use of net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer in project Citizens2 by CitizensDev.
the class HumanController method createEntity.
protected Entity createEntity(final Location at, final NPC npc) {
final WorldServer nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) at.getWorld()).getHandle();
String coloredName = npc.getFullName();
String name = coloredName.length() > 16 ? coloredName.substring(0, 16) : coloredName;
UUID uuid = npc.getUniqueId();
if (uuid.version() == 4) {
// clear version
long msb = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
msb &= ~0x0000000000004000L;
msb |= 0x0000000000002000L;
uuid = new UUID(msb, uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
final String teamName = Util.getTeamName(uuid);
if (npc.requiresNameHologram()) {
name = teamName;
if (Setting.USE_SCOREBOARD_TEAMS.asBoolean()) {
Util.generateTeamFor(npc, name, teamName);
final GameProfile profile = new GameProfile(uuid, name);
final EntityHumanNPC handle = new EntityHumanNPC(nmsWorld.getServer().getServer(), nmsWorld, profile, new PlayerInteractManager(nmsWorld), npc);
Skin skin = handle.getSkinTracker().getSkin();
if (skin != null) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (getBukkitEntity() == null || !getBukkitEntity().isValid() || getBukkitEntity() != handle.getBukkitEntity())
boolean removeFromPlayerList =, Setting.REMOVE_PLAYERS_FROM_PLAYER_LIST.asBoolean());
NMS.addOrRemoveFromPlayerList(getBukkitEntity(), removeFromPlayerList);
}, 20);
return handle.getBukkitEntity();
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer in project Citizens2 by CitizensDev.
the class FallingBlockController method createEntity.
protected Entity createEntity(Location at, NPC npc) {
WorldServer ws = ((CraftWorld) at.getWorld()).getHandle();
Block id = Blocks.STONE;
int data =,"falling-block-data", 0));
if ("falling-block-id") || {
id = CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(Material.getMaterial(<String>get(NPC.ITEM_ID_METADATA,<String>get("falling-block-id"))));
final EntityFallingBlockNPC handle = new EntityFallingBlockNPC(ws, npc, at.getX(), at.getY(), at.getZ(), id.fromLegacyData(data));
return handle.getBukkitEntity();
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer in project Citizens2 by CitizensDev.
the class ItemController method createEntity.
protected Entity createEntity(Location at, NPC npc) {
WorldServer ws = ((CraftWorld) at.getWorld()).getHandle();
Material id = Material.STONE;
int data =,"falling-block-data", 0));
if ( {
id = Material.getMaterial(<String>get(NPC.ITEM_ID_METADATA));
if (id == Material.AIR) {
id = Material.STONE;
Messaging.severe(npc.getId(), "invalid Material: converted to stone");
final EntityItemNPC handle = new EntityItemNPC(ws, npc, at.getX(), at.getY(), at.getZ(), CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(new org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack(id,, 1), (short) data)));
return handle.getBukkitEntity();
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer in project Citizens2 by CitizensDev.
the class EggController method createEntity.
protected Entity createEntity(Location at, NPC npc) {
WorldServer ws = ((CraftWorld) at.getWorld()).getHandle();
final EntityEggNPC handle = new EntityEggNPC(ws, npc, at.getX(), at.getY(), at.getZ());
return handle.getBukkitEntity();
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer in project Denizen by DenizenScript.
the class CustomEntityHelperImpl method spawnFakePlayer.
public static FakePlayer spawnFakePlayer(Location location, String name, String skin, boolean doAdd) throws IllegalArgumentException {
String fullName = name;
String prefix = null;
String suffix = null;
if (name == null) {
return null;
} else if (fullName.length() > 16) {
prefix = fullName.substring(0, 16);
if (fullName.length() > 30) {
int len = 30;
name = fullName.substring(16, 30);
if (name.matches(".*[^A-Za-z0-9_].*")) {
if (fullName.length() >= 32) {
len = 32;
name = fullName.substring(16, 32);
} else if (fullName.length() == 31) {
len = 31;
name = fullName.substring(16, 31);
} else if (name.length() > 46) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a name with no more than 46 characters for FAKE_PLAYER entities!");
} else {
name = ChatColor.RESET + name;
suffix = fullName.substring(len);
} else {
name = fullName.substring(16);
if (!name.matches(".*[^A-Za-z0-9_].*")) {
name = ChatColor.RESET + name;
if (name.length() > 16) {
suffix = name.substring(16);
name = name.substring(0, 16);
if (skin != null && skin.length() > 16) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a name with no more than 16 characters for FAKE_PLAYER entity skins!");
CraftWorld world = (CraftWorld) location.getWorld();
WorldServer worldServer = world.getHandle();
PlayerProfile playerProfile = new PlayerProfile(name, null);
if (skin == null && !name.matches(".*[^A-Za-z0-9_].*")) {
playerProfile = NMSHandler.getInstance().fillPlayerProfile(playerProfile);
if (skin != null) {
PlayerProfile skinProfile = new PlayerProfile(skin, null);
skinProfile = NMSHandler.getInstance().fillPlayerProfile(skinProfile);
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
if (uuid.version() == 4) {
long msb = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
msb &= ~0x0000000000004000L;
msb |= 0x0000000000002000L;
uuid = new UUID(msb, uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
GameProfile gameProfile = new GameProfile(playerProfile.getUniqueId(), playerProfile.getName());
gameProfile.getProperties().put("textures", new Property("textures", playerProfile.getTexture(), playerProfile.getTextureSignature()));
final EntityFakePlayerImpl fakePlayer = new EntityFakePlayerImpl(worldServer.getMinecraftServer(), worldServer, gameProfile, new PlayerInteractManager(worldServer), doAdd);
fakePlayer.setPositionRotation(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch());
CraftFakePlayerImpl craftFakePlayer = fakePlayer.getBukkitEntity();
craftFakePlayer.fullName = fullName;
if (prefix != null) {
Scoreboard scoreboard = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard();
String teamName = "FAKE_PLAYER_TEAM_" + fullName;
String hash = null;
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] bytes = teamName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
md.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
hash = new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16).substring(0, 16);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (hash != null) {
Team team = scoreboard.getTeam(hash);
if (team == null) {
team = scoreboard.registerNewTeam(hash);
if (suffix != null) {
return craftFakePlayer;