use of org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException in project otter by alibaba.
the class TerminZooKeeperArbitrateEvent method await.
* <pre>
* 算法:
* 1. 开始阻塞获取符合条件的processId,获取对应的data数据直接返回
* </pre>
public TerminEventData await(Long pipelineId) throws InterruptedException {
TerminMonitor terminMonitor = ArbitrateFactory.getInstance(pipelineId, TerminMonitor.class);
// 符合条件的processId
Long processId = terminMonitor.waitForProcess();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("## await pipeline[{}] processId[{}] is termin", pipelineId, processId);
// 根据pipelineId+processId构造对应的path
String path = StagePathUtils.getTermin(pipelineId, processId);
try {
byte[] data = zookeeper.readData(path);
return JsonUtils.unmarshalFromByte(data, TerminEventData.class);
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
logger.error("pipeline[{}] processId[{}] is process", pipelineId, processId);
// modify for 2012-09-08, 发生主备切换时,await会进入死循环,针对NoNode后直接从内存队列中移除
// 再取下一个节点
return await(pipelineId);
} catch (ZkException e) {
throw new ArbitrateException("Termin_await", e);
use of org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException in project otter by alibaba.
the class TransformZooKeeperArbitrateEvent method await.
* <pre>
* 算法:
* 1. 检查当前的Permit,阻塞等待其授权(解决Channel的pause状态处理)
* 2. 开始阻塞获取符合条件的processId
* 3. 检查当前的即时Permit状态 (在阻塞获取processId过程会出现一些error信号,process节点会被删除)
* 4. 获取Select传递的EventData数据,添加next node信息后直接返回
* </pre>
* @return
public EtlEventData await(Long pipelineId) throws InterruptedException {
PermitMonitor permitMonitor = ArbitrateFactory.getInstance(pipelineId, PermitMonitor.class);
// 阻塞等待授权
TransformStageListener transformStageListener = ArbitrateFactory.getInstance(pipelineId, TransformStageListener.class);
// 符合条件的processId
Long processId = transformStageListener.waitForProcess();
ChannelStatus status = permitMonitor.getChannelPermit();
if (status.isStart()) {
// 即时查询一下当前的状态,状态随时可能会变
// 根据pipelineId+processId构造对应的path
String path = StagePathUtils.getExtractStage(pipelineId, processId);
try {
byte[] data = zookeeper.readData(path);
EtlEventData eventData = JsonUtils.unmarshalFromByte(data, EtlEventData.class);
// 下一个节点信息即为自己
// 只有这一条路返回
return eventData;
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
logger.error("pipeline[{}] processId[{}] is invalid , retry again", pipelineId, processId);
// /出现节点不存在,说明出现了error情况,递归调用重新获取一次
return await(pipelineId);
} catch (ZkException e) {
throw new ArbitrateException("transform_await", e.getMessage(), e);
} else {"pipelineId[{}] transform ignore processId[{}] by status[{}]", new Object[] { pipelineId, processId, status });
// 递归调用
return await(pipelineId);
use of org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException in project otter by alibaba.
the class TransformZooKeeperArbitrateEvent method single.
* <pre>
* 算法:
* 1. 创建对应的transformed节点,标志transform已完成
* </pre>
* @param pipelineId 同步流id
public void single(EtlEventData data) {
String path = StagePathUtils.getTransformStage(data.getPipelineId(), data.getProcessId());
// 序列化
byte[] bytes = JsonUtils.marshalToByte(data, SerializerFeature.WriteClassName);
try {
zookeeper.create(path, bytes, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
// process节点不存在,出现了rollback/shutdown操作,直接忽略
logger.warn("pipelineId[{}] transform ignore processId[{}] single by data:{}", new Object[] { data.getPipelineId(), data.getProcessId(), data });
} catch (ZkNodeExistsException e) {
// process节点已存在,出现了ConnectionLoss retry操作
logger.warn("pipelineId[{}] transform ignore processId[{}] single by data:{}", new Object[] { data.getPipelineId(), data.getProcessId(), data });
} catch (ZkException e) {
throw new ArbitrateException("transform_single", e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException in project otter by alibaba.
the class ExtractStageListener method stageChannged.
public void stageChannged(Long processId, List<String> stageNodes) {
try {
// 1. 根据pipelineId+processId构造对应的path
String path = StagePathUtils.getProcess(getPipelineId(), processId);
// 2.1 判断是否存在了current节点
if (stageNodes.contains(currentNode)) {
if (replyProcessIds.remove(processId)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("## remove reply id [{}]", processId);
// 不需要监听了
if (replyProcessIds.contains(processId)) {
// 避免重复处理
// 2.2 判断是否存在了prev节点
if (stageNodes.contains(prevNode)) {
// 2.2.1 获取上一个节点的next node节点信息
byte[] data = zookeeper.readData(path + "/" + prevNode);
EtlEventData eventData = JsonUtils.unmarshalFromByte(data, EtlEventData.class);
if (eventData.getNextNid().equals(ArbitrateConfigUtils.getCurrentNid())) {
// 添加到返回队列,唤醒wait阻塞
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
// 出现节点不存在,说明出现了error情况
} catch (ZkException e) {
logger.error("ExtractStageListener", e);
use of org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException in project otter by alibaba.
the class LoadStageListener method stageChannged.
public void stageChannged(Long processId, List<String> stageNodes) {
try {
// 1. 根据pipelineId+processId构造对应的path
String path = StagePathUtils.getProcess(getPipelineId(), processId);
if (replyProcessIds.contains(processId)) {
// 避免重复处理
// 2.2 判断是否存在了prev节点
if (stageNodes.contains(prevNode)) {
// 2.2.1 获取上一个节点的next node节点信息
byte[] data = zookeeper.readData(path + "/" + prevNode);
EtlEventData eventData = JsonUtils.unmarshalFromByte(data, EtlEventData.class);
if (eventData.getNextNid().equals(ArbitrateConfigUtils.getCurrentNid())) {
List<Long> currentProcessIds = stageMonitor.getCurrentProcessIds(false);
if (currentProcessIds.contains(processId) && currentProcessIds.get(0).equals(processId)) {
// 判断是否是当前最小的processId节点,轮到自己处理了
// 添加到返回队列,唤醒wait阻塞
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
// 出现节点不存在,说明出现了error情况
} catch (ZkException e) {
logger.error("LoadStageListener", e);