use of nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class BFH16DeviceSupport method onEnableRealtimeHeartRateMeasurement.
// TODO: check
public void onEnableRealtimeHeartRateMeasurement(boolean enable) {
// TODO: test
try {
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("RealTimeHeartMeasurement");
builder.write(ctrlCharacteristic, commandWithChecksum(BFH16Constants.CMD_MEASURE_HEART, 0, enable ? 1 : 0));
} catch (Exception e) {
use of nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class FetchActivityOperation method bufferActivityData.
* Method to store temporarily the activity data values got from the Mi Band.
* <p/>
* Since we expect chunks of 20 bytes each, we do not store the received bytes it the length is different.
* @param value
private void bufferActivityData(byte[] value) {
if (scheduledTask != null) {
if (activityStruct.hasRoomFor(value)) {
if (activityStruct.isValidData(value)) {
/* scheduledTask = scheduleTaskExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
GB.toast(getContext(), "chiederei " + activityStruct.activityDataTimestampToAck + " "+ activityStruct.activityDataUntilNextHeader, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR);
//sendAckDataTransfer(activityStruct.activityDataTimestampToAck, activityStruct.activityDataUntilNextHeader);
LOG.debug("runnable called");
}, 10l, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (activityStruct.isBufferFull()) {
} else {
// the length of the chunk is not what we expect. We need to make sense of this data
LOG.warn("GOT UNEXPECTED ACTIVITY DATA WITH LENGTH: " + value.length + ", EXPECTED LENGTH: " + activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes);
} else {
GB.toast(getContext(), "error buffering activity data: remaining bytes: " + activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes + ", received: " + value.length, Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR);
try {
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("send stop sync data");
builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_CONTROL_POINT), new byte[] { MiBandService.COMMAND_STOP_SYNC_DATA });
GB.updateTransferNotification(null, "Data transfer failed", false, 0, getContext());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("error stopping activity sync", e);
use of nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class UpdateFirmwareOperation method sendFirmwareData.
* Method that uploads a firmware (fwbytes) to the Mi Band.
* The firmware has to be split into chunks of 20 bytes each, and periodically a COMMAND_SYNC command has to be issued to the Mi Band.
* <p/>
* The Mi Band will send a notification after receiving this data to confirm if the firmware looks good to it.
* @param fwbytes
* @return whether the transfer succeeded or not. Only a BT layer exception will cause the transmission to fail.
private boolean sendFirmwareData(byte[] fwbytes) {
int len = fwbytes.length;
final int packetLength = 20;
int packets = len / packetLength;
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristicControlPoint = getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_CONTROL_POINT);
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristicFWData = getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FIRMWARE_DATA);
try {
// going from 0 to len
int firmwareProgress = 0;
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("send firmware packet");
if (GBApplication.getDeviceSpecificSharedPrefs(getDevice().getAddress()).getBoolean("low_latency_fw_update", true)) {
for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++) {
byte[] fwChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(fwbytes, i * packetLength, i * packetLength + packetLength);
builder.write(characteristicFWData, fwChunk);
firmwareProgress += packetLength;
int progressPercent = (int) ((((float) firmwareProgress) / len) * 100);
if ((i > 0) && (i % 50 == 0)) {
builder.write(characteristicControlPoint, new byte[] { MiBandService.COMMAND_SYNC });
builder.add(new SetProgressAction(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_update_in_progress), true, progressPercent, getContext()));
if (firmwareProgress < len) {
byte[] lastChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(fwbytes, packets * packetLength, len);
builder.write(characteristicFWData, lastChunk);
firmwareProgress = len;
builder.write(characteristicControlPoint, new byte[] { MiBandService.COMMAND_SYNC });
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Unable to send fw to MI", ex);
GB.updateInstallNotification(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_firmware_not_sent), false, 0, getContext());
return false;
return true;
use of nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class MiBandSupport method onEnableHeartRateSleepSupport.
public void onEnableHeartRateSleepSupport(boolean enable) {
try {
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("enable heart rate sleep support: " + enable);
} catch (IOException e) {
GB.toast(getContext(), "Error toggling heart rate sleep support: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR);
use of nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class MiBandSupport method onHeartRateTest.
public void onHeartRateTest() {
if (supportsHeartRate()) {
try {
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("HeartRateTest");
builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL_POINT), stopHeartMeasurementContinuous);
builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL_POINT), stopHeartMeasurementManual);
builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL_POINT), startHeartMeasurementManual);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Unable to read HearRate in MI1S", ex);
} else {
GB.toast(getContext(), "Heart rate is not supported on this device", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR);