use of net.silentchaos512.gems.api.lib.EnumMaterialTier in project SilentGems by SilentChaos512.
the class ToolHelper method getIsRepairable.
// ==========================================================================
// Mining, using, repairing, etc
// ==========================================================================
public static boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack toolOrArmor, ItemStack material) {
EnumMaterialTier tierTool = getToolTier(toolOrArmor);
EnumMaterialTier tierMat = EnumMaterialTier.fromStack(material);
if (tierTool == null || tierMat == null)
return false;
return tierTool.ordinal() <= tierMat.ordinal();
use of net.silentchaos512.gems.api.lib.EnumMaterialTier in project SilentGems by SilentChaos512.
the class ToolHelper method addExampleRecipe.
public static void addExampleRecipe(Item item, EnumMaterialTier[] tiers, String[] lines, Object... extraParams) {
// New ingredient-based recipes
ConfigOptionToolClass config = item instanceof ITool ? ((ITool) item).getConfig() : null;
for (EnumMaterialTier tier : tiers) {
// Only add recipes for valid tiers
if (config != null && !config.validTiers.contains(tier))
// Head parts for tier
List<ItemStack> heads = new ArrayList<>();
for (ToolPart part : ToolPartRegistry.getMains()) if (!part.isBlacklisted(part.getCraftingStack()) && part.getTier() == tier && StackHelper.isValid(part.getCraftingStack()))
IngredientSL headIngredient = IngredientSL.from(heads.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
// Rods for tier
List<ItemStack> rods = new ArrayList<>();
for (ToolPart part : ToolPartRegistry.getRods()) if (!part.isBlacklisted(part.getCraftingStack()) && part.getCompatibleTiers().contains(tier))
IngredientSL rodIngredient = IngredientSL.from(rods.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
// Armor frames
List<ItemStack> frames = new ArrayList<>();
if (item instanceof ItemGemArmor) {
EntityEquipmentSlot slot = ((ItemGemArmor) item).armorType;
for (ToolPart part : ToolPartRegistry.getValues()) if (part instanceof ArmorPartFrame && ((ArmorPartFrame) part).getSlot() == slot && part.getTier() == tier && !part.isBlacklisted(part.getCraftingStack()))
IngredientSL frameIngredient = IngredientSL.from(frames.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
ResourceLocation recipeName = new ResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName().toString() + "_" + + "_example");
ItemStack result = new ItemStack(item);
NBTTagCompound tags = new NBTTagCompound();
tags.setInteger(NBT_EXAMPLE_TOOL_TIER, tier.ordinal());
// Super ugly, but I've got never better at the moment.
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : lines) params.add(line);
if (recipeContainsKey(lines, "h")) {
if (recipeContainsKey(lines, "r")) {
if (recipeContainsKey(lines, "a")) {
for (Object obj : extraParams) params.add(obj);
EXAMPLE_RECIPES.add(, result, params.toArray()));
use of net.silentchaos512.gems.api.lib.EnumMaterialTier in project SilentGems by SilentChaos512.
the class ToolRenderHelper method clAddInformation.
public void clAddInformation(ItemStack tool, World world, List list, boolean advanced) {
LocalizationHelper loc = SilentGems.instance.localizationHelper;
boolean controlDown = KeyTracker.isControlDown();
boolean altDown = KeyTracker.isAltDown();
boolean shiftDown = KeyTracker.isShiftDown();
String line;
// Tipped upgrade
ToolPartTip partTip = (ToolPartTip) ToolHelper.getConstructionTip(tool);
if (partTip != null) {
String tipName = partTip.getUnlocalizedName().replaceFirst("[^:]+:", "");
tipName = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip." + tipName);
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Tipped", tipName);
if (GemsConfig.DEBUG_MODE && controlDown && shiftDown) {
UUID uuid = ToolHelper.hasUUID(tool) ? ToolHelper.getUUID(tool) : null;
list.add(uuid == null ? "No UUID" : uuid.toString());
uuid = ToolHelper.getSoulUUID(tool);
list.add(uuid == null ? "No Soul UUID" : uuid.toString());
// Tool Soul
ToolSoul soul = SoulManager.getSoul(tool);
if (soul != null) {
soul.addInformation(tool, world, list, advanced);
// Show original owner?
if (controlDown) {
String owner = ToolHelper.getOriginalOwner(tool);
if (owner.equals(SilentGems.localizationHelper.getMiscText("Tooltip.OriginalOwner.Creative")))
owner = TextFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + owner;
if (!owner.isEmpty())
list.add(loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.OriginalOwner", owner));
if (controlDown && tool.getTagCompound().getBoolean(ToolHelper.NBT_LOCK_STATS)) {
// Example tool?
if (tool.hasTagCompound() && tool.getTagCompound().hasKey(ToolHelper.NBT_EXAMPLE_TOOL_TIER)) {
EnumMaterialTier tier = EnumMaterialTier.values()[tool.getTagCompound().getInteger(ToolHelper.NBT_EXAMPLE_TOOL_TIER)];
list.add(loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.ExampleTool", tier));
} else // Missing data?
if (ToolHelper.hasNoConstruction(tool)) {
} else // Broken?
if (ToolHelper.isBroken(tool)) {
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Broken");
final Item item = tool.getItem();
final boolean isSword = item instanceof ItemGemSword;
final boolean isAxe = item instanceof ItemGemAxe;
final boolean isWeapon = isSword || isAxe;
final boolean isCaster = isSword && ToolHelper.getToolTier(tool).ordinal() >= EnumMaterialTier.SUPER.ordinal();
final boolean isBow = item instanceof ItemGemBow;
final boolean isDigger = item instanceof ItemTool;
final boolean isShield = item instanceof ItemGemShield;
final String sep = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Separator");
if (controlDown) {
// Properties Header
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Properties");
TextFormatting color = TextFormatting.YELLOW;
// Tier
EnumMaterialTier tier = ToolHelper.getToolTier(tool);
line = TextFormatting.RESET + loc.getMiscText("ToolTier." + tier);
list.add(" " + color + loc.getMiscText("ToolTier", line));
int durabilityMax = tool.getMaxDamage();
int durability = durabilityMax - tool.getItemDamage();
String s1 = String.format(durability > 9999 ? "%,d" : "%d", durability);
String s2 = String.format(durabilityMax > 9999 ? "%,d" : "%d", durabilityMax);
float durabilityBoost = ToolSoul.getDurabilityModifierForDisplay(soul);
String durBoostLine = durabilityBoost == 0f ? "" : " (" + TooltipHelper.numberToPercent(durabilityBoost, 0, true) + TextFormatting.RESET + ")";
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Durability", s1 + " / " + s2 + durBoostLine);
list.add(color + " " + line);
if (isShield) {
float magicProtection = (int) (ToolHelper.getMagicProtection(tool) * 100);
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("MagicProtection", magicProtection, 0f));
if (isDigger) {
// @formatter:off
int harvestLevel = ToolHelper.getHarvestLevel(tool);
String str = color + getTooltipLine("HarvestLevel", harvestLevel, 0f);
String key = "Tooltip.level" + harvestLevel;
String val = SilentGems.localizationHelper.getMiscText(key);
if (!val.equals("misc.silentgems:" + key))
str += " (" + val + ")";
float harvestSpeedModifier = ToolSoul.getHarvestSpeedModifierForDisplay(soul);
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("HarvestSpeed", ToolHelper.getDigSpeedOnProperMaterial(tool), harvestSpeedModifier));
if (isWeapon) {
float meleeSpeed = 4 + ToolHelper.getMeleeSpeedModifier(tool);
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("MeleeSpeed", meleeSpeed, 0f).replaceFirst("%", ""));
float meleeDamage = 1 + ToolHelper.getMeleeDamageModifier(tool);
float meleeModifier = ToolSoul.getMeleeDamageModifierForDisplay(soul);
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("MeleeDamage", meleeDamage, meleeModifier));
if (isCaster) {
EnumMagicType magicType = EnumMagicType.getMagicType(tool);
float damagePerShot = magicType.getDamagePerShot(tool);
String damageString = damagePerShot == (int) damagePerShot ? Integer.toString((int) damagePerShot) : String.format(TooltipHelper.FORMAT_FLOAT, damagePerShot);
String str = damageString + "" + TextFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "x" + magicType.getShotCount(tool);
float magicModifier = ToolSoul.getMagicDamageModifierForDisplay(soul);
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("MagicDamage", str, magicModifier));
if (isBow) {
ToolStats statsNoSoul = ToolHelper.getStats(tool, false);
float drawSpeed = ModItems.bow.getDrawSpeedForDisplay(tool);
float drawSpeedPreSoul = ItemGemBow.getDrawSpeedForDisplay(statsNoSoul.meleeSpeed, statsNoSoul.harvestSpeed);
float drawSpeedBoost = (drawSpeed - drawSpeedPreSoul) / drawSpeedPreSoul;
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("DrawSpeed", drawSpeed, drawSpeedBoost));
float arrowDamage = ModItems.bow.getArrowDamageForDisplay(tool);
float arrowDamagePreSoul = ItemGemBow.getArrowDamageForDisplay(statsNoSoul.meleeDamage);
float arrowDamageBoost = (arrowDamage - arrowDamagePreSoul) / arrowDamagePreSoul;
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("ArrowDamage", arrowDamage, arrowDamageBoost));
list.add(color + getTooltipLine("ChargeSpeed", ToolHelper.getChargeSpeed(tool), 0f));
} else {
list.add(TextFormatting.GOLD + loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.CtrlForProp"));
if (altDown) {
// Statistics Header
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Statistics");
list.add(getTooltipLine("BlocksMined", ToolHelper.getStatBlocksMined(tool), 0f));
if (isDigger) {
list.add(getTooltipLine("BlocksPlaced", ToolHelper.getStatBlocksPlaced(tool), 0f));
if (item instanceof ItemGemShovel) {
list.add(getTooltipLine("PathsMade", ToolHelper.getStatPathsMade(tool), 0f));
if (item instanceof ItemGemHoe) {
list.add(getTooltipLine("BlocksTilled", ToolHelper.getStatBlocksTilled(tool), 0f));
list.add(getTooltipLine("HitsLanded", ToolHelper.getStatHitsLanded(tool), 0f));
if (isCaster || isBow)
list.add(getTooltipLine("ShotsFired", ToolHelper.getStatShotsFired(tool), 0f));
if (item instanceof ItemGemTomahawk)
list.add(getTooltipLine("ThrownCount", ToolHelper.getStatThrownCount(tool), 0f));
if (isWeapon)
list.add(getTooltipLine("KillCount", ToolHelper.getStatKillCount(tool), 0f));
list.add(getTooltipLine("Redecorated", ToolHelper.getStatRedecorated(tool), 0f));
line = loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.Construction");
ToolPart[] parts = ToolHelper.getConstructionParts(tool);
EnumMaterialGrade[] grades = ToolHelper.getConstructionGrades(tool);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
ToolPart part = parts[i];
EnumMaterialGrade grade = grades[i];
line = " " + TextFormatting.YELLOW + part.getKey() + TextFormatting.GOLD + " (" + grade + ")";
ToolPart partRod = ToolHelper.getConstructionRod(tool);
if (partRod != null) {
list.add(" " + TextFormatting.YELLOW + partRod.getKey());
} else {
list.add(TextFormatting.GOLD + loc.getMiscText("Tooltip.AltForStat"));
// Debug render layers
if (controlDown && shiftDown && tool.hasTagCompound()) {
if (!altDown)
list.add("Render Layers");
IModelData modelData = getModelCache(tool);
if (modelData != null) {
for (ToolPartPosition pos : ToolPartPosition.values()) {
String key = "Layer" + pos.ordinal();
String str = " %s: %s, %X";
ToolPart renderPart = ToolHelper.getRenderPart(tool, pos);
ModelResourceLocation model = renderPart == null ? null : renderPart.getModel(tool, pos, 0);
str = String.format(str,, model == null ? "null" : model.toString(), modelData.getColor(pos, 0));
use of net.silentchaos512.gems.api.lib.EnumMaterialTier in project SilentGems by SilentChaos512.
the class ToolPartMain method getRepairAmount.
public int getRepairAmount(ItemStack toolOrArmor, ItemStack partRep) {
if (isBlacklisted(partRep)) {
return 0;
if (GemsConfigHC.REPAIR_LOGIC != GemsConfigHC.EnumRepairLogic.CLASSIC) {
ToolPart repairPart = ToolPartRegistry.fromStack(partRep);
EnumMaterialGrade repairGrade = EnumMaterialGrade.fromStack(partRep);
float amount = repairPart.getDurability() * (100 + repairGrade.bonusPercent) / 100;
// Since armor has much lower durability per item, we'll adjust down for armor.
if (toolOrArmor.getItem() instanceof IArmor) {
amount /= 2f;
switch(GemsConfigHC.REPAIR_LOGIC) {
return (int) (amount / 4f);
return (int) (amount / 2f);
return 0;
// Classic repair logic.
int max = toolOrArmor.getMaxDamage();
float scale = 0.0f;
EnumMaterialTier partTier = getTier();
EnumMaterialTier stackTier = toolOrArmor.getItem() instanceof ITool ? ToolHelper.getToolTier(toolOrArmor) : (toolOrArmor.getItem() instanceof IArmor ? ArmorHelper.getArmorTier(toolOrArmor) : null);
if (stackTier == null)
return 0;
int toolTierIndex = ToolHelper.getToolTier(toolOrArmor).ordinal();
int partTierIndex = partTier.ordinal();
scale = REPAIR_VALUES[toolTierIndex][partTierIndex];
return (int) (scale * max);
use of net.silentchaos512.gems.api.lib.EnumMaterialTier in project SilentGems by SilentChaos512.
the class ConfigOptionToolClass method loadValue.
public ConfigOption loadValue(Configuration c, String category, String comment) {
c.setCategoryComment(category, comment);
c.setCategoryRequiresMcRestart(category, true);
// Valid tiers
List<EnumMaterialTier> tierList = Lists.newArrayList();
for (EnumMaterialTier tier : EnumMaterialTier.values()) {
boolean _default = tool.isSuperTool() ? tier.ordinal() >= EnumMaterialTier.SUPER.ordinal() : true;
boolean allowed = c.get(category, "Tier " + + " Allowed", _default).getBoolean();
if (allowed) {
validTiers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tierList);
// Disable option
isDisabled = c.get(category, "Disable", false).getBoolean();
return this.validate();