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Example 11 with OutputParams

use of in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class DLNAMediaInfo method getFFmpegThumbnail.

private ProcessWrapperImpl getFFmpegThumbnail(InputFile media, boolean resume, RendererConfiguration renderer) {
     * Note: The text output from FFmpeg is used by renderers that do
     * not use MediaInfo, so do not make any changes that remove or
     * minimize the amount of text given by FFmpeg here
    String[] args = new String[14];
    args[0] = getFfmpegPath();
    File file = media.getFile();
    boolean dvrms = file != null && file.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("dvr-ms");
    if (dvrms && isNotBlank(configuration.getFfmpegAlternativePath())) {
        args[0] = configuration.getFfmpegAlternativePath();
    args[1] = "-ss";
    if (resume) {
        args[2] = Integer.toString((int) getDurationInSeconds());
    } else {
        args[2] = Integer.toString((int) Math.min(configuration.getThumbnailSeekPos(), getDurationInSeconds()));
    args[3] = "-i";
    if (file != null) {
        args[4] = ProcessUtil.getShortFileNameIfWideChars(file.getAbsolutePath());
    } else {
        args[4] = "-";
    args[5] = "-an";
    args[6] = "-an";
    // Thumbnail resolution
    int thumbnailWidth = 320;
    int thumbnailHeight = 180;
    double thumbnailRatio = 1.78;
    boolean isThumbnailPadding = true;
    if (renderer != null) {
        thumbnailWidth = renderer.getThumbnailWidth();
        thumbnailHeight = renderer.getThumbnailHeight();
        thumbnailRatio = renderer.getThumbnailRatio();
        isThumbnailPadding = renderer.isThumbnailPadding();
    if (isThumbnailPadding) {
        args[7] = "-vf";
        args[8] = "scale='if(gt(a," + thumbnailRatio + ")," + thumbnailWidth + ",-1)':'if(gt(a," + thumbnailRatio + "),-1," + thumbnailHeight + ")', pad=" + thumbnailWidth + ":" + thumbnailHeight + ":(" + thumbnailWidth + "-iw)/2:(" + thumbnailHeight + "-ih)/2";
    } else {
        args[7] = "-vf";
        args[8] = "scale='if(gt(a," + thumbnailRatio + ")," + thumbnailWidth + ",-1)':'if(gt(a," + thumbnailRatio + "),-1," + thumbnailHeight + ")'";
    args[9] = "-vframes";
    args[10] = "1";
    args[11] = "-f";
    args[12] = "image2";
    args[13] = "pipe:";
    // FIXME MPlayer should not be used if thumbnail generation is disabled
    if (!configuration.isThumbnailGenerationEnabled() || renderer != null && !renderer.isThumbnails() || configuration.isUseMplayerForVideoThumbs() && !dvrms) {
        args[2] = "0";
        for (int i = 5; i <= 13; i++) {
            args[i] = "-an";
    OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
    params.maxBufferSize = 1;
    params.stdin = media.getPush();
    // not serious if anything happens during the thumbnailer
    params.noexitcheck = true;
    // true: consume stderr on behalf of the caller i.e. parse()
    final ProcessWrapperImpl pw = new ProcessWrapperImpl(args, true, params, false, true);
    synchronized (parsingLock) {
        parsing = true;
    Runnable r = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                synchronized (ffmpeg_failureLock) {
                    ffmpeg_failure = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            synchronized (parsingLock) {
                parsing = false;
    Thread failsafe = new Thread(r, "FFmpeg Thumbnail Failsafe");
    synchronized (parsingLock) {
        parsing = false;
    return pw;
Also used : OutputParams( AudioFile( ProcessWrapperImpl(

Example 12 with OutputParams

use of in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class DLNAMediaInfo method getAnnexBFrameHeader.

public byte[][] getAnnexBFrameHeader(InputFile f) {
    String[] cmdArray = new String[14];
    cmdArray[0] = configuration.getFfmpegPath();
    cmdArray[1] = "-i";
    if (f.getPush() == null && f.getFilename() != null) {
        cmdArray[2] = f.getFilename();
    } else {
        cmdArray[2] = "-";
    cmdArray[3] = "-vframes";
    cmdArray[4] = "1";
    cmdArray[5] = "-c:v";
    cmdArray[6] = "copy";
    cmdArray[7] = "-f";
    cmdArray[8] = "h264";
    cmdArray[9] = "-bsf";
    cmdArray[10] = "h264_mp4toannexb";
    cmdArray[11] = "-an";
    cmdArray[12] = "-y";
    cmdArray[13] = "pipe:";
    byte[][] returnData = new byte[2][];
    OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
    params.maxBufferSize = 1;
    params.stdin = f.getPush();
    final ProcessWrapperImpl pw = new ProcessWrapperImpl(cmdArray, true, params);
    Runnable r = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                synchronized (ffmpeg_annexb_failureLock) {
                    ffmpeg_annexb_failure = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    Thread failsafe = new Thread(r, "FFMpeg AnnexB Frame Header Failsafe");
    synchronized (ffmpeg_annexb_failureLock) {
        if (ffmpeg_annexb_failure) {
            return null;
    byte[] data = pw.getOutputByteArray().toByteArray();
    returnData[0] = data;
    int kf = 0;
    for (int i = 3; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i - 3] == 1 && (data[i - 2] & 37) == 37 && (data[i - 1] & -120) == -120) {
            kf = i - 2;
    int st = 0;
    boolean found = false;
    if (kf > 0) {
        for (int i = kf; i >= 5; i--) {
            if (data[i - 5] == 0 && data[i - 4] == 0 && data[i - 3] == 0 && (data[i - 2] & 1) == 1 && (data[i - 1] & 39) == 39) {
                st = i - 5;
                found = true;
    if (found) {
        byte[] header = new byte[kf - st];
        System.arraycopy(data, st, header, 0, kf - st);
        returnData[1] = header;
    return returnData;
Also used : OutputParams( ProcessWrapperImpl(

Example 13 with OutputParams

use of in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class DCRaw method getImage.

 * Converts {@code fileName} into PPM format.
 * @param params the {@link OutputParams} to use. Can be {@code null}.
 * @param fileName the path of the image file to process.
 * @param imageInfo the {@link ImageInfo} for the image file. Can be {@code null}.
 * @return A byte array containing the converted image or {@code null}.
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs.
public byte[] getImage(OutputParams params, String fileName, ImageInfo imageInfo) {
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.trace("Decoding image \"{}\" with DCRaw", fileName);
    if (params == null) {
        params = new OutputParams(PMS.getConfiguration());
    // Use device-specific pms conf
    PmsConfiguration configuration = PMS.getConfiguration(params);
    params.log = false;
    // Setting the buffer to the size of the source file or 5 MB. The
    // output won't be the same size as the input, but it will hopefully
    // give us a somewhat relevant buffer size. Every time the buffer has
    // to grow, the whole buffer must be copied in memory.
    params.outputByteArrayStreamBufferSize = imageInfo != null && imageInfo.getSize() != ImageInfo.SIZE_UNKNOWN ? (int) imageInfo.getSize() : 5000000;
    // First try to get the embedded thumbnail
    String[] cmdArray = new String[5];
    cmdArray[0] = configuration.getDCRawPath();
    cmdArray[1] = "-c";
    cmdArray[2] = "-M";
    cmdArray[3] = "-w";
    cmdArray[4] = fileName;
    ProcessWrapperImpl pw = new ProcessWrapperImpl(cmdArray, true, params, false, true);
    byte[] bytes = pw.getOutputByteArray().toByteArray();
    List<String> results = pw.getResults();
    if (bytes == null || bytes.length == 0) {
        if (!results.isEmpty() && results.get(0).startsWith("Cannot decode file")) {
            LOGGER.warn("DCRaw could not decode image \"{}\"", fileName);
        } else if (!results.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("DCRaw failed to decode image \"{}\": {}", fileName, StringUtils.join(results, "\n"));
        return null;
    return bytes;
Also used : PmsConfiguration(net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration) OutputParams( ProcessWrapperImpl(

Example 14 with OutputParams

use of in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class RemoteRawHandler method handle.

public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
    LOGGER.debug("got a raw request " + t.getRequestURI());
    if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
        throw new IOException("Access denied");
    RootFolder root = parent.getRoot(RemoteUtil.userName(t), t);
    if (root == null) {
        throw new IOException("Unknown root");
    String id;
    id = RemoteUtil.strip(RemoteUtil.getId("raw/", t));
    LOGGER.debug("raw id " + id);
    List<DLNAResource> res = root.getDLNAResources(id, false, 0, 0, root.getDefaultRenderer());
    if (res.size() != 1) {
        // another error
        LOGGER.debug("media unkonwn");
        throw new IOException("Bad id");
    DLNAResource dlna = res.get(0);
    long len;
    String mime = null;
    InputStream in;
    Range.Byte range;
    if (dlna.getMedia() != null && dlna.getMedia().isImage() && dlna.getMedia().getImageInfo() != null) {
        boolean supported = false;
        ImageInfo imageInfo = dlna.getMedia().getImageInfo();
        if (root.getDefaultRenderer() instanceof WebRender) {
            WebRender renderer = (WebRender) root.getDefaultRenderer();
            supported = renderer.isImageFormatSupported(imageInfo.getFormat());
        mime = dlna.getFormat() != null ? dlna.getFormat().mimeType() : root.getDefaultRenderer().getMimeType(dlna.mimeType(), dlna.getMedia());
        len = supported && imageInfo.getSize() != ImageInfo.SIZE_UNKNOWN ? imageInfo.getSize() : dlna.length();
        range = new Range.Byte(0l, len);
        if (supported) {
            in = dlna.getInputStream();
        } else {
            InputStream imageInputStream;
            if (dlna.getPlayer() instanceof ImagePlayer) {
                ProcessWrapper transcodeProcess = dlna.getPlayer().launchTranscode(dlna, dlna.getMedia(), new OutputParams(PMS.getConfiguration()));
                imageInputStream = transcodeProcess != null ? transcodeProcess.getInputStream(0) : null;
            } else {
                imageInputStream = dlna.getInputStream();
            Image image = Image.toImage(imageInputStream, 3840, 2400, ScaleType.MAX, ImageFormat.JPEG, false);
            len = image.getBytes(false).length;
            in = image == null ? null : new ByteArrayInputStream(image.getBytes(false));
    } else {
        len = dlna.length();
        range = RemoteUtil.parseRange(t.getRequestHeaders(), len);
        in = dlna.getInputStream(range, root.getDefaultRenderer());
        if (len == 0) {
            // For web resources actual length may be unknown until we open the stream
            len = dlna.length();
        mime = root.getDefaultRenderer().getMimeType(dlna.mimeType(), dlna.getMedia());
    Headers hdr = t.getResponseHeaders();
    LOGGER.debug("Sending media \"{}\" with mime type \"{}\"", dlna, mime);
    hdr.add("Content-Type", mime);
    hdr.add("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
    hdr.add("Server", PMS.get().getServerName());
    hdr.add("Connection", "keep-alive");
    hdr.add("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");
    if (in.available() != len) {
        hdr.add("Content-Range", "bytes " + range.getStart() + "-" + in.available() + "/" + len);
        t.sendResponseHeaders(206, in.available());
    } else {
        t.sendResponseHeaders(200, 0);
    OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(t.getResponseBody(), 512 * 1024);
    LOGGER.debug("start raw dump");
    RemoteUtil.dump(in, os);
Also used : ImagePlayer(net.pms.encoders.ImagePlayer) WebRender(net.pms.configuration.WebRender) ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( Headers( OutputStream( BufferedOutputStream( IOException( Range(net.pms.dlna.Range) Image(net.pms.image.Image) DLNAResource(net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource) ProcessWrapper( ByteArrayInputStream( RootFolder(net.pms.dlna.RootFolder) ImageInfo(net.pms.image.ImageInfo) OutputParams( BufferedOutputStream(

Example 15 with OutputParams

use of in project UniversalMediaServer by UniversalMediaServer.

the class WindowsUtil method installWin32Service.

 * Executes the needed commands in order to install the Windows service
 * that starts whenever the machine is started.
 * This function is called from the General tab.
 * @return true if UMS could be installed as a Windows service.
 * @see net.pms.newgui.GeneralTab#build()
public static boolean installWin32Service() {
    String[] cmdArray = new String[] { "win32/service/wrapper.exe", "-i", "wrapper.conf" };
    ProcessWrapperImpl pwinstall = new ProcessWrapperImpl(cmdArray, true, new OutputParams(PMS.getConfiguration()));
    return pwinstall.isSuccess();
Also used : OutputParams( ProcessWrapperImpl(


OutputParams ( ProcessWrapperImpl ( IOException ( PmsConfiguration (net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration)5 ProcessWrapper ( InputStream ( Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)3 DLNAResource (net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource)3 ImagePlayer (net.pms.encoders.ImagePlayer)3 Format (net.pms.formats.Format)3 ByteArrayInputStream ( File ( FileInputStream ( OutputStream ( MalformedURLException ( Socket ( URL ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ParserConfigurationException (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)2