use of okhttp3.ResponseBody in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class ComputeNodesImpl method listNextAsync.
* Lists the compute nodes in the specified pool.
* @param nextPageLink The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
* @param serviceCall the ServiceCall object tracking the Retrofit calls
* @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if callback is null
* @return the {@link Call} object
public ServiceCall listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceCall serviceCall, final ListOperationCallback<ComputeNode> serviceCallback) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (serviceCallback == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServiceCallback is required for async calls.");
if (nextPageLink == null) {
serviceCallback.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextPageLink is required and cannot be null."));
return null;
final ComputeNodeListNextOptions computeNodeListNextOptions = null;
String clientRequestId = null;
Boolean returnClientRequestId = null;
DateTime ocpDate = null;
DateTimeRfc1123 ocpDateConverted = null;
if (ocpDate != null) {
ocpDateConverted = new DateTimeRfc1123(ocpDate);
Call<ResponseBody> call = service.listNext(nextPageLink, this.client.acceptLanguage(), clientRequestId, returnClientRequestId, ocpDateConverted, this.client.userAgent());
call.enqueue(new ServiceResponseCallback<List<ComputeNode>>(serviceCallback) {
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
try {
ServiceResponseWithHeaders<PageImpl<ComputeNode>, ComputeNodeListHeaders> result = listNextDelegate(response);
if (result.getBody().getNextPageLink() != null && serviceCallback.progress(result.getBody().getItems()) == ListOperationCallback.PagingBahavior.CONTINUE) {
listNextAsync(result.getBody().getNextPageLink(), null, serviceCall, serviceCallback);
} else {
serviceCallback.success(new ServiceResponseWithHeaders<>(serviceCallback.get(), result.getHeaders(), result.getResponse()));
} catch (BatchErrorException | IOException exception) {
return serviceCall;
use of okhttp3.ResponseBody in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class ComputeNodesImpl method enableScheduling.
* Enables task scheduling on the specified compute node.
* @param poolId The id of the pool that contains the compute node.
* @param nodeId The id of the compute node on which you want to enable task scheduling.
* @param computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions Additional parameters for the operation
* @throws BatchErrorException exception thrown from REST call
* @throws IOException exception thrown from serialization/deserialization
* @throws IllegalArgumentException exception thrown from invalid parameters
* @return the {@link ServiceResponseWithHeaders} object if successful.
public ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Void, ComputeNodeEnableSchedulingHeaders> enableScheduling(String poolId, String nodeId, ComputeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions) throws BatchErrorException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (poolId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter poolId is required and cannot be null.");
if (nodeId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nodeId is required and cannot be null.");
if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null.");
Integer timeout = null;
if (computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions != null) {
timeout = computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions.timeout();
String clientRequestId = null;
if (computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions != null) {
clientRequestId = computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions.clientRequestId();
Boolean returnClientRequestId = null;
if (computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions != null) {
returnClientRequestId = computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions.returnClientRequestId();
DateTime ocpDate = null;
if (computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions != null) {
ocpDate = computeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions.ocpDate();
DateTimeRfc1123 ocpDateConverted = null;
if (ocpDate != null) {
ocpDateConverted = new DateTimeRfc1123(ocpDate);
Call<ResponseBody> call = service.enableScheduling(poolId, nodeId, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), timeout, clientRequestId, returnClientRequestId, ocpDateConverted, this.client.userAgent());
return enableSchedulingDelegate(call.execute());
use of okhttp3.ResponseBody in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class ComputeNodesImpl method addUser.
* Adds a user account to the specified compute node.
* @param poolId The id of the pool that contains the compute node.
* @param nodeId The id of the machine on which you want to create a user account.
* @param user The user account to be created.
* @throws BatchErrorException exception thrown from REST call
* @throws IOException exception thrown from serialization/deserialization
* @throws IllegalArgumentException exception thrown from invalid parameters
* @return the {@link ServiceResponseWithHeaders} object if successful.
public ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Void, ComputeNodeAddUserHeaders> addUser(String poolId, String nodeId, ComputeNodeUser user) throws BatchErrorException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (poolId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter poolId is required and cannot be null.");
if (nodeId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nodeId is required and cannot be null.");
if (user == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter user is required and cannot be null.");
if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null.");
final ComputeNodeAddUserOptions computeNodeAddUserOptions = null;
Integer timeout = null;
String clientRequestId = null;
Boolean returnClientRequestId = null;
DateTime ocpDate = null;
DateTimeRfc1123 ocpDateConverted = null;
if (ocpDate != null) {
ocpDateConverted = new DateTimeRfc1123(ocpDate);
Call<ResponseBody> call = service.addUser(poolId, nodeId, user, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), timeout, clientRequestId, returnClientRequestId, ocpDateConverted, this.client.userAgent());
return addUserDelegate(call.execute());
use of okhttp3.ResponseBody in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class CertificatesImpl method getAsync.
* Gets information about the specified certificate.
* @param thumbprintAlgorithm The algorithm used to derive the thumbprint parameter. This must be sha1.
* @param thumbprint The thumbprint of the certificate to get.
* @param certificateGetOptions Additional parameters for the operation
* @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if callback is null
* @return the {@link Call} object
public ServiceCall getAsync(String thumbprintAlgorithm, String thumbprint, CertificateGetOptions certificateGetOptions, final ServiceCallback<Certificate> serviceCallback) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (serviceCallback == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServiceCallback is required for async calls.");
if (thumbprintAlgorithm == null) {
serviceCallback.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter thumbprintAlgorithm is required and cannot be null."));
return null;
if (thumbprint == null) {
serviceCallback.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter thumbprint is required and cannot be null."));
return null;
if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) {
serviceCallback.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."));
return null;
Validator.validate(certificateGetOptions, serviceCallback);
String select = null;
if (certificateGetOptions != null) {
select =;
Integer timeout = null;
if (certificateGetOptions != null) {
timeout = certificateGetOptions.timeout();
String clientRequestId = null;
if (certificateGetOptions != null) {
clientRequestId = certificateGetOptions.clientRequestId();
Boolean returnClientRequestId = null;
if (certificateGetOptions != null) {
returnClientRequestId = certificateGetOptions.returnClientRequestId();
DateTime ocpDate = null;
if (certificateGetOptions != null) {
ocpDate = certificateGetOptions.ocpDate();
DateTimeRfc1123 ocpDateConverted = null;
if (ocpDate != null) {
ocpDateConverted = new DateTimeRfc1123(ocpDate);
Call<ResponseBody> call = service.get(thumbprintAlgorithm, thumbprint, this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), select, timeout, clientRequestId, returnClientRequestId, ocpDateConverted, this.client.userAgent());
final ServiceCall serviceCall = new ServiceCall(call);
call.enqueue(new ServiceResponseCallback<Certificate>(serviceCallback) {
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
try {
} catch (BatchErrorException | IOException exception) {
return serviceCall;
use of okhttp3.ResponseBody in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class CertificatesImpl method listAsync.
* Lists all of the certificates that have been added to the specified account.
* @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if callback is null
* @return the {@link Call} object
public ServiceCall listAsync(final ListOperationCallback<Certificate> serviceCallback) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (serviceCallback == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServiceCallback is required for async calls.");
if (this.client.apiVersion() == null) {
serviceCallback.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.apiVersion() is required and cannot be null."));
return null;
final CertificateListOptions certificateListOptions = null;
String filter = null;
String select = null;
Integer maxResults = null;
Integer timeout = null;
String clientRequestId = null;
Boolean returnClientRequestId = null;
DateTime ocpDate = null;
DateTimeRfc1123 ocpDateConverted = null;
if (ocpDate != null) {
ocpDateConverted = new DateTimeRfc1123(ocpDate);
Call<ResponseBody> call = service.list(this.client.apiVersion(), this.client.acceptLanguage(), filter, select, maxResults, timeout, clientRequestId, returnClientRequestId, ocpDateConverted, this.client.userAgent());
final ServiceCall serviceCall = new ServiceCall(call);
call.enqueue(new ServiceResponseCallback<List<Certificate>>(serviceCallback) {
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
try {
ServiceResponseWithHeaders<PageImpl<Certificate>, CertificateListHeaders> result = listDelegate(response);
if (result.getBody().getNextPageLink() != null && serviceCallback.progress(result.getBody().getItems()) == ListOperationCallback.PagingBahavior.CONTINUE) {
listNextAsync(result.getBody().getNextPageLink(), null, serviceCall, serviceCallback);
} else {
serviceCallback.success(new ServiceResponseWithHeaders<>(serviceCallback.get(), result.getHeaders(), result.getResponse()));
} catch (BatchErrorException | IOException exception) {
return serviceCall;