use of net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.JsonContext in project Wizardry by TeamWizardry.
the class FluidRecipeLoader method processRecipes.
public void processRecipes(Map<String, FluidCrafter> recipeRegistry, Multimap<Ingredient, FluidCrafter> recipes) {"<<========================================================================>>");"> Starting fluid recipe loading.");
JsonContext context = new JsonContext("minecraft");
LinkedList<File> recipeFiles = new LinkedList<>();
Stack<File> toProcess = new Stack<>();
while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
File file = toProcess.pop();
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] children = file.listFiles();
if (children != null)
for (File child : children) toProcess.push(child);
} else if (file.isFile())
if (file.getName().endsWith(".json"))
fileLoop: for (File file : recipeFiles) {
try {
if (!file.exists()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > SOMETHING WENT WRONG! " + file.getPath() + " can NOT be found. Ignoring file...");
JsonElement element;
try {
element = new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(file));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > SOMETHING WENT WRONG! " + file.getPath() + " can NOT be found. Ignoring file...");
if (element == null) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > SOMETHING WENT WRONG! Could not parse " + file.getPath() + ". Ignoring file...");
if (!element.isJsonObject()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT contain a JsonObject. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
JsonObject fileObject = element.getAsJsonObject();
List<Ingredient> extraInputs = new LinkedList<>();
Fluid fluid = ModFluids.MANA.getActual();
int duration = 100;
int required = 1;
boolean consume = false;
boolean explode = false;
boolean bubbling = true;
boolean harp = true;
if (recipeRegistry.containsKey(file.getPath())) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " already exists in the recipe map. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
if (!fileObject.has("output")) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT specify a recipe output. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
if (!fileObject.get("output").isJsonObject()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide a valid output. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
if (!fileObject.has("input")) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide an initial input item. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
JsonElement inputObject = fileObject.get("input");
Ingredient inputItem = CraftingHelper.getIngredient(inputObject, context);
if (inputItem == Ingredient.EMPTY) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide a valid input item. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
if (fileObject.has("extraInputs")) {
if (!fileObject.get("extraInputs").isJsonArray()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " has extra inputs NOT in a JsonArray format. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
JsonArray extraInputArray = fileObject.get("extraInputs").getAsJsonArray();
for (JsonElement extraInput : extraInputArray) {
Ingredient ingredient = CraftingHelper.getIngredient(extraInput, context);
if (ingredient == Ingredient.EMPTY) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide a valid extra input item. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
continue fileLoop;
if (fileObject.has("fluid")) {
if (!fileObject.get("fluid").isJsonPrimitive() || !fileObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("fluid").isString()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give rfluid as a string. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
fluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(fileObject.get("fluid").getAsString());
if (fileObject.has("duration")) {
if (!fileObject.get("duration").isJsonPrimitive() || !fileObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("duration").isNumber()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give duration as a number. Ignoring file...:" + element.toString());
duration = fileObject.get("duration").getAsInt();
if (fileObject.has("required")) {
if (!fileObject.get("required").isJsonPrimitive() || !fileObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("required").isNumber()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give required as a number. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
required = fileObject.get("required").getAsInt();
if (fileObject.has("consume")) {
if (!fileObject.get("consume").isJsonPrimitive()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give consume as a boolean. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
consume = fileObject.get("consume").getAsBoolean();
if (fileObject.has("explode")) {
if (!fileObject.get("explode").isJsonPrimitive()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give explode as a boolean. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
explode = fileObject.get("explode").getAsBoolean();
if (fileObject.has("harp")) {
if (!fileObject.get("harp").isJsonPrimitive()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give harp as a boolean. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
harp = fileObject.get("harp").getAsBoolean();
if (fileObject.has("bubbling")) {
if (!fileObject.get("bubbling").isJsonPrimitive()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT give bubbling as a boolean. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
bubbling = fileObject.get("bubbling").getAsBoolean();
JsonElement typeElement = fileObject.get("type");
String type = typeElement == null ? "item" : typeElement.getAsString();
JsonObject output = fileObject.get("output").getAsJsonObject();
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("item")) {
ItemStack outputItem = CraftingHelper.getItemStack(output, context);
if (outputItem.isEmpty()) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide a valid output item. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
FluidCrafter build = buildFluidCrafter(file.getPath(), outputItem, inputItem, extraInputs, fluid, duration, required, consume, explode, bubbling, harp);
recipeRegistry.put(file.getPath(), build);
recipes.put(inputItem, build);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("block")) {
IBlockState outputBlock;
JsonElement name = output.get("item");
if (name == null)
name = output.get("block");
if (name == null)
name = output.get("name");
Block block = name != null ? ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getValue(new ResourceLocation(name.getAsString())) : null;
if (block == null) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " does NOT provide a valid output block. Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
int meta = 0;
JsonElement data = output.get("data");
if (data == null)
data = output.get("meta");
if (data != null && data.isJsonPrimitive() && data.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber())
meta = data.getAsInt();
outputBlock = block.getStateFromMeta(meta);
FluidCrafter build = buildFluidCrafter(file.getPath(), outputBlock, inputItem, extraInputs, fluid, duration, required, consume, explode, bubbling, harp);
recipeRegistry.put(file.getPath(), build);
recipes.put(inputItem, build);
} else
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! " + file.getPath() + " specifies an invalid recipe output type. Valid recipe types: \"item\" \"block\". Ignoring file...: " + element.toString());
} catch (Exception jsonException) {
Wizardry.logger.error(" > WARNING! Skipping " + file.getPath() + " due to error: ", jsonException);
}"> Finished mana recipe loading.");"<<========================================================================>>");