use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityHelperImpl method getDamageTo.
public double getDamageTo(LivingEntity attacker, Entity target) {
MobType monsterType;
if (target instanceof LivingEntity) {
monsterType = ((CraftLivingEntity) target).getHandle().getMobType();
} else {
monsterType = MobType.UNDEFINED;
double damage = 0;
AttributeInstance attrib = attacker.getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE);
if (attrib != null) {
damage = attrib.getValue();
if (attacker.getEquipment() != null && attacker.getEquipment().getItemInMainHand() != null) {
damage += EnchantmentHelper.getDamageBonus(CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(attacker.getEquipment().getItemInMainHand()), monsterType);
if (damage <= 0) {
return 0;
if (target != null) {
DamageSource source;
if (attacker instanceof Player) {
source = DamageSource.playerAttack(((CraftPlayer) attacker).getHandle());
} else {
source = DamageSource.mobAttack(((CraftLivingEntity) attacker).getHandle());
} nmsTarget = ((CraftEntity) target).getHandle();
if (nmsTarget.isInvulnerableTo(source)) {
return 0;
if (!(nmsTarget instanceof {
return damage;
} livingTarget = ( nmsTarget;
damage = CombatRules.getDamageAfterAbsorb((float) damage, (float) livingTarget.getArmorValue(), (float) livingTarget.getAttributeValue(Attributes.ARMOR_TOUGHNESS));
int enchantDamageModifier = EnchantmentHelper.getDamageProtection(livingTarget.getArmorSlots(), source);
if (enchantDamageModifier > 0) {
damage = CombatRules.getDamageAfterMagicAbsorb((float) damage, (float) enchantDamageModifier);
return damage;
use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EnchantmentHelperImpl method registerFakeEnchantment.
public org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment registerFakeEnchantment(EnchantmentScriptContainer.EnchantmentReference script) {
try {
EquipmentSlot[] slots = new EquipmentSlot[script.script.slots.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
slots[i] = EquipmentSlot.valueOf(script.script.slots.get(i).toUpperCase());
} nmsEnchant = new, EnchantmentCategory.valueOf(script.script.category), slots) {
public int getMinLevel() {
return script.script.minLevel;
public int getMaxLevel() {
return script.script.maxLevel;
public int getMinCost(int level) {
return script.script.getMinCost(level);
public int getMaxCost(int level) {
return script.script.getMaxCost(level);
public int getDamageProtection(int level, DamageSource src) {
return script.script.getDamageProtection(level, src.msgId, src.getEntity() == null ? null : src.getEntity().getBukkitEntity());
public float getDamageBonus(int level, MobType type) {
String typeName = "UNDEFINED";
if (type == MobType.ARTHROPOD) {
typeName = "ARTHROPOD";
} else if (type == MobType.ILLAGER) {
typeName = "ILLAGER";
} else if (type == MobType.UNDEAD) {
typeName = "UNDEAD";
} else if (type == MobType.WATER) {
typeName = "WATER";
return script.script.getDamageBonus(level, typeName);
protected boolean checkCompatibility( nmsEnchantment) {
ResourceLocation nmsKey = Registry.ENCHANTMENT.getKey(nmsEnchantment);
NamespacedKey bukkitKey = CraftNamespacedKey.fromMinecraft(nmsKey);
org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment bukkitEnchant = CraftEnchantment.getByKey(bukkitKey);
return script.script.isCompatible(bukkitEnchant);
protected String getOrCreateDescriptionId() {
return script.script.descriptionId;
public String getDescriptionId() {
return script.script.descriptionId;
public Component getFullname(int level) {
return Handler.componentToNMS(script.script.getFullName(level));
public boolean canEnchant( var0) {
return super.canEnchant(var0) && script.script.canEnchant(CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(var0));
public void doPostAttack(LivingEntity attacker, Entity victim, int level) {
script.script.doPostAttack(attacker.getBukkitEntity(), victim.getBukkitEntity(), level);
public void doPostHurt(LivingEntity victim, Entity attacker, int level) {
script.script.doPostHurt(victim.getBukkitEntity(), attacker.getBukkitEntity(), level);
public boolean isTreasureOnly() {
return script.script.isTreasureOnly;
public boolean isCurse() {
return script.script.isCurse;
public boolean isTradeable() {
return script.script.isTradable;
public boolean isDiscoverable() {
return script.script.isDiscoverable;
String enchName =;
Registry.register(Registry.ENCHANTMENT, "denizen:" +, nmsEnchant);
CraftEnchantment ench = new CraftEnchantment(nmsEnchant) {
public String getName() {
return enchName;
ENCHANTMENTS_BY_KEY.put(ench.getKey(), ench);
ENCHANTMENTS_BY_NAME.put(enchName, ench);
return ench;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Debug.echoError("Failed to register enchantment " +;
return null;
use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityHelperImpl method damage.
public void damage(LivingEntity target, float amount, Entity source, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause) {
if (target == null) {
} nmsTarget = ((CraftLivingEntity) target).getHandle(); nmsSource = source == null ? null : ((CraftEntity) source).getHandle();
CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = nmsSource;
try {
DamageSource src = getSourceFor(nmsSource, cause);
if (src instanceof FakeDamageSrc) {
src = ((FakeDamageSrc) src).real;
EntityDamageEvent ede = fireFakeDamageEvent(target, source, cause, amount);
if (ede.isCancelled()) {
nmsTarget.hurt(src, amount);
} finally {
CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = null;
use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EnchantmentHelperImpl method registerFakeEnchantment.
public org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment registerFakeEnchantment(EnchantmentScriptContainer.EnchantmentReference script) {
try {
EquipmentSlot[] slots = new EquipmentSlot[script.script.slots.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
slots[i] = EquipmentSlot.valueOf(script.script.slots.get(i).toUpperCase());
} nmsEnchant = new, EnchantmentCategory.valueOf(script.script.category), slots) {
public int getMinLevel() {
return script.script.minLevel;
public int getMaxLevel() {
return script.script.maxLevel;
public int getMinCost(int level) {
return script.script.getMinCost(level);
public int getMaxCost(int level) {
return script.script.getMaxCost(level);
public int getDamageProtection(int level, DamageSource src) {
return script.script.getDamageProtection(level, src.msgId, src.getEntity() == null ? null : src.getEntity().getBukkitEntity());
public float getDamageBonus(int level, MobType type) {
String typeName = "UNDEFINED";
if (type == MobType.ARTHROPOD) {
typeName = "ARTHROPOD";
} else if (type == MobType.ILLAGER) {
typeName = "ILLAGER";
} else if (type == MobType.UNDEAD) {
typeName = "UNDEAD";
} else if (type == MobType.WATER) {
typeName = "WATER";
return script.script.getDamageBonus(level, typeName);
protected boolean checkCompatibility( nmsEnchantment) {
ResourceLocation nmsKey = Registry.ENCHANTMENT.getKey(nmsEnchantment);
NamespacedKey bukkitKey = CraftNamespacedKey.fromMinecraft(nmsKey);
org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment bukkitEnchant = CraftEnchantment.getByKey(bukkitKey);
return script.script.isCompatible(bukkitEnchant);
protected String getOrCreateDescriptionId() {
return script.script.descriptionId;
public String getDescriptionId() {
return script.script.descriptionId;
public Component getFullname(int level) {
return Handler.componentToNMS(script.script.getFullName(level));
public boolean canEnchant( var0) {
return super.canEnchant(var0) && script.script.canEnchant(CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(var0));
public void doPostAttack(LivingEntity attacker, Entity victim, int level) {
script.script.doPostAttack(attacker.getBukkitEntity(), victim.getBukkitEntity(), level);
public void doPostHurt(LivingEntity victim, Entity attacker, int level) {
script.script.doPostHurt(victim.getBukkitEntity(), attacker.getBukkitEntity(), level);
public boolean isTreasureOnly() {
return script.script.isTreasureOnly;
public boolean isCurse() {
return script.script.isCurse;
public boolean isTradeable() {
return script.script.isTradable;
public boolean isDiscoverable() {
return script.script.isDiscoverable;
String enchName =;
Registry.register(Registry.ENCHANTMENT, "denizen:" +, nmsEnchant);
CraftEnchantment ench = new CraftEnchantment(nmsEnchant) {
public String getName() {
return enchName;
ENCHANTMENTS_BY_KEY.put(ench.getKey(), ench);
ENCHANTMENTS_BY_NAME.put(enchName, ench);
return ench;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Debug.echoError("Failed to register enchantment " +;
return null;
use of in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.
the class CompatibilityUtils method magicDamage.
public void magicDamage(Damageable target, double amount, Entity source) {
try {
if (target == null || target.isDead())
// Might need to config-drive this, or just go back to defaulting to normal damage
if (!USE_MAGIC_DAMAGE || target instanceof Witch || target instanceof Enderman || target instanceof ArmorStand || !(target instanceof LivingEntity)) {
damage(target, amount, source);
} targetHandle = ((CraftEntity) target).getHandle();
if (targetHandle == null)
return; sourceHandle = source == null ? null : ((CraftEntity) source).getHandle();
// Bukkit won't allow magic damage from anything but a potion..
if (sourceHandle != null && source instanceof LivingEntity) {
Location location = target.getLocation();
ThrownPotion potion = getOrCreatePotionEntity(location); potionHandle = ((CraftEntity) potion).getHandle();
potion.setShooter((LivingEntity) source);
DamageSource magicSource = DamageSource.indirectMagic(potionHandle, sourceHandle);
// This is a bit of hack that lets us damage the ender dragon, who is a weird and annoying collection
// of various non-living entity pieces.
((EntityDamageSource) magicSource).setThorns();
try (EnteredStateTracker.Touchable damaging = isDamaging.enter()) {
targetHandle.hurt(magicSource, (float) amount);
} else {
try (EnteredStateTracker.Touchable damaging = isDamaging.enter()) {
targetHandle.hurt(DamageSource.MAGIC, (float) amount);
} catch (Exception ex) {