use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class OpenWBSEditor method getItemHrefForIndivActiveTask.
private String getItemHrefForIndivActiveTask() {
String activeTask = ((ProcessDashboard) getDashboardContext()).getActiveTaskModel().getPath();
if (activeTask == null || !activeTask.startsWith(getPrefix()))
return null;
SaveableData wbsID = getDataRepository().getInheritableValue(activeTask, "WBS_Unique_ID");
if (wbsID == null)
return null;
return "wbs/" + wbsID.getSimpleValue().format();
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class EVTaskList method getRegisteredTaskListForPath.
/** This method checks to see if a project schedule has been registered
* for path (or one of its parents) via the "Project_Schedule_Name" or
* "Project_Schedule_ID" data elements. If so, it returns the name of
* the registered schedule (which will be guaranteed to exist).
* In the process of making this inquiry, this method will update /
* synchronize the "Name" and "ID" attributes above if they have gotten
* out of sync with each other.
* @param data the data repository
* @param projectPath the path to a hierarchy node
* @return the name of a schedule
private static String getRegisteredTaskListForPath(DataRepository data, String projectPath) {
// check to see if one of our parents names a registered schedule.
StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(projectPath);
SaveableData sd = data.getInheritableValue(path, PROJECT_SCHEDULE_NAME);
if (sd == null)
return null;
SimpleData val = sd.getSimpleValue();
if (val == null || !val.test())
return null;
// We found a named schedule. Remember the prefix of the project that
// registered this schedule name. Also, save the data name for the
// corresponding schedule ID attribute.
String prefix = path.toString();
String projSchedIdDataName = DataRepository.createDataName(prefix, PROJECT_SCHEDULE_ID);
// Next, check to see if the named schedule actually exists.
String taskListName = val.format();
if (EVTaskListData.exists(data, taskListName) || EVTaskListRollup.exists(data, taskListName)) {
// The named schedule exists! Retrieve its actual task list ID,
// and record this for posterity. Note that in the most common
// case, we will be recording the exact same ID value that is
// already present - but the data repository will be able to
// efficiently figure out whether a real change was made.
String taskListIdDataName = DataRepository.createDataName(MAIN_DATA_PREFIX + taskListName, ID_DATA_NAME);
SimpleData taskListID = data.getSimpleValue(taskListIdDataName);
data.putValue(projSchedIdDataName, taskListID);
// Finally, return the name we found.
return taskListName;
// We found a registered name, but it does not point to an existing
// schedule. Check to see if we have a schedule ID to fall back to.
val = data.getSimpleValue(projSchedIdDataName);
if (val == null || !val.test())
// no fall-back schedule ID was provided.
return null;
String taskListID = val.format();
taskListName = getTaskListNameForID(data, taskListID);
if (taskListName == null)
// the fall-back ID doesn't name a real schedule.
return null;
// The fall-back ID named a real schedule. Save that schedule name
// for posterity, then return it to our caller.
String projSchedNameDataName = DataRepository.createDataName(prefix, PROJECT_SCHEDULE_NAME);
data.putValue(projSchedNameDataName, StringData.create(taskListName));
return taskListName;
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class AbstractSyncWorker method putValue.
public void putValue(String name, SaveableData newValue) {
SaveableData currVal = getValue(name);
SaveableData lastRevSyncVal = lastReverseSyncedValue;
lastReverseSyncedValue = null;
if (lastRevSyncVal == null && !(newValue instanceof NumberData)) {
// in a positive match (while the reverse order would return false)
if (dataEquals(newValue, currVal))
// no need to store the new value if it matches the current value.
else {
// the value has changed. save the new value.
doPutValue(name, newValue);
String syncName = syncDataName(name);
SimpleData lastSyncVal = getSimpleValue(syncName);
if (dataEquals(newValue, currVal) && (currVal instanceof SimpleData)) {
if (dataEquals(newValue, lastSyncVal)) {
// all three values are in agreement. Nothing needs to be done.
} else {
// the new and old values match, but the sync doesn't. This
// would occur if:
// (a) the user has synced a value manually,
// (b) the WBS was updated via reverse sync, or
// (c) the sync occurred before sync records were kept.
// The right action is to store the sync value for future
// reference. We will do this silently, even in what-if mode,
// and won't report any change having been made.
doPutValueForce(syncName, newValue);
} else if (isFalseSimpleValue(currVal) || !(currVal instanceof SimpleData) || dataEquals(currVal, lastSyncVal) || dataEquals(currVal, lastRevSyncVal)) {
// Update the value, and make a note of the value we're syncing.
doPutValue(name, newValue);
doPutValue(syncName, newValue);
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class McfSizeMetricApiHandler method addNotification.
/** Register a notification with the UserNotificationManager */
private void addNotification(SizeMetricApiRequestData request, DateData timestamp) {
// find the root node of the team project, and retrieve the project ID
StringBuffer projectPrefixBuf = new StringBuffer(request.targetPath);
SaveableData projID = request.ctx.getData().getInheritableValue(projectPrefixBuf, "Project_ID");
if (projID == null)
String projectPrefix = projectPrefixBuf.toString();
// construct an ID representing this user notification. We construct
// an ID that will be the same for multiple API invocations against
// this same team project; this way, the multiple invocations will
// only spawn a single notification
String notificationId = McfSizeMetricApiHandler.class.getName() + ":" + projID.getSimpleValue().format();
// retrieve the message that should be displayed to the user
String message = resources.format("Notification_Message_FMT", projectPrefix);
// construct the URL that we will use to open the Size Inventory Form,
// and make a Runnable action to open it.
String processID = getStringData(request, projectPrefix + "/Process_ID");
String notificationUri = this.notificationUri;
notificationUri = //
notificationUri, "[PID]", processID);
notificationUri = //
notificationUri, "[TIME]", Long.toString(timestamp.getValue().getTime()));
if (notificationUri.startsWith("/"))
notificationUri = notificationUri.substring(1);
final String notificationUrl = WebServer.urlEncodePath(projectPrefix) + "//" + notificationUri;
Runnable action = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// register this notification info with the UserNotificationManager
UserNotificationManager.getInstance().addNotification(notificationId, message, action);
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class McfSizeMetricApiHandler method getStringData.
private String getStringData(SizeMetricApiRequestData request, String dataElemName) {
SaveableData value = getData(request, dataElemName);
SimpleData result = null;
if (value != null)
result = value.getSimpleValue();
return (result == null ? null : result.format());