use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.
the class MapTileLayer method drawTileMap.
public void drawTileMap(Canvas canvas, RotatedTileBox tileBox) {
ITileSource map =;
if (map == null) {
ResourceManager mgr = resourceManager;
int nzoom = tileBox.getZoom();
final QuadRect tilesRect = tileBox.getTileBounds();
// recalculate for ellipsoid coordinates
float ellipticTileCorrection = 0;
if (map.isEllipticYTile()) {
ellipticTileCorrection = (float) (MapUtils.getTileEllipsoidNumberY(nzoom, tileBox.getLatitude()) - tileBox.getCenterTileY());
int left = (int) Math.floor(tilesRect.left);
int top = (int) Math.floor( + ellipticTileCorrection);
int width = (int) Math.ceil(tilesRect.right - left);
int height = (int) Math.ceil(tilesRect.bottom + ellipticTileCorrection - top);
boolean useInternet = (OsmandPlugin.getEnabledPlugin(OsmandRasterMapsPlugin.class) != null || OsmandPlugin.getEnabledPlugin(MapillaryPlugin.class) != null) && settings.USE_INTERNET_TO_DOWNLOAD_TILES.get() && settings.isInternetConnectionAvailable() && map.couldBeDownloadedFromInternet();
int maxLevel = map.getMaximumZoomSupported();
int tileSize = map.getTileSize();
boolean oneTileShown = false;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
int leftPlusI = left + i;
int topPlusJ = top + j;
int x1 = tileBox.getPixXFromTileXNoRot(leftPlusI);
int x2 = tileBox.getPixXFromTileXNoRot(leftPlusI + 1);
int y1 = tileBox.getPixYFromTileYNoRot(topPlusJ - ellipticTileCorrection);
int y2 = tileBox.getPixYFromTileYNoRot(topPlusJ + 1 - ellipticTileCorrection);
bitmapToDraw.set(x1, y1, x2, y2);
final int tileX = leftPlusI;
final int tileY = topPlusJ;
Bitmap bmp = null;
String ordImgTile = mgr.calculateTileId(map, tileX, tileY, nzoom);
// asking tile image async
boolean imgExist = mgr.tileExistOnFileSystem(ordImgTile, map, tileX, tileY, nzoom);
boolean originalWillBeLoaded = useInternet && nzoom <= maxLevel;
if (imgExist || originalWillBeLoaded) {
bmp = mgr.getBitmapTilesCache().getTileForMapAsync(ordImgTile, map, tileX, tileY, nzoom, useInternet);
if (bmp == null) {
int div = 1;
boolean readFromCache = originalWillBeLoaded || imgExist;
boolean loadIfExists = !readFromCache;
// asking if there is small version of the map (in cache)
int allowedScale = Math.min(OVERZOOM_IN + Math.max(0, nzoom - map.getMaximumZoomSupported()), 8);
int kzoom = 1;
for (; kzoom <= allowedScale; kzoom++) {
div *= 2;
String imgTileId = mgr.calculateTileId(map, tileX / div, tileY / div, nzoom - kzoom);
if (readFromCache) {
bmp = mgr.getBitmapTilesCache().get(imgTileId);
if (bmp != null) {
} else if (loadIfExists) {
if (mgr.tileExistOnFileSystem(imgTileId, map, tileX / div, tileY / div, nzoom - kzoom) || (useInternet && nzoom - kzoom <= maxLevel)) {
bmp = mgr.getBitmapTilesCache().getTileForMapAsync(imgTileId, map, tileX / div, tileY / div, nzoom - kzoom, useInternet);
if (bmp != null) {
int xZoom = (tileX % div) * tileSize / div;
int yZoom = (tileY % div) * tileSize / div;
// nice scale
boolean useSampling = kzoom > 3;
bitmapToZoom.set(Math.max(xZoom, 0), Math.max(yZoom, 0), Math.min(xZoom + tileSize / div, tileSize), Math.min(yZoom + tileSize / div, tileSize));
if (!useSampling) {
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, bitmapToZoom, bitmapToDraw, paintBitmap);
} else {
int margin = 1;
int scaledSize = tileSize / div;
float innerMargin = 0.5f;
RectF src = new RectF(0, 0, scaledSize, scaledSize);
if (bitmapToZoom.left >= margin) {
bitmapToZoom.left -= margin;
src.left = innerMargin;
src.right += margin;
if ( >= margin) { -= margin; = innerMargin;
src.bottom += margin;
if (bitmapToZoom.right + margin <= tileSize) {
bitmapToZoom.right += margin;
src.right += margin - innerMargin;
if (bitmapToZoom.bottom + margin <= tileSize) {
bitmapToZoom.bottom += margin;
src.bottom += margin - innerMargin;
Matrix m = new Matrix();
RectF dest = new RectF(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize);
m.setRectToRect(src, dest, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);
Bitmap sampled = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp, bitmapToZoom.left,, bitmapToZoom.width(), bitmapToZoom.height(), m, true);
bitmapToZoom.set(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize);
// very expensive that's why put in the cache
mgr.getBitmapTilesCache().put(ordImgTile, sampled);
canvas.drawBitmap(sampled, bitmapToZoom, bitmapToDraw, paintBitmap);
} else {
bitmapToZoom.set(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, bitmapToZoom, bitmapToDraw, paintBitmap);
if (bmp != null) {
oneTileShown = true;
if (mainMap && !oneTileShown && !useInternet && warningToSwitchMapShown < 3) {
if (resourceManager.getRenderer().containsLatLonMapData(view.getLatitude(), view.getLongitude(), nzoom)) {
Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), R.string.switch_to_vector_map_to_see, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();