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Example 16 with Expression

use of net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression in project herddb by diennea.

the class SQLParserExpressionCompiler method compileExpressionInternal.

private static CompiledSQLExpression compileExpressionInternal(Expression expression, OpSchema tableSchema) {
    if (expression == null) {
        return null;
    if (expression instanceof JdbcParameter) {
        JdbcParameter p = (JdbcParameter) expression;
        return new JdbcParameterExpression(p.getIndex() - 1);
    } else if (expression instanceof StringValue || expression instanceof LongValue || expression instanceof NullValue || expression instanceof DoubleValue || expression instanceof TimestampValue) {
        return JSQLParserPlanner.resolveValueAsCompiledSQLExpression(expression, false);
    } else if (expression instanceof net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column) {
        // mapping a reference to a Column to the index in the schema of the table
        net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column col = (net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column) expression;
        String tableAlias = extractTableName(col);
        // no fix backtick, handle false/true literals, without backticks
        String columnName = col.getColumnName();
        if (isBooleanLiteral(col)) {
            return new ConstantExpression(Boolean.parseBoolean(columnName.toLowerCase()), ColumnTypes.NOTNULL_BOOLEAN);
        IntHolder indexInSchema = new IntHolder(-1);
        ColumnRef found = findColumnInSchema(tableAlias, columnName, tableSchema, indexInSchema);
        if (indexInSchema.value == -1 || found == null) {
            String nameInError = tableAlias != null ? tableAlias + "." + columnName : columnName;
            throw new StatementExecutionException("Column " + nameInError + " not found in target table (schema " + tableSchema + ")");
        return new AccessCurrentRowExpression(indexInSchema.value, found.type);
    } else if (expression instanceof BinaryExpression) {
        return compileBinaryExpression((BinaryExpression) expression, tableSchema);
    } else if (expression instanceof IsNullExpression) {
        IsNullExpression eq = (IsNullExpression) expression;
        CompiledSQLExpression left = compileExpression(eq.getLeftExpression(), tableSchema);
        return new CompiledIsNullExpression(eq.isNot(), left);
    } else if (expression instanceof NotExpression) {
        NotExpression eq = (NotExpression) expression;
        CompiledSQLExpression left = compileExpression(eq.getExpression(), tableSchema);
        return new CompiledNotExpression(left);
    } else if (expression instanceof Parenthesis) {
        Parenthesis eq = (Parenthesis) expression;
        return compileExpression(eq.getExpression(), tableSchema);
    } else if (expression instanceof SignedExpression) {
        SignedExpression eq = (SignedExpression) expression;
        return new CompiledSignedExpression(eq.getSign(), compileExpression(eq.getExpression(), tableSchema));
    } else if (expression instanceof InExpression) {
        InExpression eq = (InExpression) expression;
        checkSupported(eq.getOldOracleJoinSyntax() == EqualsTo.NO_ORACLE_JOIN);
        checkSupported(eq.getOraclePriorPosition() == EqualsTo.NO_ORACLE_PRIOR);
        checkSupported(eq.getLeftItemsList() == null);
        checkSupported(eq.getMultiExpressionList() == null);
        checkSupported(eq.getRightExpression() == null);
        CompiledSQLExpression left = compileExpression(eq.getLeftExpression(), tableSchema);
        ItemsList rightItemsList = eq.getRightItemsList();
        checkSupported(rightItemsList instanceof ExpressionList, "Sub Selects are not supported with jSQLParser");
        ExpressionList expressionList = (ExpressionList) rightItemsList;
        CompiledSQLExpression[] values = new CompiledSQLExpression[expressionList.getExpressions().size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Expression exp : expressionList.getExpressions()) {
            values[i++] = compileExpression(exp, tableSchema);
        return new CompiledInExpression(left, values);
    } else if (expression instanceof TimeKeyExpression) {
        TimeKeyExpression eq = (TimeKeyExpression) expression;
        if (eq.getStringValue().equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")) {
            return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Collections.emptyList());
    // fallthru
    } else if (expression instanceof Function) {
        Function eq = (Function) expression;
        checkSupported(eq.getKeep() == null);
        checkSupported(eq.getMultipartName() != null && eq.getMultipartName().size() == 1);
        checkSupported(eq.getNamedParameters() == null);
        checkSupported(eq.getAttribute() == null);
        checkSupported(eq.getAttributeName() == null);
        List<CompiledSQLExpression> operands = new ArrayList<>();
        if (eq.getParameters() != null) {
            for (Expression e : eq.getParameters().getExpressions()) {
                operands.add(compileExpression(e, tableSchema));
        switch(eq.getName().toUpperCase()) {
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_LOWERCASE:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.LOWER, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_UPPER:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.UPPER, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_ABS:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.ABS, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_AVG:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.AVG, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_ROUND:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.ROUND, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_EXTRACT:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.EXTRACT, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_FLOOR:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.FLOOR, operands);
            case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_RAND:
                return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.RAND, operands);
    // fallthru
    } else if (expression instanceof CaseExpression) {
        CaseExpression eq = (CaseExpression) expression;
        checkSupported(eq.getSwitchExpression() == null);
        List<WhenClause> whenClauses = eq.getWhenClauses();
        List<Map.Entry<CompiledSQLExpression, CompiledSQLExpression>> cases = new ArrayList<>(whenClauses.size());
        for (WhenClause c : whenClauses) {
            cases.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(compileExpression(c.getWhenExpression(), tableSchema), compileExpression(c.getThenExpression(), tableSchema)));
        CompiledSQLExpression elseExp = eq.getElseExpression() != null ? compileExpression(eq.getElseExpression(), tableSchema) : null;
        return new CompiledCaseExpression(cases, elseExp);
    } else if (expression instanceof Between) {
        Between b = (Between) expression;
        boolean not = b.isNot();
        CompiledSQLExpression baseValue = compileExpression(b.getLeftExpression(), tableSchema);
        CompiledSQLExpression start = compileExpression(b.getBetweenExpressionStart(), tableSchema);
        CompiledSQLExpression end = compileExpression(b.getBetweenExpressionEnd(), tableSchema);
        CompiledSQLExpression result = new CompiledAndExpression(new CompiledGreaterThanEqualsExpression(baseValue, start), new CompiledMinorThanEqualsExpression(baseValue, end));
        if (not) {
            return new CompiledNotExpression(result);
        } else {
            return result;
    } else if (expression instanceof net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CastExpression) {
        net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CastExpression b = (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CastExpression) expression;
        CompiledSQLExpression left = compileExpression(b.getLeftExpression(), tableSchema);
        int type = JSQLParserPlanner.sqlDataTypeToColumnType(b.getType());
        return new CastExpression(left, type);
    // }
    throw new StatementExecutionException("not implemented expression type " + expression.getClass() + ": " + expression);
Also used : ItemsList(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ItemsList) InExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.InExpression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException) CaseExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CaseExpression) WhenClause(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.WhenClause) NullValue(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.NullValue) BinaryExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.BinaryExpression) IntHolder(herddb.utils.IntHolder) List(java.util.List) ItemsList(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ItemsList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExpressionList(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList) StringValue(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.StringValue) Between(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.Between) IsNullExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.IsNullExpression) TimeKeyExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.TimeKeyExpression) LongValue(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.LongValue) Map(java.util.Map) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) NotExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.NotExpression) Function(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Function) Parenthesis(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Parenthesis) TimestampValue(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.TimestampValue) ExpressionList(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList) JdbcParameter(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.JdbcParameter) DoubleValue(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.DoubleValue) CaseExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CaseExpression) NotExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.NotExpression) IsNullExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.IsNullExpression) Expression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression) OrExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.OrExpression) TimeKeyExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.TimeKeyExpression) BinaryExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.BinaryExpression) LikeExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.LikeExpression) InExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.InExpression) AndExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression) SignedExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.SignedExpression) SignedExpression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.SignedExpression)

Example 17 with Expression

use of net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression in project JSqlParser by JSQLParser.

the class SelectUtilsTest method testTableAliasIssue311.

public void testTableAliasIssue311() {
    Table table1 = new Table("mytable1");
    table1.setAlias(new Alias("tab1"));
    Table table2 = new Table("mytable2");
    table2.setAlias(new Alias("tab2"));
    List<? extends Expression> colunas = Arrays.asList(new Column(table1, "col1"), new Column(table1, "col2"), new Column(table1, "col3"), new Column(table2, "b1"), new Column(table2, "b2"));
    Select select = SelectUtils.buildSelectFromTableAndExpressions(table1, colunas.toArray(new Expression[colunas.size()]));
    final EqualsTo equalsTo = new EqualsTo();
    equalsTo.setLeftExpression(new Column(table1, "col1"));
    equalsTo.setRightExpression(new Column(table2, "b1"));
    Join addJoin = SelectUtils.addJoin(select, table2, equalsTo);
    assertEquals("SELECT tab1.col1, tab1.col2, tab1.col3, tab2.b1, tab2.b2 FROM mytable1 AS tab1 LEFT JOIN mytable2 AS tab2 ON tab1.col1 = tab2.b1", select.toString());
Also used : Table(net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table) Column(net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column) Expression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression) Alias(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Alias) PlainSelect( Select( Join( EqualsTo(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with Expression

use of net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression in project JSqlParser by JSQLParser.

the class TablesNamesFinderTest method testExpr.

public void testExpr() throws JSQLParserException {
    String sql = "mycol in (select col2 from mytable)";
    Expression expr = (Expression) CCJSqlParserUtil.parseCondExpression(sql);
    TablesNamesFinder tablesNamesFinder = new TablesNamesFinder();
    List<String> tableList = tablesNamesFinder.getTableList(expr);
    assertEquals(1, tableList.size());
Also used : Expression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression) Test(org.junit.Test) CCJSqlParserManagerTest(net.sf.jsqlparser.test.simpleparsing.CCJSqlParserManagerTest)

Example 19 with Expression

use of net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression in project JSqlParser by JSQLParser.

the class CNFTest method test3.

 * This is the case when we test a more complex tree structure,
 * Notice you could see the amount of line to build up the CNF tree.
 * You could tell how complicated the CNF could be.
 *                   OR
 *            /                                       \
 *           ( )                                      ( )
 *            |                                        |
 *           AND                                       OR
 *       /        \                             /                 \
 *      >=        <=                           ( )                NOT
 *    /    \    /    \                          |                  |
 *   7.0   8.0 9.0  10.0                       AND                 OR
 *                                         /          \         /       \
 *                                       ( )          =        !=       ( )
 *                                        |        /     \    /   \      |
 *                                       AND     11.0   12.0 13.0 14.0  AND
 *                                   /        \                      /       \
 *                                  <          >                    =        ( )
 *                               /     \    /     \              /     \      |
 *                             7.0     8.0 9.0   10.0          15.0   16.0    OR
 *                                                                        /         \
 *                                                                       =           >
 *                                                                    /     \     /     \
 *                                                                  17.0   18.0  19.0  20.0
 * Here is the converted expression tree:
 *                                                                               AND
 *                                                                             /     \
 *                                                                           AND     ( )
 *                                                                         /     \    |
 *                                                                       AND     ( ) part18
 *                                                                     /     \    |
 *                                                                   AND     ( ) part17
 *                                                                 /     \    |
 *                                                               AND     ( ) part16
 *                                                             /     \    |
 *                                                           AND     ( ) part15
 *                                                          /    \    |
 *                                                        AND    ( ) part14
 *                                                      /    \    |
 *                                                    AND    ( ) part13
 *                                                  /    \    |
 *                                               AND     ( ) part12
 *                                             /     \    |
 *                                          AND      ( ) part11
 *                                        /     \     |
 *                                     AND      ( )  part10
 *                                   /     \     |
 *                                AND      ( )  part9
 *                              /     \     |
 *                           AND      ( )  part8
 *                         /     \     |
 *                      AND      ( )  part7
 *                    /     \     |
 *                 AND      ( )  part6
 *               /     \     |
 *            AND      ( )  part5
 *          /     \     |
 *        AND     ( )  part4
 *      /    \     |
 *     ( )   ( )  part3
 *      |     |
 *    part1 part2
 *     part1:                            OR
 *                                 /          \
 *                                OR          NOT
 *                             /     \         |
 *                            >=     <        !=
 *                         /     \  /   \    /   \
 *                        3.0   4.0 7.0 8.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part2:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 7.0  8.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part3:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 7.0  8.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part4:                            OR
 *                                 /          \
 *                                OR          NOT
 *                             /     \         |
 *                            >=     <        !=
 *                         /     \  /   \    /   \
 *                        3.0   4.0 9.0 10.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part5:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 9.0  10.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part6:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 9.0  10.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part7:                            OR
 *                                 /            \
 *                                OR            NOT
 *                             /     \           |
 *                            >=     <          !=
 *                         /     \  /    \      /   \
 *                        3.0   4.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part8:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 11.0  12.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part9:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             3.0      4.0 11.0  12.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part10:                           OR
 *                                 /          \
 *                                OR          NOT
 *                             /     \         |
 *                            >=     <        !=
 *                         /     \  /   \    /   \
 *                        5.0   6.0 7.0 8.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part11:                            OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 7.0  8.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part12:                            OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 7.0  8.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part13:                           OR
 *                                 /          \
 *                                OR          NOT
 *                             /     \         |
 *                            >=     <        !=
 *                         /     \  /   \    /   \
 *                        5.0   6.0 9.0 10.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part14:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 9.0  10.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part15:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 9.0  10.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part16:                            OR
 *                                 /            \
 *                                OR            NOT
 *                             /     \           |
 *                            >=     <          !=
 *                         /     \  /    \      /   \
 *                        5.0   6.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
 *     part17:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       17.0   18.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 11.0  12.0 15.0 16.0
 *     part18:                             OR
 *                                /                \
 *                               OR                NOT
 *                         /           \            |
 *                        OR           NOT          =
 *                   /         \        |        /     \
 *                  >=         <        =       19.0   20.0
 *              /        \   /    \   /   \
 *             5.0      6.0 11.0  12.0 15.0 16.0
public void test3() throws Exception {
    Expression expr = CCJSqlParserUtil.parseCondExpression("(3.0 >= 4.0 AND 5.0 <= 6.0) OR " + "(((7.0 < 8.0 AND 9.0 > 10.0) AND 11.0 = 12.0) OR " + "NOT (13.0 <> 14.0 OR (15.0 = 16.0 AND (17.0 = 18.0 OR 19.0 > 20.0))))");
    Expression expected = CCJSqlParserUtil.parseCondExpression("(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(3.0 >= 4.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 7.0 < 8.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 9.0 > 10.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 13.0 <> 14.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 17.0 = 18.0) AND " + "(5.0 <= 6.0 OR 11.0 = 12.0 OR NOT 15.0 = 16.0 OR NOT 19.0 > 20.0)");
    Expression result = CNFConverter.convertToCNF(expr);
    assertEquals(expected.toString(), result.toString());
Also used : Expression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 20 with Expression

use of net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression in project JSqlParser by JSQLParser.

the class ExecuteDeParserTest method shouldDeParseExecute.

public void shouldDeParseExecute() {
    Execute execute = new Execute();
    String name = "name";
    ExpressionList exprList = new ExpressionList();
    List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
    Expression expression1 = mock(Expression.class);
    Expression expression2 = mock(Expression.class);
    String actual = buffer.toString();
    assertTrue(actual.matches("EXECUTE " + name + " .*?, .*"));
Also used : Execute(net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.execute.Execute) Expression(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExpressionList(net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList) Test(org.junit.Test)


Expression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression)100 AndExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression)33 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)32 Test (org.junit.Test)30 BinaryExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.BinaryExpression)28 SignedExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.SignedExpression)26 ExpressionList (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList)21 Column (net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column)19 CompiledSQLExpression (herddb.sql.expressions.CompiledSQLExpression)17 AlterExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.alter.AlterExpression)17 LikeExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.LikeExpression)15 StatementExecutionException (herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)14 NotExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.NotExpression)14 Table (net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table)14 CaseExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.CaseExpression)12 OrExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.OrExpression)12 Column (herddb.model.Column)11 TimeKeyExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.TimeKeyExpression)11 InExpression (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.InExpression)11 Function (net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Function)10