Search in sources :

Example 6 with Network

use of net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class DatabaseHelper method addObservation.

private void addObservation(final DBUpdate update, final int drainSize) throws DBException {
    if (insertNetwork == null || insertLocation == null || updateNetwork == null || updateNetworkMetadata == null) {
        MainActivity.warn("A stored procedure is null, not adding observation");
    final Network network =;
    final Location location = update.location;
    final String bssid = network.getBssid();
    final String[] bssidArgs = new String[] { bssid };
    long lasttime = 0;
    double lastlat = 0;
    double lastlon = 0;
    int bestlevel = 0;
    double bestlat = 0;
    double bestlon = 0;
    boolean isNew = false;
    // first try cache
    final CachedLocation prevWrittenLocation = previousWrittenLocationsCache.get(bssid);
    if (prevWrittenLocation != null) {
        // cache hit!
        lasttime = prevWrittenLocation.location.getTime();
        lastlat = prevWrittenLocation.location.getLatitude();
        lastlon = prevWrittenLocation.location.getLongitude();
        bestlevel = prevWrittenLocation.bestlevel;
        bestlat = prevWrittenLocation.bestlat;
        bestlon = prevWrittenLocation.bestlon;
    // "db cache hit. bssid: " + network.getBssid() );
    } else {
        // cache miss, get the last values from the db, if any
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // SELECT: can't precompile, as it has more than 1 result value
        final Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT lasttime,lastlat,lastlon,bestlevel,bestlat,bestlon FROM network WHERE bssid = ?", bssidArgs);
        logTime(start, "db network queried " + bssid);
        if (cursor.getCount() == 0) {
            insertNetwork.bindString(1, bssid);
            insertNetwork.bindString(2, network.getSsid());
            insertNetwork.bindLong(3, network.getFrequency());
            insertNetwork.bindString(4, network.getCapabilities());
            insertNetwork.bindLong(5, location.getTime());
            insertNetwork.bindDouble(6, location.getLatitude());
            insertNetwork.bindDouble(7, location.getLongitude());
            insertNetwork.bindString(8, network.getType().getCode());
            insertNetwork.bindLong(9, network.getLevel());
            insertNetwork.bindDouble(10, location.getLatitude());
            insertNetwork.bindDouble(11, location.getLongitude());
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // INSERT
            logTime(start, "db network inserted: " + bssid + " drainSize: " + drainSize);
            // update the count
            isNew = true;
            final Network cacheNetwork = MainActivity.getNetworkCache().get(bssid);
            if (cacheNetwork != null) {
        // to make sure this new network's location is written
        // don't update stack lasttime,lastlat,lastlon variables
        } else {
            //"db using cursor values: " + network.getBssid() );
            lasttime = cursor.getLong(0);
            lastlat = cursor.getDouble(1);
            lastlon = cursor.getDouble(2);
            bestlevel = cursor.getInt(3);
            bestlat = cursor.getDouble(4);
            bestlon = cursor.getDouble(5);
        try {
        } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
            // weird error cropping up
  "the weird close-cursor exception: " + ex);
    if (isNew) {
        if (NetworkType.WIFI.equals(network.getType())) {
        } else {
    final boolean fastMode = isFastMode();
    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final double latDiff = Math.abs(lastlat - location.getLatitude());
    final double lonDiff = Math.abs(lastlon - location.getLongitude());
    final boolean levelChange = bestlevel <= (update.level - LEVEL_CHANGE);
    final boolean smallChange = latDiff > SMALL_LATLON_CHANGE || lonDiff > SMALL_LATLON_CHANGE;
    final boolean mediumChange = latDiff > MEDIUM_LATLON_CHANGE || lonDiff > MEDIUM_LATLON_CHANGE;
    final boolean bigChange = latDiff > BIG_LATLON_CHANGE || lonDiff > BIG_LATLON_CHANGE;
    // "lasttime: " + lasttime + " now: " + now + " ssid: " + network.getSsid()
    // + " lastlat: " + lastlat + " lat: " + location.getLatitude()
    // + " lastlon: " + lastlon + " lon: " + location.getLongitude() );
    final boolean smallLocDelay = now - lasttime > SMALL_LOC_DELAY;
    final boolean changeWorthy = mediumChange || (smallLocDelay && smallChange) || levelChange;
    final boolean blank = location.getLatitude() == 0 && location.getLongitude() == 0 && location.getAltitude() == 0 && location.getAccuracy() == 0 && update.level == 0;
     * ALIBI: +/-infinite lat/long, 0 timestamp data (even with high accuracy) is gigo
    final boolean likelyJunk = Double.isInfinite(location.getLatitude()) || Double.isInfinite(location.getLongitude()) || location.getTime() == 0L;
    if (!blank && (isNew || bigChange || (!fastMode && changeWorthy))) {
        //"inserting loc: " + network.getSsid() );
        insertLocation.bindString(1, bssid);
        // make sure to use the update's level, network's is mutable...
        insertLocation.bindLong(2, update.level);
        insertLocation.bindDouble(3, location.getLatitude());
        insertLocation.bindDouble(4, location.getLongitude());
        insertLocation.bindDouble(5, location.getAltitude());
        insertLocation.bindDouble(6, location.getAccuracy());
        insertLocation.bindLong(7, location.getTime());
        if (db.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()) {
            // this is kinda lame, make this better
            MainActivity.error("db locked by another thread, waiting to loc insert. bssid: " + bssid + " drainSize: " + drainSize);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // INSERT
        logTime(start, "db location inserted: " + bssid + " drainSize: " + drainSize);
        // update the count
        // update the cache
        CachedLocation cached = new CachedLocation();
        cached.location = location;
        cached.bestlevel = update.level;
        cached.bestlat = location.getLatitude();
        cached.bestlon = location.getLongitude();
        previousWrittenLocationsCache.put(bssid, cached);
        if (!isNew) {
            // update the network with the lasttime,lastlat,lastlon
            updateNetwork.bindLong(1, location.getTime());
            updateNetwork.bindDouble(2, location.getLatitude());
            updateNetwork.bindDouble(3, location.getLongitude());
            updateNetwork.bindString(4, bssid);
            if (db.isDbLockedByOtherThreads()) {
                // this is kinda lame, make this better
                MainActivity.error("db locked by another thread, waiting to net update. bssid: " + bssid + " drainSize: " + drainSize);
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // UPDATE
            logTime(start, "db network updated");
            boolean newBest = (bestlevel == 0 || update.level > bestlevel) && //
            //"META testing network: " + bssid + " newBest: " + newBest + " updatelevel: " + update.level + " bestlevel: " + bestlevel);
            if (newBest) {
                bestlevel = update.level;
                bestlat = location.getLatitude();
                bestlon = location.getLongitude();
            if (smallLocDelay || newBest) {
                //"META updating network: " + bssid + " newBest: " + newBest + " updatelevel: " + update.level + " bestlevel: " + bestlevel);
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindLong(1, bestlevel);
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindDouble(2, bestlat);
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindDouble(3, bestlon);
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindString(4, network.getSsid());
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindLong(5, network.getFrequency());
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindString(6, network.getCapabilities());
                updateNetworkMetadata.bindString(7, bssid);
                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                logTime(start, "db network metadata updated");
// else {
// "db network not changeworthy: " + bssid );
// }
Also used : Network(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) Location(android.location.Location)

Example 7 with Network

use of net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class ListFragment method setupListAdapter.

public static void setupListAdapter(final ListView listView, final FragmentActivity activity, final NetworkListAdapter listAdapter, final boolean isDbResult) {
    listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, final int position, final long id) {
            final Network network = (Network) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
            MainActivity.getNetworkCache().put(network.getBssid(), network);
            final Intent intent = new Intent(activity, NetworkActivity.class);
            intent.putExtra(NETWORK_EXTRA_BSSID, network.getBssid());
            intent.putExtra(NETWORK_EXTRA_IS_DB_RESULT, isDbResult);
Also used : Network(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network) AdapterView(android.widget.AdapterView) Intent(android.content.Intent) View(android.view.View) AdapterView(android.widget.AdapterView) TextView(android.widget.TextView) ListView(android.widget.ListView)

Example 8 with Network

use of net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class WifiReceiver method onReceive.

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
    scanInFlight = false;
    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    lastScanResponseTime = now;
    // final long start = now;
    final WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) mainActivity.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    List<ScanResult> results = null;
    try {
        // return can be null!
        results = wifiManager.getScanResults();
    } catch (final SecurityException ex) {"security exception getting scan results: " + ex, ex);
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
        // ignore, happens on some vm's"exception getting scan results: " + ex, ex);
    long nonstopScanRequestTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    final SharedPreferences prefs = mainActivity.getSharedPreferences(ListFragment.SHARED_PREFS, 0);
    final long period = getScanPeriod();
    if (period == 0) {
        // treat as "continuous", so request scan in here
        nonstopScanRequestTime = now;
    final long setPeriod = mainActivity.getLocationSetPeriod();
    if (setPeriod != prevScanPeriod && mainActivity.isScanning()) {
        // update our location scanning speed"setting location updates to: " + setPeriod);
        mainActivity.setLocationUpdates(setPeriod, 0f);
        prevScanPeriod = setPeriod;
    // have the gps listener to a self-check, in case it isn't getting updates anymore
    final GPSListener gpsListener = mainActivity.getGPSListener();
    Location location = null;
    if (gpsListener != null) {
        final long gpsTimeout = prefs.getLong(ListFragment.PREF_GPS_TIMEOUT, GPSListener.GPS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT);
        final long netLocTimeout = prefs.getLong(ListFragment.PREF_NET_LOC_TIMEOUT, GPSListener.NET_LOC_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT);
        gpsListener.checkLocationOK(gpsTimeout, netLocTimeout);
        location = gpsListener.getLocation();
    // save the location every minute, for later runs, or viewing map during loss of location.
    if (now - lastSaveLocationTime > 60000L && location != null) {
        lastSaveLocationTime = now;
    if (location != null) {
        lastHaveLocationTime = now;
    // + " lastHaveLocationTime: " + lastHaveLocationTime);
    if (now - lastHaveLocationTime > 30000L) {
        // no location in a while, make sure we're subscribed to updates"no location for a while, setting location update period: " + setPeriod);
        mainActivity.setLocationUpdates(setPeriod, 0f);
        // don't do this until another period has passed
        lastHaveLocationTime = now;
    final boolean showCurrent = prefs.getBoolean(ListFragment.PREF_SHOW_CURRENT, true);
    if (showCurrent && listAdapter != null) {
    final int preQueueSize = dbHelper.getQueueSize();
    final boolean fastMode = dbHelper.isFastMode();
    final ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<String, Network> networkCache = MainActivity.getNetworkCache();
    boolean somethingAdded = false;
    int resultSize = 0;
    int newWifiForRun = 0;
    final boolean ssidSpeak = prefs.getBoolean(ListFragment.PREF_SPEAK_SSID, false) && !mainActivity.isMuted();
    // TODO: should we memoize the ssidMatcher in the MainActivity state as well?
    final Matcher ssidMatcher = FilterMatcher.getSsidFilterMatcher(prefs, ListFragment.FILTER_PREF_PREFIX);
    final Matcher bssidMatcher = mainActivity.getBssidFilterMatcher(ListFragment.PREF_EXCLUDE_DISPLAY_ADDRS);
    final Matcher bssidDbMatcher = mainActivity.getBssidFilterMatcher(ListFragment.PREF_EXCLUDE_LOG_ADDRS);
    // can be null on shutdown
    if (results != null) {
        resultSize = results.size();
        for (ScanResult result : results) {
            Network network = networkCache.get(result.BSSID);
            if (network == null) {
                network = new Network(result);
                networkCache.put(network.getBssid(), network);
            } else {
                // cache hit, just set the level
            final boolean added = runNetworks.add(result.BSSID);
            if (added) {
                if (ssidSpeak) {
            somethingAdded |= added;
            if (location != null && (added || network.getLatLng() == null)) {
                // set the LatLng for mapping
                final LatLng LatLng = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
            // if we're showing current, or this was just added, put on the list
            if (showCurrent || added) {
                if (FilterMatcher.isOk(ssidMatcher, bssidMatcher, prefs, ListFragment.FILTER_PREF_PREFIX, network)) {
                    if (listAdapter != null) {
            // load test
            // for ( int i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
            // listAdapter.add( network );
            // }
            } else if (listAdapter != null) {
                // this is O(n), ohwell, that's why showCurrent is the default config.
                for (int index = 0; index < listAdapter.getCount(); index++) {
                    final Network testNet = listAdapter.getItem(index);
                    if (testNet.getBssid().equals(network.getBssid())) {
            if (location != null) {
                // if in fast mode, only add new-for-run stuff to the db queue
                if (fastMode && !added) {
          "in fast mode, not adding seen-this-run: " + network.getBssid());
                } else {
                    // loop for stress-testing
                    // for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
                    boolean matches = false;
                    if (bssidDbMatcher != null) {
                        matches = bssidDbMatcher.find();
                    if (!matches) {
                        dbHelper.addObservation(network, location, added);
                // }
            } else {
                // no location
                boolean matches = false;
                if (bssidDbMatcher != null) {
                    matches = bssidDbMatcher.find();
                if (!matches) {
                    dbHelper.pendingObservation(network, added);
    // check if there are more "New" nets
    final long newNetCount = dbHelper.getNewNetworkCount();
    final long newWifiCount = dbHelper.getNewWifiCount();
    final long newNetDiff = newWifiCount - prevNewNetCount;
    prevNewNetCount = newWifiCount;
    // check for "New" cell towers
    final long newCellCount = dbHelper.getNewCellCount();
    if (!mainActivity.isMuted()) {
        final boolean playRun = prefs.getBoolean(ListFragment.PREF_FOUND_SOUND, true);
        final boolean playNew = prefs.getBoolean(ListFragment.PREF_FOUND_NEW_SOUND, true);
        if (newNetDiff > 0 && playNew) {
        } else if (somethingAdded && playRun) {
    if (mainActivity.getPhoneState().isPhoneActive()) {
        // a phone call is active, make sure we aren't speaking anything
    // check cell tower info
    final int preCellForRun = runNetworks.size();
    int newCellForRun = 0;
    final Network cellNetwork = recordCellInfo(location);
    if (cellNetwork != null) {
        if (showCurrent && listAdapter != null && FilterMatcher.isOk(ssidMatcher, bssidMatcher, prefs, ListFragment.FILTER_PREF_PREFIX, cellNetwork)) {
        if (runNetworks.size() > preCellForRun) {
    final int sort = prefs.getInt(ListFragment.PREF_LIST_SORT, SIGNAL_COMPARE);
    Comparator<Network> comparator = signalCompare;
    switch(sort) {
        case SIGNAL_COMPARE:
            comparator = signalCompare;
        case CHANNEL_COMPARE:
            comparator = channelCompare;
        case CRYPTO_COMPARE:
            comparator = cryptoCompare;
        case FIND_TIME_COMPARE:
            comparator = findTimeCompare;
        case SSID_COMPARE:
            comparator = ssidCompare;
    if (listAdapter != null) {
    final long dbNets = dbHelper.getNetworkCount();
    final long dbLocs = dbHelper.getLocationCount();
    // update stat
    // set the statics for the map
    ListFragment.lameStatic.runNets = runNetworks.size();
    ListFragment.lameStatic.newNets = newNetCount;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.newWifi = newWifiCount;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.newCells = newCellCount;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.currNets = resultSize;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.preQueueSize = preQueueSize;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.dbNets = dbNets;
    ListFragment.lameStatic.dbLocs = dbLocs;
    // and will show up on map
    if (newWifiForRun > 0 || newCellForRun > 0 || ListFragment.lameStatic.networkCache.isEmpty()) {
        if (location == null) {
            // save for later
            pendingWifiCount += newWifiForRun;
            pendingCellCount += newCellForRun;
        //"pendingCellCount: " + pendingCellCount);
        } else {
            // don't go crazy
            if (pendingWifiCount > 25) {
                pendingWifiCount = 25;
            pendingWifiCount = 0;
            if (pendingCellCount > 25) {
                pendingCellCount = 25;
            pendingCellCount = 0;
    // notify
    if (listAdapter != null) {
    if (scanRequestTime <= 0) {
        // wasn't set, set to now
        scanRequestTime = now;
    final String status = resultSize + " " + mainActivity.getString(R.string.scanned_in) + " " + (now - scanRequestTime) + mainActivity.getString(R.string.ms_short) + ". " + mainActivity.getString(R.string.dash_db_queue) + " " + preQueueSize;
    // we've shown it, reset it to the nonstop time above, or min_value if nonstop wasn't set.
    scanRequestTime = nonstopScanRequestTime;
    // do lerp if need be
    if (location == null) {
        if (prevGpsLocation != null) {
        //"set last location for lerping");
    } else {
    // do distance calcs
    if (location != null && GPS_PROVIDER.equals(location.getProvider()) && location.getAccuracy() <= ListFragment.MIN_DISTANCE_ACCURACY) {
        if (prevGpsLocation != null) {
            float dist = location.distanceTo(prevGpsLocation);
            // info( "dist: " + dist );
            if (dist > 0f) {
                final Editor edit = prefs.edit();
                edit.putFloat(ListFragment.PREF_DISTANCE_RUN, dist + prefs.getFloat(ListFragment.PREF_DISTANCE_RUN, 0f));
                edit.putFloat(ListFragment.PREF_DISTANCE_TOTAL, dist + prefs.getFloat(ListFragment.PREF_DISTANCE_TOTAL, 0f));
        // set for next time
        prevGpsLocation = location;
    if (somethingAdded && ssidSpeak) {
    final long speechPeriod = prefs.getLong(ListFragment.PREF_SPEECH_PERIOD, MainActivity.DEFAULT_SPEECH_PERIOD);
    if (speechPeriod != 0 && now - previousTalkTime > speechPeriod * 1000L) {
        doAnnouncement(preQueueSize, newWifiCount, newCellCount, now);
Also used : WifiManager( ScanResult( SharedPreferences(android.content.SharedPreferences) FilterMatcher(net.wigle.wigleandroid.FilterMatcher) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Network(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network) LatLng( Editor(android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor) GsmCellLocation(android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation) CellLocation(android.telephony.CellLocation) Location(android.location.Location)

Example 9 with Network

use of net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class WifiReceiver method recordCellInfo.

private Network recordCellInfo(final Location location) {
    TelephonyManager tele = (TelephonyManager) mainActivity.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    Network network = null;
    if (tele != null) {
      List<NeighboringCellInfo> list = tele.getNeighboringCellInfo();
      for (final NeighboringCellInfo cell : list ) {"neigh cell: " + cell + " class: " + cell.getClass().getCanonicalName() );"cid: " + cell.getCid());

        // api level 5!!!!"lac: " + cell.getLac() );"psc: " + cell.getPsc() );"net type: " + cell.getNetworkType() );"nettypename: " + getNetworkTypeName() );
        String bssid = null;
        NetworkType type = null;
        CellLocation cellLocation = null;
        try {
            cellLocation = tele.getCellLocation();
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
        // bug in Archos7 can NPE there, just ignore
        } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
  "Security exception tele.getCellLocation: " + ex);
        // noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
        if (cellLocation == null) {
        // ignore
        } else if (cellLocation.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("CdmaCellLocation")) {
            try {
                final int systemId = (Integer) cellLocation.getClass().getMethod("getSystemId").invoke(cellLocation);
                final int networkId = (Integer) cellLocation.getClass().getMethod("getNetworkId").invoke(cellLocation);
                final int baseStationId = (Integer) cellLocation.getClass().getMethod("getBaseStationId").invoke(cellLocation);
                if (systemId > 0 && networkId >= 0 && baseStationId >= 0) {
                    bssid = systemId + "_" + networkId + "_" + baseStationId;
                    type = NetworkType.CDMA;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MainActivity.error("cdma reflection exception: " + ex);
        } else if (cellLocation instanceof GsmCellLocation) {
            GsmCellLocation gsmCellLocation = (GsmCellLocation) cellLocation;
            if (gsmCellLocation.getLac() >= 0 && gsmCellLocation.getCid() >= 0) {
                bssid = tele.getNetworkOperator() + "_" + gsmCellLocation.getLac() + "_" + gsmCellLocation.getCid();
                type = NetworkType.GSM;
        if (bssid != null) {
            final String ssid = tele.getNetworkOperatorName();
            final String networkType = getNetworkTypeName();
            final String capabilities = networkType + ";" + tele.getNetworkCountryIso();
            int strength = 0;
            PhoneState phoneState = mainActivity.getPhoneState();
            if (phoneState != null) {
                strength = phoneState.getStrength();
            if (NetworkType.GSM.equals(type)) {
                strength = gsmRssiMagicDecoderRing(strength);
            // "bssid: " + bssid );
            // "strength: " + strength );
            // "ssid: " + ssid );
            // "capabilities: " + capabilities );
            // "networkType: " + networkType );
            // "location: " + location );
            final ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<String, Network> networkCache = MainActivity.getNetworkCache();
            final boolean newForRun = runNetworks.add(bssid);
            network = networkCache.get(bssid);
            if (network == null) {
                network = new Network(bssid, ssid, 0, capabilities, strength, type);
                networkCache.put(network.getBssid(), network);
            } else {
            if (location != null && (newForRun || network.getLatLng() == null)) {
                // set the LatLng for mapping
                final LatLng LatLng = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
            if (location != null) {
                dbHelper.addObservation(network, location, newForRun);
    return network;
Also used : GsmCellLocation(android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation) CellLocation(android.telephony.CellLocation) TelephonyManager(android.telephony.TelephonyManager) NetworkType(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.NetworkType) Network(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network) GsmCellLocation(android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation) LatLng(

Example 10 with Network

use of net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class ObservationImporter method getResultString.

protected String getResultString(final BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    try {
        JsonFactory f = new MappingJsonFactory();
        JsonParser jp = f.createParser(reader);
        JsonToken current;
        current = jp.nextToken();
        if (current != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
            System.out.println("Error: root should be object: quiting.");
            return null;
        Integer total = 0;
        while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
            String fieldName = jp.getCurrentName();
            current = jp.nextToken();
            if (fieldName.equals("success")) {
                if (current.isBoolean()) {
                    if (current == JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE) {
              "successful load");
                    } else {
                        MainActivity.error("MyObserved success: false");
                        status = Status.EXCEPTION;
                        bundle.putString(BackgroundGuiHandler.ERROR, "ERROR: success: false");
            } else if (fieldName.equals("count")) {
                total = jp.getIntValue();
      "received " + total + " observations");
                if (total > 0) {
                    status = Status.SUCCESS;
            } else if (fieldName.equals("results")) {
                if (current == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
                    // For each of the records in the array
                    int i = 0;
                    while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
                        String netId = jp.getValueAsString();
                        // DEBUG:;
                        final String ssid = "";
                        final int frequency = 0;
                        final String capabilities = "";
                        final int level = 0;
                        final Network network = new Network(netId, ssid, frequency, capabilities, level, NetworkType.WIFI);
                        final Location location = new Location("wigle");
                        final boolean newForRun = true;
                        ListFragment.lameStatic.dbHelper.blockingAddObservation(network, location, newForRun);
                        if ((i % 1000) == 0) {
                  "lineCount: " + i + " of " + total);
                        if (total == 0) {
                            total = 1;
                        final int percentDone = (i * 1000) / total;
                        sendPercentTimesTen(percentDone, bundle);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Error: records should be an array: skipping.");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Unprocessed property: " + fieldName);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        status = Status.EXCEPTION;
        bundle.putString(BackgroundGuiHandler.ERROR, "Connection problem: " + e);
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        status = Status.EXCEPTION;
        bundle.putString(BackgroundGuiHandler.ERROR, "ERROR: " + e + " (from " + e.getCause() + ")");
        return status.toString();
    } finally {
        if (status == null) {
            status = Status.FAIL;
        try {
            listener.requestComplete(null, false);
        } catch (WiGLEAuthException waex) {
            MainActivity.error("Unable to download data - authorization failed");
            status = Status.BAD_LOGIN;
    return status.toString();
Also used : MappingJsonFactory(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingJsonFactory) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) MappingJsonFactory(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingJsonFactory) JsonFactory(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory) IOException( WiGLEAuthException(net.wigle.wigleandroid.WiGLEAuthException) WiGLEAuthException(net.wigle.wigleandroid.WiGLEAuthException) Network(net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network) JsonToken(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken) JsonParser(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser) Location(android.location.Location)


Network (net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.Network)10 LatLng ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)3 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)3 Location (android.location.Location)3 TextView (android.widget.TextView)3 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)2 CellLocation (android.telephony.CellLocation)2 GsmCellLocation (android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation)2 View (android.view.View)2 NetworkType (net.wigle.wigleandroid.model.NetworkType)2 Intent (android.content.Intent)1 Editor (android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor)1 PackageInfo ( PackageManager ( Address (android.location.Address)1 ScanResult ( WifiManager ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)1 Handler (android.os.Handler)1