Search in sources :

Example 16 with SimplePeakList

use of net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class NeutralLossFilterTask method run.

public void run() {
    totalRows = peakList.getNumberOfRows();
    ArrayList<Double> diff = setUpDiff();
    if (diff == null ||, 0.0d) == 0) {
        setErrorMessage("Could not set up neutral loss. Mass loss could not be calculated from the formula or is 0.0");
    if (suffix.equals("auto")) {
        if (molecule.equals(""))
            suffix = " NL: " + dMassLoss + " RTtol: " + rtTolerance.getTolerance() + "_results";
            suffix = " NL (" + molecule + "): " + dMassLoss + " RTtol: " + rtTolerance.getTolerance() + "_results";
    // get all rows and sort by m/z
    PeakListRow[] rows = peakList.getRows();
    Arrays.sort(rows, new PeakListRowSorter(SortingProperty.MZ, SortingDirection.Ascending));
    PeakListHandler plh = new PeakListHandler();
    resultPeakList = new SimplePeakList(peakList.getName() + suffix, peakList.getRawDataFiles());
    PeakListHandler resultMap = new PeakListHandler();
    for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
        // i will represent the index of the row in peakList
        if (rows[i].getPeakIdentities().length > 0) {
        message = "Row " + i + "/" + totalRows;
        // now get all peaks that lie within RT and maxIsotopeMassRange: pL[index].mz ->
        // pL[index].mz+maxMass
        ArrayList<PeakListRow> groupedPeaks = groupPeaks(rows, i, diff.get(diff.size() - 1).doubleValue());
        if (groupedPeaks.size() < 2) {
        // this will store row indexes of
        ResultBuffer[] resultBuffer = new ResultBuffer[diff.size()];
        // and mz
        for (// resultBuffer[i] index will represent Isotope[i] (if
        int a = 0; // resultBuffer[i] index will represent Isotope[i] (if
        a < diff.size(); // resultBuffer[i] index will represent Isotope[i] (if
        a++) // numAtoms = 0)
        // [0] will be the isotope with lowest mass#
        resultBuffer[a] = new ResultBuffer();
        for (// go through all possible peaks
        int j = 0; // go through all possible peaks
        j < groupedPeaks.size(); // go through all possible peaks
        j++) {
            for (// check for each peak if it is a possible feature for
            int k = 0; // check for each peak if it is a possible feature for
            k < diff.size(); // check for each peak if it is a possible feature for
            k++) // every diff[](isotope)
                // k represents the isotope number the peak will be a candidate for
                if (mzTolerance.checkWithinTolerance(groupedPeaks.get(0).getAverageMZ() + diff.get(k), groupedPeaks.get(j).getAverageMZ())) {
                    // this will automatically add groupedPeaks[0] to the list -> isotope with
                    // lowest mass
                    // +1 result for isotope k
                    // row in groupedPeaks[]
        if (// this means that for every isotope we expected to find,
        !checkIfAllTrue(resultBuffer)) // we found one or more possible features
        Candidates candidates = new Candidates(diff.size(), minHeight, mzTolerance, plh);
        for (// reminder: resultBuffer.length = diff.size()
        int k = 0; // reminder: resultBuffer.length = diff.size()
        k < resultBuffer.length; // reminder: resultBuffer.length = diff.size()
        k++) {
            for (int l = 0; l < resultBuffer[k].getFoundCount(); l++) {
                // k represents index resultBuffer[k] and thereby the isotope number
                // l represents the number of results in resultBuffer[k]
                candidates.get(k).checkForBetterRating(groupedPeaks, 0, resultBuffer[k].getRow(l), diff.get(k), minRating);
        if (!checkIfAllTrue(candidates.getCandidates())) {
            // jump to next i
        String comParent = "", comChild = "";
        PeakListRow originalChild = getRowFromCandidate(candidates, 0, plh);
        if (originalChild == null) {
        PeakListRow child = copyPeakRow(originalChild);
        if (resultMap.containsID(child.getID()))
            comChild += resultMap.getRowByID(child.getID()).getComment();
        comChild += "Parent ID: " + candidates.get(1).getCandID();
        addComment(child, comChild);
        List<PeakListRow> rowBuffer = new ArrayList<PeakListRow>();
        boolean allPeaksAddable = true;
        for (// we skip k=0 because == groupedPeaks[0] which we
        int k = 1; // we skip k=0 because == groupedPeaks[0] which we
        k < candidates.size(); // we skip k=0 because == groupedPeaks[0] which we
        k++) // added before
            PeakListRow originalParent = getRowFromCandidate(candidates, 1, plh);
            if (originalParent == null) {
                allPeaksAddable = false;
            PeakListRow parent = copyPeakRow(originalParent);
            if (resultMap.containsID(parent.getID()))
                comParent += resultMap.getRowByID(parent.getID()).getComment();
            comParent += ("[--IS PARENT-- child ID: " + child.getID() + " ] | ");
            addComment(parent, comParent);
            addComment(child, " m/z shift(ppm): " + round(((parent.getAverageMZ() - child.getAverageMZ()) - diff.get(1)) / parent.getAverageMZ() * 1E6, 2) + " ");
        if (allPeaksAddable)
            for (PeakListRow row : rowBuffer) resultMap.addRow(row);
        if (isCanceled())
    ArrayList<Integer> keys = resultMap.getAllKeys();
    for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); j++) resultPeakList.addRow(resultMap.getRowByID(keys.get(j)));
    if (resultPeakList.getNumberOfRows() > 1)
        message = "Element not found.";
Also used : Candidates(net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.isotopepeakscanner.Candidates) ResultBuffer(net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.isotopepeakscanner.ResultBuffer) PeakListHandler(net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.isotopepeakscanner.PeakListHandler) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PeakListRowSorter(net.sf.mzmine.util.PeakListRowSorter) SimplePeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow) PeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList)

Example 17 with SimplePeakList

use of net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class PeakFilterTask method filterPeakList.

 * Filter the feature list.
 * @param peakList feature list to filter.
 * @return a new feature list with entries of the original feature list that pass the filtering.
private PeakList filterPeakList(final PeakList peakList) {
    // Make a copy of the peakList
    final PeakList newPeakList = new SimplePeakList(peakList.getName() + ' ' + parameters.getParameter(RowsFilterParameters.SUFFIX).getValue(), peakList.getRawDataFiles());
    // Get parameters - which filters are active
    final boolean filterByDuration = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_DURATION).getValue();
    final boolean filterByArea = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_AREA).getValue();
    final boolean filterByHeight = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_HEIGHT).getValue();
    final boolean filterByDatapoints = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_DATAPOINTS).getValue();
    final boolean filterByFWHM = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_FWHM).getValue();
    final boolean filterByTailingFactor = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_TAILINGFACTOR).getValue();
    final boolean filterByAsymmetryFactor = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_ASYMMETRYFACTOR).getValue();
    final boolean filterByMS2 = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.MS2_Filter).getValue();
    // Loop through all rows in feature list
    final PeakListRow[] rows = peakList.getRows();
    totalRows = rows.length;
    for (processedRows = 0; !isCanceled() && processedRows < totalRows; processedRows++) {
        final PeakListRow row = rows[processedRows];
        final RawDataFile[] rawdatafiles = row.getRawDataFiles();
        int totalRawDataFiles = rawdatafiles.length;
        boolean[] keepPeak = new boolean[totalRawDataFiles];
        for (int i = 0; i < totalRawDataFiles; i++) {
            // Peak values
            keepPeak[i] = true;
            final Feature peak = row.getPeak(rawdatafiles[i]);
            final double peakDuration = peak.getRawDataPointsRTRange().upperEndpoint() - peak.getRawDataPointsRTRange().lowerEndpoint();
            final double peakArea = peak.getArea();
            final double peakHeight = peak.getHeight();
            final int peakDatapoints = peak.getScanNumbers().length;
            final int msmsScanNumber = peak.getMostIntenseFragmentScanNumber();
            Double peakFWHM = peak.getFWHM();
            Double peakTailingFactor = peak.getTailingFactor();
            Double peakAsymmetryFactor = peak.getAsymmetryFactor();
            if (peakFWHM == null) {
                peakFWHM = -1.0;
            if (peakTailingFactor == null) {
                peakTailingFactor = -1.0;
            if (peakAsymmetryFactor == null) {
                peakAsymmetryFactor = -1.0;
            // Check Duration
            if (filterByDuration) {
                final Range<Double> durationRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_DURATION).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!durationRange.contains(peakDuration)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check Area
            if (filterByArea) {
                final Range<Double> areaRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_AREA).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!areaRange.contains(peakArea)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check Height
            if (filterByHeight) {
                final Range<Double> heightRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_HEIGHT).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!heightRange.contains(peakHeight)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check # Data Points
            if (filterByDatapoints) {
                final Range<Integer> datapointsRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_DATAPOINTS).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!datapointsRange.contains(peakDatapoints)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check FWHM
            if (filterByFWHM) {
                final Range<Double> fwhmRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_FWHM).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!fwhmRange.contains(peakFWHM)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check Tailing Factor
            if (filterByTailingFactor) {
                final Range<Double> tailingRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_TAILINGFACTOR).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!tailingRange.contains(peakTailingFactor)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check height
            if (filterByAsymmetryFactor) {
                final Range<Double> asymmetryRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakFilterParameters.PEAK_ASYMMETRYFACTOR).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
                if (!asymmetryRange.contains(peakAsymmetryFactor)) {
                    // Mark peak to be removed
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
            // Check MS/MS filter
            if (filterByMS2) {
                if (msmsScanNumber < 1)
                    keepPeak[i] = false;
        // empty row?
        boolean isEmpty = Booleans.asList(keepPeak).stream().allMatch(keep -> !keep);
        if (!isEmpty)
            newPeakList.addRow(copyPeakRow(row, keepPeak));
    return newPeakList;
Also used : SimpleFeature(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleFeature) Feature(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.Feature) SimplePeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow) PeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow) RawDataFile(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) PeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList)

Example 18 with SimplePeakList

use of net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class PeakComparisonRowFilterTask method filterPeakListRows.

 * Filter the feature list rows by comparing peaks within a row.
 * @param peakList feature list to filter.
 * @return a new feature list with rows of the original feature list that pass the filtering.
private PeakList filterPeakListRows(final PeakList peakList) {
    // Create new feature list.
    final PeakList newPeakList = new SimplePeakList(peakList.getName() + ' ' + parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.SUFFIX).getValue(), peakList.getRawDataFiles());
    // Copy previous applied methods.
    for (final PeakListAppliedMethod method : peakList.getAppliedMethods()) {
    // Add task description to peakList.
    newPeakList.addDescriptionOfAppliedTask(new SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(getTaskDescription(), parameters));
    // Get parameters.
    final boolean evalutateFoldChange = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.FOLD_CHANGE).getValue();
    final boolean evalutatePPMdiff = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.MZ_PPM_DIFF).getValue();
    final boolean evalutateRTdiff = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.RT_DIFF).getValue();
    final int columnIndex1 = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.COLUMN_INDEX_1).getValue();
    final int columnIndex2 = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.COLUMN_INDEX_2).getValue();
    final Range<Double> foldChangeRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.FOLD_CHANGE).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
    final Range<Double> ppmDiffRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.FOLD_CHANGE).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
    final Range<Double> rtDiffRange = parameters.getParameter(PeakComparisonRowFilterParameters.FOLD_CHANGE).getEmbeddedParameter().getValue();
    // Setup variables
    final PeakListRow[] rows = peakList.getRows();
    RawDataFile rawDataFile1;
    RawDataFile rawDataFile2;
    Feature peak1;
    Feature peak2;
    totalRows = rows.length;
    final RawDataFile[] rawDataFiles = peakList.getRawDataFiles();
    boolean allCriteriaMatched = true;
    // doesn't exist.
    if (columnIndex1 > rawDataFiles.length) {
        setErrorMessage("Column 1 set too large.");
        return null;
    if (columnIndex2 > rawDataFiles.length) {
        setErrorMessage("Column 2 set too large.");
        return null;
    // Loop over the rows & filter
    for (processedRows = 0; !isCanceled() && processedRows < totalRows; processedRows++) {
        if (isCanceled())
            return null;
        allCriteriaMatched = true;
        // Default value in case of null peak
        double peak1Area = 1.0;
        double peak2Area = 1.0;
        double peak1MZ = -1.0;
        double peak2MZ = -1.0;
        double peak1RT = -1.0;
        double peak2RT = -1.0;
        double foldChange = 0.0;
        double ppmDiff = 0.0;
        double rtDiff = 0.0;
        final PeakListRow row = rows[processedRows];
        rawDataFile1 = rawDataFiles[columnIndex1];
        rawDataFile2 = rawDataFiles[columnIndex2];
        peak1 = row.getPeak(rawDataFile1);
        peak2 = row.getPeak(rawDataFile2);
        if (peak1 != null) {
            peak1Area = peak1.getArea();
            peak1MZ = peak1.getMZ();
            peak1RT = peak1.getRT();
        if (peak2 != null) {
            peak2Area = peak2.getArea();
            peak2MZ = peak2.getMZ();
            peak2RT = peak2.getRT();
        // Fold change criteria checking.
        if (evalutateFoldChange) {
            foldChange = Math.log(peak1Area / peak2Area) / Math.log(2);
            if (!foldChangeRange.contains(foldChange))
                allCriteriaMatched = false;
            // PPM difference evaluation
            if (evalutatePPMdiff) {
                ppmDiff = (peak1MZ - peak2MZ) / peak1MZ * 1E6;
                if (!ppmDiffRange.contains(ppmDiff))
                    allCriteriaMatched = false;
            // RT difference evaluation
            if (evalutateRTdiff) {
                rtDiff = peak1RT - peak2RT;
                if (!rtDiffRange.contains(rtDiff))
                    allCriteriaMatched = false;
        // Good row?
        if (allCriteriaMatched)
    return newPeakList;
Also used : SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod) PeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList.PeakListAppliedMethod) SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod) SimpleFeature(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleFeature) Feature(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.Feature) SimplePeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow) PeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow) RawDataFile(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) PeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList)

Example 19 with SimplePeakList

use of net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class DuplicateFilterTask method filterDuplicatePeakListRows.

 * Filter our duplicate feature list rows.
 * @param origPeakList the original feature list.
 * @param suffix the suffix to apply to the new feature list name.
 * @param mzTolerance m/z tolerance.
 * @param rtTolerance RT tolerance.
 * @param requireSameId must duplicate peaks have the same identities?
 * @return the filtered feature list.
private PeakList filterDuplicatePeakListRows(final PeakList origPeakList, final String suffix, final MZTolerance mzTolerance, final RTTolerance rtTolerance, final boolean requireSameId, FilterMode mode) {
    final PeakListRow[] peakListRows = origPeakList.getRows();
    final int rowCount = peakListRows.length;
    RawDataFile[] rawFiles = origPeakList.getRawDataFiles();
    // Create the new feature list.
    final PeakList newPeakList = new SimplePeakList(origPeakList + " " + suffix, origPeakList.getRawDataFiles());
    // sort rows
    if (mode.equals(FilterMode.OLD_AVERAGE))
        Arrays.sort(peakListRows, new PeakListRowSorter(SortingProperty.Area, SortingDirection.Descending));
        Arrays.sort(peakListRows, new PeakListRowSorter(SortingProperty.ID, SortingDirection.Ascending));
    // filter by average mz and rt
    boolean filterByAvgRTMZ = !mode.equals(FilterMode.SINGLE_FEATURE);
    // Loop through all feature list rows
    processedRows = 0;
    int n = 0;
    totalRows = rowCount;
    for (int firstRowIndex = 0; !isCanceled() && firstRowIndex < rowCount; firstRowIndex++) {
        final PeakListRow mainRow = peakListRows[firstRowIndex];
        if (mainRow != null) {
            // copy first row
            PeakListRow firstRow = copyRow(mainRow);
            for (int secondRowIndex = firstRowIndex + 1; !isCanceled() && secondRowIndex < rowCount; secondRowIndex++) {
                final PeakListRow secondRow = peakListRows[secondRowIndex];
                if (secondRow != null) {
                    // Compare identifications
                    final boolean sameID = !requireSameId || PeakUtils.compareIdentities(firstRow, secondRow);
                    boolean sameMZRT = // average or single feature
                    filterByAvgRTMZ ? checkSameAverageRTMZ(firstRow, secondRow, mzTolerance, rtTolerance) : checkSameSingleFeatureRTMZ(rawFiles, firstRow, secondRow, mzTolerance, rtTolerance);
                    // Duplicate peaks?
                    if (sameID && sameMZRT) {
                        // create consensus row in new filter
                        if (!mode.equals(FilterMode.OLD_AVERAGE)) {
                            // copy all detected features of row2 into row1
                            // to exchange gap-filled against detected features
                            createConsensusFirstRow(rawFiles, firstRow, secondRow);
                        // second row deleted
                        peakListRows[secondRowIndex] = null;
            // add to new list
    // finalize
    if (!isCanceled()) {
        // Load previous applied methods.
        for (final PeakListAppliedMethod method : origPeakList.getAppliedMethods()) {
        // Add task description to peakList
        newPeakList.addDescriptionOfAppliedTask(new SimplePeakListAppliedMethod("Duplicate feature list rows filter", parameters));"Removed " + n + " duplicate rows");
    return newPeakList;
Also used : SimplePeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow) PeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow) RawDataFile(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile) SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod) PeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList.PeakListAppliedMethod) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) PeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList) SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod) PeakListRowSorter(net.sf.mzmine.util.PeakListRowSorter)

Example 20 with SimplePeakList

use of net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class CameraSearchTask method groupPeaksByIsotope.

 * Uses Isotope-field in PeakIdentity to group isotopes and build spectrum
 * @param peakList PeakList object
 * @return new PeakList object
private PeakList groupPeaksByIsotope(PeakList peakList) {
    // Create new feature list.
    final PeakList combinedPeakList = new SimplePeakList(peakList + " " + parameters.getParameter(CameraSearchParameters.SUFFIX).getValue(), peakList.getRawDataFiles());
    // Load previous applied methods.
    for (final PeakList.PeakListAppliedMethod method : peakList.getAppliedMethods()) {
    // Add task description to feature list.
    combinedPeakList.addDescriptionOfAppliedTask(new SimplePeakListAppliedMethod("Bioconductor CAMERA", parameters));
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // Find unique isotopes belonging to the same group
    // ------------------------------------------------
    Set<String> isotopeGroups = new HashSet<>();
    for (PeakListRow row : peakList.getRows()) {
        PeakIdentity identity = row.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
        if (identity == null)
        String isotope = identity.getPropertyValue("Isotope");
        if (isotope == null)
        String isotopeGroup = isotope.substring(1, isotope.indexOf("]"));
        if (isotopeGroup == null || isotopeGroup.length() == 0)
    List<PeakListRow> groupRows = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<String> groupNames = new HashSet<>();
    Map<Double, Double> spectrum = new HashMap<>();
    List<PeakListRow> newPeakListRows = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String isotopeGroup : isotopeGroups) {
        // -----------------------------------------
        // Find all peaks belonging to isotopeGroups
        // -----------------------------------------
        int minLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        PeakListRow groupRow = null;
        for (PeakListRow row : peakList.getRows()) {
            PeakIdentity identity = row.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
            if (identity == null)
            String isotope = identity.getPropertyValue("Isotope");
            if (isotope == null)
            String isoGroup = isotope.substring(1, isotope.indexOf("]"));
            if (isoGroup == null)
            if (isoGroup.equals(isotopeGroup)) {
                spectrum.put(row.getAverageMZ(), row.getAverageHeight());
                if (isoGroup.length() < minLength) {
                    minLength = isoGroup.length();
                    groupRow = row;
        // Skip peaks that have different identity names (belong to different pcgroup)
        if (groupRow == null || groupNames.size() != 1)
        if (groupRow == null)
        PeakIdentity identity = groupRow.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
        if (identity == null)
        DataPoint[] dataPoints = new DataPoint[spectrum.size()];
        int count = 0;
        for (Entry<Double, Double> e : spectrum.entrySet()) dataPoints[count++] = new SimpleDataPoint(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        IsotopePattern pattern = new SimpleIsotopePattern(dataPoints, IsotopePatternStatus.PREDICTED, "Spectrum");
        // combinedPeakList.addRow(groupRow);
    if (includeSingletons) {
        for (PeakListRow row : peakList.getRows()) {
            PeakIdentity identity = row.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
            if (identity == null)
            String isotope = identity.getPropertyValue("Isotope");
            if (isotope == null || isotope.length() == 0) {
                DataPoint[] dataPoints = new DataPoint[1];
                dataPoints[0] = new SimpleDataPoint(row.getAverageMZ(), row.getAverageHeight());
                IsotopePattern pattern = new SimpleIsotopePattern(dataPoints, IsotopePatternStatus.PREDICTED, "Spectrum");
    // ------------------------------------
    // Sort new peak rows by retention time
    // ------------------------------------
    Collections.sort(newPeakListRows, new Comparator<PeakListRow>() {

        public int compare(PeakListRow row1, PeakListRow row2) {
            double retTime1 = row1.getAverageRT();
            double retTime2 = row2.getAverageRT();
            return, retTime2);
    for (PeakListRow row : newPeakListRows) combinedPeakList.addRow(row);
    return combinedPeakList;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IsotopePattern(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.IsotopePattern) SimpleIsotopePattern(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleIsotopePattern) SimplePeakListAppliedMethod(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod) DataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.DataPoint) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint) SimplePeakIdentity(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakIdentity) PeakIdentity(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakIdentity) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint) PeakListRow(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow) DataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.DataPoint) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) SimpleIsotopePattern(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleIsotopePattern) SimplePeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList) PeakList(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


SimplePeakList (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList)47 PeakListRow (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow)39 SimplePeakListAppliedMethod (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod)29 SimplePeakListRow (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow)29 Feature (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.Feature)25 RawDataFile (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile)25 DataPoint (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.DataPoint)19 PeakList (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList)18 PeakListAppliedMethod (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList.PeakListAppliedMethod)14 SimpleFeature (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleFeature)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 SimpleDataPoint (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint)10 PeakListRowSorter (net.sf.mzmine.util.PeakListRowSorter)10 Scan (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.Scan)8 Vector (java.util.Vector)7 PeakIdentity (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakIdentity)7 IsotopePattern (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.IsotopePattern)5 Desktop (net.sf.mzmine.desktop.Desktop)5 HeadLessDesktop (net.sf.mzmine.desktop.impl.HeadLessDesktop)5 SimpleIsotopePattern (net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleIsotopePattern)4