use of nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IAdapter in project iaf by ibissource.
the class SlotIdRecord method executeSub.
public ActionForward executeSub(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
IniDynaActionForm showIbisstoreSummaryForm = (IniDynaActionForm) form;
// Initialize action
if (ibisManager == null)
return (mapping.findForward("noIbisContext"));
String jmsRealm = (String) showIbisstoreSummaryForm.get("jmsRealm");
String cookieName = AppConstants.getInstance().getString(SHOWIBISSTORECOOKIE, SHOWIBISSTORECOOKIE);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jmsRealm)) {
// get jmsRealm value from cookie
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
if (null != cookies) {
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie aCookie = cookies[i];
if (aCookie.getName().equals(cookieName)) {
jmsRealm = aCookie.getValue();
log.debug("jmsRealm from cookie [" + jmsRealm + "]");
for (IAdapter iAdapter : ibisManager.getRegisteredAdapters()) {
Adapter adapter = (Adapter) iAdapter;
for (Iterator receiverIt = adapter.getReceiverIterator(); receiverIt.hasNext(); ) {
ReceiverBase receiver = (ReceiverBase);
ITransactionalStorage errorStorage = receiver.getErrorStorage();
if (errorStorage != null) {
String slotId = errorStorage.getSlotId();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(slotId)) {
SlotIdRecord sir = new SlotIdRecord(adapter.getName(), receiver.getName(), null);
String type = errorStorage.getType();
slotmap.put(type + "/" + slotId, sir);
ITransactionalStorage messageLog = receiver.getMessageLog();
if (messageLog != null) {
String slotId = messageLog.getSlotId();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(slotId)) {
SlotIdRecord sir = new SlotIdRecord(adapter.getName(), receiver.getName(), null);
String type = messageLog.getType();
slotmap.put(type + "/" + slotId, sir);
PipeLine pipeline = adapter.getPipeLine();
if (pipeline != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pipeline.getPipeLineSize(); i++) {
IPipe pipe = pipeline.getPipe(i);
if (pipe instanceof MessageSendingPipe) {
MessageSendingPipe msp = (MessageSendingPipe) pipe;
ITransactionalStorage messageLog = msp.getMessageLog();
if (messageLog != null) {
String slotId = messageLog.getSlotId();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(slotId)) {
SlotIdRecord sir = new SlotIdRecord(adapter.getName(), null, msp.getName());
String type = messageLog.getType();
slotmap.put(type + "/" + slotId, sir);
slotmap.put(slotId, sir);
List jmsRealms = JmsRealmFactory.getInstance().getRegisteredRealmNamesAsList();
if (jmsRealms.size() == 0) {
jmsRealms.add("no realms defined");
} else {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jmsRealm)) {
jmsRealm = (String) jmsRealms.get(0);
showIbisstoreSummaryForm.set("jmsRealms", jmsRealms);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jmsRealm)) {
String result = "<none/>";
try {
IbisstoreSummaryQuerySender qs;
qs = (IbisstoreSummaryQuerySender) ibisManager.getIbisContext().createBeanAutowireByName(IbisstoreSummaryQuerySender.class);
try {
result = qs.sendMessage("dummy", qs.getDbmsSupport().getIbisStoreSummaryQuery());
} catch (Throwable t) {
error("error occured on executing jdbc query", t);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
error("error occured on creating or closing connection", e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("result [" + result + "]");
request.setAttribute("result", result);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
saveErrors(request, errors);
return (mapping.findForward("success"));
// Successfull: store cookie
String cookieValue = jmsRealm;
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
log.debug("Store cookie for " + request.getServletPath() + " cookieName[" + cookieName + "] " + " cookieValue[" + cookieValue + "]");
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("unable to add cookie to request. cookie value [" + cookie.getValue() + "]", t);
log.debug("forward to success");
return (mapping.findForward("success"));
use of nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IAdapter in project iaf by ibissource.
the class ShowSecurityItems method addRegisteredAdapters.
private void addRegisteredAdapters(XmlBuilder securityItems) {
XmlBuilder registeredAdapters = new XmlBuilder("registeredAdapters");
for (IAdapter iAdapter : ibisManager.getRegisteredAdapters()) {
Adapter adapter = (Adapter) iAdapter;
XmlBuilder adapterXML = new XmlBuilder("adapter");
adapterXML.addAttribute("name", adapter.getName());
Iterator recIt = adapter.getReceiverIterator();
if (recIt.hasNext()) {
XmlBuilder receiversXML = new XmlBuilder("receivers");
while (recIt.hasNext()) {
IReceiver receiver = (IReceiver);
XmlBuilder receiverXML = new XmlBuilder("receiver");
receiverXML.addAttribute("name", receiver.getName());
if (receiver instanceof HasSender) {
ISender sender = ((HasSender) receiver).getSender();
if (sender != null) {
receiverXML.addAttribute("senderName", sender.getName());
// make list of pipes to be displayed in configuration status
XmlBuilder pipesElem = new XmlBuilder("pipes");
PipeLine pipeline = adapter.getPipeLine();
for (int i = 0; i < pipeline.getPipes().size(); i++) {
IPipe pipe = pipeline.getPipe(i);
String pipename = pipe.getName();
if (pipe instanceof MessageSendingPipe) {
MessageSendingPipe msp = (MessageSendingPipe) pipe;
XmlBuilder pipeElem = new XmlBuilder("pipe");
pipeElem.addAttribute("name", pipename);
ISender sender = msp.getSender();
pipeElem.addAttribute("sender", ClassUtils.nameOf(sender));
if (sender instanceof WebServiceSender) {
WebServiceSender s = (WebServiceSender) sender;
String certificate = s.getCertificate();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(certificate)) {
XmlBuilder certElem = new XmlBuilder("certificate");
certElem.addAttribute("name", certificate);
String certificateAuthAlias = s.getCertificateAuthAlias();
certElem.addAttribute("authAlias", certificateAuthAlias);
URL certificateUrl = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(this, certificate);
if (certificateUrl == null) {
certElem.addAttribute("url", "");
XmlBuilder infoElem = new XmlBuilder("info");
infoElem.setCdataValue("*** ERROR ***");
} else {
certElem.addAttribute("url", certificateUrl.toString());
String certificatePassword = s.getCertificatePassword();
CredentialFactory certificateCf = new CredentialFactory(certificateAuthAlias, null, certificatePassword);
String keystoreType = s.getKeystoreType();
addCertificateInfo(certElem, certificateUrl, certificateCf.getPassword(), keystoreType, "Certificate chain");
} else {
if (sender instanceof HttpSender) {
HttpSender s = (HttpSender) sender;
String certificate = s.getCertificate();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(certificate)) {
XmlBuilder certElem = new XmlBuilder("certificate");
certElem.addAttribute("name", certificate);
String certificateAuthAlias = s.getCertificateAuthAlias();
certElem.addAttribute("authAlias", certificateAuthAlias);
URL certificateUrl = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(this, certificate);
if (certificateUrl == null) {
certElem.addAttribute("url", "");
XmlBuilder infoElem = new XmlBuilder("info");
infoElem.setCdataValue("*** ERROR ***");
} else {
certElem.addAttribute("url", certificateUrl.toString());
String certificatePassword = s.getCertificatePassword();
CredentialFactory certificateCf = new CredentialFactory(certificateAuthAlias, null, certificatePassword);
String keystoreType = s.getKeystoreType();
addCertificateInfo(certElem, certificateUrl, certificateCf.getPassword(), keystoreType, "Certificate chain");
} else {
if (sender instanceof FtpSender) {
FtpSender s = (FtpSender) sender;
String certificate = s.getCertificate();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(certificate)) {
XmlBuilder certElem = new XmlBuilder("certificate");
certElem.addAttribute("name", certificate);
String certificateAuthAlias = s.getCertificateAuthAlias();
certElem.addAttribute("authAlias", certificateAuthAlias);
URL certificateUrl = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(this, certificate);
if (certificateUrl == null) {
certElem.addAttribute("url", "");
XmlBuilder infoElem = new XmlBuilder("info");
infoElem.setCdataValue("*** ERROR ***");
} else {
certElem.addAttribute("url", certificateUrl.toString());
String certificatePassword = s.getCertificatePassword();
CredentialFactory certificateCf = new CredentialFactory(certificateAuthAlias, null, certificatePassword);
String keystoreType = s.getCertificateType();
addCertificateInfo(certElem, certificateUrl, certificateCf.getPassword(), keystoreType, "Certificate chain");
use of nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IAdapter in project iaf by ibissource.
the class WsdlGeneratorPipe method doPipe.
public PipeRunResult doPipe(Object input, IPipeLineSession session) throws PipeRunException {
String result = null;
IAdapter adapter;
if ("input".equals(getFrom())) {
adapter = ((Adapter) getAdapter()).getConfiguration().getIbisManager().getRegisteredAdapter((String) input);
if (adapter == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(this, "Could not find adapter: " + input);
} else {
adapter = getPipeLine().getAdapter();
try {
Wsdl wsdl = new Wsdl(((Adapter) adapter).getPipeLine());
wsdl.setDocumentation("Generated at " + AppConstants.getInstance().getResolvedProperty("otap.stage") + "-" + AppConstants.getInstance().getResolvedProperty("otap.side") + " on " + DateUtils.getIsoTimeStamp() + ".");
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
wsdl.wsdl(outputStream, null);
result = outputStream.toString("UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PipeRunException(this, "Could not generate WSDL for adapter '" + adapter.getName() + "'", e);
return new PipeRunResult(getForward(), result);
use of nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IAdapter in project iaf by ibissource.
the class CorePipeLineProcessor method processPipeLine.
public PipeLineResult processPipeLine(PipeLine pipeLine, String messageId, String message, IPipeLineSession pipeLineSession, String firstPipe) throws PipeRunException {
// Object is the object that is passed to and returned from Pipes
Object object = (Object) message;
PipeRunResult pipeRunResult;
// the PipeLineResult
PipeLineResult pipeLineResult = new PipeLineResult();
if (object == null || (object instanceof String && StringUtils.isEmpty(object.toString()))) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pipeLine.getAdapterToRunBeforeOnEmptyInput())) {
log.debug("running adapterBeforeOnEmptyInput");
IAdapter adapter = pipeLine.getAdapter().getConfiguration().getIbisManager().getRegisteredAdapter(pipeLine.getAdapterToRunBeforeOnEmptyInput());
if (adapter == null) {
log.warn("adapterToRunBefore with specified name [" + pipeLine.getAdapterToRunBeforeOnEmptyInput() + "] could not be retrieved");
} else {
PipeLineResult plr = adapter.processMessage(messageId, message, pipeLineSession);
if (plr == null || !plr.getState().equals("success")) {
throw new PipeRunException(null, "adapterToRunBefore [" + pipeLine.getAdapterToRunBeforeOnEmptyInput() + "] ended with state [" + plr.getState() + "]");
message = plr.getResult();
log.debug("input after running adapterBeforeOnEmptyInput [" + message + "]");
object = (Object) message;
// ready indicates wether the pipeline processing is complete
boolean ready = false;
// get the first pipe to run
IPipe pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(pipeLine.getFirstPipe());
boolean inputValidateError = false;
IPipe inputValidator = pipeLine.getInputValidator();
if (inputValidator != null) {
log.debug("validating input");
PipeRunResult validationResult = pipeProcessor.processPipe(pipeLine, inputValidator, messageId, message, pipeLineSession);
if (validationResult != null) {
if (!validationResult.getPipeForward().getName().equals("success")) {
PipeForward validationForward = validationResult.getPipeForward();
if (validationForward.getPath() == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + validationForward.getName() + "] of inputValidator has emtpy forward path");
log.warn("setting first pipe to [" + validationForward.getPath() + "] due to validation fault");
inputValidateError = true;
pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(validationForward.getPath());
if (pipeToRun == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + validationForward.getName() + "], path [" + validationForward.getPath() + "] does not correspond to a pipe");
Object validatedMessage = validationResult.getResult();
if (validatedMessage != null) {
object = validatedMessage;
message = validatedMessage.toString();
if (!inputValidateError) {
IPipe inputWrapper = pipeLine.getInputWrapper();
if (inputWrapper != null) {
log.debug("wrapping input");
PipeRunResult wrapResult = pipeProcessor.processPipe(pipeLine, inputWrapper, messageId, message, pipeLineSession);
if (wrapResult != null && !wrapResult.getPipeForward().getName().equals("success")) {
PipeForward wrapForward = wrapResult.getPipeForward();
if (wrapForward.getPath() == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + wrapForward.getName() + "] of inputWrapper has emtpy forward path");
log.warn("setting first pipe to [" + wrapForward.getPath() + "] due to wrap fault");
pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(wrapForward.getPath());
if (pipeToRun == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + wrapForward.getName() + "], path [" + wrapForward.getPath() + "] does not correspond to a pipe");
} else {
message = wrapResult.getResult().toString();
log.debug("input after wrapping [" + message + "]");
object = (Object) message;
if (pipeLine.isStoreOriginalMessageWithoutNamespaces()) {
if (XmlUtils.isWellFormed(message)) {
String removeNamespaces_xslt = XmlUtils.makeRemoveNamespacesXslt(true, true);
try {
String xsltResult = null;
Transformer transformer = XmlUtils.createTransformer(removeNamespaces_xslt);
xsltResult = XmlUtils.transformXml(transformer, message);
pipeLineSession.put("originalMessageWithoutNamespaces", xsltResult);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "cannot retrieve removeNamespaces", e);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException te) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "got error creating transformer from removeNamespaces", te);
} catch (TransformerException te) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "got error transforming removeNamespaces", te);
} catch (DomBuilderException te) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "caught DomBuilderException", te);
} else {
log.warn("original message is not well-formed");
pipeLineSession.put("originalMessageWithoutNamespaces", message);
boolean outputValidated = false;
try {
while (!ready) {
pipeRunResult = pipeProcessor.processPipe(pipeLine, pipeToRun, messageId, object, pipeLineSession);
object = pipeRunResult.getResult();
if (!(pipeToRun instanceof AbstractPipe)) {
if (object != null && object instanceof String) {
StatisticsKeeper sizeStat = pipeLine.getPipeSizeStatistics(pipeToRun);
if (sizeStat != null) {
sizeStat.addValue(((String) object).length());
PipeForward pipeForward = pipeRunResult.getPipeForward();
if (pipeForward == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "Pipeline of [" + pipeLine.getOwner().getName() + "] received result from pipe [" + pipeToRun.getName() + "] without a pipeForward");
// get the next pipe to run
String nextPath = pipeForward.getPath();
if ((null == nextPath) || (nextPath.length() == 0)) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "Pipeline of [" + pipeLine.getOwner().getName() + "] got an path that equals null or has a zero-length value from pipe [" + pipeToRun.getName() + "]. Check the configuration, probably forwards are not defined for this pipe.");
PipeLineExit plExit = pipeLine.getPipeLineExits().get(nextPath);
if (null != plExit) {
boolean outputWrapError = false;
IPipe outputWrapper = pipeLine.getOutputWrapper();
if (outputWrapper != null) {
log.debug("wrapping PipeLineResult");
PipeRunResult wrapResult = pipeProcessor.processPipe(pipeLine, outputWrapper, messageId, object, pipeLineSession);
if (wrapResult != null && !wrapResult.getPipeForward().getName().equals("success")) {
PipeForward wrapForward = wrapResult.getPipeForward();
if (wrapForward.getPath() == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + wrapForward.getName() + "] of outputWrapper has emtpy forward path");
log.warn("setting next pipe to [" + wrapForward.getPath() + "] due to wrap fault");
outputWrapError = true;
pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(wrapForward.getPath());
if (pipeToRun == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + wrapForward.getName() + "], path [" + wrapForward.getPath() + "] does not correspond to a pipe");
} else {
log.debug("wrap succeeded");
object = wrapResult.getResult();
log.debug("PipeLineResult after wrapping [" + object.toString() + "]");
if (!outputWrapError) {
IPipe outputValidator = pipeLine.getOutputValidator();
if ((outputValidator != null) && !outputValidated) {
outputValidated = true;
log.debug("validating PipeLineResult");
PipeRunResult validationResult;
validationResult = pipeProcessor.processPipe(pipeLine, outputValidator, messageId, object, pipeLineSession);
if (validationResult != null && !validationResult.getPipeForward().getName().equals("success")) {
PipeForward validationForward = validationResult.getPipeForward();
if (validationForward.getPath() == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + validationForward.getName() + "] of outputValidator has emtpy forward path");
log.warn("setting next pipe to [" + validationForward.getPath() + "] due to validation fault");
pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(validationForward.getPath());
if (pipeToRun == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(pipeToRun, "forward [" + validationForward.getName() + "], path [" + validationForward.getPath() + "] does not correspond to a pipe");
} else {
log.debug("validation succeeded");
object = validationResult.getResult();
ready = true;
} else {
ready = true;
} else {
ready = true;
if (ready) {
String state = plExit.getState();
if (object != null && !plExit.getEmptyResult()) {
} else {
ready = true;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
// for performance reasons
String skString = "";
for (Iterator it = pipeLineSession.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String key = (String);
Object value = pipeLineSession.get(key);
skString = skString + "\n " + key + "=[" + value + "]";
log.debug("Available session keys at finishing pipeline of adapter [" + pipeLine.getOwner().getName() + "]:" + skString);
log.debug("Pipeline of adapter [" + pipeLine.getOwner().getName() + "] finished processing messageId [" + messageId + "] result: [" + object + "] with exit-state [" + state + "]");
} else {
pipeToRun = pipeLine.getPipe(pipeForward.getPath());
if (pipeToRun == null) {
throw new PipeRunException(null, "Pipeline of adapter [" + pipeLine.getOwner().getName() + "] got an erroneous definition. Pipe to execute [" + pipeForward.getPath() + "] is not defined.");
} finally {
for (int i = 0; i < pipeLine.getExitHandlers().size(); i++) {
IPipeLineExitHandler exitHandler = pipeLine.getExitHandlers().get(i);
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("processing ExitHandler [" + exitHandler.getName() + "]");
exitHandler.atEndOfPipeLine(messageId, pipeLineResult, pipeLineSession);
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("Caught Exception processing ExitHandler [" + exitHandler.getName() + "]", t);
return pipeLineResult;
use of nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IAdapter in project iaf by ibissource.
the class AbstractPipe method isRecoverAdapter.
protected boolean isRecoverAdapter() {
boolean recover = false;
IAdapter iAdapter = getAdapter();
if (iAdapter == null) {
recover = recoverAdapter;
} else {
if (iAdapter instanceof Adapter) {
Adapter adapter = (Adapter) iAdapter;
recover = adapter.isRecover();
return recover;