use of net.morimekta.providence.PEnumValue in project providence by morimekta.
the class LogFormatter method appendPrimitive.
private void appendPrimitive(IndentedPrintWriter writer, Object o) {
if (o instanceof PEnumValue) {
writer.print(((PEnumValue) o).asString());
} else if (o instanceof CharSequence) {
writer.print(Strings.escape((CharSequence) o));
} else if (o instanceof Binary) {
Binary b = (Binary) o;
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
writer.print(((Boolean) o).booleanValue());
} else if (o instanceof Byte || o instanceof Short || o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long) {
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
Double d = (Double) o;
if (d.equals(((double) d.longValue()))) {
// actually an integer or long value.
} else {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown primitive type class " + o.getClass().getSimpleName());
use of net.morimekta.providence.PEnumValue in project providence by morimekta.
the class TProtocolSerializerTest method assertConsistent.
public <Providence extends PMessage<Providence, ProvidenceField>, ProvidenceField extends PField, Thrift extends TBase<Thrift, ThriftField>, ThriftField extends TFieldIdEnum> void assertConsistent(String prefix, Providence providence, Thrift thrift) {
if (providence.descriptor().getVariant() == PMessageVariant.UNION) {
TUnion<?, ThriftField> t_union = (TUnion) thrift;
PUnion<?, ProvidenceField> p_union = (PUnion) providence;
ThriftField t_field = t_union.getSetField();
PField p_field = p_union.unionField();
assertEquals(p_field.getId(), t_field.getThriftFieldId());
} else {
for (PField field : providence.descriptor().getFields()) {
ThriftField thriftField = thrift.fieldForId(field.getId());
String fieldPath = (prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : prefix + ".") + field.getName();
assertEquals("has " + fieldPath, providence.has(field.getId()), thrift.isSet(thriftField));
if (providence.has(field.getId())) {
switch(field.getType()) {
assertConsistent(fieldPath, (PMessage) providence.get(field.getId()), (TBase) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField));
case ENUM:
PEnumValue<?> pe = providence.get(field.getId());
TEnum te = (TEnum) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField);
assertEquals(fieldPath, pe.asInteger(), te.getValue());
case BINARY:
Binary pBin = providence.get(field.getId());
byte[] tBytes = (byte[]) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField);
Binary tBin = Binary.wrap(tBytes);
assertEquals(fieldPath, pBin, tBin);
case MAP:
Map pm = providence.get(field.getId());
Map tm = (Map) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField);
assertEquals(fieldPath + " size", pm.size(), tm.size());
// TODO: Compare actual content.
case SET:
Set ps = providence.get(field.getId());
Set ts = (Set) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField);
assertEquals(fieldPath + " size", ps.size(), ts.size());
// TODO: Compare actual content.
case LIST:
List pl = providence.get(field.getId());
List tl = (List) thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField);
assertEquals(fieldPath + " size", pl.size(), tl.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pl.size(); ++i) {
String itemPath = fieldPath + "[" + i + "]";
Object pi = pl.get(i);
Object ti = tl.get(i);
if (pi instanceof PMessage) {
assertConsistent(itemPath, (PMessage) pi, (TBase) ti);
} else if (pi instanceof Set) {
// TODO: Compare actual content.
} else if (pi instanceof List) {
// TODO: Compare actual content.
} else if (pi instanceof Map) {
// TODO: Compare actual content.
} else if (pi instanceof Binary) {
Binary pb = (Binary) pi;
Binary tb = Binary.wrap(((ByteBuffer) ti).array());
assertEquals(itemPath, pb, tb);
} else if (pi instanceof PEnumValue) {
PEnumValue pe = (PEnumValue) pi;
TEnum te = (TEnum) ti;
assertEquals(itemPath, pe.asInteger(), te.getValue());
} else {
assertEquals(itemPath, pi, ti);
assertEquals(fieldPath, providence.get(field.getId()), thrift.getFieldValue(thriftField));
use of net.morimekta.providence.PEnumValue in project providence by morimekta.
the class MessageFieldArgument method apply.
public void apply(int position, PreparedStatement statement, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
if (message.has(field)) {
switch(field.getType()) {
case BOOL:
boolean value = message.get(field);
if (type == Types.BOOLEAN || type == Types.BIT) {
statement.setBoolean(position, value);
} else {
statement.setInt(position, value ? 1 : 0);
case BYTE:
statement.setByte(position, message.get(field));
case I16:
statement.setShort(position, message.get(field));
case I32:
if (type == Types.TIMESTAMP) {
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(1000L * (int) message.get(field));
statement.setTimestamp(position, timestamp);
} else {
statement.setInt(position, message.get(field));
case I64:
if (type == Types.TIMESTAMP) {
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(message.get(field));
statement.setTimestamp(position, timestamp);
} else {
statement.setLong(position, message.get(field));
case DOUBLE:
statement.setDouble(position, message.get(field));
case STRING:
statement.setString(position, message.get(field));
case BINARY:
Binary binary = message.get(field);
switch(type) {
case Types.BINARY:
case Types.VARBINARY:
statement.setBytes(position, binary.get());
case Types.BLOB:
statement.setBlob(position, binary.getInputStream());
case Types.CHAR:
case Types.VARCHAR:
case Types.NCHAR:
case Types.NVARCHAR:
statement.setString(position, binary.toBase64());
throw new ResultSetException("Unknown binary field type: " + type + " for " + field, null, ctx);
case ENUM:
PEnumValue value = message.get(field);
statement.setInt(position, value.asInteger());
PMessage value = message.get(field);
switch(type) {
case Types.BINARY:
case Types.VARBINARY:
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
BINARY.serialize(out, value);
statement.setBytes(position, out.toByteArray());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResultSetException(e.getMessage(), e, ctx);
case Types.BLOB:
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
BINARY.serialize(out, value);
statement.setBlob(position, new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResultSetException(e.getMessage(), e, ctx);
case Types.CHAR:
case Types.VARCHAR:
case Types.NCHAR:
case Types.NVARCHAR:
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {
JSON.serialize(new PrintWriter(writer), value);
statement.setString(position, writer.getBuffer().toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResultSetException(e.getMessage(), e, ctx);
case Types.CLOB:
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {
JSON.serialize(new PrintWriter(writer), value);
statement.setClob(position, new StringReader(writer.getBuffer().toString()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResultSetException(e.getMessage(), e, ctx);
throw new ResultSetException("Unknown message field type: " + type + " for " + field, null, ctx);
throw new ResultSetException("Unhandled field type in SQL: " + field, null, ctx);
} else {
statement.setNull(position, type);
use of net.morimekta.providence.PEnumValue in project providence by morimekta.
the class ProvidenceConfigParser method parseDefinitionValue.
Object parseDefinitionValue(ProvidenceConfigContext context, Tokenizer tokenizer) throws IOException {
Token token = tokenizer.expect("Start of def value");
if (token.isReal()) {
return Double.parseDouble(token.asString());
} else if (token.isInteger()) {
return Long.parseLong(token.asString());
} else if (token.isStringLiteral()) {
return token.decodeLiteral(strict);
} else if (TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(token.asString())) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (FALSE.equalsIgnoreCase(token.asString())) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else if (Token.B64.equals(token.asString())) {
tokenizer.expectSymbol("binary data enclosing start", Token.kParamsStart);
return Binary.fromBase64(tokenizer.readBinary(Token.kParamsEnd));
} else if (Token.HEX.equals(token.asString())) {
tokenizer.expectSymbol("binary data enclosing start", Token.kParamsStart);
return Binary.fromHexString(tokenizer.readBinary(Token.kParamsEnd));
} else if (token.isDoubleQualifiedIdentifier()) {
// this may be an enum reference, must be
// - package.EnumType.IDENTIFIER
String id = token.asString();
int l = id.lastIndexOf(Token.kIdentifierSep);
try {
PEnumDescriptor ed = registry.getEnumType(id.substring(0, l));
PEnumValue val = ed.findByName(id.substring(l + 1));
if (val == null && strict) {
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Unknown %s value: %s", id.substring(0, l), id.substring(l + 1)).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
// Note that unknown enum value results in null. Therefore we don't catch null values here.
return val;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// No such declared type.
if (strict) {
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Unknown enum identifier: %s", id.substring(0, l)).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
consumeValue(context, tokenizer, token);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// Not an enum.
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Identifier " + id + " does not reference an enum, from " + token.asString()).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
} else if (token.isQualifiedIdentifier()) {
// Message type.
PMessageDescriptor descriptor;
try {
descriptor = registry.getMessageType(token.asString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// - strict mode: all types must be known.
if (strict) {
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Unknown declared type: %s", token.asString()).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
consumeValue(context, tokenizer, token);
return null;
PMessageBuilder builder = descriptor.builder();
if (tokenizer.expectSymbol("message start or inherits", '{', ':') == ':') {
token = tokenizer.expect("inherits reference");
PMessage inheritsFrom = resolve(context, token, tokenizer, descriptor);
if (inheritsFrom == null) {
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Inheriting from null reference: %s", token.asString()).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
tokenizer.expectSymbol("message start", '{');
return parseMessage(tokenizer, context, builder);
} else {
throw new TokenizerException(token, "Invalid define value " + token.asString()).setLine(tokenizer.getLine());
return null;
use of net.morimekta.providence.PEnumValue in project providence by morimekta.
the class GenericMethods method assertValueIntegrity.
private void assertValueIntegrity(PField expectedField, Object actualValue, Object expectedValue) {
if (actualValue == null || expectedValue == null) {
assertThat(expectedField.toString(), actualValue, is(expectedValue));
} else if (actualValue instanceof PMessage && expectedValue instanceof PMessage) {
assertFieldIntegrity((PMessage<?, ?>) actualValue, (PMessage<?, ?>) expectedValue);
} else if (actualValue instanceof PEnumValue && expectedValue instanceof PEnumValue) {
assertThat(expectedField.toString(), ((PEnumValue) actualValue).getId(), is(((PEnumValue) expectedValue).getId()));
} else if (actualValue instanceof List && expectedValue instanceof List) {
List<Object> actualList = (List) actualValue;
List<Object> expectedList = (List) expectedValue;
assertThat(expectedField.toString(), actualList, hasSize(expectedList.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < actualList.size(); ++i) {
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualList.get(i), expectedList.get(i));
} else if (actualValue instanceof Set && expectedValue instanceof Set) {
TreeSet<Object> actualSet = new TreeSet<>((Set<Object>) actualValue);
TreeSet<Object> expectedSet = new TreeSet<>((Set<Object>) expectedValue);
assertThat(expectedField.toString(), actualSet, hasSize(expectedSet.size()));
while (actualSet.size() > 0) {
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualSet.pollFirst(), expectedSet.pollFirst());
} else if (actualValue instanceof Map && expectedValue instanceof Map) {
Map actualMap = (Map) actualValue;
Map expectedMap = (Map) expectedValue;
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualMap.keySet(), expectedMap.keySet());
for (Object key : actualMap.keySet()) {
if (key instanceof PEnumValue) {
// Search for the enum with the same ID in the expected map keys.
Object expectedKey = expectedMap.keySet().stream().filter(k -> ((PEnumValue) k).getId() == ((PEnumValue) key).getId()).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (expectedKey == null) {
throw new AssertionError("No expected map key matching " + key);
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualMap.get(key), expectedMap.get(expectedKey));
} else if (key instanceof PMessage) {
// The messages should sort identically.
TreeSet<PMessage> actualKeys = new TreeSet<>(actualMap.keySet());
TreeSet<PMessage> expectedKeys = new TreeSet<>(expectedMap.keySet());
while (expectedKeys.size() > 0) {
PMessage actual = actualKeys.pollFirst();
PMessage expected = expectedKeys.pollFirst();
assertFieldIntegrity(actual, expected);
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualMap.get(actual), expectedMap.get(expected));
} else {
assertValueIntegrity(expectedField, actualMap.get(key), expectedMap.get(key));
} else {
assertThat(expectedField.toString(), actualValue, is(expectedValue));