProperties (net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties)34 Properties (java.util.Properties)20 IOException ( File ( Map (java.util.Map)8 RouterAddress ( UnknownHostException ( InputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 InetAddress ( ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 StructureTest ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 BufferedInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( FileInputStream ( OutputStream ( Socket ( GeneralSecurityException ( I2PSessionException (net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException)2