use of net.opentsdb.utils.ByteSet in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestHistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor method getTagUidsAggedNotInQuery.
public void getTagUidsAggedNotInQuery() throws Exception {
final ByteSet query_tags = new ByteSet();
query_tags.add(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 3 });
final ByteMap<byte[]> uids = new ByteMap<byte[]>();
uids.put(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 2 });
final HistogramSpan span = mock(HistogramSpan.class);
DownsamplingSpecification specification = new DownsamplingSpecification("1dc-sum");
final HistogramSpanGroup group = PowerMockito.spy(new HistogramSpanGroup(tsdb, start_ts, end_ts, null, HistogramAggregation.SUM, specification, 0, 0, 0, false, query_tags));
final ArrayList<HistogramSpan> spans = Whitebox.getInternalState(group, "spans");
HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor dps_ada = new HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor(group, 0.98f);
final ByteMap<byte[]> uids_read = dps_ada.getTagUids();
assertEquals(0, uids_read.size());
final List<byte[]> agg_tags = dps_ada.getAggregatedTagUids();
assertEquals(1, agg_tags.size());
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, agg_tags.get(0));
use of net.opentsdb.utils.ByteSet in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestIntersectionIterator method beforeLocal.
public void beforeLocal() throws Exception {
tags = new ByteMap<byte[]>();
tags.put(UID1, UID1);
tags.put(UID2, UID2);
agg_tags = new ByteSet();
sub = mock(ITimeSyncedIterator.class);
query_tags = new ByteSet();
use of net.opentsdb.utils.ByteSet in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class MultiGetQuery method prepareConcurrentMultiGetTasks.
* Compiles the list of TSUIDs and GetRequests to send to execute against
* storage. Each batch will only have requests for one salt, i.e a batch
* will not have requests with multiple salts.
void prepareConcurrentMultiGetTasks() {
multi_get_wait_cnt = 0;
prepare_multi_get_start_time = DateTime.currentTimeMillis();
final List<Long> row_base_time_list;
if (RollupQuery.isValidQuery(rollup_query)) {
row_base_time_list = prepareRowBaseTimesRollup();
} else {
row_base_time_list = prepareRowBaseTimes();
int next_concurrency_index = 0;
List<GetRequest> gets_to_prepare = new ArrayList<GetRequest>(batch_size);
Set<byte[]> tsuids = new ByteSet();
final ByteMap<ByteMap<List<GetRequest>>> all_tsuids_gets;
if (multiget_no_meta) {
// prepare the tagvs combinations and base time list
final List<byte[][]> tagv_compinations = prepareAllTagvCompounds();
all_tsuids_gets = prepareRequestsNoMeta(tagv_compinations, row_base_time_list);
} else {
all_tsuids_gets = prepareRequests(row_base_time_list, tags);
// Iterate over all salts
for (final Entry<byte[], ByteMap<List<GetRequest>>> salts_entry : all_tsuids_gets.entrySet()) {
if (gets_to_prepare.size() > 0) {
// if we have any gets_to_prepare for previous salt, create a
// request out of it.
final MultiGetTask task = new MultiGetTask(tsuids, gets_to_prepare);
final List<MultiGetTask> mulget_task_list = multi_get_tasks.get((next_concurrency_index++) % concurrency_multi_get);
multi_get_num_get_requests = multi_get_num_get_requests + gets_to_prepare.size();
gets_to_prepare = new ArrayList<GetRequest>(batch_size);
tsuids = new ByteSet();
byte[] curr_salt = salts_entry.getKey();
// Iterate over all tsuid's in curr_salt and add them to gets_to_prepare
for (final Entry<byte[], List<GetRequest>> gets_entry : salts_entry.getValue()) {
byte[] tsuid = gets_entry.getKey();
for (GetRequest request : gets_entry.getValue()) {
if (gets_to_prepare.size() >= batch_size) {
// close batch and create a MultiGetTask
final MultiGetTask task = new MultiGetTask(tsuids, gets_to_prepare);
final List<MultiGetTask> mulget_task_list = multi_get_tasks.get((next_concurrency_index++) % concurrency_multi_get);
multi_get_num_get_requests = multi_get_num_get_requests + gets_to_prepare.size();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Finished preparing MultiGetRequest with " + gets_to_prepare.size() + " requests for salt " + curr_salt + " for tsuid " + Bytes.pretty(tsuid));
// prepare a new task list and tsuids
gets_to_prepare = new ArrayList<GetRequest>(batch_size);
tsuids = new ByteSet();
if (gets_to_prepare.size() > 0) {
final MultiGetTask task = new MultiGetTask(tsuids, gets_to_prepare);
final List<MultiGetTask> mulget_task_list = multi_get_tasks.get((next_concurrency_index++) % concurrency_multi_get);
multi_get_num_get_requests = multi_get_num_get_requests + gets_to_prepare.size();
LOG.debug("Finished preparing MultiGetRequest with " + gets_to_prepare.size());
gets_to_prepare = new ArrayList<GetRequest>(batch_size);
tsuids = new ByteSet();
prepare_multi_get_end_time = DateTime.currentTimeMillis();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Finished preparing concurrency multi get task with " + multi_get_wait_cnt + " tasks using " + (prepare_multi_get_end_time - prepare_multi_get_start_time) + "ms");
use of net.opentsdb.utils.ByteSet in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestHistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor method iteratorAllItemsWithDiffPercentile.
public void iteratorAllItemsWithDiffPercentile() {
List<HistogramDataPoint> row = new ArrayList<HistogramDataPoint>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
row.add(new SimpleHistogramDataPointAdapter(new LongHistogramDataPointForTest(0, i), BASE_TIME + 5000L * i));
final HistogramSpan hspan = new HistogramSpan(tsdb);
hspan.addRow(KEY, row);
List<HistogramSpan> spans = new ArrayList<HistogramSpan>();
final ByteSet query_tags = new ByteSet();
query_tags.add(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
HistogramSpanGroup hist_span_group = new HistogramSpanGroup(tsdb, BASE_TIME, BASE_TIME + 5000L * 10, spans, HistogramAggregation.SUM, DownsamplingSpecification.NO_DOWNSAMPLER, 0, 0, 0, false, query_tags);
// 98 percentile
HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor dps_ada_98 = new HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor(hist_span_group, 0.98f);
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (DataPoint dp : dps_ada_98) {
// end for
List<Double> to_checks = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
to_checks.add(i * 0.98);
// end for
assertEquals(values.size(), to_checks.size());
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
assertEquals(values.get(i).doubleValue(), to_checks.get(i).doubleValue(), 0.0001);
// end for
// 95 percentile
HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor dps_ada_95 = new HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor(hist_span_group, 0.95f);
List<Double> values_95 = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (DataPoint dp : dps_ada_95) {
// end for
List<Double> to_checks_95 = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
to_checks_95.add(i * 0.95);
// end for
assertEquals(values_95.size(), to_checks_95.size());
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
assertEquals(values_95.get(i).doubleValue(), to_checks_95.get(i).doubleValue(), 0.0001);
// end for
use of net.opentsdb.utils.ByteSet in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestHistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor method iteratorAllItems.
public void iteratorAllItems() {
List<HistogramDataPoint> row = new ArrayList<HistogramDataPoint>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
row.add(new SimpleHistogramDataPointAdapter(new LongHistogramDataPointForTest(0, i), BASE_TIME + 5000L * i));
final HistogramSpan hspan = new HistogramSpan(tsdb);
hspan.addRow(KEY, row);
List<HistogramSpan> spans = new ArrayList<HistogramSpan>();
final ByteSet query_tags = new ByteSet();
query_tags.add(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
HistogramSpanGroup hist_span_group = new HistogramSpanGroup(tsdb, BASE_TIME, BASE_TIME + 5000L * 10, spans, HistogramAggregation.SUM, DownsamplingSpecification.NO_DOWNSAMPLER, 0, 0, 0, false, query_tags);
HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor dps_ada = new HistogramDataPointsToDataPointsAdaptor(hist_span_group, 0.98f);
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<Long> timestamp_in_ms = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (DataPoint dp : dps_ada) {
// end for
List<Double> to_checks = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
to_checks.add(i * 0.98);
// end for
assertEquals(values.size(), to_checks.size());
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
assertEquals(values.get(i).doubleValue(), to_checks.get(i).doubleValue(), 0.0001);
assertEquals(timestamp_in_ms.get(i).longValue(), BASE_TIME + 5000L * i);
// end for