use of net.minecraft.pathfinding.NodeProcessor in project Minecraft-SlientClient-Hack by YouNeverKnow00.
the class EntityMoveHelper method onUpdateMoveHelper.
public void onUpdateMoveHelper() {
if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.STRAFE) {
float f = (float) this.entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue();
float f1 = (float) this.speed * f;
float f2 = this.moveForward;
float f3 = this.moveStrafe;
float f4 = MathHelper.sqrt(f2 * f2 + f3 * f3);
if (f4 < 1.0F) {
f4 = 1.0F;
f4 = f1 / f4;
f2 = f2 * f4;
f3 = f3 * f4;
float f5 = MathHelper.sin(this.entity.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F);
float f6 = MathHelper.cos(this.entity.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F);
float f7 = f2 * f6 - f3 * f5;
float f8 = f3 * f6 + f2 * f5;
PathNavigate pathnavigate = this.entity.getNavigator();
if (pathnavigate != null) {
NodeProcessor nodeprocessor = pathnavigate.getNodeProcessor();
if (nodeprocessor != null && nodeprocessor.getPathNodeType(, MathHelper.floor(this.entity.posX + (double) f7), MathHelper.floor(this.entity.posY), MathHelper.floor(this.entity.posZ + (double) f8)) != PathNodeType.WALKABLE) {
this.moveForward = 1.0F;
this.moveStrafe = 0.0F;
f1 = f;
this.action = EntityMoveHelper.Action.WAIT;
} else if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.MOVE_TO) {
this.action = EntityMoveHelper.Action.WAIT;
double d0 = this.posX - this.entity.posX;
double d1 = this.posZ - this.entity.posZ;
double d2 = this.posY - this.entity.posY;
double d3 = d0 * d0 + d2 * d2 + d1 * d1;
if (d3 < 2.500000277905201E-7D) {
float f9 = (float) (MathHelper.atan2(d1, d0) * (180D / Math.PI)) - 90.0F;
this.entity.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entity.rotationYaw, f9, 90.0F);
this.entity.setAIMoveSpeed((float) (this.speed * this.entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue()));
if (d2 > (double) this.entity.stepHeight && d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 < (double) Math.max(1.0F, this.entity.width)) {
this.action = EntityMoveHelper.Action.JUMPING;
} else if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.JUMPING) {
this.entity.setAIMoveSpeed((float) (this.speed * this.entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue()));
if (this.entity.onGround) {
this.action = EntityMoveHelper.Action.WAIT;
} else {