use of in project Bumblezone by TelepathicGrunt.
the class HoneyCaveRoomStructure method validSpot.
private static boolean validSpot(ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, BlockPos centerPos, LevelHeightAccessor heightLimitView) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
int radius = 24;
for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x += radius) {
for (int z = -radius; z <= radius; z += radius) {
mutable.set(centerPos).move(x, 0, z);
NoiseColumn columnOfBlocks = chunkGenerator.getBaseColumn(mutable.getX(), mutable.getZ(), heightLimitView);
BlockState state = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(mutable.getY());
BlockState aboveState = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(mutable.getY() + 15);
if (state.isAir() || !state.getFluidState().isEmpty() || aboveState.isAir() || !aboveState.getFluidState().isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
use of in project Bumblezone by TelepathicGrunt.
the class PollinatedStreamStructure method validSpot.
private static boolean validSpot(ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, BlockPos centerPos, LevelHeightAccessor heightLimitView) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
NoiseColumn columnOfBlocks;
for (Direction direction : Direction.Plane.HORIZONTAL) {
mutable.set(centerPos).move(direction, 12);
columnOfBlocks = chunkGenerator.getBaseColumn(mutable.getX(), mutable.getZ(), heightLimitView);
BlockState state = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(41);
if (!state.getMaterial().blocksMotion()) {
return false;
mutable.set(centerPos).move(direction, 55);
columnOfBlocks = chunkGenerator.getBaseColumn(mutable.getX(), mutable.getZ(), heightLimitView);
state = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(41);
if (!state.getMaterial().blocksMotion()) {
return false;
return true;
use of in project Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar.
the class WaySignStructure method isPosNotValid.
* This is where extra checks can be done to determine if the structure can spawn here.
* This only needs to be overridden if you're adding additional spawn conditions.
* <p>
* Fun fact, if you set your structure separation/spacing to be 0/1, you can use
* func_230363_a_ to return true only if certain chunk coordinates are passed in
* which allows you to spawn structures only at certain coordinates in the world.
* <p>
* Notice how the biome is also passed in. Though, you are not going to
* do any biome checking here as you should've added this structure to
* the biomes you wanted already with the biome load event.
* <p>
* Basically, this method is used for determining if the land is at a suitable height,
* if certain other structures are too close or not, or some other restrictive condition.
* <p>
* For example, Pillager Outposts added a check to make sure it cannot spawn within 10 chunk of a Village.
* (Bedrock Edition seems to not have the same check)
* <p>
* <p>
* Also, please for the love of god, do not do dimension checking here. If you do and
* another mod's dimension is trying to spawn your structure, the locate
* command will make minecraft hang forever and break the game.
* <p>
* Instead, use the addDimensionalSpacing method in StructureTutorialMain class.
* If you check for the dimension there and do not add your structure's
* spacing into the chunk generator, the structure will not spawn in that dimension!
private static boolean isPosNotValid(ChunkGenerator gen, int x, int z, Set<Integer> heightMap, LevelHeightAccessor heightLimitView) {
// Grab height of land. Will stop at first non-air block.
int y = gen.getFirstOccupiedHeight(x, z, Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, heightLimitView);
NoiseColumn noisecolumn = gen.getBaseColumn(x, z, heightLimitView);
// Grabs column of blocks at given position. In overworld, this column will be made of stone, water, and air.
// In nether, it will be netherrack, lava, and air. End will only be endstone and air. It depends on what block
// the chunk generator will place for that dimension.
// Combine the column of blocks with land height and you get the top block itself which you can spawnParticleOnBoundingBox.
BlockState state = noisecolumn.getBlock(y);
if (types.isOpaque().test(state)){
return true;
try {
if (state.getFluidState().isEmpty()) {
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
return true;
use of in project TutorialV3 by McJty.
the class PortalStructure method findSuitableSpot.
private static BlockPos findSuitableSpot(PieceGeneratorSupplier.Context<JigsawConfiguration> context, BlockPos blockpos) {
LevelHeightAccessor heightAccessor = context.heightAccessor();
// Get the top y location that is solid
int y = context.chunkGenerator().getBaseHeight(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getZ(), Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, heightAccessor);
// Create a randomgenerator that depends on the current chunk location. That way if the world is recreated
// with the same seed the feature will end up at the same spot
WorldgenRandom worldgenrandom = new WorldgenRandom(new LegacyRandomSource(context.seed()));
worldgenrandom.setLargeFeatureSeed(context.seed(), context.chunkPos().x, context.chunkPos().z);
// Pick a random y location between a low and a high point
y = worldgenrandom.nextIntBetweenInclusive(heightAccessor.getMinBuildHeight() + 20, y - 10);
// Go down until we find a spot that has air. Then go down until we find a spot that is solid again
NoiseColumn baseColumn = context.chunkGenerator().getBaseColumn(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getZ(), heightAccessor);
// Remember 'y' because we will just use this if we can't find an air bubble
int yy = y;
// Lower limit, don't go below this
int lower = heightAccessor.getMinBuildHeight() + 3;
while (yy > lower && !baseColumn.getBlock(yy).isAir()) {
// If we found air we go down until we find a non-air block
if (yy > lower) {
while (yy > lower && baseColumn.getBlock(yy).isAir()) {
if (yy > lower) {
// We found a possible spawn spot
y = yy + 1;
return blockpos.atY(y);
use of in project RepurposedStructures by TelepathicGrunt.
the class GenericJigsawStructure method isGenericFeatureChunk.
protected static <CC extends RSGenericConfig> boolean isGenericFeatureChunk(PieceGeneratorSupplier.Context<CC> context) {
ChunkPos chunkPos = context.chunkPos();
CC config = context.config();
if (!(context.biomeSource() instanceof CheckerboardColumnBiomeSource)) {
for (int curChunkX = chunkPos.x - config.biomeRadius; curChunkX <= chunkPos.x + config.biomeRadius; curChunkX++) {
for (int curChunkZ = chunkPos.z - config.biomeRadius; curChunkZ <= chunkPos.z + config.biomeRadius; curChunkZ++) {
int yValue = config.doNotUseHeightmap ? config.setFixedYSpawn : config.setFixedYSpawn + context.chunkGenerator().getFirstFreeHeight(curChunkX << 4, curChunkZ << 4, Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, context.heightAccessor());
Holder<Biome> biome = context.biomeSource().getNoiseBiome(curChunkX << 2, yValue >> 2, curChunkZ << 2, context.chunkGenerator().climateSampler());
if (!context.validBiome().test(biome)) {
return false;
if (config.cannotSpawnInLiquid) {
BlockPos centerOfChunk = chunkPos.getMiddleBlockPosition(0);
int landHeight = context.chunkGenerator().getFirstOccupiedHeight(centerOfChunk.getX(), centerOfChunk.getZ(), Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, context.heightAccessor());
NoiseColumn columnOfBlocks = context.chunkGenerator().getBaseColumn(centerOfChunk.getX(), centerOfChunk.getZ(), context.heightAccessor());
BlockState topBlock = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(centerOfChunk.getY() + landHeight);
if (!topBlock.getFluidState().isEmpty()) {
return false;
// cannot be near other specified structure
for (ResourceKey<StructureSet> structureSetToAvoid : config.structureSetToAvoid) {
if (context.chunkGenerator().hasFeatureChunkInRange(structureSetToAvoid, context.seed(), chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z, config.structureAvoidRadius)) {
return false;
if (config.allowedTerrainHeightRange != -1) {
int maxTerrainHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int minTerrainHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int curChunkX = chunkPos.x - config.terrainHeightCheckRadius; curChunkX <= chunkPos.x + config.terrainHeightCheckRadius; curChunkX++) {
for (int curChunkZ = chunkPos.z - config.terrainHeightCheckRadius; curChunkZ <= chunkPos.z + config.terrainHeightCheckRadius; curChunkZ++) {
int height = context.chunkGenerator().getBaseHeight((curChunkX << 4) + 7, (curChunkZ << 4) + 7, Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, context.heightAccessor());
maxTerrainHeight = Math.max(maxTerrainHeight, height);
minTerrainHeight = Math.min(minTerrainHeight, height);
if (minTerrainHeight < config.minYAllowed) {
return false;
if (maxTerrainHeight - minTerrainHeight > config.allowedTerrainHeightRange) {
return false;
return true;