use of net.minecraft.command.WrongUsageException in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class CommandGCKit method execute.
public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException {
EntityPlayerMP playerBase = null;
if (args.length < 2) {
try {
if (args.length == 1) {
playerBase = PlayerUtil.getPlayerBaseServerFromPlayerUsername(args[0], true);
} else {
playerBase = PlayerUtil.getPlayerBaseServerFromPlayerUsername(sender.getName(), true);
if (playerBase != null) {
ItemHandlerHelper.giveItemToPlayer(playerBase, new ItemStack(GCItems.emergencyKit), 0);
CommandBase.notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "commands.emergencykit", new Object[] { String.valueOf(EnumColor.GREY + "[" + playerBase.getName()), "]" });
} else {
throw new Exception("Could not find player with name: " + args[0]);
} catch (final Exception var6) {
throw new CommandException(var6.getMessage(), new Object[0]);
} else {
throw new WrongUsageException(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("commands.dimensiontp.too_many", this.getUsage(sender)), new Object[0]);
use of net.minecraft.command.WrongUsageException in project Galacticraft by micdoodle8.
the class CommandSpaceStationAddOwner method execute.
public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException {
String var3 = null;
EntityPlayerMP playerBase = null;
if (args.length > 0) {
var3 = args[0];
try {
playerBase = PlayerUtil.getPlayerBaseServerFromPlayerUsername(sender.getName(), true);
if (playerBase != null) {
GCPlayerStats stats = GCPlayerStats.get(playerBase);
if (stats.getSpaceStationDimensionData().isEmpty()) {
throw new WrongUsageException(GCCoreUtil.translate("commands.ssinvite.not_found"), new Object[0]);
} else {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> ownedStations : stats.getSpaceStationDimensionData().entrySet()) {
final SpaceStationWorldData data = SpaceStationWorldData.getStationData(, ownedStations.getValue(), playerBase);
if (var3.equalsIgnoreCase("+all")) {
playerBase.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("gui.spacestation.allow_all_true")));
if (var3.equalsIgnoreCase("-all")) {
playerBase.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("gui.spacestation.allow_all_false", var3)));
if (!data.getAllowedPlayers().contains(var3)) {
final EntityPlayerMP playerToAdd = PlayerUtil.getPlayerBaseServerFromPlayerUsername(var3, true);
if (playerToAdd != null) {
playerToAdd.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("gui.spacestation.added", PlayerUtil.getName(playerBase))));
} catch (final Exception var6) {
throw new CommandException(var6.getMessage(), new Object[0]);
} else {
throw new WrongUsageException(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("commands.ssinvite.wrong_usage", this.getUsage(sender)), new Object[0]);
if (playerBase != null) {
playerBase.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(GCCoreUtil.translateWithFormat("gui.spacestation.addsuccess", var3)));
use of net.minecraft.command.WrongUsageException in project Wizardry by TeamWizardry.
the class CommandDebug method execute.
public void execute(@NotNull MinecraftServer server, @NotNull ICommandSender sender, @NotNull String[] args) throws WrongUsageException {
if (args.length < 2)
throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));
ModuleInstance module = ModuleRegistry.INSTANCE.getModule(args[1]);
if (module == null) {
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "wizardry.command." + getName() + ".module_not_found");
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " ________________________________________________\\\\");
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + "Module " + module.getReadableName() + ":");
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Description " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getDescription());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Item Stack " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getItemStack().getDisplayName());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Burnout Fill " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getBurnoutFill());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | | |_ " + TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN + "Burnout Multiplier" + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getBurnoutMultiplier());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Mana Drain " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getManaDrain());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | | |_" + TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN + "Mana Multiplier " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getManaMultiplier());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Power Multiplier " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getPowerMultiplier());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Charge Up Time " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getChargeupTime());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Cooldown Time " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.GRAY + module.getCooldownTime());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Primary Color " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.RED + module.getPrimaryColor().getRed() + TextFormatting.GRAY + ", " + TextFormatting.GREEN + module.getPrimaryColor().getGreen() + TextFormatting.GRAY + ", " + TextFormatting.BLUE + module.getPrimaryColor().getBlue());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Secondary Color " + TextFormatting.GRAY + " | " + TextFormatting.RED + module.getSecondaryColor().getRed() + TextFormatting.GRAY + ", " + TextFormatting.GREEN + module.getSecondaryColor().getGreen() + TextFormatting.GRAY + ", " + TextFormatting.BLUE + module.getSecondaryColor().getBlue());
if (!module.getAttributeModifiers().isEmpty())
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Default AttributeRegistry");
for (AttributeModifier attributeModifier : module.getAttributeModifiers()) notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | | |_ " + TextFormatting.GRAY + attributeModifier.toString());
ModuleInstanceModifier[] modifierList = module.applicableModifiers();
if (modifierList != null) {
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.GREEN + "Applicable Modifiers ");
for (ModuleInstanceModifier modifier : modifierList) notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " | |_ " + TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN + modifier.getNBTKey());
notifyCommandListener(sender, this, TextFormatting.YELLOW + " |________________________________________________//");