use of net.sf.json.JSONArray in project OA4MP by ncsa.
the class ClaimsProcessor method createLogicBlocks.
* create the logic blocks for this configuration. It also configures the factory
* @param configuration
* @return
protected List<LogicBlock> createLogicBlocks(JSONObject configuration, Map<String, Object> claims) {
ServletDebugUtil.dbg(this, "config:\n\n" + config.toString(2));
CAFunctorFactory functorFactory = new CAFunctorFactory(claims);
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
ServletDebugUtil.dbg(this, "created JSON array:\n\n" + jsonArray.toString(2));
return functorFactory.createLogicBlock(jsonArray);
use of net.sf.json.JSONArray in project OA4MP by ncsa.
the class LDAPClaimsSource method toJSON.
* This takes the result of the search as a {@link NamingEnumeration} and set of attributes (from the
* configuration file) and returns a JSON object. The default is that singletons are returned as simple
* values while lists are recorded as arrays.
* @param attributes
* @param e
* @return
* @throws NamingException
protected JSONObject toJSON(Map<String, LDAPConfigurationUtil.AttributeEntry> attributes, NamingEnumeration e) throws NamingException {
DebugUtil.dbg(this, "starting to convert search results to JSON. " + attributes.size() + " results found.");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
while (e.hasMore()) {
SearchResult entry = (SearchResult);
Attributes a = entry.getAttributes();
for (String attribID : attributes.keySet()) {
Attribute attribute = a.get(attribID);
DebugUtil.dbg(this, "returned LDAP attribute=" + attribute);
if (attribute == null) {
if (attributes.get(attribID).isGroup) {
JSONArray jsonAttribs = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < attribute.size(); i++) {
GroupHandler gg = null;
if (isNCSA()) {
gg = new NCSAGroupHandler(this);
} else {
gg = getGroupHandler();
Groups groups = gg.parse(jsonAttribs);
json.put(attributes.get(attribID).targetName, groups.toJSON());
} else {
if (attribute.size() == 1) {
// Single-valued attributes are recorded as simple values
if (attributes.get(attribID).isList) {
JSONArray jsonAttribs = new JSONArray();
json.put(attributes.get(attribID).targetName, jsonAttribs);
} else {
json.put(attributes.get(attribID).targetName, attribute.get(0));
} else {
// Multi-valued attributes are recorded as arrays.
JSONArray jsonAttribs = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < attribute.size(); i++) {
json.put(attributes.get(attribID).targetName, jsonAttribs);
DebugUtil.dbg(this, "LDAP search results=" + json);
return json;
use of net.sf.json.JSONArray in project OA4MP by ncsa.
the class FunctorTests method testLBClaimsIntegrity.
* When a claims value is accessed in a set command, the old claims value is accessed.
* makes it hard to change a value and use the new one, but does allow for integrity of the
* claims object. Note that since the values are replaced in the factory, they should remain stable
* if the value is reset several times, such as here.
* @throws Exception
public void testLBClaimsIntegrity() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> claims = createClaims();
System.out.println("Before, claims = " + claims);
CAFunctorFactory functorFactory = new CAFunctorFactory(claims);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
JSONObject ifBlock = new JSONObject();
jContains jContains = new jContains();
ifBlock.put("$if", jContains.toJSON());
// we won't process this, just use it's toJSON to get valid JSON
jSet set = new jSet(claims);
String newAudience = "new-aud-" + getRandomString();
String targetValue = claims.get("aud") + "--" + newAudience;
set.addArg("${aud}--" + newAudience);
JSONArray setCommands = new JSONArray();
ifBlock.put("$then", setCommands);
List<LogicBlock> bloxx = functorFactory.createLogicBlock(array);
assert bloxx.size() == 1;
System.out.println("After, claims = " + claims);
assert claims.get("aud").toString().equals(targetValue) : "Should have been \"" + targetValue + "\" and got \"" + claims.get("aud") + "\"";
use of net.sf.json.JSONArray in project OA4MP by ncsa.
the class ThingTester method getResponse.
public static void getResponse() {
JSONObject resp = new JSONObject();
resp.put("status", 0);
JSONObject client = new JSONObject();
JSONObject contentItems = new JSONObject();
contentItems.put("id", "777");
JSONArray cbs = new JSONArray();
contentItems.put("callbacks", cbs);
contentItems.put("limited_proxies", false);
client.put("client", contentItems);
resp.put("content", client);
use of net.sf.json.JSONArray in project OA4MP by ncsa.
the class ThingTester method setExample.
public static JSONObject setExample() {
JSONObject admin = new JSONObject();
JSONObject adminSecrets = new JSONObject();
adminSecrets.put("id", "123");
adminSecrets.put("secret", "456");
admin.put("admin", adminSecrets);
JSONObject client = new JSONObject();
JSONObject clientSecret = new JSONObject();
clientSecret.put("id", "777");
client.put("client", clientSecret);
JSONObject actionItems = new JSONObject();
actionItems.put("method", "set");
actionItems.put("type", "attribute");
JSONObject contentItems = new JSONObject();
JSONArray cbs = new JSONArray();
contentItems.put("callbacks", cbs);
JSONArray scopes = new JSONArray();
contentItems.put("scopes", scopes);
contentItems.put("home_uri", "https://a.b.c/client");
contentItems.put("error_uri", "https://a.b.c/client/error");
contentItems.put("limited_proxies", true);
JSONObject api = new JSONObject();
JSONObject apiItems = new JSONObject();
apiItems.put("subject", admin);
apiItems.put("action", actionItems);
apiItems.put("object", client);
apiItems.put("content", contentItems);
api.put("api", apiItems);
return api;