use of ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class FileWriteSPW method initializeMetadata.
* Populate the minimum amount of metadata required to export a Plate.
private IMetadata initializeMetadata(int[][] nFovs) {
Exception exception = null;
try {
// create the OME-XML metadata storage object
ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory();
service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
OMEXMLMetadata meta = service.createOMEXMLMetadata();
// IMetadata meta = service.createOMEXMLMetadata();
int plateIndex = 0;
// count of images
int series = 0;
int well = 0;
meta.setPlateDescription(plateDescription, 0);
meta.setPlateID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Plate", 0), 0);
meta.setPlateRowNamingConvention(NamingConvention.LETTER, 0);
meta.setPlateColumnNamingConvention(NamingConvention.NUMBER, 0);
meta.setPlateRows(new PositiveInteger(rows), 0);
meta.setPlateColumns(new PositiveInteger(cols), 0);
meta.setPlateName("First test Plate", 0);
PositiveInteger pwidth = new PositiveInteger(width);
PositiveInteger pheight = new PositiveInteger(height);
char rowChar = 'A';
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < cols; column++) {
// set up well
String wellID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Well", well);
meta.setWellID(wellID, plateIndex, well);
meta.setWellRow(new NonNegativeInteger(row), plateIndex, well);
meta.setWellColumn(new NonNegativeInteger(column), plateIndex, well);
int nFOV = nFovs[row][column];
for (int fov = 0; fov < nFOV; fov++) {
// Create Image NB numberng in the Name goes from 1->n not 0-> n-1
String imageName = rowChar + ":" + Integer.toString(column + 1) + ":FOV:" + Integer.toString(fov + 1);
String imageID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", well, fov);
meta.setImageID(imageID, series);
meta.setImageName(imageName, series);
String pixelsID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Pixels", well, fov);
meta.setPixelsID(pixelsID, series);
// specify that the pixel data is stored in big-endian format
// change 'TRUE' to 'FALSE' to specify little-endian format
meta.setPixelsBigEndian(Boolean.TRUE, series);
// specify that the image is stored in ZCT order
meta.setPixelsDimensionOrder(DimensionOrder.XYZCT, series);
// specify the pixel type of the image
meta.setPixelsType(PixelType.fromString(FormatTools.getPixelTypeString(pixelType)), series);
// specify the dimensions of the image
meta.setPixelsSizeX(pwidth, series);
meta.setPixelsSizeY(pheight, series);
meta.setPixelsSizeZ(new PositiveInteger(1), series);
meta.setPixelsSizeC(new PositiveInteger(1), series);
meta.setPixelsSizeT(new PositiveInteger(sizet), series);
// define each channel and specify the number of samples in the channel
// the number of samples is 3 for RGB images and 1 otherwise
String channelID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Channel", well, fov);
meta.setChannelID(channelID, series, 0);
meta.setChannelSamplesPerPixel(new PositiveInteger(1), series, 0);
// set sample
String wellSampleID = MetadataTools.createLSID("WellSample", well, fov);
meta.setWellSampleID(wellSampleID, 0, well, fov);
// NB sampleIndex here == series ie the image No
meta.setWellSampleIndex(new NonNegativeInteger(series), 0, well, fov);
meta.setWellSampleImageRef(imageID, 0, well, fov);
if (exposureTimes != null && exposureTimes.length == sizet) {
for (int t = 0; t < sizet; t++) {
meta.setPlaneTheT(new NonNegativeInteger(t), series, t);
meta.setPlaneTheC(new NonNegativeInteger(0), series, t);
meta.setPlaneTheZ(new NonNegativeInteger(0), series, t);
meta.setPlaneExposureTime(new Time(exposureTimes[t], ome.units.UNITS.SECOND), series, t);
// add FLIM ModuloAlongT annotation if required
if (delays != null) {
CoreMetadata modlo = createModuloAnn(meta);
service.addModuloAlong(meta, modlo, series);
// end of samples
expectedImages = new int[series];
// System.out.println(dump);
return meta;
} catch (DependencyException | ServiceException | EnumerationException e) {
exception = e;
System.err.println("Failed to populate OME-XML metadata object.");
return null;
use of ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class OMETiffReader method initFile.
// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
// normalize file name
super.initFile(normalizeFilename(null, id));
id = currentId;
String dir = new File(id).getParent();
// parse and populate OME-XML metadata
String fileName = new Location(id).getAbsoluteFile().getAbsolutePath();
if (!new File(fileName).exists()) {
fileName = currentId;
String xml;
IFD firstIFD = null;
boolean companion = false;
if (checkSuffix(fileName, "companion.ome")) {
xml = DataTools.readFile(fileName);
companion = true;
} else {
RandomAccessInputStream ras = new RandomAccessInputStream(fileName, 16);
try {
TiffParser tp = new TiffParser(ras);
firstIFD = tp.getFirstIFD();
xml = firstIFD.getComment();
} finally {
if (service == null)
try {
if (meta == null || !metaFile.equals(currentId)) {
meta = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml);
metaFile = currentId;
if (companion) {
String firstTIFF = meta.getUUIDFileName(0, 0);
initFile(new Location(dir, firstTIFF).getAbsolutePath());
} catch (ServiceException se) {
throw new FormatException(se);
String metadataPath = null;
try {
metadataPath = meta.getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
if (metadataPath != null) {
// this is a binary-only file
// overwrite XML with what is in the companion OME-XML file
Location path = new Location(dir, metadataPath);
if (path.exists()) {
metadataFile = path.getAbsolutePath();
xml = readMetadataFile();
try {
meta = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml);
} catch (ServiceException se) {
throw new FormatException(se);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
metadataFile = null;
metadataPath = null;
hasSPW = meta.getPlateCount() > 0;
for (int i = 0; i < meta.getImageCount(); i++) {
int sizeC = meta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue().intValue();
service.removeChannels(meta, i, sizeC);
Hashtable originalMetadata = service.getOriginalMetadata(meta);
if (originalMetadata != null)
metadata = originalMetadata;
if (meta.getRoot() == null) {
throw new FormatException("Could not parse OME-XML from TIFF comment");
String[] acquiredDates = new String[meta.getImageCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < acquiredDates.length; i++) {
Timestamp acquisitionDate = meta.getImageAcquisitionDate(i);
if (acquisitionDate != null) {
acquiredDates[i] = acquisitionDate.getValue();
String currentUUID = meta.getUUID();
if (!isGroupFiles() && !isSingleFile(currentId)) {
IFormatReader reader = new MinimalTiffReader();
core.set(0, reader.getCoreMetadataList().get(0));
int ifdCount = reader.getImageCount();
int maxSeries = 0;
info = new OMETiffPlane[meta.getImageCount()][];
ArrayList<Integer> imagesToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<int[]> cBounds = new ArrayList<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < meta.getImageCount(); i++) {
int maxZ = 0;
int maxC = 0;
int maxT = 0;
int minZ = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minC = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int sizeZ = meta.getPixelsSizeZ(i).getValue();
int sizeC = meta.getChannelCount(i);
int sizeT = meta.getPixelsSizeT(i).getValue();
String order = meta.getPixelsDimensionOrder(i).getValue();
int num = sizeZ * sizeC * sizeT;
CoreMetadata m = i < core.size() ? core.get(i) : new CoreMetadata(core.get(0));
m.dimensionOrder = order;
info[i] = new OMETiffPlane[meta.getTiffDataCount(i)];
int next = 0;
for (int td = 0; td < meta.getTiffDataCount(i); td++) {
String uuid = null;
try {
uuid = meta.getUUIDValue(i, td);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
String filename = null;
try {
filename = meta.getUUIDFileName(i, td);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
if ((uuid == null || !uuid.equals(currentUUID)) && (filename == null || !currentId.endsWith(filename))) {
// this plane doesn't appear to be in the current file
if (i > maxSeries) {
maxSeries = i;
NonNegativeInteger ifd = meta.getTiffDataIFD(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger count = meta.getTiffDataPlaneCount(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstZ = meta.getTiffDataFirstZ(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstC = meta.getTiffDataFirstC(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstT = meta.getTiffDataFirstT(i, td);
int realCount = count == null ? 1 : count.getValue();
if (ifd == null && count == null) {
realCount = ifdCount;
for (int q = 0; q < realCount; q++) {
OMETiffPlane p = new OMETiffPlane(); = currentId;
p.ifd = q;
if (ifd != null) {
p.ifd += ifd.getValue();
p.reader = reader;
info[i][next++] = p;
int z = firstZ == null ? 0 : firstZ.getValue();
int c = firstC == null ? 0 : firstC.getValue();
int t = firstT == null ? 0 : firstT.getValue();
if (q > 0) {
int index = FormatTools.getIndex(order, sizeZ, sizeC, sizeT, num, z, c, t);
int[] add = FormatTools.getZCTCoords(order, sizeZ, sizeC, sizeT, num, q);
z += add[0];
c += add[1];
t += add[2];
if (z > maxZ) {
maxZ = z;
if (c > maxC) {
maxC = c;
if (t > maxT) {
maxT = t;
if (z < minZ) {
minZ = z;
if (c < minC) {
minC = c;
if (t < minT) {
minT = t;
if (i <= maxSeries) {
m.sizeZ = (maxZ - minZ) + 1;
m.sizeC = (maxC - minC) + 1;
m.sizeT = (maxT - minT) + 1;
m.imageCount = m.sizeZ * m.sizeC * m.sizeT;
m.sizeC *= meta.getChannelSamplesPerPixel(i, 0).getValue();
if (i >= core.size()) {
cBounds.add(new int[] { minC, maxC });
} else {
// remove extra Images, Channels, and Planes
OMEXMLMetadataRoot root = (OMEXMLMetadataRoot) meta.getRoot();
List<Image> images = root.copyImageList();
for (int i = imagesToRemove.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
Image img = images.get(i);
Pixels pix = img.getPixels();
List<Plane> planes = pix.copyPlaneList();
for (int p = 0; p < planes.size(); p++) {
Plane plane = planes.get(p);
if (plane.getTheZ().getValue() >= core.get(i).sizeZ || plane.getTheC().getValue() >= core.get(i).sizeC || plane.getTheT().getValue() >= core.get(i).sizeT) {
List<Channel> channels = pix.copyChannelList();
for (int c = 0; c < channels.size(); c++) {
if (c < cBounds.get(i)[0] || c > cBounds.get(i)[1]) {
service.convertMetadata(meta, metadataStore);
MetadataTools.populatePixels(metadataStore, this);
service.convertMetadata(meta, metadataStore);
// determine series count from Image and Pixels elements
int seriesCount = meta.getImageCount();
for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
core.add(new CoreMetadata());
info = new OMETiffPlane[seriesCount][];
tileWidth = new int[seriesCount];
tileHeight = new int[seriesCount];
// compile list of file/UUID mappings
Hashtable<String, String> files = new Hashtable<String, String>();
boolean needSearch = false;
for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
int tiffDataCount = meta.getTiffDataCount(i);
for (int td = 0; td < tiffDataCount; td++) {
String uuid = null;
try {
uuid = meta.getUUIDValue(i, td);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
String filename = null;
if (uuid == null) {
// no UUID means that TiffData element refers to this file
uuid = "";
filename = id;
} else {
filename = meta.getUUIDFileName(i, td);
if (!new Location(dir, filename).exists())
filename = null;
if (filename == null) {
if (uuid.equals(currentUUID) || currentUUID == null) {
// UUID references this file
filename = id;
} else {
// will need to search for this UUID
filename = "";
needSearch = true;
} else
filename = normalizeFilename(dir, filename);
String existing = files.get(uuid);
if (existing == null)
files.put(uuid, filename);
else if (!existing.equals(filename)) {
throw new FormatException("Inconsistent UUID filenames");
// search for missing filenames
if (needSearch) {
Enumeration en = files.keys();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
String uuid = (String) en.nextElement();
String filename = files.get(uuid);
if (filename.equals("")) {
// to make this work with OME server may be a little tricky?
throw new FormatException("Unmatched UUID: " + uuid);
// build list of used files
Enumeration en = files.keys();
int numUUIDs = files.size();
// ensure no duplicate filenames
HashSet fileSet = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < numUUIDs; i++) {
String uuid = (String) en.nextElement();
String filename = files.get(uuid);
used = new String[fileSet.size()];
Iterator iter = fileSet.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < used.length; i++) used[i] = (String);
// process TiffData elements
Hashtable<String, IFormatReader> readers = new Hashtable<String, IFormatReader>();
boolean adjustedSamples = false;
for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
int s = i;
LOGGER.debug("Image[{}] {", i);
LOGGER.debug(" id = {}", meta.getImageID(i));
String order = meta.getPixelsDimensionOrder(i).toString();
PositiveInteger samplesPerPixel = null;
if (meta.getChannelCount(i) > 0) {
samplesPerPixel = meta.getChannelSamplesPerPixel(i, 0);
int samples = samplesPerPixel == null ? -1 : samplesPerPixel.getValue();
int tiffSamples = firstIFD.getSamplesPerPixel();
if (adjustedSamples || (samples != tiffSamples && (i == 0 || samples < 0))) {
LOGGER.warn("SamplesPerPixel mismatch: OME={}, TIFF={}", samples, tiffSamples);
samples = tiffSamples;
adjustedSamples = true;
} else {
adjustedSamples = false;
if (adjustedSamples && meta.getChannelCount(i) <= 1) {
adjustedSamples = false;
int effSizeC = meta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue().intValue();
if (!adjustedSamples) {
effSizeC /= samples;
if (effSizeC == 0)
effSizeC = 1;
if (effSizeC * samples != meta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue().intValue()) {
effSizeC = meta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue().intValue();
int sizeT = meta.getPixelsSizeT(i).getValue().intValue();
int sizeZ = meta.getPixelsSizeZ(i).getValue().intValue();
int num = effSizeC * sizeT * sizeZ;
OMETiffPlane[] planes = new OMETiffPlane[num];
for (int no = 0; no < num; no++) planes[no] = new OMETiffPlane();
int tiffDataCount = meta.getTiffDataCount(i);
Boolean zOneIndexed = null;
Boolean cOneIndexed = null;
Boolean tOneIndexed = null;
for (int td = 0; td < tiffDataCount; td++) {
NonNegativeInteger firstC = meta.getTiffDataFirstC(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstT = meta.getTiffDataFirstT(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstZ = meta.getTiffDataFirstZ(i, td);
int c = firstC == null ? 0 : firstC.getValue();
int t = firstT == null ? 0 : firstT.getValue();
int z = firstZ == null ? 0 : firstZ.getValue();
if (c >= effSizeC && cOneIndexed == null) {
cOneIndexed = true;
} else if (c == 0) {
cOneIndexed = false;
if (z >= sizeZ && zOneIndexed == null) {
zOneIndexed = true;
} else if (z == 0) {
zOneIndexed = false;
if (t >= sizeT && tOneIndexed == null) {
tOneIndexed = true;
} else if (t == 0) {
tOneIndexed = false;
for (int td = 0; td < tiffDataCount; td++) {
LOGGER.debug(" TiffData[{}] {", td);
// extract TiffData parameters
String filename = null;
String uuid = null;
try {
filename = meta.getUUIDFileName(i, td);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring null UUID object when retrieving filename.");
try {
uuid = meta.getUUIDValue(i, td);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring null UUID object when retrieving value.");
NonNegativeInteger tdIFD = meta.getTiffDataIFD(i, td);
int ifd = tdIFD == null ? 0 : tdIFD.getValue();
NonNegativeInteger numPlanes = meta.getTiffDataPlaneCount(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstC = meta.getTiffDataFirstC(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstT = meta.getTiffDataFirstT(i, td);
NonNegativeInteger firstZ = meta.getTiffDataFirstZ(i, td);
int c = firstC == null ? 0 : firstC.getValue();
int t = firstT == null ? 0 : firstT.getValue();
int z = firstZ == null ? 0 : firstZ.getValue();
// NB: some writers index FirstC, FirstZ and FirstT from 1
if (cOneIndexed != null && cOneIndexed)
if (zOneIndexed != null && zOneIndexed)
if (tOneIndexed != null && tOneIndexed)
if (z >= sizeZ || c >= effSizeC || t >= sizeT) {
LOGGER.warn("Found invalid TiffData: Z={}, C={}, T={}", new Object[] { z, c, t });
int index = FormatTools.getIndex(order, sizeZ, effSizeC, sizeT, num, z, c, t);
int count = numPlanes == null ? 1 : numPlanes.getValue();
if (count == 0) {
core.set(s, null);
// get reader object for this filename
if (filename == null) {
if (uuid == null)
filename = id;
filename = files.get(uuid);
} else
filename = normalizeFilename(dir, filename);
IFormatReader r = readers.get(filename);
if (r == null) {
r = new MinimalTiffReader();
readers.put(filename, r);
Location file = new Location(filename);
boolean exists = true;
if (!file.exists()) {
// if this is an absolute file name, try using a relative name
// old versions of OMETiffWriter wrote an absolute path to
// UUID.FileName, which causes problems if the file is moved to
// a different directory
filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
filename = dir + File.separator + filename;
if (!new Location(filename).exists()) {
filename = currentId;
// if only one file is defined, we have to assume that it
// corresponds to the current file
exists = fileSet.size() == 1;
// populate plane index -> IFD mapping
for (int q = 0; q < count; q++) {
int no = index + q;
planes[no].reader = r;
planes[no].id = filename;
planes[no].ifd = ifd + q;
planes[no].certain = true;
planes[no].exists = exists;
LOGGER.debug(" Plane[{}]: file={}, IFD={}", new Object[] { no, planes[no].id, planes[no].ifd });
if (numPlanes == null) {
// unknown number of planes; fill down
for (int no = index + 1; no < num; no++) {
if (planes[no].certain)
planes[no].reader = r;
planes[no].id = filename;
planes[no].ifd = planes[no - 1].ifd + 1;
planes[no].exists = exists;
LOGGER.debug(" Plane[{}]: FILLED", no);
} else {
// known number of planes; clear anything subsequently filled
for (int no = index + count; no < num; no++) {
if (planes[no].certain)
planes[no].reader = null;
planes[no].id = null;
planes[no].ifd = -1;
LOGGER.debug(" Plane[{}]: CLEARED", no);
LOGGER.debug(" }");
if (core.get(s) == null)
// verify that all planes are available
LOGGER.debug(" --------------------------------");
for (int no = 0; no < num; no++) {
LOGGER.debug(" Plane[{}]: file={}, IFD={}", new Object[] { no, planes[no].id, planes[no].ifd });
if (planes[no].reader == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Image ID '{}': missing plane #{}. " + "Using TiffReader to determine the number of planes.", meta.getImageID(i), no);
TiffReader r = new TiffReader();
try {
planes = new OMETiffPlane[r.getImageCount()];
for (int plane = 0; plane < planes.length; plane++) {
planes[plane] = new OMETiffPlane();
planes[plane].id = currentId;
planes[plane].reader = r;
planes[plane].ifd = plane;
num = planes.length;
} finally {
LOGGER.debug(" }");
// populate core metadata
CoreMetadata m = core.get(s);
info[s] = planes;
try {
RandomAccessInputStream testFile = new RandomAccessInputStream(info[s][0].id, 16);
String firstFile = info[s][0].id;
if (!info[s][0].reader.isThisType(testFile)) {
LOGGER.warn("{} is not a valid OME-TIFF", info[s][0].id);
info[s][0].id = currentId;
info[s][0].exists = false;
for (int plane = 1; plane < info[s].length; plane++) {
if (info[s][plane].id.equals(firstFile)) {
// don't repeat slow type checking if the files are the same
if (!info[s][0].exists) {
info[s][plane].id = info[s][0].id;
info[s][plane].exists = false;
testFile = new RandomAccessInputStream(info[s][plane].id, 16);
if (!info[s][plane].reader.isThisType(testFile)) {
LOGGER.warn("{} is not a valid OME-TIFF", info[s][plane].id);
info[s][plane].id = info[s][0].id;
info[s][plane].exists = false;
tileWidth[s] = info[s][0].reader.getOptimalTileWidth();
tileHeight[s] = info[s][0].reader.getOptimalTileHeight();
m.sizeX = meta.getPixelsSizeX(i).getValue().intValue();
int tiffWidth = (int) firstIFD.getImageWidth();
if (m.sizeX != tiffWidth && s == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("SizeX mismatch: OME={}, TIFF={}", m.sizeX, tiffWidth);
m.sizeY = meta.getPixelsSizeY(i).getValue().intValue();
int tiffHeight = (int) firstIFD.getImageLength();
if (m.sizeY != tiffHeight && s == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("SizeY mismatch: OME={}, TIFF={}", m.sizeY, tiffHeight);
m.sizeZ = meta.getPixelsSizeZ(i).getValue().intValue();
m.sizeC = meta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue().intValue();
m.sizeT = meta.getPixelsSizeT(i).getValue().intValue();
m.pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(meta.getPixelsType(i).toString());
int tiffPixelType = firstIFD.getPixelType();
if (m.pixelType != tiffPixelType && (s == 0 || adjustedSamples)) {
LOGGER.warn("PixelType mismatch: OME={}, TIFF={}", m.pixelType, tiffPixelType);
m.pixelType = tiffPixelType;
m.imageCount = num;
m.dimensionOrder = meta.getPixelsDimensionOrder(i).toString();
// hackish workaround for files exported by OMERO that have an
// incorrect dimension order
String uuidFileName = "";
try {
if (meta.getTiffDataCount(i) > 0) {
uuidFileName = meta.getUUIDFileName(i, 0);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
if (meta.getChannelCount(i) > 0 && meta.getChannelName(i, 0) == null && meta.getTiffDataCount(i) > 0 && uuidFileName.indexOf("__omero_export") != -1) {
m.dimensionOrder = "XYZCT";
m.orderCertain = true;
PhotoInterp photo = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
m.rgb = samples > 1 || photo == PhotoInterp.RGB;
if ((samples != m.sizeC && (samples % m.sizeC) != 0 && (m.sizeC % samples) != 0) || m.sizeC == 1 || adjustedSamples) {
m.sizeC *= samples;
if (m.sizeZ * m.sizeT * m.sizeC > m.imageCount && !m.rgb) {
if (m.sizeZ == m.imageCount) {
m.sizeT = 1;
m.sizeC = 1;
} else if (m.sizeT == m.imageCount) {
m.sizeZ = 1;
m.sizeC = 1;
} else if (m.sizeC == m.imageCount) {
m.sizeT = 1;
m.sizeZ = 1;
if (meta.getPixelsBinDataCount(i) > 1) {
LOGGER.warn("OME-TIFF Pixels element contains BinData elements! " + "Ignoring.");
m.littleEndian = firstIFD.isLittleEndian();
m.interleaved = false;
m.indexed = photo == PhotoInterp.RGB_PALETTE && firstIFD.getIFDValue(IFD.COLOR_MAP) != null;
if (m.indexed) {
m.rgb = false;
m.falseColor = true;
m.metadataComplete = true;
if (meta.getPixelsSignificantBits(i) != null) {
m.bitsPerPixel = meta.getPixelsSignificantBits(i).getValue();
} catch (NullPointerException exc) {
throw new FormatException("Incomplete Pixels metadata", exc);
// remove null CoreMetadata entries
ArrayList<CoreMetadata> series = new ArrayList<CoreMetadata>();
final List<OMETiffPlane[]> planeInfo = new ArrayList<OMETiffPlane[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < core.size(); i++) {
if (core.get(i) != null) {
core = series;
info = planeInfo.toArray(new OMETiffPlane[0][0]);
if (getImageCount() == 1) {
CoreMetadata ms0 = core.get(0);
ms0.sizeZ = 1;
if (!ms0.rgb) {
ms0.sizeC = 1;
ms0.sizeT = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < core.size(); i++) {
CoreMetadata m = core.get(i);
Modulo z = service.getModuloAlongZ(meta, i);
if (z != null) {
m.moduloZ = z;
Modulo c = service.getModuloAlongC(meta, i);
if (c != null) {
m.moduloC = c;
Modulo t = service.getModuloAlongT(meta, i);
if (t != null) {
m.moduloT = t;
MetadataTools.populatePixels(metadataStore, this, false, false);
for (int i = 0; i < meta.getImageCount(); i++) {
// TheT values are not changed
for (int p = 0; p < meta.getPlaneCount(i); p++) {
NonNegativeInteger z = meta.getPlaneTheZ(i, p);
NonNegativeInteger c = meta.getPlaneTheC(i, p);
NonNegativeInteger t = meta.getPlaneTheT(i, p);
if (z == null) {
z = new NonNegativeInteger(0);
metadataStore.setPlaneTheZ(z, i, p);
if (c == null) {
c = new NonNegativeInteger(0);
metadataStore.setPlaneTheC(c, i, p);
if (t == null) {
t = new NonNegativeInteger(0);
metadataStore.setPlaneTheT(t, i, p);
for (int i = 0; i < acquiredDates.length; i++) {
if (acquiredDates[i] != null) {
metadataStore.setImageAcquisitionDate(new Timestamp(acquiredDates[i]), i);
use of ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class OMETiffWriter method populateTiffData.
private void populateTiffData(OMEXMLMetadata omeMeta, int[] zct, int ifd, int series, int plane) {
omeMeta.setTiffDataFirstZ(new NonNegativeInteger(zct[0]), series, plane);
omeMeta.setTiffDataFirstC(new NonNegativeInteger(zct[1]), series, plane);
omeMeta.setTiffDataFirstT(new NonNegativeInteger(zct[2]), series, plane);
omeMeta.setTiffDataIFD(new NonNegativeInteger(ifd), series, plane);
omeMeta.setTiffDataPlaneCount(new NonNegativeInteger(1), series, plane);
use of ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class IMODReader method initFile.
// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
in = new RandomAccessInputStream(id);
String check = in.readString(8);
if (!check.equals(MAGIC_STRING)) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid file ID: " + check);
CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
String filename = in.readString(128);
m.sizeX = in.readInt();
m.sizeY = in.readInt();
m.sizeZ = in.readInt();
int nObjects = in.readInt();
points = new float[nObjects][][][];
colors = new byte[nObjects][3];
int flags = in.readInt();
int drawMode = in.readInt();
int mouseMode = in.readInt();
int blackLevel = in.readInt();
int whiteLevel = in.readInt();
float xOffset = in.readFloat();
float yOffset = in.readFloat();
float zOffset = in.readFloat();
float xScale = in.readFloat();
float yScale = in.readFloat();
float zScale = in.readFloat();
int currentObject = in.readInt();
int currentContour = in.readInt();
int currentPoint = in.readInt();
int res = in.readInt();
int thresh = in.readInt();
float pixSize = in.readFloat();
int pixSizeUnits = in.readInt();
int checksum = in.readInt();
float alpha = in.readFloat();
float beta = in.readFloat();
float gamma = in.readFloat();
addGlobalMeta("Model name", filename);
addGlobalMeta("Model flags", flags);
addGlobalMeta("Model drawing mode", drawMode);
addGlobalMeta("Mouse mode", mouseMode);
addGlobalMeta("Black level", blackLevel);
addGlobalMeta("White level", whiteLevel);
addGlobalMeta("X offset", xOffset);
addGlobalMeta("Y offset", yOffset);
addGlobalMeta("Z offset", zOffset);
addGlobalMeta("X scale", xScale);
addGlobalMeta("Y scale", yScale);
addGlobalMeta("Z scale", zScale);
addGlobalMeta("Alpha", alpha);
addGlobalMeta("Beta", beta);
addGlobalMeta("Gamma", gamma);
MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
ArrayList<String> roiIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int obj = 0; obj < nObjects; obj++) {
String objt = in.readString(4);
while (!objt.equals("OBJT") && in.getFilePointer() < in.length()) {
String prefix = "Object #" + obj + " ";
if (objt.equals("IMAT")) {
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "ambient",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "diffuse",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "specular",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "shininess",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "fill red",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "fill green",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "fill blue",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "sphere quality",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "black level",;
addGlobalMeta(prefix + "white level",;
objt = in.readString(4);
if (!objt.equals("OBJT")) {
String objName = in.readString(64);
// unused
int nContours = in.readInt();
points[obj] = new float[nContours][][];
int objFlags = in.readInt();
int axis = in.readInt();
int objDrawMode = in.readInt();
float red = in.readFloat();
float green = in.readFloat();
float blue = in.readFloat();
colors[obj][0] = (byte) (red * 255);
colors[obj][1] = (byte) (green * 255);
colors[obj][2] = (byte) (blue * 255);
int pixelRadius = in.readInt();
int pixelSymbol =;
int symbolSize =;
int lineWidth2D =;
int lineWidth3D =;
int lineStyle =;
int symbolFlags =;
int symbolPadding =;
int transparency =;
int nMeshes = in.readInt();
int nSurfaces = in.readInt();
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() == MetadataLevel.ALL) {
String roiID = MetadataTools.createLSID("ROI", obj);
store.setROIID(roiID, obj);
store.setROIName(objName, obj);
int nextShape = 0;
for (int contour = 0; contour < nContours; contour++) {
int nPoints = in.readInt();
int contourFlags = in.readInt();
int timeIndex = in.readInt();
int surface = in.readInt();
if (nPoints > in.length() || nPoints < 0) {
while (!"CONT".equals(in.readString(4))) { - 8);
nPoints = in.readInt();
contourFlags = in.readInt();
timeIndex = in.readInt();
surface = in.readInt();
points[obj][contour] = new float[nPoints][3];
for (int p = 0; p < nPoints; p++) {
for (int i = 0; i < points[obj][contour][p].length; i++) {
points[obj][contour][p][i] = in.readFloat();
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() == MetadataLevel.ALL) {
boolean wild = (contourFlags & 0x10) == 0x10;
Length l;
if (wild) {
int r = colors[obj][0] & 0xff;
int g = colors[obj][1] & 0xff;
int b = colors[obj][2] & 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
String shapeID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Shape", obj, nextShape);
store.setPointID(shapeID, obj, nextShape);
store.setPointStrokeColor(new Color(r, g, b, 0xff), obj, nextShape);
l = new Length(new Double(lineWidth2D), UNITS.PIXEL);
store.setPointStrokeWidth(l, obj, nextShape);
if (lineStyle == 1) {
store.setPointStrokeDashArray("5", obj, nextShape);
store.setPointX(new Double(points[obj][contour][i][0]), obj, nextShape);
store.setPointY(new Double(points[obj][contour][i][1]), obj, nextShape);
if (points[obj][contour][i][2] >= 0) {
store.setPointTheZ(new NonNegativeInteger((int) points[obj][contour][i][2]), obj, nextShape);
} else {
String shapeID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Shape", obj, nextShape);
boolean closed = (contourFlags & 0x8) == 0;
int r = colors[obj][0] & 0xff;
int g = colors[obj][1] & 0xff;
int b = colors[obj][2] & 0xff;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
if (i < nPoints - 1) {
sb.append(" ");
if (closed) {
store.setPolygonID(shapeID, obj, nextShape);
store.setPolygonStrokeColor(new Color(r, g, b, 0xff), obj, nextShape);
l = new Length(new Double(lineWidth2D), UNITS.PIXEL);
store.setPolygonStrokeWidth(l, obj, nextShape);
if (lineStyle == 1) {
store.setPolygonStrokeDashArray("5", obj, nextShape);
if (nPoints > 0 && points[obj][contour][0][2] >= 0) {
store.setPolygonTheZ(new NonNegativeInteger((int) points[obj][contour][0][2]), obj, nextShape);
store.setPolygonPoints(sb.toString(), obj, nextShape);
} else {
store.setPolylineID(shapeID, obj, nextShape);
store.setPolylineStrokeColor(new Color(r, g, b, 0xff), obj, nextShape);
l = new Length(new Double(lineWidth2D), UNITS.PIXEL);
store.setPolylineStrokeWidth(l, obj, nextShape);
if (lineStyle == 1) {
store.setPolylineStrokeDashArray("5", obj, nextShape);
if (nPoints > 0 && points[obj][contour][0][2] >= 0) {
store.setPolylineTheZ(new NonNegativeInteger((int) points[obj][contour][0][2]), obj, nextShape);
store.setPolylinePoints(sb.toString(), obj, nextShape);
for (int mesh = 0; mesh < nMeshes; mesh++) {
int vsize = in.readInt();
int lsize = in.readInt();
int meshFlags = in.readInt();
int timeIndex = in.readShort();
int surface = in.readShort();
in.skipBytes(12 * vsize + 4 * lsize);
double physicalX = 0d, physicalY = 0d, physicalZ = 0d;
while (in.getFilePointer() + 4 < in.length()) {
// check if there is any extra metadata at the end of the file
String chunkType = in.readString(4);
if (chunkType.equals("IMAT")) {
} else if (chunkType.equals("VIEW")) {
if (in.readInt() != 1) {
int bytesPerView = in.readInt();
} else if (chunkType.equals("MINX")) {
// skip old transformation values
physicalX = in.readFloat();
physicalY = in.readFloat();
physicalZ = in.readFloat();
m.sizeT = 1;
m.sizeC = 3;
m.rgb = true;
m.interleaved = true;
m.imageCount = getSizeT() * getSizeZ();
m.littleEndian = false;
m.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT8;
MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() == MetadataLevel.ALL) {
for (int i = 0; i < roiIDs.size(); i++) {
store.setROIID(roiIDs.get(i), i);
store.setImageROIRef(roiIDs.get(i), 0, i);
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
Unit<Length> physicalSizeUnit = convertUnits(pixSizeUnits);
if (physicalX > 0) {
Length x = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(physicalX, physicalSizeUnit);
if (x != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(x, 0);
if (physicalY > 0) {
Length y = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(physicalY, physicalSizeUnit);
if (y != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(y, 0);
if (physicalZ > 0) {
Length z = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeZ(physicalZ, physicalSizeUnit);
if (z != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(z, 0);
use of ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class MetamorphTiffReader method initFile.
// -- Internal FormatReader API methods --
/* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
List<String> uniqueChannels = new ArrayList<String>();
final List<Double> uniqueZs = new ArrayList<Double>();
final List<Length> stageX = new ArrayList<Length>();
final List<Length> stageY = new ArrayList<Length>();
CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
String filename = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
filename = filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.'));
boolean integerFilename = true;
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
integerFilename = false;
if (integerFilename && ifds.size() == 1 && ifds.get(0).getIFDIntValue(IFD.NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE) == 2) {
// look for other files in the dataset
String stageLabel = null;
for (String tiff : files) {
MetamorphHandler handler = new MetamorphHandler();
parseFile(tiff, handler);
String label = handler.getStageLabel();
if (stageLabel == null) {
stageLabel = label;
} else if (!label.equals(stageLabel)) {
if (!uniqueChannels.contains(handler.getChannelName())) {
final List<Double> zPositions = handler.getZPositions();
Double pos = Math.rint(zPositions.get(0));
if (!uniqueZs.contains(pos)) {
MetamorphHandler handler = new MetamorphHandler();
parseFile(files[files.length - 1], handler);
String lastStageLabel = handler.getStageLabel();
int lastField = getField(lastStageLabel);
int lastWellRow = getWellRow(lastStageLabel);
int lastWellColumn = getWellColumn(lastStageLabel);
int field = getField(stageLabel);
int fieldRow = getWellRow(stageLabel);
int fieldColumn = getWellColumn(stageLabel);
wellCount = lastField - field + 1;
fieldRowCount = lastWellRow - fieldRow + 1;
fieldColumnCount = lastWellColumn - fieldColumn + 1;
m.sizeC = uniqueChannels.size();
m.sizeZ = uniqueZs.size();
} else {
files = new String[] { id };
wellCount = 1;
fieldRowCount = 1;
fieldColumnCount = 1;
m.sizeC = 0;
// parse XML comment
MetamorphHandler handler = new MetamorphHandler(getGlobalMetadata());
final List<Length> xPositions = new ArrayList<Length>();
final List<Length> yPositions = new ArrayList<Length>();
for (IFD ifd : ifds) {
String xml = XMLTools.sanitizeXML(ifd.getComment());
XMLTools.parseXML(xml, handler);
final Length x = handler.getStagePositionX();
final Length y = handler.getStagePositionY();
if (xPositions.isEmpty()) {
} else {
final Length previousX = xPositions.get(xPositions.size() - 1);
final Length previousY = yPositions.get(yPositions.size() - 1);
final double x1 = x.value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME).doubleValue();
final double x2 = previousX.value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME).doubleValue();
final double y1 = y.value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME).doubleValue();
final double y2 = previousY.value(UNITS.REFERENCEFRAME).doubleValue();
if (Math.abs(x1 - x2) > 0.21 || Math.abs(y1 - y2) > 0.21) {
if (xPositions.size() > 1) {
fieldRowCount = xPositions.size();
final List<Integer> wavelengths = handler.getWavelengths();
final List<Double> zPositions = handler.getZPositions();
dualCamera = handler.hasDualCamera();
// calculate axis sizes
final List<Integer> uniqueC = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer c : wavelengths) {
if (!uniqueC.contains(c)) {
int effectiveC = uniqueC.size();
if (effectiveC == 0)
effectiveC = 1;
if (getSizeC() == 0)
m.sizeC = 1;
int samples = ifds.get(0).getSamplesPerPixel();
m.sizeC *= effectiveC * samples;
final List<Double> uniqueZ = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (Double z : zPositions) {
if (!uniqueZ.contains(z))
if (getSizeZ() == 0)
m.sizeZ = 1;
if (uniqueZ.size() > 1)
m.sizeZ *= uniqueZ.size();
Double physicalSizeZ = null;
if (m.sizeZ > 1) {
Double zRange = zPositions.get(zPositions.size() - 1) - zPositions.get(0);
physicalSizeZ = Math.abs(zRange);
physicalSizeZ /= (m.sizeZ - 1);
int totalPlanes = files.length * ifds.size();
effectiveC = getSizeC() / samples;
// account for the multiple actual Z sections
if (effectiveC * getSizeZ() > totalPlanes && (effectiveC * (getSizeZ() / uniqueC.size()) == totalPlanes || effectiveC == totalPlanes)) {
if (getSizeZ() >= uniqueC.size()) {
m.sizeZ /= uniqueC.size();
} else {
m.sizeZ = 1;
m.sizeT = totalPlanes / (wellCount * fieldRowCount * fieldColumnCount * getSizeZ() * effectiveC);
if (getSizeT() == 0)
m.sizeT = 1;
int seriesCount = wellCount * fieldRowCount * fieldColumnCount;
if (seriesCount > 1 && getSizeZ() > totalPlanes / seriesCount || totalPlanes > getSizeZ() * getSizeT() * effectiveC) {
m.sizeZ = 1;
m.sizeT = totalPlanes / (seriesCount * effectiveC);
m.imageCount = getSizeZ() * getSizeT() * effectiveC;
if (dualCamera) {
m.sizeX /= 2;
m.sizeC *= 2;
m.imageCount *= 2;
if (seriesCount > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
for (int s = 0; s < wellCount * fieldRowCount * fieldColumnCount; s++) {
if (files.length > 1) {
int[] lengths = new int[] { getSizeZ(), getEffectiveSizeC(), fieldColumnCount, fieldRowCount, wellCount, getSizeT() };
Well well = getWell(s);
int[] position = new int[] { 0, 0, well.fieldCol, well.fieldRow, well.well, 0 };
int fileIndex = FormatTools.positionToRaster(lengths, position);
parseFile(files[fileIndex], handler);
} else {
MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
// effectively useless).
if (wellCount > 1) {
store.setPlateID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Plate", 0), 0);
store.setPlateRows(new PositiveInteger(1), 0);
store.setPlateColumns(new PositiveInteger(wellCount), 0);
store.setPlateRowNamingConvention(NamingConvention.LETTER, 0);
store.setPlateColumnNamingConvention(NamingConvention.NUMBER, 0);
store.setPlateAcquisitionID(MetadataTools.createLSID("PlateAcquisition", 0, 0), 0, 0);
for (int well = 0; well < wellCount; well++) {
store.setWellID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Well", 0, well), 0, well);
store.setWellRow(new NonNegativeInteger(0), 0, well);
store.setWellColumn(new NonNegativeInteger(well), 0, well);
for (int row = 0; row < fieldRowCount; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < fieldColumnCount; col++) {
int field = row * fieldColumnCount + col;
String wellSampleID = MetadataTools.createLSID("WellSample", 0, well, field);
store.setWellSampleID(wellSampleID, 0, well, field);
int seriesIndex = getSeriesIndex(row, col, well);
String imageID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Image", seriesIndex);
store.setImageID(imageID, seriesIndex);
store.setWellSampleImageRef(imageID, 0, well, field);
store.setWellSampleIndex(new NonNegativeInteger(seriesIndex), 0, well, field);
store.setPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(wellSampleID, 0, 0, seriesIndex);
final List<String> timestamps = handler.getTimestamps();
final List<Double> exposures = handler.getExposures();
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.size(); i++) {
long timestamp = DateTools.getTime(timestamps.get(i), DATE_FORMAT, ".");
addGlobalMetaList("timestamp", timestamp);
for (int i = 0; i < exposures.size(); i++) {
addGlobalMetaList("exposure time (ms)", exposures.get(i).floatValue() * 1000);
for (int s = 0; s < seriesCount; s++) {
Well well = getWell(s);
String name = handler.getImageName();
if (seriesCount > 1) {
name = "Field " + (char) (well.fieldRow + 'A') + (well.fieldCol + 1) + ", Well " + (well.well + 1) + ": " + name;
store.setImageName(name, s);
String date = DateTools.formatDate(handler.getDate(), DateTools.ISO8601_FORMAT, ".");
if (date != null) {
store.setImageAcquisitionDate(new Timestamp(date), s);
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
long startDate = 0;
if (timestamps.size() > 0) {
startDate = DateTools.getTime(timestamps.get(0), DATE_FORMAT, ".");
store.setImageDescription("", s);
int image = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < getEffectiveSizeC(); c++) {
for (int t = 0; t < getSizeT(); t++) {
store.setPlaneTheZ(new NonNegativeInteger(0), s, image);
store.setPlaneTheC(new NonNegativeInteger(c), s, image);
store.setPlaneTheT(new NonNegativeInteger(t), s, image);
if (t < timestamps.size()) {
String stamp = timestamps.get(t);
long ms = DateTools.getTime(stamp, DATE_FORMAT, ".");
store.setPlaneDeltaT(new Time((ms - startDate) / 1000.0, UNITS.SECOND), s, image);
int exposureIndex = image;
if (dualCamera) {
exposureIndex /= getEffectiveSizeC();
if (exposures.size() == 1) {
exposureIndex = 0;
if (exposureIndex < exposures.size() && exposures.get(exposureIndex) != null) {
store.setPlaneExposureTime(new Time(exposures.get(exposureIndex), UNITS.SECOND), s, image);
if (s < stageX.size()) {
store.setPlanePositionX(stageX.get(s), s, image);
if (s < stageY.size()) {
store.setPlanePositionY(stageY.get(s), s, image);
store.setImagingEnvironmentTemperature(new Temperature(handler.getTemperature(), UNITS.CELSIUS), s);
Length sizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(handler.getPixelSizeX());
Length sizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(handler.getPixelSizeY());
Length sizeZ = physicalSizeZ == null ? null : FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeZ(physicalSizeZ);
if (sizeX != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(sizeX, s);
if (sizeY != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(sizeY, s);
if (sizeZ != null) {
store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(sizeZ, s);
if (uniqueChannels.size() == 0) {
uniqueChannels = handler.getChannelNames();
for (int c = 0; c < getEffectiveSizeC(); c++) {
if (uniqueChannels.size() > c) {
store.setChannelName(uniqueChannels.get(c), s, c);
} else
store.setChannelName(handler.getChannelName(), s, c);
if (c < wavelengths.size()) {
store.setChannelEmissionWavelength(FormatTools.getEmissionWavelength(Double.valueOf(wavelengths.get(c))), s, c);