use of net.opengis.gml.x32.CoordinatesType in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class AbstractCoverageEncoder method encodeValueList.
* Encode value list of {@link RangeSetType} from {@link DiscreteCoverage}
* @param rst
* The {@link RangeSetType} to encode value list for
* @param discreteCoverage
* The {@link DiscreteCoverage} with the value list
* @throws EncodingException
* If an error occurs
protected void encodeValueList(RangeSetType rst, DiscreteCoverage<?> discreteCoverage) throws EncodingException {
List<?> list = getList(discreteCoverage);
Value<?> value = discreteCoverage.getRangeSet().iterator().next();
if (value instanceof BooleanValue) {
BooleanListDocument bld = BooleanListDocument.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
} else if (value instanceof CategoryValue || value instanceof TextValue) {
DataBlockType dbt = rst.addNewDataBlock();
CoordinatesType ct = dbt.addNewTupleList();
} else if (value instanceof CountValue) {
CountListDocument cld = CountListDocument.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
} else if (value instanceof QuantityValue) {
QuantityListDocument qld = QuantityListDocument.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
MeasureOrNilReasonListType monrlt = qld.addNewQuantityList();
if (discreteCoverage.isSetUnit()) {
} else if (value.isSetUnit()) {
use of net.opengis.gml.x32.CoordinatesType in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsFilterDelegate method createPoint.
private JAXBElement<PointType> createPoint(Geometry geometry) {
Coordinate[] coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates();
if (coordinates != null && coordinates.length > 0) {
StringBuilder coordString = new StringBuilder();
CoordinatesType coordinatesType = new CoordinatesType();
PointType point = new PointType();
return gml320ObjectFactory.createPoint(point);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse Point coordinates from WKT String");
use of net.opengis.gml.x32.CoordinatesType in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class GmlDecoderv321 method getCoordString4LinearRing.
* method parses the passed linearRing(generated thru XmlBEans) and returns a string containing the coordinate
* values of the passed ring
* @param xbLinearRing linearRing(generated thru XmlBEans)
* @return Returns a string containing the coordinate values of the passed ring
* @throws DecodingException * if parsing the linear Ring failed
private String getCoordString4LinearRing(LinearRingType xbLinearRing) throws DecodingException {
String result = "";
DirectPositionListType xbPosList = xbLinearRing.getPosList();
CoordinatesType xbCoordinates = xbLinearRing.getCoordinates();
DirectPositionType[] xbPosArray = xbLinearRing.getPosArray();
if (xbPosList != null && !(xbPosList.getStringValue().isEmpty())) {
result = getString4PosList(xbPosList);
} else if (xbCoordinates != null && !(xbCoordinates.getStringValue().isEmpty())) {
result = getString4Coordinates(xbCoordinates);
} else if (xbPosArray != null && xbPosArray.length > 0) {
result = getString4PosArray(xbPosArray, true);
} else {
throw new DecodingException("The Polygon must contain the following elements " + "<gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>, " + "<gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates> " + "or <gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:pos>{<gml:pos>}!");
return result;
use of net.opengis.gml.x32.CoordinatesType in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class GmlDecoderv321 method parsePointType.
private Geometry parsePointType(PointType xbPointType) throws DecodingException {
String geomWKT = null;
int srid = -1;
if (xbPointType.getSrsName() != null) {
srid = CRSHelper.parseSrsName(xbPointType.getSrsName());
if (xbPointType.getPos() != null) {
DirectPositionType xbPos = xbPointType.getPos();
if (srid == -1 && xbPos.getSrsName() != null) {
srid = CRSHelper.parseSrsName(xbPos.getSrsName());
String directPosition = getString4Pos(xbPos);
geomWKT = "POINT(" + directPosition + ")";
} else if (xbPointType.getCoordinates() != null) {
CoordinatesType xbCoords = xbPointType.getCoordinates();
String directPosition = getString4Coordinates(xbCoords);
geomWKT = "POINT" + directPosition;
} else {
throw new DecodingException("For geometry type 'gml:Point' only element " + "'gml:pos' and 'gml:coordinates' are allowed " + "in the feature of interest parameter!");
srid = setDefaultForUnsetSrid(srid);
try {
return JTSHelper.createGeometryFromWKT(geomWKT, srid);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new DecodingException(ex);