use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class PlanAnalysisPage method createLogNormalHistogram.
private ResultSet createLogNormalHistogram(List<Double> values, String rangeKey, String colName) {
// be analyzed with a lognormal distribution
for (Iterator<Double> i = values.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) if (!( > 0))
// mean and std dev cannot be calculated with insufficient data points
int n = values.size();
if (n < 2)
return null;
// calculate the lognormal mean of the values
double[] logValues = new double[n];
double logSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
logValues[i] = Math.log(values.get(i));
logSum += logValues[i];
double logMean = logSum / n;
if (badDouble(logMean))
return null;
// calculate the lognormal standard deviation
double stdSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double diff = logValues[i] - logMean;
stdSum += diff * diff;
double logStdDev = Math.sqrt(stdSum / (n - 1));
if (badDouble(logStdDev))
return null;
double logStdDevHalf = logStdDev / 2;
// build a result set showing a histogram of the log bins
int numBins = LOG_NORMAL_BUCKET_KEYS.length;
ResultSet result = new ResultSet(numBins, 4);
for (int bin = 0; bin < numBins; bin++) {
int row = bin + 1;
result.setRowName(row, resources.getString(//
"Plan.Distribution." + LOG_NORMAL_BUCKET_KEYS[bin]));
// store the center point of this log normal bin in the result set
double binCenter = logMean + logStdDev * (bin - 2);
result.setData(row, 1, num(Math.exp(binCenter)));
// determine the ranges of this log normal bin
double binLow = binCenter - logStdDevHalf;
double binHigh = binCenter + logStdDevHalf;
result.setData(row, 2, num(Math.exp(binLow)));
result.setData(row, 3, num(Math.exp(binHigh)));
// count the number of items that fall into this bin
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ((bin == 0 || binLow < logValues[i]) && (bin == numBins - 1 || logValues[i] <= binHigh))
result.setData(row, 4, num(count));
// store column headers
result.setColName(0, resources.getString(rangeKey));
result.setColName(1, colName);
result.setColName(2, resources.getString("Plan.Distribution.Range_Min"));
result.setColName(3, resources.getString("Plan.Distribution.Range_Max"));
result.setColName(4, resources.getString("Plan.Distribution.Count"));
// store labels for extreme range boundaries
result.setData(1, 2, StringData.create("> 0"));
result.setData(numBins, 3, StringData.create("∞"));
return result;
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class ChartData method getEnactmentResultSet.
public ResultSet getEnactmentResultSet(int numColumns) {
List<Enactment> enactments = histData.getEnactments();
ResultSet result = new ResultSet(enactments.size(), numColumns);
result.setColName(0, getRes("Project/Task"));
for (int i = enactments.size(); i-- > 0; ) result.setRowName(i + 1, enactments.get(i));
return result;
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class QualityAnalysisPage method getDefectsVsYield.
id = "defectsVsYield", //
type = "xy", //
params = "phase", titleKey = "Process.Defects_Vs_Yield_Title_FMT")
public ResultSet getDefectsVsYield(ChartData chartData) {
ResultSet data = chartData.getEnactmentResultSet(2);
writeYield(data, 1);
writePhaseDefectDensity(chartData, data, 2, chartData.chartArgs[0]);
return data;
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class QualityAnalysisPage method getFailureCostOfQuality.
id = "failureCOQ", //
type = "line", titleKey = "Quality.Failure_COQ_Title")
public ResultSet getFailureCostOfQuality(ChartData chartData) {
ResultSet data = //
writePhaseTimePct(data, 1, PhaseType.Failure);
return data;
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class QualityAnalysisPage method getAppraisalVsFailureCost.
id = "appraisalVsFailure", //
type = "xy", titleKey = "Quality.Appraisal_vs_Failure_Title")
public ResultSet getAppraisalVsFailureCost(ChartData chartData) {
ResultSet data = chartData.getEnactmentResultSet("Quality.Appraisal_COQ_Label", "Quality.Failure_COQ_Label");
writePhaseTimePct(data, 1, PhaseType.Appraisal, PhaseType.Failure);
return data;