use of net.sourceforge.processdash.util.DataPair in project processdash by dtuma.
the class ProbeDatabaseUtil method buildResultSet.
private ProbeDatabaseResultSet buildResultSet(String[] columnHeaders, List<Enactment> enactmentList) {
// retrieve the time-in-phase data for this workflow
Map timeInPhase = histData.getTotalTimeInPhase();
for (Map.Entry e : ((Map<String, Object>) timeInPhase).entrySet()) {
DataPair d = (DataPair) e.getValue();
// Create an empty result set to hold the data.
int numRows = enactmentList.size();
ProbeDatabaseResultSet result = new ProbeDatabaseResultSet(numRows, columnHeaders, workflowName, timeInPhase);
// iterate over enactment info and store it into the result set.
for (int i = numRows; i-- > 0; ) {
Enactment e = enactmentList.get(i);
int row = i + 1;
// retrieve the dashboard path for this row and store in result
result.setRowName(row, e.getProjectName() + "/" + e.getRootName());
// retrieve the plan item ID for this row and store in result
result.setData(row, ProbeData.IDENTIFIER, str(e.getRootID()));
// store time and completion date data in the result.
result.setData(row, ProbeData.EST_TIME, num(histData.getTime(e, null, false), 60));
result.setData(row, ProbeData.ACT_TIME, num(e.actualTime(), 60));
result.setData(row, ProbeData.COMPLETED_DATE, date(e.completed));
// retrieve size data and store it into the result set
String sizeUnits = require(getString("Size Units", false));
result.setData(row, ProbeData.EST_OBJ_LOC, num(histData.getSize(e, sizeUnits, "Estimated Proxy"), 1));
result.setData(row, ProbeData.EST_NC_LOC, num(histData.getSize(e, sizeUnits, false), 1));
result.setData(row, ProbeData.ACT_NC_LOC, num(histData.getSize(e, sizeUnits, true), 1));
return result;
use of net.sourceforge.processdash.util.DataPair in project processdash by dtuma.
the class DefectAnalysisPage method getTotalDefectsByPhaseToDate.
private ResultSet getTotalDefectsByPhaseToDate(ChartData chartData, boolean removed) {
Map<String, DataPair>[] raw = chartData.histData.getDefectsByPhase();
Map<String, DataPair> counts = raw[removed ? WorkflowHistDataHelper.REM : WorkflowHistDataHelper.INJ];
double total = counts.remove(TOTAL).actual;
List<String> phases = new ArrayList<String>(counts.keySet());
ResultSet data = new ResultSet(phases.size(), 2);
data.setColName(0, getRes("Phase"));
data.setColName(2, getRes("Percent_Units"));
data.setFormat(2, "100%");
for (int row = phases.size(); row > 0; row--) {
String phase = (String) phases.get(row - 1);
data.setRowName(row, phase);
data.setData(row, 1, num(counts.get(phase).actual));
data.setData(row, 2, num(counts.get(phase).actual / total));
return data;
use of net.sourceforge.processdash.util.DataPair in project processdash by dtuma.
the class AnalysisPage method configureSizeUnits.
private static void configureSizeUnits(ChartData chartData, DashboardContext ctx) {
String workflowID = chartData.histData.getWorkflowID();
String workflowName = chartData.histData.getWorkflowName();
DataRepository data = ctx.getData();
// check for an explicit setting for this workflow
if (setSizeUnits(chartData, data, workflowID + "/Size_Units"))
// check for a setting stored for another workflow with this name
if (setSizeUnits(chartData, data, workflowName + "/Size_Units"))
// check for the size unit we guessed during the current session
if (setSizeUnits(chartData, data, workflowID + "//Size_Units_Guess"))
// no luck so far; examine the historical data and make a best guess
double bestSize = 0;
String bestUnits = null;
for (Entry<String, DataPair> e : chartData.histData.getAddedAndModifiedSizes().entrySet()) {
double oneSize = Math.max(e.getValue().plan, e.getValue().actual);
if (oneSize > bestSize && !isTimeUnits(e.getKey())) {
bestSize = oneSize;
bestUnits = e.getKey();
if (bestUnits != null) {
// if we find a good metric, use it and save our decision for the
// rest of this session. This ensures that the charts won't silently
// switch size units (for example, when different filters are in
// effect), as that erratic behavior could confuse/mislead users.
String dataName = "/Workflow_Prefs/" + workflowID + "//Size_Units_Guess";
data.putValue(dataName, StringData.create(bestUnits));
// no actual size data is present. Use "Hours" as our guess.
use of net.sourceforge.processdash.util.DataPair in project processdash by dtuma.
the class WorkflowHistDataHelper method calculateYields.
private void calculateYields(Map<String, DataPair> inj, Map<String, DataPair> rem, Map<String, DataPair> processYields, Map<String, DataPair> phaseYields) {
// calculate cumulative defects injected and removed so far by phase
Map<String, DataPair> cumInj = cum(inj);
Map<String, DataPair> cumRem = cum(rem);
// special handling for the first phase
Iterator<String> phaseNames = cumRem.keySet().iterator();
String firstPhase =;
DataPair firstPhaseYield = new DataPair(rem.get(firstPhase)).divide(cumInj.get(firstPhase));
phaseYields.put(firstPhase, firstPhaseYield);
String prevPhase = firstPhase;
// iterate over remaining phases and calculate yields
while (phaseNames.hasNext()) {
String phase =;
DataPair processYield = new DataPair(cumRem.get(prevPhase)).divide(cumInj.get(prevPhase));
processYields.put(phase, processYield);
DataPair phaseYield = new DataPair(rem.get(phase)).divide(new DataPair(cumInj.get(phase)).subtract(cumRem.get(prevPhase)));
phaseYields.put(phase, phaseYield);
prevPhase = phase;
// write an entry for total process yield
DataPair totalProcessYield = new DataPair(cumRem.get(prevPhase)).divide(cumInj.get(prevPhase));
processYields.put(TOTAL_PHASE_KEY, totalProcessYield);
use of net.sourceforge.processdash.util.DataPair in project processdash by dtuma.
the class WorkflowPlanSummary method writePhaseChart.
private void writePhaseChart(boolean plan, String titleRes, String columnRes, double factor, Map<String, DataPair> phaseData) throws IOException {
int numRows = phaseData.size() - 1;
ResultSet data = new ResultSet(numRows, 1);
int row = 0;
for (Entry<String, DataPair> e : phaseData.entrySet()) {
if (++row > numRows)
data.setRowName(row, e.getKey());
double value = plan ? e.getValue().plan : e.getValue().actual;
data.setData(row, 1, new DoubleData(value / factor));
writeChart((plan ? "Plan" : "Actual"), titleRes, columnRes, data);