use of nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.dataset.dto.DataSetMetaData in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.
the class PermissionBasedFieldVisibilityTest method createDataSetMetadata.
private DataSetMetaData createDataSetMetadata(String combinedId) {
DataSetMetaData dataSetMetaData2 = mock(BasicDataSetMetaData.class);
return dataSetMetaData2;
use of nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.dataset.dto.DataSetMetaData in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.
the class BdbRmlDataSourceStoreTest method itWorks.
public void itWorks() throws Exception {
BdbNonPersistentEnvironmentCreator dbCreator = new BdbNonPersistentEnvironmentCreator();
DataSetMetaData dataSetMetadata = new BasicDataSetMetaData("userid", "datasetid", "", "", false, false);
final RmlDataSourceStore rmlDataSourceStore = new BdbRmlDataSourceStore(dbCreator.getDatabase("userid", "datasetid", "rmlSource", true, TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(String.class), TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(String.class), new StringStringIsCleanHandler()), new ImportStatus(new LogList()));
RdfSerializer rdfSerializer = new RmlDataSourceRdfSerializer(rmlDataSourceStore);
RawUploadRdfSaver rawUploadRdfSaver = new RawUploadRdfSaver(dataSetMetadata, "fileName", APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE, rdfSerializer, "origFileName", Clock.systemUTC());
final String inputCol1 = rawUploadRdfSaver.addCollection("collection1");
ImportPropertyDescriptions importPropertyDescriptions = new ImportPropertyDescriptions();
rawUploadRdfSaver.addPropertyDescriptions(inputCol1, importPropertyDescriptions);
rawUploadRdfSaver.addEntity(inputCol1, ImmutableMap.of("propName1", "value1", "propName2", "val2"));
rawUploadRdfSaver.addEntity(inputCol1, ImmutableMap.of("propName1", "entVal1", "propName2", "entVal2"));
final String inputCol2 = rawUploadRdfSaver.addCollection("collection2");
ImportPropertyDescriptions importPropertyDescriptions1 = new ImportPropertyDescriptions();
rawUploadRdfSaver.addPropertyDescriptions(inputCol2, importPropertyDescriptions1);
rawUploadRdfSaver.addEntity(inputCol2, ImmutableMap.of("prop3", "value1", "prop4", "val2"));
rawUploadRdfSaver.addEntity(inputCol2, ImmutableMap.of("prop3", "entVal1", "prop4", "entVal2"));
RdfDataSource rdfDataSource = new RdfDataSource(rmlDataSourceStore, inputCol1, new JexlRowFactory(ImmutableMap.of(), new HashMapBasedJoinHandler()));
RdfDataSource rdfDataSource2 = new RdfDataSource(rmlDataSourceStore, inputCol2, new JexlRowFactory(ImmutableMap.of(), new HashMapBasedJoinHandler()));
final List<String> collection1;
final List<String> collection2;
try (Stream<Row> stream = rdfDataSource.getRows(new ThrowingErrorHandler())) {
collection1 = -> x.getRawValue("propName1") + ":" + x.getRawValue("propName2")).collect(toList());
try (Stream<Row> stream = rdfDataSource2.getRows(new ThrowingErrorHandler())) {
collection2 = -> x.getRawValue("prop3") + ":" + x.getRawValue("prop4")).collect(toList());
assertThat(collection1, contains("value1:val2", "entVal1:entVal2"));
assertThat(collection2, contains("value1:val2", "entVal1:entVal2"));
use of nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.dataset.dto.DataSetMetaData in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.
the class UserPermissionCheckTest method getPermissionsReturnsNoPermissionsForEmptyUserIfPrivateDataSet.
public void getPermissionsReturnsNoPermissionsForEmptyUserIfPrivateDataSet() {
PermissionFetcher permissionFetcher = mock(PermissionFetcher.class);
Set<Permission> defaultPermissions = Sets.newHashSet(Permission.READ);
UserPermissionCheck userPermissionCheck = new UserPermissionCheck(Optional.empty(), permissionFetcher, defaultPermissions);
DataSetMetaData dataSetMetaData = mock(BasicDataSetMetaData.class);
Set<Permission> permissions = userPermissionCheck.getPermissions(dataSetMetaData);
assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(), permissions);
use of nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.dataset.dto.DataSetMetaData in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.
the class RawUploadRdfSaverTest method usageTest.
public void usageTest() throws LogStorageFailedException {
RdfToStringFaker rdfSerializer = new RdfToStringFaker();
RawUploadRdfSaver instance = instanceWithRdfSerializer(rdfSerializer, dataSetMetadata);
final String collection1 = instance.addCollection("collection1");
ImportPropertyDescriptions importPropertyDescriptions = new ImportPropertyDescriptions();
instance.addPropertyDescriptions(collection1, importPropertyDescriptions);
instance.addEntity(collection1, ImmutableMap.of("propName1", "value1", "propName2", "val2"));
instance.addEntity(collection1, ImmutableMap.of("propName1", "entVal1", "propName2", "entVal2"));
final String collection2 = instance.addCollection("collection2");
ImportPropertyDescriptions importPropertyDescriptions1 = new ImportPropertyDescriptions();
instance.addPropertyDescriptions(collection2, importPropertyDescriptions1);
instance.addEntity(collection2, ImmutableMap.of("prop3", "value1", "prop4", "val2"));
instance.addEntity(collection2, ImmutableMap.of("prop3", "entVal1", "prop4", "entVal2"));
String generatedRdf = rdfSerializer.toString();
// Use assertEquals because the failing Hamcrest output is hard to compare
String graphName = dataSetMetadata.getBaseUri();
String fileUri = dataSetMetadata.getUriPrefix() + "rawData/fileName/";
String prop = fileUri + "props/";
String rowData = fileUri + "entities/";
assertEquals(fileUri + " " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_TABULAR_FILE + " " + graphName + "\n" + graphName + " " + PROV_DERIVED_FROM + " " + fileUri + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + TIM_MIMETYPE + " " + "application/octet-stream" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + RDFS_LABEL + " " + FILE_NAME + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + PROV_ATTIME + " " + DATE + "^^" + XSD_DATETIMESTAMP + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection1 + "type " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_TABULAR_COLLECTION + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + RDFS_LABEL + " collection1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + TIM_HASCOLLECTION + " " + collection1 + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + collection1 + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "tim_id " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + TIM_PROP_ID + " -1" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + RDFS_LABEL + " tim_id" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName1 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "propName1 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName1 " + TIM_PROP_ID + " 1" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName1 " + RDFS_LABEL + " propName1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + prop + "propName1 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName2 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "propName2 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName2 " + TIM_PROP_ID + " 2" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName2 " + RDFS_LABEL + " propName2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "propName1 " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + prop + "propName2 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "1 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection1 + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIM_HAS_ROW + " " + rowData + "1 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "1 " + prop + "propName1" + " value1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "1 " + prop + "propName2" + " val2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "1 " + prop + "tim_id" + " {UUID}" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "2 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection1 + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIM_HAS_ROW + " " + rowData + "2 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "2 " + prop + "propName1" + " entVal1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "2 " + prop + "propName2" + " entVal2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "2 " + prop + "tim_id" + " {UUID}" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection2 + "type " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_TABULAR_COLLECTION + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + RDFS_LABEL + " collection2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + fileUri + " " + TIM_HASCOLLECTION + " " + collection2 + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection1 + " " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + collection2 + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "tim_id " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + TIM_PROP_ID + " -1" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + RDFS_LABEL + " tim_id" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop3 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "prop3 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop3 " + TIM_PROP_ID + " 1" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop3 " + RDFS_LABEL + " prop3" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "tim_id " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + prop + "prop3 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop4 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + TIM_PROP_DESC + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + TIM_HAS_PROPERTY + " " + prop + "prop4 " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop4 " + TIM_PROP_ID + " 2" + "^^" + INTEGER + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop4 " + RDFS_LABEL + " prop4" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + prop + "prop3 " + TIMBUCTOO_NEXT + " " + prop + "prop4 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "3 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection2 + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + TIM_HAS_ROW + " " + rowData + "3 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "3 " + prop + "prop3" + " value1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "3 " + prop + "prop4" + " val2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "3 " + prop + "tim_id" + " {UUID}" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "4 " + RDF_TYPE + " " + collection2 + " " + graphName + "\n" + collection2 + " " + TIM_HAS_ROW + " " + rowData + "4 " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "4 " + prop + "prop3" + " entVal1" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "4 " + prop + "prop4" + " entVal2" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n" + rowData + "4 " + prop + "tim_id" + " {UUID}" + "^^" + STRING + " " + graphName + "\n", generatedRdf.replaceAll("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}", "{UUID}"));
use of nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.dataset.dto.DataSetMetaData in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.
the class FileSystemDataStorage method loadDataSetMetaData.
public Map<String, Set<DataSetMetaData>> loadDataSetMetaData() throws IOException {
Map<String, Set<DataSetMetaData>> metaDataSet = Maps.newHashMap();
File[] directories = new File(dataSetMetadataLocation).listFiles(File::isDirectory);
for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) {
String dirName = directories[i].toString();
String currentOwnerId = dirName.substring(dirName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, dirName.length());
Set<DataSetMetaData> tempMetaDataSet = new HashSet<>();
try (Stream<Path> fileStream = Files.walk(directories[i].toPath())) {
Set<Path> paths = fileStream.filter(current -> Files.isDirectory(current)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
for (Path path : paths) {
File tempFile = new File(path.toString() + "/metaData.json");
if (tempFile.exists()) {
JsonFileBackedData<BasicDataSetMetaData> metaDataFromFile = null;
metaDataFromFile = JsonFileBackedData.getOrCreate(tempFile, null, new TypeReference<BasicDataSetMetaData>() {
metaDataSet.put(currentOwnerId, tempMetaDataSet);
return metaDataSet;