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Example 6 with IArrow

use of net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class GenericViewArrow method updatePathRightLeftSquaredBracket.

default void updatePathRightLeftSquaredBracket(final boolean isShadow) {
    final IArrow arrow = getArrow();
    final double halflineWidth = arrow.getShape().getFullThickness() / 2d;
    final double lgth = arrow.getBracketShapedArrowLength() + halflineWidth;
    final double width = arrow.getBarShapedArrowWidth();
    final double y0 = -width / 2d;
    final double y1 = width / 2d;
    createMoveTo(-lgth, y0 + halflineWidth);
    createLineTo(0d, y0 + halflineWidth);
    createLineTo(0d, y1 - halflineWidth);
    createLineTo(-lgth, y1 - halflineWidth);
    if (arrow.isInverted()) {
Also used : IArrow(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow)

Example 7 with IArrow

use of net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class GenericViewArrow method updatePathRightLeftArrow.

default void updatePathRightLeftArrow(final boolean isShadow) {
    final IArrow arrow = getArrow();
    final double width = arrow.getArrowShapedWidth();
    final double length = arrow.getArrowLength() * width;
    final double inset = arrow.getArrowInset() * length;
    final double x;
    if (arrow.isInverted()) {
        x = length;
    } else {
        x = 0d;
    updatePathArrow(x, 0d, x - length, -width / 2d, x - length - inset, 0d, x - length, width / 2d);
    if (arrow.isInverted()) {
Also used : IArrow(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow)

Example 8 with IArrow

use of net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class SVGBezierCurve method getShowPointsElement.

 * Creates an SVG g element that contains the 'show points' plotting.
 * @param doc The owner document.
 * @return The created g element or null if the shape has not the 'show points' option activated.
 * @since 2.0.0
protected SVGGElement getShowPointsElement(final SVGDocument doc) {
    if (!shape.isShowPts() || doc == null) {
        return null;
    final double blackDash = shape.getDashSepBlack();
    final double whiteDash = shape.getDashSepWhite();
    final boolean hasDble = shape.hasDbleBord();
    final Color col = shape.getLineColour();
    final boolean isClosed = !shape.isOpened();
    final SVGGElement showPts = new SVGGElement(doc);
    final IArrow arrow1 = shape.getArrowAt(0);
    final IArrow arrow2 = shape.getArrowAt(-1);
    final double doubleSep = shape.getDbleBordSep();
    final double thick = (hasDble ? shape.getDbleBordSep() + shape.getThickness() * 2. : shape.getThickness()) / 2.;
    final double rad = (PSTricksConstants.DEFAULT_ARROW_DOTSIZE_DIM * IShape.PPC + PSTricksConstants.DEFAULT_ARROW_DOTSIZE_NUM * thick * 2.) / 2.;
    int i;
    final int size = shape.getNbPoints();
    showPts.setAttribute(LNamespace.LATEXDRAW_NAMESPACE + ':' + LNamespace.XML_TYPE, LNamespace.XML_TYPE_SHOW_PTS);
    /* Plotting the lines. */
    for (i = 3; i < size; i += 2) {
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getPtAt(i - 1), shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(i - 1), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(i - 1), shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(i), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(i), shape.getPtAt(i), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    for (i = 2; i < size; i += 2) {
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getPtAt(i - 1), shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(i - 1), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(i - 1), shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(i), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(i), shape.getPtAt(i), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    if (isClosed) {
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getPtAt(-1), shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(-1), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(-1), shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(0), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
        showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(0), shape.getPtAt(0), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getPtAt(0), shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(0), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(0), shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(1), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    showPts.appendChild(getShowPointsLine(doc, thick, col, shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(1), shape.getPtAt(1), blackDash, whiteDash, hasDble, 1., doubleSep));
    // Plotting the dots.
    if (!arrow1.hasStyle() || isClosed) {
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getPtAt(0), col));
    if (!arrow2.hasStyle() || isClosed) {
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getPtAt(-1), col));
    for (i = 1; i < size - 1; i++) {
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getPtAt(i), col));
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(i), col));
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getFirstCtrlPtAt(i), col));
    if (isClosed) {
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(-1), col));
        showPts.appendChild(SVGShape.getShowPointsDot(doc, rad, shape.getSecondCtrlPtAt(0), col));
    return showPts;
Also used : SVGGElement(net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGGElement) Color(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.Color) IArrow(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow) IPoint(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IPoint)

Example 9 with IArrow

use of net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class ViewArrowableTraitArc method clipPath.

protected void clipPath(final Arc arc) {
    if (!model.getArcStyle().supportArrow()) {
    final double width = Math.max(arc.getRadiusX() * 2d, 1d);
    double sAngle = model.getAngleStart();
    double eAngle = model.getAngleEnd();
    IArrow arr = model.getArrowAt(1);
    final double gap = Math.atan(arr.getArrowShapeLength() / width);
    if (arr.getArrowStyle().isReducingShape()) {
        if (eAngle > sAngle) {
            eAngle -= gap;
        } else {
            eAngle += gap;
    arr = model.getArrowAt(0);
    if (arr.getArrowStyle().isReducingShape()) {
        if (eAngle > sAngle) {
            sAngle += gap;
        } else {
            sAngle -= gap;
    sAngle = Math.toDegrees(sAngle % (2d * Math.PI));
    eAngle = Math.toDegrees(eAngle % (2d * Math.PI));
    if (MathUtils.INST.equalsDouble(sAngle, eAngle)) {
        eAngle += 0.1;
    final Arc clip = new Arc(arc.getCenterX(), arc.getCenterY(), arc.getRadiusX(), arc.getRadiusY(), sAngle, eAngle - sAngle);
Also used : ICircleArc(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ICircleArc) Arc(javafx.scene.shape.Arc) IArrow(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow)

Example 10 with IArrow

use of net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class ViewAxes method updatePathAxes.

private void updatePathAxes() {
    final IArrow arr0 = model.getArrowAt(1);
    final IArrow arr1 = model.getArrowAt(3);
    final double arr0Reduction = arr0.getArrowStyle().needsLineReduction() ? arr0.getArrowShapedWidth() : 0d;
    final double arr1Reduction = arr1.getArrowStyle().needsLineReduction() ? arr1.getArrowShapedWidth() : 0d;
    mainAxes.getElements().add(ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createMoveTo(model.getGridStartX() * IShape.PPC + arr0Reduction, 0d));
    mainAxes.getElements().add(ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createLineTo(model.getGridEndX() * IShape.PPC - arr1Reduction, 0d));
    mainAxes.getElements().add(ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createMoveTo(0d, -model.getGridStartY() * IShape.PPC - arr0Reduction));
    mainAxes.getElements().add(ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createLineTo(0d, -model.getGridEndY() * IShape.PPC + arr1Reduction));
Also used : IArrow(net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow)


IArrow (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IArrow)18 IPoint (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IPoint)3 SVGElement (net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGElement)2 Arc (javafx.scene.shape.Arc)1 ArrowStyle (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ArrowStyle)1 Color (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.Color)1 ICircleArc (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ICircleArc)1 ILine (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.ILine)1 IPolyline (net.sf.latexdraw.models.interfaces.shape.IPolyline)1 SVGGElement (net.sf.latexdraw.parsers.svg.SVGGElement)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1