Search in sources :

Example 6 with Format

use of net.pms.formats.Format in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class FormatRecognitionTest method testPlaystationVideoMpgCompatibility.

 * Test the compatibility of the Playstation 3 with the MPG format.
public void testPlaystationVideoMpgCompatibility() {
    // This test is only useful if the MediaInfo library is available
    RendererConfiguration conf = RendererConfiguration.getRendererConfigurationByName("Playstation 3");
    assertNotNull("Renderer named \"Playstation 3\" found.", conf);
    // Construct regular two channel MPG information
    DLNAMediaInfo info = new DLNAMediaInfo();
    DLNAMediaAudio audio = new DLNAMediaAudio();
    List<DLNAMediaAudio> audioCodes = new ArrayList<>();
    Format format = new MPG();
    assertEquals("PS3 is compatible with MPG", true, conf.isCompatible(info, format, configuration));
    // Construct MPG with wmv codec that the PS3 does not support natively
    assertEquals("PS3 is incompatible with MPG with wmv codec", false, conf.isCompatible(info, format, configuration));
Also used : DLNAMediaAudio(net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudio) Format(net.pms.formats.Format) MPG(net.pms.formats.MPG) DLNAMediaInfo(net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo) RendererConfiguration(net.pms.configuration.RendererConfiguration) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with Format

use of net.pms.formats.Format in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class DLNAResource method resolvePlayer.

 * Determine whether we are a candidate for streaming or transcoding to the
 * given renderer, and return the relevant player or null as appropriate.
 * @param renderer The target renderer
 * @return A player if transcoding or null if streaming
public Player resolvePlayer(RendererConfiguration renderer) {
    // Use device-specific pms conf, if any
    PmsConfiguration configurationSpecificToRenderer = PMS.getConfiguration(renderer);
    boolean parserV2 = media != null && renderer != null && renderer.isUseMediaInfo();
    Player resolvedPlayer = null;
    if (media == null) {
        media = new DLNAMediaInfo();
    if (format == null) {
        // Shouldn't happen, this is just a desperate measure
        Format f = FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat(getSystemName());
        setFormat(f != null ? f : FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat(".mpg"));
    // Check if we're a transcode folder item
    if (isNoName() && (getParent() instanceof FileTranscodeVirtualFolder)) {
        // Yes, leave everything as-is
        resolvedPlayer = getPlayer();
        LOGGER.trace("Selecting player {} based on transcode item settings", resolvedPlayer);
        return resolvedPlayer;
    boolean hasSubsToTranscode = false;
    boolean hasEmbeddedSubs = false;
    for (DLNAMediaSubtitle s : media.getSubtitleTracksList()) {
        hasEmbeddedSubs = (hasEmbeddedSubs || s.isEmbedded());
     * At this stage, we know the media is compatible with the renderer based on its
     * "Supported" lines, and can therefore be streamed to the renderer without a
     * player. However, other details about the media can change this, such as
     * whether it has subtitles that match this user's language settings, so here we
     * perform those checks.
    if (format.isVideo() && !configurationSpecificToRenderer.isDisableSubtitles()) {
        if (hasEmbeddedSubs || hasExternalSubtitles()) {
            OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configurationSpecificToRenderer);
            // set proper subtitles in accordance with user setting
            Player.setAudioAndSubs(getSystemName(), media, params);
            if (params.sid != null) {
                if (params.sid.isExternal()) {
                    if (renderer != null && renderer.isExternalSubtitlesFormatSupported(params.sid, media)) {
                        media_subtitle = params.sid;
                        LOGGER.trace("This video has external subtitles that could be streamed");
                    } else {
                        hasSubsToTranscode = true;
                        LOGGER.trace("This video has external subtitles that should be transcoded");
                } else if (params.sid.isEmbedded()) {
                    if (renderer != null && renderer.isEmbeddedSubtitlesFormatSupported(params.sid)) {
                        LOGGER.trace("This video has embedded subtitles that could be streamed");
                    } else {
                        hasSubsToTranscode = true;
                        LOGGER.trace("This video has embedded subtitles that should be transcoded");
        } else {
            LOGGER.trace("This video does not have subtitles");
    if (configurationSpecificToRenderer.isDisableTranscoding()) {
        LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be streamed since transcoding is disabled", getName());
        return null;
    String configurationSkipExtensions = configurationSpecificToRenderer.getDisableTranscodeForExtensions();
    String rendererSkipExtensions = renderer == null ? null : renderer.getStreamedExtensions();
    // Should transcoding be skipped for this format?
    skipTranscode = format.skip(configurationSkipExtensions, rendererSkipExtensions);
    if (skipTranscode) {
        LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be streamed since it is forced by configuration", getName());
        return null;
    // Try to match a player based on media information and format.
    resolvedPlayer = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(this);
    if (resolvedPlayer != null) {
        String configurationForceExtensions = configurationSpecificToRenderer.getForceTranscodeForExtensions();
        String rendererForceExtensions = null;
        if (renderer != null) {
            rendererForceExtensions = renderer.getTranscodedExtensions();
        // Should transcoding be forced for this format?
        boolean forceTranscode = format.skip(configurationForceExtensions, rendererForceExtensions);
        boolean isIncompatible = false;
        String prependTraceReason = "File \"{}\" will not be streamed because ";
        if (forceTranscode) {
            LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "transcoding is forced by configuration", getName());
        } else if (this instanceof DVDISOTitle) {
            forceTranscode = true;
            LOGGER.trace("DVD video track \"{}\" will be transcoded because streaming isn't supported", getName());
        } else if (!format.isCompatible(media, renderer)) {
            isIncompatible = true;
            LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "it is not supported by the renderer", getName());
        } else if (configurationSpecificToRenderer.isEncodedAudioPassthrough()) {
            if (getMediaAudio() != null && (FormatConfiguration.AC3.equals(getMediaAudio().getAudioCodec()) || FormatConfiguration.DTS.equals(getMediaAudio().getAudioCodec()))) {
                isIncompatible = true;
                LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the audio will use the encoded audio passthrough feature", getName());
            } else {
                for (DLNAMediaAudio audioTrack : media.getAudioTracksList()) {
                    if (audioTrack != null && (FormatConfiguration.AC3.equals(audioTrack.getAudioCodec()) || FormatConfiguration.DTS.equals(audioTrack.getAudioCodec()))) {
                        isIncompatible = true;
                        LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the audio will use the encoded audio passthrough feature", getName());
        if (!isIncompatible && format.isVideo() && parserV2 && renderer != null) {
            int maxBandwidth = renderer.getMaxBandwidth();
            if (renderer.isKeepAspectRatio() && !"16:9".equals(media.getAspectRatioContainer())) {
                isIncompatible = true;
                LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the renderer needs us to add borders to change the aspect ratio from {} to 16/9.", getName(), media.getAspectRatioContainer());
            } else if (!renderer.isResolutionCompatibleWithRenderer(media.getWidth(), media.getHeight())) {
                isIncompatible = true;
                LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the resolution is incompatible with the renderer.", getName());
            } else if (media.getBitrate() > maxBandwidth) {
                isIncompatible = true;
                LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the bitrate ({} b/s) is too high ({} b/s).", getName(), media.getBitrate(), maxBandwidth);
            } else if (!renderer.isVideoBitDepthSupported(media.getVideoBitDepth())) {
                isIncompatible = true;
                LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the video bit depth ({}) is not supported.", getName(), media.getVideoBitDepth());
            } else if (renderer.isH264Level41Limited() && media.isH264()) {
                if (media.getAvcLevel() != null) {
                    double h264Level = 4.1;
                    try {
                        h264Level = Double.parseDouble(media.getAvcLevel());
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        LOGGER.trace("Could not convert {} to double: {}", media.getAvcLevel(), e.getMessage());
                    if (h264Level > 4.1) {
                        isIncompatible = true;
                        LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the H.264 level ({}) is not supported.", getName(), h264Level);
                } else {
                    isIncompatible = true;
                    LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the H.264 level is unknown.", getName());
            } else if (media.is3d() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(renderer.getOutput3DFormat()) && (!media.get3DLayout().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals(renderer.getOutput3DFormat()))) {
                forceTranscode = true;
                LOGGER.trace("Video \"{}\" is 3D and is forced to transcode to the format \"{}\"", getName(), renderer.getOutput3DFormat());
        // Prefer transcoding over streaming if:
        // 1) the media is unsupported by the renderer, or
        // 2) there are subs to transcode
        boolean preferTranscode = isIncompatible || hasSubsToTranscode;
        // 2) transcoding is preferred and not prevented by configuration
        if (forceTranscode || (preferTranscode && !isSkipTranscode())) {
            if (parserV2) {
                LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be transcoded with player \"{}\" with mime type \"{}\"", getName(), resolvedPlayer.toString(), renderer != null ? renderer.getMimeType(mimeType(resolvedPlayer), media) : media.getMimeType());
            } else {
                LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be transcoded with player \"{}\"", getName(), resolvedPlayer.toString());
        } else {
            resolvedPlayer = null;
            LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be streamed", getName());
    } else {
        LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be streamed because no compatible player was found", getName());
    return resolvedPlayer;
Also used : ImageFormat(net.pms.image.ImageFormat) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Format(net.pms.formats.Format) PmsConfiguration(net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration) OutputParams(

Example 8 with Format

use of net.pms.formats.Format in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class DLNAResource method autoMatch.

// Attempts to automatically create the appropriate container for
// the given uri. Defaults to mpeg video for indeterminate local uris.
public static DLNAResource autoMatch(String uri, String name) {
    try {
        uri = URLDecoder.decode(uri, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("URL decoding error ", e);
    boolean isweb = uri.matches("\\S+://.+");
    Format format = FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat(isweb ? "." + FileUtil.getUrlExtension(uri) : uri);
    int type = format == null ? Format.VIDEO : format.getType();
    if (name == null) {
        name = new File(StringUtils.substringBefore(uri, "?")).getName();
    DLNAResource resource = isweb ? type == Format.VIDEO ? new WebVideoStream(name, uri, null) : type == Format.AUDIO ? new WebAudioStream(name, uri, null) : type == Format.IMAGE ? new FeedItem(name, uri, null, null, Format.IMAGE) : null : new RealFile(new File(uri));
    if (format == null && !isweb) {
    LOGGER.debug(resource == null ? ("Could not auto-match " + uri) : ("Created auto-matched container: " + resource));
    return resource;
Also used : ImageFormat(net.pms.image.ImageFormat) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Format(net.pms.formats.Format)

Example 9 with Format

use of net.pms.formats.Format in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class AviSynthMEncoder method isCompatible.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCompatible(DLNAResource resource) {
    Format format = resource.getFormat();
    if (format != null) {
        if (format.getIdentifier() == Format.Identifier.WEB) {
            return false;
    DLNAMediaSubtitle subtitle = resource.getMediaSubtitle();
    // Uninitialized DLNAMediaSubtitle objects have a null language.
    if (subtitle != null && subtitle.getLang() != null) {
        // This engine only supports external subtitles
        if (subtitle.getExternalFile() != null) {
            return true;
        return false;
    try {
        String audioTrackName = resource.getMediaAudio().toString();
        String defaultAudioTrackName = resource.getMedia().getAudioTracksList().get(0).toString();
        if (!audioTrackName.equals(defaultAudioTrackName)) {
            // This engine only supports playback of the default audio track
            return false;
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        LOGGER.trace("AviSynth/MEncoder cannot determine compatibility based on audio track for " + resource.getSystemName());
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        LOGGER.trace("AviSynth/MEncoder cannot determine compatibility based on default audio track for " + resource.getSystemName());
    if (PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.MKV) || PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.MPG) || PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.OGG)) {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : DLNAMediaSubtitle(net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitle) Format(net.pms.formats.Format)

Example 10 with Format

use of net.pms.formats.Format in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class AviSynthFFmpeg method isCompatible.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCompatible(DLNAResource resource) {
    Format format = resource.getFormat();
    if (format != null) {
        if (format.getIdentifier() == Format.Identifier.WEB) {
            return false;
    DLNAMediaSubtitle subtitle = resource.getMediaSubtitle();
    // uninitialized DLNAMediaSubtitle objects have a null language.
    if (subtitle != null && subtitle.getLang() != null) {
        // The resource needs a subtitle, but this engine implementation does not support subtitles yet
        return false;
    try {
        String audioTrackName = resource.getMediaAudio().toString();
        String defaultAudioTrackName = resource.getMedia().getAudioTracksList().get(0).toString();
        if (!audioTrackName.equals(defaultAudioTrackName)) {
            // This engine implementation only supports playback of the default audio track at this time
            return false;
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        LOGGER.trace("AviSynth/FFmpeg cannot determine compatibility based on audio track for " + resource.getSystemName());
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        LOGGER.trace("AviSynth/FFmpeg cannot determine compatibility based on default audio track for " + resource.getSystemName());
    if (PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.MKV) || PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.MPG) || PlayerUtil.isVideo(resource, Format.Identifier.OGG)) {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : DLNAMediaSubtitle(net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitle) Format(net.pms.formats.Format)


Format (net.pms.formats.Format)17 Test (org.junit.Test)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 DLNAMediaInfo (net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo)5 RendererConfiguration (net.pms.configuration.RendererConfiguration)4 DLNAMediaAudio (net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudio)4 MPG (net.pms.formats.MPG)4 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)3 OutputParams ( File ( IOException ( PmsConfiguration (net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration)2 DLNAMediaSubtitle (net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitle)2 MP3 ( ImageFormat (net.pms.image.ImageFormat)2 FileInputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( MalformedURLException ( Socket (