use of net.sf.ehcache.Element in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletSpELServiceImpl method parseExpression.
public Expression parseExpression(String expressionString) throws ParseException {
if (this.expressionCache == null) {
return parseExpression(expressionString, TemplateParserContext.INSTANCE);
Element element = this.expressionCache.get(expressionString);
if (element != null) {
return (Expression) element.getObjectValue();
final Expression expression = parseExpression(expressionString, TemplateParserContext.INSTANCE);
element = new Element(expressionString, expression);
return expression;
use of net.sf.ehcache.Element in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class SqlQueryPortletController method handleRenderRequest.
public ModelAndView handleRenderRequest(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws Exception {
// find the configured SQL statement
PortletPreferences preferences = request.getPreferences();
String sqlQuery = preferences.getValue(SQL_QUERY_PARAM_NAME, null);
String dsName = preferences.getValue(DATASOURCE_BEAN_NAME_PARAM_NAME, BasePortalJpaDao.PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME);
String viewName = preferences.getValue(VIEW_PARAM_NAME, "jsp/SqlQuery/results");
// Allow substituting attributes from the request and userInfo objects using the SPEL ${} notation..
String spelSqlQuery = evaluateSpelExpression(sqlQuery, request);
List<Map<String, Object>> results = null;
String cacheKey = createCacheKey(spelSqlQuery, dsName);
Cache cache = getCache(request);
if (cache != null) {
Element cachedElement = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedElement != null) {
log.debug("Cache hit. Returning item for query: {}, substituted query: {}, from cache {} for key {}", sqlQuery, spelSqlQuery, cache.getName(), cacheKey);
results = (List<Map<String, Object>>) cachedElement.getObjectValue();
if (results == null) {
// generate a JDBC template for the requested data source
DataSource ds = (DataSource) getApplicationContext().getBean(dsName);
JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(ds);
// Execute the SQL query and build a results object. This result will consist of one
// rowname -> rowvalue map for each row in the result set
results = template.query(spelSqlQuery, new ColumnMapRowMapper());
log.debug("found {} results for query {}", results.size(), spelSqlQuery);
if (cache != null) {
log.debug("Adding SQL results to cache {}, query: {}, substituted query: {}", cache.getName(), sqlQuery, spelSqlQuery);
Element cachedElement = new Element(cacheKey, results);
// build the model
ModelAndView modelandview = new ModelAndView(viewName);
modelandview.addObject("results", results);
return modelandview;
use of net.sf.ehcache.Element in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletEntityRegistryImpl method parseConsistentPortletEntityId.
protected IPortletEntityId parseConsistentPortletEntityId(HttpServletRequest request, String consistentEntityIdString) {
Validate.notNull(consistentEntityIdString, "consistentEntityIdString can not be null");
//Check in the cache first
final Element element = this.entityIdParseCache.get(consistentEntityIdString);
if (element != null) {
final Object value = element.getObjectValue();
if (value != null) {
return (IPortletEntityId) value;
if (!PortletEntityIdStringUtils.hasCorrectNumberOfParts(consistentEntityIdString)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("consistentEntityIdString does not have 3 parts and is invalid: " + consistentEntityIdString);
//Verify the portlet definition id
final String portletDefinitionIdString = PortletEntityIdStringUtils.parsePortletDefinitionId(consistentEntityIdString);
final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition = this.getPortletDefinition(request, portletDefinitionIdString);
if (portletDefinition == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parent IPortletDefinition found for " + portletDefinitionIdString + " from entity id string: " + consistentEntityIdString);
final IPortletDefinitionId portletDefinitionId = portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId();
final IUserInstance userInstance = this.userInstanceManager.getUserInstance(request);
final IUserPreferencesManager preferencesManager = userInstance.getPreferencesManager();
final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = preferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
//Verify non-delegate layout node id exists and is for a portlet
final String layoutNodeId = PortletEntityIdStringUtils.parseLayoutNodeId(consistentEntityIdString);
if (!PortletEntityIdStringUtils.isDelegateLayoutNode(layoutNodeId)) {
final IUserLayoutNodeDescription node = userLayoutManager.getNode(layoutNodeId);
if (node == null || node.getType() != LayoutNodeType.PORTLET) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No portlet layout node found for " + layoutNodeId + " from entity id string: " + consistentEntityIdString);
//TODO is this doable for delegation?
//Verify the portlet definition matches
final IUserLayoutChannelDescription portletNode = (IUserLayoutChannelDescription) node;
final String channelPublishId = portletNode.getChannelPublishId();
if (!portletDefinitionId.getStringId().equals(channelPublishId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The portlet layout node found for " + layoutNodeId + " does not match the IPortletDefinitionId " + portletDefinitionId + " specified in entity id string: " + consistentEntityIdString);
//TODO when there is a JPA backed user dao actually verify this mapping
//User just conver to an int
final int userId;
final String userIdAsString = PortletEntityIdStringUtils.parseUserIdAsString(consistentEntityIdString);
try {
userId = Integer.parseInt(userIdAsString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The user id " + userIdAsString + " is not a valid integer from entity id string: " + consistentEntityIdString, e);
final IPortletEntityId portletEntityId = createConsistentPortletEntityId(portletDefinitionId, layoutNodeId, userId);
//Cache the resolution
this.entityIdParseCache.put(new Element(consistentEntityIdString, portletEntityId));
return portletEntityId;
use of net.sf.ehcache.Element in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class AnyUnblockedGrantPermissionPolicy method hasUnblockedPathToGrantWithCache.
private boolean hasUnblockedPathToGrantWithCache(IAuthorizationService service, IAuthorizationPrincipal principal, IPermissionOwner owner, IPermissionActivity activity, IPermissionTarget target, Set<IGroupMember> seenGroups) throws GroupsException {
final CacheTuple cacheTuple = new CacheTuple(principal.getPrincipalString(), owner.getFname(), activity.getFname(), target.getKey());
Element element = hasUnblockedGrantCache.get(cacheTuple);
if (element == null) {
final boolean answer = hasUnblockedPathToGrant(service, principal, owner, activity, target, seenGroups);
element = new Element(cacheTuple, answer);
return (Boolean) element.getObjectValue();
use of net.sf.ehcache.Element in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class MapCacheProvider method put.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Map#put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
public V put(K key, V value) {
final V old = this.get(key);
this.cache.put(new Element(key, value));
return old;